我学我会网上订餐系统 与在线书店类似_第1页
我学我会网上订餐系统 与在线书店类似_第2页
我学我会网上订餐系统 与在线书店类似_第3页
我学我会网上订餐系统 与在线书店类似_第4页
我学我会网上订餐系统 与在线书店类似_第5页
已阅读5页,还剩28页未读 继续免费阅读




1、一SRCConnectionManagerJNDI/* 通用数据库连接操作类* author jp* date 2012-03-31*/public class ConnectionManagerJNDI public Connection conn=null;public PreparedStatement pStmt=null;public ResultSet rs=null;/* 取得连接的方法*/public void getConnection()tryContext ic=new InitialContext();DataSource ds=(DataSource)ic.looku

2、p("java:comp/env/jdbc/restrant"); conn=ds.getConnection();catch(Exception ex)ex.printStackTrace();/* 关闭所有数据库操作对象的方法*/public void closeAll()tryif(rs!=null)rs.close();rs=null; if(pStmt!=null) pStmt.close(); pStmt=null; if(conn!=null) conn.close(); conn=null; catch(Exception ex) ex.printStack

3、Trace(); FoodDao/* 餐品数据库操作类* author jp* date 2012-03-31*/public class FoodDao extends ConnectionManagerJNDI /* 取得所有的餐品信息列表的方法* return*/public List<FoodInfo> getAllFoodList() List<FoodInfo> list=null;trysuper.getConnection();String sql="select * from foodInfo" pStmt=conn.prepare

4、Statement(sql); rs=pStmt.executeQuery();list=new ArrayList<FoodInfo>(); while(rs.next()FoodInfo food=new FoodInfo(); food.setFoodID(rs.getString("foodID"); food.setFoodName(rs.getString("foodName"); food.setFoodPrice(rs.getDouble("foodPrice"); food.setFoodImage(rs

5、.getString("foodImage"); food.setRemarkPass(rs.getString("remark"); food.setDescription(rs.getString("description"); list.add(food); catch(Exception ex) ex.printStackTrace(); finally super.closeAll(); return list;OrderDao/* 订单处理数据库操作类* author 江萍* date 2012-03-31*/public

6、 class OrderDao extends ConnectionManagerJNDI /* 添加订单的方法* param order 订单实体类实例* return*/public int addFoodOrder(OrderBean order)int iResult=0;trysuper.getConnection();String sql="insert into foodOrderInfo(customerName,address,zipCode, "+"telePhone,movePhone,notice,totalPrice) values(?,

7、?,?,?,?,?,?)" pStmt=conn.prepareStatement(sql); pStmt.setString(1, order.getCustomerName(); pStmt.setString(2, order.getAddress(); pStmt.setString(3, order.getZipCode() ); pStmt.setString(4, order.getTelephone(); pStmt.setString(5, order.getMovePhone(); pStmt.setString(6, order.getNotice(); pSt

8、mt.setDouble(7, order.getTotalPrice(); iResult=pStmt.executeUpdate(); catch(Exception ex) ex.printStackTrace(); finally super.closeAll(); return iResult;UserDao/* 用户信息数据库操作类* author 江萍* date 2012-03-31*/public class UserDao extends ConnectionManagerJNDI /* 检查登录方法* param loginName 用户名* param loginPas

9、s 密码* return*/public UserInfo chkLogin(String loginName,String loginPass)UserInfo user=null;trysuper.getConnection();String sql="select * from userInfo where loginName=? and loginPass=?" pStmt=conn.prepareStatement(sql);pStmt.setString(1, loginName);pStmt.setString(2, loginPass); rs=pStmt.

