1、1、你在大学期间的表现怎么样?对于自己大学期间的表现,我个人还是比较满意的。首先在社会实践方面,我曾先后担任过学社联主席助理、年级通讯员、校评论员、入党积极分子培训小组组长等。在大一,我参加了一学年的义务支教活动; 大二至大三参加学校组织志愿者活动10 次以上, 并有过暑期培训机构带班老师和高中招生主管的社会经验。在学习方面,在前三年学业成绩综合排名本专业第一,也一次性通过了CET-4和CET-6考试。曾三次以上参加学校公共科目的学科竞赛,并获得校级一等奖和二等奖多次。大部分专业课程考试成绩90 分以上。 获得国家级励志奖学金和明德奖学金,连续三年获师大学一等奖学金。在项目经验方面,在大一,我
2、参加了学校 ACM?序竞赛获得了校三等奖;在大二加入系主任老师实验室,并跟随老师做项目。大三时,我组织了一个团队申报学校创新项目,立项成功。大学即将接近尾声,我的表现是得到了老师跟同学们的一致肯定,也成为了一名预党员。在社会实践方面,我先后担任过校勤学联活动中心办公室主任、院团委青工部副部、舞与武协会理事、班级青协委员、班级教育见习组长,在这些任职中我学会了如何协调他人以及处理工作与学习上的事情。在学习方面,前三年的成绩综合排名是本专业第二,一次性通过了CET-4和CET-6考试。连续三年获评师大学三好学生,获得各类奖学金。在项目方面,我参与了两个项目,一个是基于android 平台点餐系统的
3、设计与实现,这个项目也在15 年 12 月成功申报了大学生创新实验项目,团队有3 个成员,我们实现的是一个简单的单店版的远程点餐、智能推荐、在线选座功能,我在里面负责的是文档的撰写、管理员端页面的实现、部分android 端实现、搜索菜品功能。另一个是基于互联网的在线教育平台,这个项目在7月份参加ACME序设计大赛被推进了省赛,团队有5 个成员,我们实现的是一个涉及到教师教学与学生学习两方面综合的平台,包含很多功能模块。其中我负责的是文档的撰写、教师端部分页面的实现、android 加载观看视频、发表评论的实现。2、你的个人特长或优势是什么?一,我是个勤奋的人二,我爱运动,每天都很有活力,坚持
4、跑步三,我是个很能坚持的人,每天都会在六点起床,哪怕是周末,从来不会睡懒觉四,我文笔好,发表了很多新闻稿generally speaking,i am a hard working student especially do the thing i aminterested in,i will try mybest to finish it no matter how difficult it is.in my universityfound web design very interesting,so i learned it veryhard,like html 、css、and so o
5、nsecondly i love sports,and i consist getting up early at six and running every day unless the body is not comfortable,so i'm full of energy every day,i am good at writing,and i have published many press release on some web site.my english writing and reading is good,but i need to improve mylist
6、ening skills.编程能力:我学过CC+JAVVA这三门编程语言, 在大学期间也有做过项目,在这些项目中,我主要是负责前端的一些工作,我比较熟悉HTML CSS JS JSP BOOTSTRA呼然本着学习的态度,我在项目中也有参与了后台的一些工作,会用SH框架来实现一些功能。3、你最熟悉的一门编程语言是什么?谈谈你对它的认识C语言是面向过程的语言,C程序的设计首要考虑的是如何通过一个过程,对 输入(或环境条件)进行运算处理得到输出(或实现过程(事务)控制)C语言是一个模块化和结构化语言,它的主要组成结构是函数,C语言从主函 数开始执行,至主函数结束,在主函数可以调用其它功能函数C语言比
7、较注重算法和数据结构C语言允许直接访问物理地址,对硬件进行操作。因此,既具有高级语言的优点,又具有低级语言的许多特点,一既适合编写系统软件,又适合编写应用软件C语言目标程序效率高、可移植性好C语言的缺点的话,我觉得是指针太过灵活,然后还有数据封装以及语法限 制方面带来的安全性问题。4、你最喜欢的一门课程是什么?你为什么喜欢它(谈谈你对这门课程的认识)?我最喜欢的课程是数据结构。我非常喜欢课程中的容,涉及的容有线性表,还有栈和队列,树和二叉树,图,以及各种查找方法和排序方法。 通过学习这些容,我在程序设计方面有了很 大的进步,在选择数据类型时有了更多的思考。然后对于查找和搜索算法有了更 加深刻的
8、理解,通过对比各种方法间的异同,我感觉自己的思维和逻辑更加清晰 明朗了,总之,它提高了我的学习能力,同时也在程序设计方面带给了我很多新 的想法。5、你未来的研究生生涯规划是什么?1 )在研一,我将充分利用图书馆和网络上各种资源,进一步学习和钻研专 业知识,广泛的阅读,强化英语阅读与听说能力,为研究生阶段的英语参考文 献的阅读提供基础,同时我将利用一切机会选修或旁听自己感兴趣的课程,课 余认真学习专业常用软件及培养各种综合技能以及专业技能。2 )在研二,我将协助导师做一些项目,积累实际开发经验,提高专业技能, 并好好理解领悟,发表相关论文。3 )在大三,我将根据自身学习情况,明确是否读博,并根据
9、自己的选择进行 相应的学习。明确自己的研究方向,掌握该方向的前沿研究。努力提高英语水平,能够阅读生物领域外文学术期刊。 培养自己的科研能力,能够协助导师做好课题,并发表有一定质量的学术论文。 毕业方向,如果喜欢学术性质工作,可以写,投身科研,并准备继续攻读博士学位。如果不是,就写从事本专业相关领域工作,比如政策方面的行政工作等等,相应地写一下自己在这方面的学习,比如培养自己的管理经验和积累管理理论。其实,要弄清楚研究方向不是简单事情,因为你对自己的专业领域的学习是不断深入的,不知道前沿的知识,即使有了方向,可能也不是个好方向,重要的是写这些容的目的在于表明你是一个积极上 进,勤奋好学的好学生,
10、是值得导师信赖和培养的学生。所以你的文字基调就服从这个。6、你做过哪些项目,你最得意的项目是什么?1)大一参加ACM比赛时,做了一个校园导航系统。当时对于很多知识的掌 握还不够,所以就用C语言编写了一个简单的校园导航系统。它主要的功能有: 校园地图展示、校园景点简介、单源点最短路径查询,任意两点最佳路径查询。 然后就要就是用到了 数据结构 和算法里面的知识。其中 最短路径查询到了 dijkstra 算法和 floyd 算法2)大二至大三跟随老师做项目,是中国烟草的管理系统,我主要负责的是前 端开发,用至U了 javascript jquery css bootstap的些知识。3)上学期我带领
11、一个团队中报创新项目,然后做的是一个基于安卓平台的手 机APP,作为项目负责人,我主要是进行需求分析、系统设计等。7、你的研究方向是什么,你为什么选择这个方向,你对这个方向了解多少?8、谈谈你的室友首先,我想说我大学里最珍贵的财富就是我的室友。我们寝室一个 6个人, 除了1名服装设计专业的同学以外,其余的都是我们班的。我们寝室成员无论是 在生活上还是学习上都给了彼此很大的帮助。每次到期末复习阶段,我们都会在 寝室一起复习,不懂的相互讨论。我们寝室五名成员成绩都在我们班前 10,然 后在这次保研的4名同学中,我们寝室占了 3个。班长、学习委员也都在我们寝 室。寝室里每个人都很善良,很上进。9、比
12、较一下C和C+区别?C是面向过程的语言,是模块化、结构化 语言,它的重点在于算法和数据结 世。C程序的设计首要考虑的是如何通过一个过程,对输入(或环境条件)进行 运算处理得到输出(或实现过程(事务)控制)。C+是面向对象的语言,首要考虑的是如何 构造一个对象模型,让这个模型能 够契合与之对应的问题域,这样就可以通过获取对象的状态信息得到输出或实现 过程(事务)控制。面向对象比面向过程的语言多了三个特性:封装,继承,多态。所以C与C+勺最大区别在于它们的用于 解决问题的思想方法不一样。10、比较一下C和JAVA的区别?1)C语言是面向过程的语言,执行效率高;Java是面向对象的语言,执行效 率比
