已阅读5页,还剩15页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 12 MY FAVORITE SUBJECT IS SCIENCE.(The 1st period Section A 1a 2d)Teaching aims (教学目标)1. Learn to talk about ss favorite subjects and give reasons.(学会谈论自己喜爱的学科并给出理由。)2. Revise some adjectives. (复习一些形容词。)Language points(语言点)1. 要求掌握以下句式:(1)- Whats your favorite subject? - My favorite subject is (

2、2)- Why do you like ? - Because its 2. 要求掌握以下词汇:(1)名词:subject, P.E., science, history, biology, teacher(2)连词:becauseDifficult points(难点):science, history, biology等课目名称的读音和记忆Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Warming up and revision(课堂热身和复习)T: How are you today?S: We are fine. (show a picture of Chinese teacher)

3、T: Who is this woman/man? S: She/he is Miss/ Mr. She/He is our Chinese teacher.T: Do you have a Chinese lesson today?S: Yes,./No, .T: Do you have a math lesson today?S: Yes, ./No,T: Who is your math teacher?S: .+2. Presentation(呈现新知识)T: Chinese and math are subjects. What other subjects do we have t

4、oday?T: Do we have math/art/ music/ PE/science/ history/ biology lesson today?S: T: What subjects do we have this year? S: We have math/English/Chinese . T: What subjects do we have in middle school? S: We have math/English/Chinese.3. Work on 1a(完成P71 - 1a)(放大图片)T: Look at the pictures on P71. Pleas

5、e match the words with the pictures.S: Picture c is a P.E class. Picture d is an art class. Picture b is a science class. Picture e is a music class. Picture a is a math class. Picture f is a Chinese class.4. Work on 1b(完成P71 - 1b)T: Lets listen to the tape and circle the subjects in 1a you hear.S:

6、Now lets check the answers. The boys favorite subject is science. And the girl likes art and math, but her favorite subject is music.5. Listen and repeat.(听音跟读)T: Listen to the tape and repeat. Tapescript:A: Whats your favorite subject?B: My favorite subject is science. Whats yours?A: Hmm. Well, I l

7、ike art and math. But my favorite subject is music.6. Work on 1c (完成P71 - 1c)(Ask and answer)T: The boys favorite subject is science. And the girls favorite subject is music. What about you? Whats your favorite subject? S: My favorite subject is T: Whats Toms favorite subject? Ask him, please. S: Wh

8、ats your favorite subject, Tom? .Now talk about your favorite subject. 7Presentation(呈现新知识点)1)S1: Whats your favorite subject?S2: My S1: Why do you like?S2: Because2):Is your favorite subject?S: No, T: Why dont you like ?S: Because its difficult/ boring6. Work on 2c,2d(完成P72 - 2c, 2d)T: I think Engl

9、ish is interesting. What do you think? S: .T: what about other subjects?Look at your books, match the subjects with the description words.T / S: What do you think of these subjects? S: I think art is interesting.T / S: So is it your favorite subject? S: Yes, youre right.T / S: What do you think of s

10、cience? S: . 8。Work on 2a (完成P72 2a)T: Look at the four sentences in the picture. Now listen and put the conversation in order.Answer:横着4-1-2-39。Work on 2b (完成P72 2b)T: The girl likes P.E., because it is fun. How about the other subjects? Now listen again and match the subjects with the description

11、words you hear. T: Whats the girls / boys favorite subject? Why does she / he like it?S: Her / His favorite subject is P.E. / music, because it is fun / relaxing.10Listen and repeat. (听音跟读)T: Now lets listen to the tape and repeat. Please try to read like the tape. Tapescript:A: Whats your favorite

12、subject?B: My favorite subject is P.E. A: Why do you like P.E.?B: Because its fun. How about you? Whats your favorite subject? A: Hmm. My favorite subject is music. B: Really? Why? A: Because its relaxing.11. Group work(小组活动) S1:Whats your favorite subject? S2: My favorite subject is S1: Why do you