10、executeQuery(); while(rs.next() user=new UserInfo(); user.setUseID(rs.getInt("userID"); user.setLoginName(rs.getString("loginName"); user.setLoginPass(rs.getString("loginPass"); catch(Exception ex)ex.printStackTrace();finallysuper.closeAll();return user;CartItempublic c

11、lass CartItem private FoodInfo food;private int quantity;public FoodInfo getFood() return food;public void setFood(FoodInfo food) this.food = food;public int getQuantity() return quantity;public void setQuantity(int quantity) this.quantity = quantity; public CartItem() super(); / TODO Auto-generated

12、 constructor stub public CartItem(FoodInfo food, int quantity) super(); this.food = food; this.quantity = quantity; FoodInfopublic class FoodInfo private String foodID;private String foodName;private String remarkPass;private double foodPrice;private String description;private String foodImage;publi

13、c String getFoodID() return foodID;public void setFoodID(String foodID) this.foodID = foodID;public String getFoodName() return foodName;public void setFoodName(String foodName) this.foodName = foodName;public String getRemarkPass() return remarkPass;public void setRemarkPass(String remarkPass) this

14、.remarkPass = remarkPass; public double getFoodPrice() return foodPrice; public void setFoodPrice(double foodPrice) this.foodPrice = foodPrice; public String getDescription() return description; public void setDescription(String description) this.description = description; public String getFoodImage

15、() return foodImage; public void setFoodImage(String foodImage) this.foodImage = foodImage;OrderBeanpublic class OrderBean private int orderID;private String customerName; private String address; private String zipCode; private String telephone; private String movePhone;private String notice; privat

16、e double totalPrice; public int getOrderID() return orderID; public void setOrderID(int orderID) this.orderID = orderID; public String getCustomerName() return customerName; public void setCustomerName(String customerName) this.customerName = customerName; public String getAddress() return address;

17、public void setAddress(String address) this.address = address; public String getZipCode() return zipCode; public void setZipCode(String zipCode) this.zipCode = zipCode; public String getTelephone() return telephone; public void setTelephone(String telephone) this.telephone = telephone; public String

18、 getMovePhone() return movePhone; public void setMovePhone(String movePhone) this.movePhone = movePhone; public String getNotice() return notice; public void setNotice(String notice) this.notice = notice; public double getTotalPrice() return totalPrice; public void setTotalPrice(double totalPrice) t

19、his.totalPrice = totalPrice; UserInfopublic class UserInfo private int useID;private String loginName;private String loginPass;public int getUseID() return useID;public void setUseID(int useID) this.useID = useID;public String getLoginName() return loginName;public void setLoginName(String loginName

20、) this.loginName = loginName;public String getLoginPass() return loginPass;public void setLoginPass(String loginPass) this.loginPass = loginPass;CharacterFilterpublic class CharacterFilter implements Filter public void destroy() / TODO Auto-generated method stubpublic void doFilter(ServletRequest re

21、quest, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException chain.doFilter(request, response);public void init(FilterConfig arg0) throws ServletException / TODO Auto-generated method stubLoginFilterpublic class LoginFilter extends HttpServlet implements Filter public voi

22、d doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException HttpServletRequest req=(HttpServletRequest)request;HttpServletResponse res=(HttpServletResponse)response;UserInfo user=(UserInfo)req.getSession().getAttribute("userNow");if(u

23、ser=null)String path=req.getContextPath();StringbasePath=req.getScheme()+":/"+req.getServerName()+":"+req.getServerPort()+path+"/" res.sendRedirect(basePath+"/login.jsp");elsechain.doFilter(request, response);public void init(FilterConfig arg0) throws ServletE

24、xception / TODO Auto-generated method stubCartServlepublic class CartServlet extends HttpServlet /* Constructor of the object.*/public CartServlet() super();/* Destruction of the servlet. <br>*/public void destroy() super.destroy(); / Just puts "destroy" string in log/ Put your code

25、here/* The doGet method of the servlet. <br>* This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to get. * param request the request send by the client to the server* param response the response send by the server to the client* throws ServletException if an error occurred* thro

26、ws IOException if an error occurred*/public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException doPost(request,response);/* The doPost method of the servlet. <br>* * This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to post.

