1、本文格式为word版,下载可任意编辑高中英语励志短文阅读:高中英语短文阅读 有一种幻想,用汗水搅动双桨;有一种飞行,用坚韧舞动双臂;有一种参加,用意志诠释顽强;有一种完善,用拼搏升华残缺;有一种精神,用挑战励志人生。本文是高中英语励志短文,盼望对大家有关心! 高中英语励志短文:论美(弗兰西斯.培根) virtue is like a rich stone, best plain set; and surely virtue is best, in a body that is comely, though not of delicate features; and that hath rath
2、er dignity of presence, than beauty of aspect. neither is it almost seen, that very beautiful persons are otherwise of great virtue; as if nature were rather busy, not to err, than in labor to produce excellency.and therefore they prove accomplished, but not of great spirit; and study rather behavio
3、r, than virtue. but this holds not always:for augustus caesar, titus vespasianus, philip le belle of france, edward the fourth of england, alcibiades of athens, ismael the sophy of persia, were all high and great spirits; and yet the most beautiful men of their times. in beauty, that of favor, is mo
4、re than that of color; and that of decent and gracious motion, more than that of favor. that is the best part of beauty, which a picture cannot express; no, nor the first sight of the life. there is no excellent beauty, that hath not some strangeness in the proportion. a man cannot tell whether apel
5、les, or albert durer, were the more trifler;whereof the one, would make a personage by geometrical proportions; the other, by taking the best parts out of divers faces, to make one excellent. such personages, i think, would please nobody, but the painter that made them. not but i think a painter may
6、 make a better face than ever was; but he must do it by a kind offelicity (as a musician that maketh an excellent air in music), and not by rule. a man shall see faces, that if you examine them part by part, you shall find never a good; and yet altogether do well.if it be true that the principal par
7、t of beauty is in decent motion, certainly it is no marvel, though persons in years seem many times more amiable; pulchrorum autumnus pulcher; for no youth can be comely but by pardon, and considering the youth, as to make up the comeliness.beauty is as summer fruits, which are easy to corrupt, and
8、cannot last; and for the most part it makes a dissolute youth, and an age a little out of countenance; but yet certainly again, if it light well, it maketh virtue shine, and vices blush. 论美 弗兰西斯.培根 美德好比宝石,它在朴实背景的衬托下反而更华丽;同样,一个装扮并不华贵却端庄重肃而有美德者是令人肃然起敬的。 外表漂亮的人,未必也具有内在的美。由于造物主好像是吝啬的,他给了此就不再予彼。 所以很多容颜俊秀
9、的人却不足为训,他们过于追求形状漂亮而忽视了内心的美。 但是这也不全对: 由于奥古斯都、菲斯帕斯、菲力普王、爱德华四世、阿尔西巴底斯、伊斯梅尔等都既是大丈夫,又是美男子。 就形貌而言,自然之美要胜于粉饰之美,而优雅行为之美又胜于单纯仪容之美。 最高的美是画家所无法表现的,由于它是难于直观的,这是一种奇异的美。 虽然没有完善,但是有一些奇异的可取点。 曾经有两位画家-阿皮雷斯和艾伯特丢勒滑稽地认为,可以根据几何比例,或者通过摄取不同人身上最美的特点,用画合成一张最完善的人像. 其实像这样画出来的美人,唯恐只表现了画家本人的某种偏爱。 美是很难制订规范的(正犹如音乐一样),制造它的经常是机遇,而不是公式。 有很多的脸型,就它的部分看并不美丽,但作为整体却特别动人。 有些老人显得很可爱,由于他们的作风优雅而美。 有一句拉丁谚语说过:"暮秋之色更美。'而尽管有的年轻人具有美貌,却由于缺乏完善的修养而不配得到最好的赞美。美如同盛夏的水果,是简单腐烂而难保持的。世上有很多美人,他们有过放荡的青春,却迎受着愧悔的晚年。
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