13、C语言低2) C语言中有指针,而JAVA没有,这也说明了 Java的健壮性,C语言的安 全性不如Java3) Java有垃圾回收机制、而C语言申请的空间要通过free()手动释放4)Java的通用性好,可以 跨平台一直接移植、只要有安装Java虚拟机(JVM 就可以了,而C语言的程序有可能需要 重新修改编译才能实现平台的移植5)C语言比Java语言更“底层” ,C语言允许直接访问物理地址、对硬件进 行操作,可以编写系统软件.而JAVA不行6) C语言比较注重算法,JAVA想用的时候导包就行了, JAVA是面向对象的 语言,相比于C多了继承、封装、多态 三个特性。1, How do you th
14、ink of your performance in college?I am satisfied with my performance during the university.First,In the aspect of social practice, I has served as President assistant, correspondent of my grade, school commentator, the Party Training team leader and so on.And I work as a volunteer over 10 times.In
15、terms of learning, Im the first in my class. Also passed CET-4 and CET-6 exam.And obtain national scholarships twice, the first scholarship in Hunan Normal University three times.As for project experience, In the sophomore year I join the lab and follow the teacher to do the project. Junior year, I
16、organized a team to join the school innovation project.2, what is your personal strength or advantage?1) I'm good at writing, and win prizes in competition above 10 times. And my English is not bad, so, if wrote articles at the postgraduate level in the future, I should have some advantages.2) I
17、 handle affairs the efficiency is very high, work composed,steadfast, thoughtful. Computer knowledge is complex and precise, so I think it has advantage in this aspect.3) my self- learning and understanding ability is good, for the computer knowledge, I was able to quickly absorb in my own way.3, wh
18、at is your most familiar with programming language? Talk about your understanding of it.C language is procedure oriented language, C language program design to come true a process, input then processing,and output.C language is a modular and structured language, its main structure is the function C
19、language implementation from the main function, until the end of the main function, in the process call other functions within the main functionC language comparison pay attention to the algorithms and data structures.C language allows direct access to the physical address of the hardware. So it is
20、suitable for writing system software,also for application softwareAt last,the shortcoming of the C language, I think that is a pointer too flexible, and it's security problems.4, what is your favorite course? Why do you like it (talk about your understanding of the course)?My favorite course is
21、Data Structure.I like it's course content very much, involved the content of the linear list, stack and queue, tree and binary tree, graph, search methods and the sorting method. By studying the content, I have made a lot of progress in programming, when choosing data types have more thinking. A
22、nd then to find and search algorithm has a more profoundunderstanding, through comparing the similarities and differences between a variety of ways,My thinking and logic become more clearIn short, it not only improved my learning ability , but also bring me a lot of new ideas in terms of program des
23、ign.5, what is your future graduate students career planning?1) In the first year, I will make full use of the library and all kinds of resources on the Internet, to further study and specialized knowledge.I will extensive reading, enhance my English reading、 listening and speaking skills.2) In the
24、second year, I will assist the teacher to do some projects, accumulate the actual development experience, improve my professional skills, and publish some articles.3) In the junior year, I will make a choice,according to my own situation, clear whether to continue learning or working.6, Talk about y
