



1、珍惜时间英语演讲稿范文演讲是一门语言的艺术,它旨在调动起听众情绪,并引起听众的共鸣,从而传达出你所要传达的思想、观点、感悟。以下是由小编为大家收集整理出来的珍惜时间英语演讲稿范文,希望能够帮到大家。珍惜时间英语演讲稿范文一my brother-in-law opened the bottom drawer of my sisters bureau and lifted out a tissue-wrapped package. this, he said, is not a slip. this is lingerie. he discarded the tissue and handed m

2、e the slip.it was exquisite, silk, handmadeand trimmed with a cobweb of lace. the price tag with an astronomical figure on it was still attached.jan bought this the first time we went to new york, at least8 or 9 years ago. she never wore it. she was saving it for a special occasion.well, i guess thi

3、s is the occasion.he took the slip from me and put it on the bed, with the other clothes we were taking to the mortician. his hands lingered on the soft material for a moment, then he slammed the drawer shut and turned to me, dont ever save anything for a special occasion. every day you re alive is

4、a special occasion.i remembered those words through the funeral and the daysthat followed when i helped him and my niece attend to all thesad chores that follow an unexpected death. i thought about them on the plane returning to california from the midwestern town where my sisters family lives. i th

5、ought about all the thingsthat she hadnt seen or heard or done. i thought about the things that she had done without realizing that they were special.im still thinking about his words, and theyve changed theweeds in the garden. im spending more time with my family and friends and less time in commit

6、tee meetings. whenever possible, life should be a pattern of experience to savour, not endure.im trying to recognize these moment now and cherish them.im not saving anything; we use our good china and crystalfor every special. event such as losing a pound, getting thesink unstopped, the first camell

7、ia blossom i wear my good blazer to the market if i feel like it. my theory is if i lookprosperous, i can shell out $28. 49 for one small bag ofgroceries without wincing. im not saving my good perfume forspecial parties; clerks in hardware stores and tellers in banks have noses that function as well

8、 as my party going friends.someday and one of these days are losing their grip on my vocabulary. if its worth seeing or hearing or doing, i want to see and hear and do it now. im not sure what my sister wouldve done had she know that she wouldnt be here for the tomorrow we all take for granted.i thi

9、nk she would have called family membersand a few close friends. she might have called a few former friends to apologize, and mend fences for past squabbles. i like to think she would have gone out for a chinese dinner, her favorite food. im guessing. ill never know.its those little things left undon

10、e that would makemeangry if i knew that my hours were limited. angry because i put off seeing good friends whomi was going to get in touch with someday. angry because i hadnt written certain letters that i intended to write one of these days. angry and sorry that i didnt tell myhusband and daughter

11、often enough howmuchi truly love them.im trying very hard not to put off, hold back, or save anything that would add laughter and luster to our lives. and every morning when i open myeyes, i tell myself that every day, every minute, every breath truly, is. a gift from god.珍惜时间英语演讲稿范文二Hello, ladies a

12、nd gentlemen! It is my honor to share mytopic with you here. And mytopic is Time Is Valuable. Time flies. The article cong cong of Zhu Ziqing also tells us time is rare.We all know that :Time is life, at home we have parents advisement, at school we have teachers advisement. But who treasures time a

13、s life?Nowlet s enjoy a story: Oneday a young manvisited great educator Banjieming. When Banjieming opened the door, to the young man s great surprise.: his house was very dirty.“ I msorry, It s too dirty. Wait a minute please. Banjieming said and closed the door.Oneminute later, Banjieming opened t

14、he door again and said: come in please . This time what the young man saw was a clean and clear sitting room.“ OK, You may go now. Banjieming said , “ But I , I havn t remit to you” . The young manasked. “ Isn t it enough? Looking at the room, “ Banjieming said. “ You have been here for one minute.

15、” “ One minute? One minute, Oh I know. You tell me a truth: We can do many things in a minute. ” The young man left with satisfaction.The story is short but meaningful. Just like the story says: one minute isn t long. But our life is madeof such minutes. In fact only treasure time , will you succeed

16、, only treasure time, will you realize your ideal. Only treasure time will you achieve what you want.We should make good use of time to study hard or to do something meaningful for yourself. So, we should plan the time to study and relax,especially at home.Because we have more free time at home,so t

17、hat we can use that time to do a lot of things.However,how can we plan the time? There are different ways for different people.For example, somebodylike to study in the morning, and relax in the afternoon.On the contrary, somebody like to relax in the morning, and study in the afternoon.Somebody even think the best time to study is in the evening.Different ways for different people.But all the ways have one thing in common.That is the need for practical action. If you want to change a difficult situation, if you wa


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