13、like ? S2: Because. What about you? S1: .(S3和S4 做类似的对话) S1:Whats S4s favorite subject? S3: His/ Her . S1:Why does he/she S3: Because (S2和S4 做类似对话) 12. HomeworkOral homework:a) Listen to 1b and 2b, read them and recite them.(听读背诵1b和2b的对话)b) Make up your dialogues with your partner and polish it.(继续和对

14、话对子编对话,并完善对话。) Written homework:a) Copy the words in 1a twice.b) Finish workbook P46c) Search the information about parents favorite.subjects展示学生各任课教师上课的图片-利用学生熟悉的身影来复习已学过的课程,也很自然地在下面引出要学的新学科单词,同时学生也初次接触Who is yourteacher 的句型出示当天的功课表,同时板书subject.如: English Chinese mathP.E.让学生多说各科单词,进行强化,加深单词印象。给学生一分

15、钟时间来完成此项任务。如有必要可留出两分钟时间,让同桌学生讨论答案。老师也可直接用手指出图片。检验学生是否正确完成任务.播放录音。如有需要,老师可播放录音两遍。尽量让学生说出答案,教师在必要的时候给以提示.板书“-Whats your favorite subject? - My favorite subject提问过几位同学之后改变人称,随意性的链式练习活动, 让学生熟悉运用此句型以及各种人称的用法,四、五人一组,巩固your, my, his, her ,their各种形容词性物主代词老师先做example后,再引导学生相互问答组成小对话作为巩固操练。给学生一分钟时间,然后以对话的形式给出

16、答案, 不同的学生可有不同的答案。老师当堂检查两到三组同学对话,其余同学课后到老师那里表演。播放录音,让学生以表演对话的形式呈现答案录音可听两遍,也根据学生程度,可以每放一个小的对话就停顿几秒,再继续放。提问是为了检查答案。老师特别强调语音语调的模仿。可全班先跟读,再个别学生跟读。老师可根据实际情况来决定跟读的时间。小组活动是对本课所学知识的综合运用和巩固Unit 12 MY FAVORITE SUBJECT IS SCIENCE.(The 2nd period Section A 1a 2d)Teaching aims:(教学目标)1. Learn to talk about ss favo

17、rite subjects and give reasons.(学会谈论喜爱的学科并给出理由。)2. Learn to talk about ss favorite things and give reasons.(学会谈论喜爱的其他东西并给出理由。)Language points(语言点)1. 要求掌握以下句式:(1)- Whats your favorite (subject, color, city )? - My favorite is (2)- Why do you like ? - Because its (3) - Who is your teacher? - Mr / Miss

18、 3. 要求掌握以下词汇:city, mom ,dadTeaching steps (教学步骤):1. Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)Daily greeting and revision.T: How are you today?S: I am fine.T: How many subjects do you have today?S: Seven.T: What are they?S: They are Chinese/math/English.T: Whats your favorite subject?S: My favorite subject is

19、 .T: Why do you like it?S: Because its . 2. Game (语言运用) - Grammar focus(语法点P72) T: I think games are interesting. Lets play a guessing game. A come here and have a look at a note in the box. Then ask others questions: Whats Marys favorite subject? Why does she like it? Others try to find the answer

20、by guessing like this: Is her favorite subject? Is her favorite subject ? A: Whats Marys favorite subject?S1: Is Chinese her favorite subject?A: No, it isnt.S2: Is English her favorite subject?A: No, it isnt. S: Is math her favorite subject?A: Yes, it is. Why does she like it?S: Because it is relaxi

21、ng?A: No, it isnt. S: Because it is interesting?A: Yes, it is.4Presentation(呈现新知识) T: Whats your favorite subject? S: My favorite subject is (math)?T: Why do you like (math)? S: Because it is (interesting).T: Im your English teacher. Who is your math teacher? S: Mr./ Mrs./ Missis my math teacher. T:

22、 Ask your friend about his /her favorite subject and teacher, please. S1: Whats your favorite subject? S2: My. S1: Whos your teacher? S2: Mr./ Mrs./ Missis my math teacher./ My teacher is S1: Whats S3s favorite subject? S2: S3:3. Work on 3a(完成P73 3 a)T: How about this girl? (出示课文中3a中的女孩子的图片) Now com

23、plete the conversation. You can use the words in the box. Then tell me something about the girl. S1: What is your favorite subject?S2: My favorite subject is art.S1: Who is your art teacher?S2: My art teacher is Mrs. Jones.T: Now tell me something about the girl. Whats her favorite subject and who i

24、s the teacher?S: The girls favorite subject is art. Her art teacher is Mrs Jones.4. Work on 3b (完成P73 3b) T: How about your partner? Do you know want to know about your classmates? Now ask your classmates about his/her questions and complete the chart, then give a report. Name:Favorite subject Reaso

25、nteacherDescription of teacherI:S1:S2:Report:My name is _. My favorite subject is _ because it is _. My _ teacher is _. I like her/him very much. She/He is really _. _s favorite subject is_. _5. PairworkT: I know your favorite subject is . But whats your favorite city? Is Linhai / Hangzhou / Shangha

26、i your favorite city? S: My favorite city is S1: S2: T: Now Id like you to talk about your favorite things in pairs.6. Survey (完成P73 4) T: Now we know a lot about our classmates. But do you knowanything about your mom and dad? Complete the chart with their favorite things. Then talk about them with

27、your classmates.Favorite cityFavorite foodFavorite colorFavorite TV showMomDad(让两学生谈论父母亲的喜好,其他学生听,做报告) S1: Whats your mothers favorite city? S2: Her favorite city is Report like this:S: _s moms favorite city is _. Her favorite food is _._But her/his dads favorite is _, _7. HomeworkOral homework:a) R

28、ead 3a and recite it.(朗读背诵中3a的对话)b) Read the sentences in Grammar Focus.(朗读Grammar Focus的句子)c) Prepare for the one-minute talk about your favorite and reasons. Written homework:a) Finish workbook P47- 4, 5b) Do a survey about classmates parents favorite and write a passage.c) Bring a wall calendar t

29、o the class.教师设计各种学生身边的问题目的是让学生复习学科名词和上一课时的知识点。做游戏是对Grammar focus 知识点的展示和综合巩固。(给学生A看 事先准备好的小纸条, 上面写比如Marys math- interesting 由A学生发问:Whats Marysfavorite subject? 其他学生猜问Is her favorite subject?或Is her favorite subject ?,A答用yes或no回答。猜对后,A再问Why does she like math?其他学生猜问Because it is ?A答yes或no直到猜对答案为止。)在

30、游戏中复习学科单词和描写学科的形容词,并且复习her, his等形容词性物主代词。在教师的引导下,学生由两人对话过渡到三人一组的链式操练给学生一分钟时间准备让学生以对话的形式来对答案最后让学生以第三人称来说, 培养说简短的语篇的能力。为了让学生能更多的机会重复使用形容词,可适当增加表格栏目内容在学生调查后,让一两个学生来做简短的报告,其中可以适时地穿插问其他学生报告中的内容在最后一个学生报告完毕后,继续问问题在最后一个学生报告完毕后,通过问他一个问题来引出同学谈论喜欢的东西,如:food, color, sports, songs, movies。学生两人一组相互问答。先让三到四对同学表演对话

31、,最后让个别同学以语篇的形式说出自己和同伴的最喜爱的东西通过调查完成表格,让两学生谈论父母亲的喜好,其他学生听,并做报告。这一步培养学生听说写的综合能力。Unit 12 MY FAVORITE SUBJECT IS SCIENCE.(The 3rd period Section B 1a 2c)Teaching aims(教学目标):1. Learn to talk about ss favorite subjects and give reasons.(学会谈论喜爱的学科并给出理由。)2. Learn the seven days of the week.(学会说出一周的七天。)Langua