25、our project experience.1) In the first year of my college,I attend ACM contest as a freshman, made a campus navigation system. At that time,the master of knowledge is not good enough , so I use C language to write a simple campus navigation system. Its main feature is optimal routing choosing.Then i
26、s to use the knowledge in data structures and algorithms.2) Next,I join the lab and follow the teacher to do projectmainly responsible for the front-end development,in the coursetaught myself some knowledge about javascript jquery、 CSS bootstap .3) last semester I lead a team to apply for innovation
27、 projects, and then do an APP based on android platform , as a project leader, my major is the demand analysis, system design.7, what's your research direction, why did you choose this direction, talk about your understanding of this direction?8, How do you think of your roommate?First of all, I
28、 want to say that the most precious wealth in my college is my roommate.Our dormitory is consist of six girls, except for one clothing design major student, the rest are in our class. Our dormitory members both in life and learning all gave each other a lot of help. Every time to the final review st
29、age, we will review together in the dormitory. Our dormitory 5 menbes are top 10 in my class.And then the student obtain the postgraduate qualifications in my class only four, accounted for three in my dormitory. The monitor, learning committee members are in our dorm. Everyone in the dorm is very k
30、ind, very motivated.9, Compare the C and C + +?C is a procedure-oriented language, modular and structured language, it is focused on algorithms and data structures. C language program design to come true a process, input then processing,and output.C + + is an object-oriented language, the first cons
31、ideration is how to construct an object model, and makes the model can fit with the matching problem domain, so that you can output is obtained by the state of an object information (transaction) or implementation process control.Object oriented than procedural languages have three characteristics:
32、encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.So the biggest difference between C and C + + is that the way they used to solve the problem is different.10, Compare the difference between C and JAVA?1) C language is a procedure- oriented language, high execution efficiency; Java is an object-oriented l
33、anguage, execution efficiency is lower than C language2) C language has pointers, and JAVA is not.JAVA has more security than C .3) Java has garbage collection mechanism, and C language application space through free () hand release4) Java high universality, can be cross-platform transplantation dir
34、ectly, as long as you have installed the Java virtual machine (JVM), and C language program may need to modify the compiler to achieve platform transplantation5) "bottom" more than the Java language, C language, C language allows direct access to physical address, for hardware, system soft
35、ware, you can write but not Java6) C language comparison pay attention to the algorithm, the JAVA guide package and use it every time you feel you want to go, JAVA is an object-oriented language, much more than the C three feature inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism.自我介绍各位老师,你们好,我叫周忆莲,来自师大学计
36、算机科学与技术专业,是一名中 共预备党员,在大学期间,我一直保持着学习的热情,注重知识的积累,学习成绩相对优秀, 获得了各类奖学金。位专业排名第二,并通过了六级考试。在我的空余时间里,我习惯呆在实验室来实践,我参与了一个基于安卓的创新项 目,主要负责用SH框架来实现后台,并参与了一部分前端UI的设计。我还参加 了学校组织的ACMS赛,作品为基于MOO的教学平台,我主要负责 web前端页 面部分。我热爱计算机,希望能够继续学习下去,所以希望能够在研究生阶段得到进步跟 提高,如果我有幸来湖大,我会更加努力。Good morning,my dear professorss!It's my g
