



1、如何写实验报告【写作任务】请你根据下列提示,写一篇英语短文介绍壮观的“火山”实验, 在英语口语课上与大家分享。实验目的:观察沸水和冷水的对流实验器具:空瓶、红墨水实验方法:1. 在空墨水瓶里滴入10滴红墨水;2. 注入沸水,扭紧瓶盖,把它放入水槽里;3. 向水槽里倒入冷水,浸过瓶口约5厘米;4. 轻轻地旋开瓶盖。实验结果:瓶内的红水慢慢上升喷向水面。结论:沸水和冷水发生对流时,沸水上升,冷水下降。注意:1. 词数100左右(开头已给出,但不计入总词数);2. 参考词汇:火山爆发 eruptionAim: To find out what may happen when boiling wate

2、r meets cold waterApparatus: empty bottle, some red ink_【写作指导】1. 审题与定调实验报告属于说明文,其最大特点就是知识性、严谨性和科学性。它是对客观事实的阐述,措辞要严谨真实、准确恰当。实验报告需要客观地介绍实验的整个过程。可以按照“实验目的实验器具实验方法实验结果得出结论”的顺序依次进行说明。介绍实验步骤时可适当使用表示顺序的词汇,使叙述条理,清楚明了。2. 确定主体内容实验报告主要围绕实验的过程及结果来写,即沸水和冷水对流时会发生哪些变化。3. 审定篇章结构全文可分三个部分:第一部分:说明实验的目的和实验器具;第二部分:实验的方法

3、或实验的过程及结果;第三部分:实验得出的结论。【常用表达】描写实验目的carry out an experiment to find out .The aim of the experiment is to find .with the purpose of discovering .do research onin the hope of .实验器具beaker (烧杯), Bunsen burner, crucible, glass rod (玻璃棒), iron nail, test tube, tongs, balance, empty bottle .描写实验的方法或过程add .

4、to ., pour . into ., do the experiment as follows, firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, first, then, next, after that, two hours later, after several days, find a better way of doing, be under observation, make a good study of .描写实验结论from this experiment we can conclude ., in conclusion, draw / come

5、 to the conclusion that ., We can learn from the experiment .We can find out that .You can see / discover .描写原因和结果The reason is that .This is because .result from / in, lead to, cause .【参考范文】Aim: To find out what may happen when boiling water meets cold waterApparatus: empty bottle, some red inkMeth

6、od: 1. Put ten drops of red ink in the empty bottle.2. Add some boiling water to the bottle. 3. Close the cap tightly, and place it in the sink.4. Pour more cold water into the sink, more than five centimeters above the mouth of the bottle.5. Turn the cap slowly.Result:The red water will rise slowly erupting (喷发) towards the water surface, just like the eruption of a volcano from the bottom of the sea.Conclu


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