27、 * * param request the request send by the client to the server * param response the response send by the server to the client * throws ServletException if an error occurred * throws IOException if an error occurred */ public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) thro

28、ws ServletException, IOException HttpSession session=request.getSession(); FoodInfo foodToAdd=(FoodInfo)session.getAttribute("food"); CartItem item=null; List<CartItem> cart=(List<CartItem>)session.getAttribute("cart"); List<CartItem> cartNew=new ArrayList<Ca

29、rtItem>(); if(cart=null) cart=new ArrayList<CartItem>(); item=new CartItem(foodToAdd,1); cartNew.add(item); else boolean b=false; for(CartItem itemNow:cart) if(itemNow.getFood().equals(foodToAdd) b=true; itemNow=new CartItem(foodToAdd,itemNow.getQuantity()+1); cartNew.add(itemNow); /判断购物车中是

30、否存在当前要添加的这个条目 if(!b)/不存在的情况 item=new CartItem(foodToAdd,1); cartNew.add(item); session.setAttribute("cart",cartNew); response.sendRedirect("jsp/showCart.jsp"); /* * Initialization of the servlet. <br>* * throws ServletException if an error occurs */ public void init() throw

31、s ServletException / Put your code here FoodServletpublic class FoodServlet extends HttpServlet /* 不懂事什么意思,有什么用途* serialVersionUID 用来表明类的不同版本间的兼容性 */private static final long serialVersionUID=1L; /* Constructor of the object.*/public FoodServlet() super();/* Destruction of the servlet. <br>*/p

32、ublic void destroy() super.destroy(); / Just puts "destroy" string in log / Put your code here /* * The doGet method of the servlet. <br> * * This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to get. * * param request the request send by the client to the server * par

33、am response the response send by the server to the client * throws ServletException if an error occurred * throws IOException if an error occurred */ public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException doPost(request,response); /* * The do

34、Post method of the servlet. <br> * * This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to post. * * param request the request send by the client to the server * param response the response send by the server to the client * throws ServletException if an error occurred * throws

35、IOException if an error occurred */ public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException HttpSession session=request.getSession(); FoodDao foodDao=new FoodDao(); List<FoodInfo> list=foodDao.getAllFoodList(); session.setAttribute(&quo

36、t;list", list); response.sendRedirect("jsp/index.jsp"); /* * Initialization of the servlet. <br> * * throws ServletException if an error occurs */public void init() throws ServletException / Put your code here LoginServletpublic class LoginServlet extends HttpServlet /*/private

37、static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;/* Constructor of the object.*/public LoginServlet() super();/* Destruction of the servlet. <br>*/public void destroy() super.destroy(); / Just puts "destroy" string in log / Put your code here/* The doGet method of the servlet. <br> * *

38、This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to get. * * param request the request send by the client to the server * param response the response send by the server to the client * throws ServletException if an error occurred * throws IOException if an error occurred */ public v

39、oid doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException doPost(request, response); /* * The doPost method of the servlet. <br> * * This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to post. * * param request the request send by t

40、he client to the server * param response the response send by the server to the client * throws ServletException if an error occurred * throws IOException if an error occurred */ public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException HttpSes

41、sion session=request.getSession(); String loginName=request.getParameter("loginName"); String loginPass=request.getParameter("loginPass"); UserDao userDao=new UserDao(); UserInfo user=userDao.chkLogin(loginName, loginPass); if(user=null) /登录失败 response.sendRedirect("login.js

42、p"); else /登录成功 session.setAttribute("userNow", user); response.sendRedirect("FoodServlet"); /* * Initialization of the servlet. <br> * * throws ServletException if an error occurs */ public void init() throws ServletException / Put your code here OrderServletSuppressW

43、arnings("serial")public class OrderServlet extends HttpServlet /* Constructor of the object.*/public OrderServlet() super();/* Destruction of the servlet. <br>*/public void destroy() super.destroy(); / Just puts "destroy" string in log / Put your code here/* The doGet metho