32、ge points(语言点):1. 要求掌握以下句式:- When do you have (math)? - On Monday.- When does he/she have ? - On 2. 要求掌握以下词汇:一周七天(一周七天已在前面daily greeting中第一次非正式出现)Sunday,Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, SaturdayDifficult points(难点):Sunday,Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday的读音和记忆Teachin

33、g steps (教学步骤):1. Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)One-minute talk. (学生一分钟演讲)Topic: My Favorite (E.g.: I have many subjects at school, they are My favorite subject is . I like it because it is And is my He/She is I like him/her very much, too. My favorite city is , because it is.) After the talk get

34、the students ask and answer questions about it.2. Presentation(呈现新知识)1) Daily greeting and revisionT: (name) just says you have many subjects at school. T: What classes do you have today?S: We have English/Chinese,/science .T: Oh, so many classes today. What day is it today?T: Whats the date today?

35、S: Its (January 7th).T: Today is (January 7th). But what day is it today?S: Its (Friday).T: Then what day is January 8th? S: January 8th is Saturday. T: There are seven days in a week. But which day is the first day of the week? Is it Monday?S: No, its Sunday.T: Good! The first day of the week is S:

36、 The first day of the week is Sunday. The second day of the week is Monday. The third day of the week is Tuesday. The fourth day of the week is Wednesday. The fifth day of the week is Thursday. The sixth day of the week is Friday. The seventh day of the week is Saturday.T: Lets say the days of the w

37、eek quickly, clapping our hands. T:Now lets sing the song: Days of the week.3. Work on 1a (完成P74 1a)T: Now look at 1a. These days are out of order. Please put them in order by numbering the boxes 1 7. S1: No. 1. September 30. S2: Sunday.S3: No. 2. October 1. S4: Monday.S5: No. 3. October 2. S6: Tues

38、day.S7: No. 4. October 3. S8: Wednesday.S9: No. 5. October 4. S10: Thursday. S11: No. 6. October 5. S12: Friday.S13: No. 7. October 6. S14: Saturday.4. Work on 1b (完成P74 1b) T: Quite good. There are seven days in a week. And we come to school five days a week. In these five days we have to study at

39、school. But what subjects do we study? Now check the subjects in 1b quickly. T: What subjects do you study at school? S: We have art, science, music, math, P.E. and Chinese. But we dont have history or biology now.5. Work on 1c. (完成P74 1c) T: When (What time) do you have art? Do you have art on Mond

40、ay? S: Yes, we have art on Monday morning. / No, we have art on Tuesday afternoon. T:When do we have English? S: We have English on Monday, Tuesday./We have it every day. T: OK. Look at the chart ask and answer about the time of subjects in pairs. 6. Work on 2a. (完成P74 2a) (在最后一组对话后)T: We have diffe

41、rent subjects on different days. What about Ming, Selina and Ken? What subjects do they study? Please listen to the tape and write down the school subjects they talk about in the tape. T: What subjects do they talk about? S: Biology, history, art and science.7. Work on 2b. (完成P74 2b) T: What subject

42、s do Ming, Selina and Ken like? When do they have these subjects? Listen again and fill in the chart of 2b.8. Listen and repeat. (听音跟读) T: Now lets listen to the tape and repeat. Please try to read like the tape. Tapescript: Boy1: Are you Ok, Ming? Girl1: No, Im not. Its Tuesday and I have biology.