37、reat honor to take this interview,Thank you so much for giving me the chance!my name is zhou yilian,coming from hunan normal university,my major is computer science,i ama probationary party member.during the past 3 years in my college,i kept the passion for learning all the time and paid attention t
38、o the accumulation of knowledge,so i have got many kinds of scholarship,in my spare time,i used to stay in the lab and studing the practical knowledge,i participated our school's ACM competition,and got a second prize,it's a web project some like chinese mooc,and i was mainly responsible for
39、 the web pront end using bootstrap framwork,another project was based android,and i was responsible for using SHframwork to realize the back end and some of the android UI.I love my major,so i hope that i can continue study in the graduate stage and get grogress,in a word,i am looking forward to mak
40、ing a solidfoundation for future profession after two years study here,i really hope i could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in hit which i have desired for a long time.ok,that's all,thank you for your patience and attention.为什么读研there are several reasons accounting for my
41、endeavor.well,firstly,thismajor attractsme a lot,but i realized that my knowledge accumulation isinsufficient,so i want to be able to further education,secondly,graduate student compared to undergraduate in knowledge,the academic ,there aremany advantages,such as knowledgeacademic more professional.
42、all in all,i think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value,未来规划:if i have the honor to enroll into this university,i hope that i can form systematic view of computer science,in the first grade, i will concerntrate on making a solid foundation for future profession,especially in ma
43、thematics and professional basic courses,in the next two years,i hope that i can do some practical project under the guider of supervisor and classmate.and through this,i can get somethingthat cannot be acquired from the textbooks at present,i don't have the thought of doctorate degree.after two
44、 yearsstudy here,i hope i can have the quality to do an excellent job.bank,technical support师生normal student,yeah,our school opened the related courses to improve our teachers' skills,i think whether take teachers' profession or not,whichis of great help to improve the personal qualities.介绍你
45、的家乡 我来自涟源的一个小镇,叫做家滩,因为这里有一条涟水,最后流入湘江,古镇 风景美丽,这里还曾经拍摄过电视剧,在这里有很多我最珍贵的童年记忆。i comefrom a town in lianyuan hunan.it is called 家滩 a ancient town with a long history,there is a river called lianshui river,followed intoxiangjiang,since it has beautiful scenery,once it waschoosed of a movie's scene.the
46、most import is that there are so manyprecious memories of mine.介绍你的学校我来自师大学,它是哪一年建立的,面积多大,通过不断地努力它成为了一所211 学校,它位于岳麓山脚下,有校园8 景,i come from hunan normal university,it become the national first batchof "211 project" key construction university in 1996.hunan normal university is located at the
47、 foot of yuelu moutain,there are many beautiful landscape,like yuewang pavilion 、 zhong lie ci 、 taozi and so on,the life pace is very good,the library here was full of good learning atmosphere.介绍你的家庭我的家庭成员有五个,父母及一个弟弟一个妹妹,父亲是建筑工人,母亲是农民,妹妹现在是一个文员,弟弟还在上学,well,there are five member in my family,my fath
48、er 、 my mother、 a brother and a sister,my father is a construction worker,my mother is a full-time wife,her work is looking after us,my sister is a clerk,the younger brother is still in school.during my preparing for coming here,their love and support have always been my power,and i hope in the future i would be able to
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