44、d of the servlet. <br> * * This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to get. * * param request the request send by the client to the server * param response the response send by the server to the client * throws ServletException if an error occurred * throws IOException

45、 if an error occurred */ public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException doPost(request, response); /* * The doPost method of the servlet. <br> * * This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to post. * * pa

46、ram request the request send by the client to the server * param response the response send by the server to the client * throws ServletException if an error occurred * throws IOException if an error occurred */ public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Serv

47、letException, IOException HttpSession session=request.getSession(); OrderBean order=new OrderBean(); order.setCustomerName(request.getParameter("customerName"); order.setAddress(request.getParameter("address"); order.setZipCode(request.getParameter("zipCode"); order.set

48、Telephone(request.getParameter("telephone"); order.setMovePhone(request.getParameter("movePhone"); order.setNotice(request.getParameter("notice"); order.setTotalPrice(Double.parseDouble(request.getParameter("totalPrice"); OrderDao orderDao=new OrderDao(); orde

49、rDao.addFoodOrder(order); session.invalidate(); response.sendRedirect("login.jsp"); /* * Initialization of the servlet. <br> * * throws ServletException if an error occurs */ public void init() throws ServletException / Put your code here 二Webroot1JSP文件夹下<%String path = request.ge

50、tContextPath();String basePath = request.getScheme()+":/"+request.getServerName()+":"+request.getServerPort()+path+"/"%><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-/W3C/DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional/EN"><html><head><title>My JSP 'index.jsp' startin

51、g page</title><meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"><meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache"><meta http-equiv="expires" content="0"><meta http-equiv="keywords" content="keyword1,ke

52、yword2,keyword3"><meta http-equiv="description" content="This is my page"><link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/styles.css" type="text/css" /><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/ja

53、vaScript.js"></script> </head><BODY leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"> <jsp:include page="./BodyTop.jsp" /><TABLE cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="776"

54、 align="center" border="0"> <TBODY><TR vAlign="top"><TD width="181" background="images/002.gif"><jsp:includepage="./BodyLeft.jsp" /></TD><TD><jsp:include page="./BodyInnerTop.jsp" /><

55、;TABLE cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="80%" align="center" border="0"><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="1" width="100%" align="center"bgColor="#c0c0c0"

56、border="0"><TBODY><TR bgColor="#dadada"><TD width="100%" align="center">我学我会网上点餐系统用户请直接登录</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><%- 内容区域开始 -%><c:forEach var=&q

57、uot;obj" items="$list" varStatus="i"><c:if test="$param.foodID=obj.foodID"><c:set var="food" value="$obj" scope="session"></c:set></c:if></c:forEach><CENTER><table cellSpacing="0" cel

58、lPadding="0" width="500" align="center"> <tr><td align="center"><img src="./images/$food.foodImage " width="190" height="190"/><br/><strong>编号:$food.foodID </strong></td><td><s

59、trong>菜名:<font color="#8B008B"size="4">$food.foodName </font></strong><br><br><strong>价格:<font color="#EA0000" size="4">$food.foodPrice </font>元/份</strong><br><br><strong>$food.remarkPa

60、ss </strong><br><br><strong>描述:$food.description </strong><br><br><center><form action="./CartServlet" method="post"><input type="image" src="./images/buy_cn.gif"/></form></center></td&

61、gt;</tr></table></CENTER><%- 内容区域结束 -%></TBODY></TABLE><jsp:include page="./BodyFoot.jsp" /></BODY></html>2<%String path = request.getContextPath();String basePath = request.getScheme()+":/"+request.getServerName()+":&

62、quot;+request.getServerPort()+path+"/"%><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-/W3C/DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional/EN"><html><head><base href="<%=basePath%>"><title>我学我会网上订餐系统-订单处理页面</title><meta http-equiv="pragma" content="n

63、o-cache"><meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache"><meta http-equiv="expires" content="0"><meta http-equiv="keywords" content="keyword1,keyword2,keyword3"><meta http-equiv="description" conte

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