43、Girl2: And you dont have biology? Girl1: No, its so boring. Boy1: So, whats your favorite subject? Girl1: Oh, history! Its such fun. I love Friday because we have history in the morning. How about you, Selina? Girl2: Art, I guess. Its really relaxing. Girl1: When do you have art? Girl2: On Monday an

44、d Wednesday. How about you, ken? Whats your favorite subject? Boy1: Science. Its really interesting. I have science class this afternoon.9. Work on 2c. (完成P74 2c) T: Now we know something about Ming, Selina and Ken. Please make a conversation about them. You can use the information from the chart. Y

45、ou may make up dialogues like 2c on P74. (Whats favorite ? Why? When?) 10. Following up. (进一步扩展)Make a survey:T: Now its your turn to make up your own dialogues. Please work with your group (four students in one group) and finish this chart. NameSubject doesnt likeWhy?When?Favorite subjectWhy?When?S

46、1S2S3A: Hi/Hey, What subject doesnt like? B: He/She doesnt like A: Why doesnt he/she like B: Because A: When does he/she have B: On Report:In my group, there are _ _ and _._ doesnt like _, because _.He/She has _ on _. But his/her favorite subject is _. _11. Homework. Oral homework:a) Listen to 2b, r

47、ead and recite it. (听读背诵2b的对话)b) Go on making up your dialogues and polish it.(继续编对话,并完善对话。) Written homework:a) Copy the new words twice.b) Finish workbook P47-5 and P48.c) Finish the report.Topic可以是My favorite subject/city/food/teacher .在学生做完演讲后提问,这样有利于学生更好的理解topic的语言点,也利于集中他们的注意力。在复习学科单词时,很自然地带出星

48、期几,这里可给学生出示挂历帮助学生回答,同时顺便复习一下日期老师板书What day is it? Friday.跟读数遍以同样的方法来引出学习一周其他的几天让全班学生边拍手边chant一周七天,练习学生的语速,节奏感和反应能力给学生一分钟时间准备,按对子轮流。让两学生来说出答案,一人说日期,另一人说星期板书When do you have必要时教师提供帮助出示班级的功课表让学生组织对话,根据班级的情况,可以给学生三四分钟时间练习when的句型,或直接检查两到三组同学的对话有必要,让学生跟读这些英文名字播放录音,如有必要可播放两遍。让单个学生叙述回答。学生听一句跟一句。老师特别强调语音语调的模

49、仿。老师可把听力内容打印发给学生,以便他们听时标上语调。可以全班先跟读,再个别学生跟读。老师当堂可检查两到三组对话老师根据学生的实际水平,可以让学生自由发挥编对话。也可让他们看表格编对话,给出对话框架如当堂没时间完成,可作为课后作业Unit 12 MY FAVORITE SUBJECT IS SCIENCE.(The 4th period Section B 3a - 4)Teaching aims:(教学目标)1. Improve the ability of reading(提高阅读能力):a. Learn to grasp the keywords and then to pick up

50、 the information needed. (学会抓住关键词并通过关键词抽取所需信息 ) b. Learn to find the information from the passage. (在短文中查找信息 )c. Master the skill of finding the mainline of the passage. (掌握梳理文章脉络的技巧)2. Revise the forms of the letter. (复习书信的格式,学会如何更好地进行英文写作。)3. Learn to make a suitable timetable. (学会合理安排自己的作息时间。)Lan

51、guage points: (语言点)1. 复习学科单词:P.E., science, history, biology, math, English, Chinese.2. 复习一周七天的单词:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday3. 学习及复习描述性单词:busy, tired, difficult, relaxing, interesting, fun, boring, strict.Difficult points(难点)如何让学生学会合理安排自己的作息时间。Teaching steps (教学步骤

52、):1. Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)1) Chant: The first day of the week is Sunday. The second day of the week is Monday. The third day of the week is Tuesday. The fourth day of the week is Wednesday. The fifth day of the week is Thursday. The sixth day of the week is Friday. The seventh day of the week is Saturday.2) A game: Lets say the days of the week in order quickly. (让学生全体站起来,边打节奏边按顺序说单词,每人说一个,谁跟不上节奏的就算输了就要坐下,此项活动可以以小组竞赛的形式展开,最后哪一组


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