



1、Lesson8: 回飞棒 Boomerang (澳大利亚) 原文:T: Tim A : AlanT: I'm giving a lecture next week at the AustraliaSociety , would you be interested in coming?A: Yes, of course. What are you going to talk about?T: Well, I'd thought of talking about boomerangs. What do you think?A: A great topic! I know quite

2、 a lot about it too, so I can give you a hand. How are you going to start?T: Like this . the real question is where do they come from? Most people would say Australia, and they would be correct, for the most part.A: Open with a question! Great! You must also establish the difference between a return

3、ing boomerang and a nonreturning boomerang. Many people, even today, get the two confused. Non-returning boomerangs were used forhunting.T: Yes, they are calledKylies", like the Australiansinger. Kylie Minogue. They are about three feet long and have a chord width of three to four inches across

4、, being about one and a half inch thick and similar in shape to a banana.A: And they don't return to the thrower. A thrown stick can fly great distances. One hundred to one hundred and fifty yard flights are not uncommon.T: True. Then, I thought I'd go on to why they made boomerangs.A: So, t

5、ell me, why did they make "the Kylie"?T: The best thinking is that prior to throwing sticks people used clubs to settle their differences, but later they realized that a thin club flew further. At this point the basic concept of a throwing stick was established.A: In Australia it was hande

6、d down from generation to generation. The oldest one is around 20, 000 years old!T: Next, I will talk about how the returning boomerang was developed. The story goes that an Aboriginal person was shaping a smaller, lighter slightly more bent throwstick than he normally used. When he tested it he was

7、 very surprised to observe that it didn't fly straight at all, but came turning back to him.A: Was it created by chance or skill? No one really knows. What we do know is they made it and passed the technique down through generations of time and we have it today, thankfully.译文:T: 蒂姆 A: 艾伦T: 下周我会到

8、澳大利亚社团做一次演讲,你有兴趣参加吗?A:哦,当然有了。你打算讲点什么?T: 嗯,我想谈谈回飞棒,你觉得怎么样?A:选题不错!我对这个也很熟悉,所以我可以帮帮你。你准备 从哪儿开始讲起?T:是这样的真正的问题是回飞棒的发源地在哪里:大多数 人说是澳大利亚,他们的说法基本上是对的。A:由问题人手,不错!不过你也要说明一下返回式回飞棒和非 返回式回飞棒的区别。即使到今天,还有很多人把两者弄混。在过去,非返回式回飞棒是打猎用的。T:是的,非返回式回飞棒又被称为“凯利”,就像澳大利亚女 歌手凯利 ?米诺格的名字。它大约 3 英尺长, 1.5 英寸厚,上面 横放着一根三四英尺宽的弦,形状如香蕉。A:这

9、种回飞棒并不飞回到抛出者身边。扔出的棒子可以飞出去 很远,大约 100 到 150 码是很正常的。T: 确实是这样。接下来,我想谈一下制作回飞棒的原因。A:那你给我讲讲,以前人们为什么要制作“凯力”?T:最恰当的解释是在此之前,人们用扔棍棒的方式来解决分歧, 但后来人们意识到棍棒越细飞得就越远。由此,扔棍棒的这一 基本想法就这样产生了。A:在澳大利亚,人们一代代地把这一发明传承下来。最早的回 飞棒大约有两万年的历史。T:接下来,我会谈到返回式回飞棒是怎么产生的。故事是这样 的:一位土著人正在做一根比他平常用的更小、更轻、更弯的 扔棍,在试用那棍棒时却发现棍棒根本不是一直向前飞的,而 是飞回他的身边。A:那这个发明到底是偶然发现的呢,还是依靠技术呢?没有人 真正知道。我们所知道的是土著人发明了它,然后把这一技术 世代相传,直到今天,我们因此幸运地拥有了回飞棒。单词词组讲解】帮你的忙代代的传承boomerang 回飞棒 give you a hand hand down from generation to generationThe story goes 故事是这样的背景介绍】一词源于澳大利亚,回飞棒,一种弯曲的投掷棍棒。“回


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