1、主备人:审核人:班级:姓名:日期:课题:初三英语完型填空“动词”复习课学案 (三) 学习目标:After the class, you will be able to l.get the an swers with the help of the clues or hints.2. recog nize the differe nces betwee n the similar verbs.重点、难点:To recog nize the differe nces of the words.导学设计:预习导纲1) see, know, find, notice, feel, think, won
2、der, ask, realize, recognizethi nkvt.想;思索;以为;看待vi.思辩;考虑;构想;回忆seevt.& vi.看见;领会,理解;查看渗观won derknowvt.& vi.知道;看到过所到过经历过 vt.认识;确信;认识到;能认出vt.对感到好奇;惊奇;感到诧异;想弄明 白findvt.发现;找到;到达;发觉askvt.&vi.问,询问;需要;要求,请求;邀请裁决,判决,下判定;英国英语狩猎 vi.发现猎物vt.邀请;请求允许;要价;询问 请,邀请;询问;要求vi.noticevt.& vi.注意vt.通知;留心;关照;注意到
3、realize意识到;实现;了解;(所担心的事)发生; vt.以价格卖出vt.& vi.变卖,赚得feelvt.感觉;认为;触摸;试探vt.& vi.感觉,觉得 认为,以为;触摸recog nizevt. 认出识别;承认vi.承认,确认;法律具结,立保证书12)taste, smell, sound, feel, touch, see, look主备人:审核人:班级:姓名:日期:tasten.体验;滋味;味觉;风味vt.& vi.尝,品尝吃;喝;浅尝vt.vt.感觉;认为;触摸试探vt.& vi.感觉,觉得;认为,以为;触摸touchsmellvt.触摸;使某物
4、与轻轻接触;吃或喝, 尝;数与相切vt.& vi.& lin k-v.嗅,闻;闻出,发觉,查出发出 的气味vi.接触;联系soundseevt.& vi.看见;领会,理解;查看渗观.响,发声 所起来,好像;回响;音乐乐器 vi.等被奏响使出声,使发声;清楚地发出;宣布,发表 vt颂扬lookvt .& vi.看,瞧vi.注意;面向;寻找;看起来好像feel3) describe, explainmage, create, discover, i nvent, cha ngedescribe创造,创作;产生;圭寸爵,把圭寸为(贵vt. _、族)英俚大发脾气,大发牢
5、骚vt.描写,形容;叙述;描绘,作图;(行 星等)周转vi.discoverexpl ai nvt.& vi.vt.说明的原因,辩解 说明,解释,辩解vi.讲解,解释vt.inventvt.发现;碰见;撞见;发明,创造;虚构image反映;想像;作的像;象征vt.vt.vi.改变,改变,变更;交换,替换 说换;换衣 服(床单)转变;交换,互换;换衣,更衣Changereadvt.& vi.阅读,朗读 显示;研究;看得懂 vt.显示;阅读;读懂,理解drawvt.& vi.绘画;拖,拉;招致;吸引 vt.画;拉;吸引create4) write, read, recite
6、, draw, copy, say, sp eak, tellwriterecite写;写信;写作;作曲vt.& vi.背诵叙述洌举vt& vivt.详述,列举吟诵vi. 背诵叙述vi.移动;拔出剑;皱缩;汲取copysp eakvt.& vi.讲,谈;演说;从某种观点来说复制;抄写;容许复制的vt.& vi.sayvi. 说,讲;表明,宣称 假设;约莫vt.表明;念;说明比方说tellvt. 告诉,说;辨别;吩咐;讲述vt.& vi.分辨,辨别;告诉,吩咐;泄漏;保证 vi.泄密,告发;(颜色、声音等)显示;识别5) should, may, can,
7、 must, need, will, would should应该不问人称,表示义务,责任aux.大概是,有可能;将会v. shall的过去式臭;麝香vt.&vi.(表示必要或很重要)必须 ;(提出建 议)应该;得;(表示很可能).mayaux.可以;也许;会;但愿n eedvt.aux.必须;不得不需要;必须canaux.能;能够;可以;可能vt.将装入密封罐中保存will决心要;将(财产等)遗赠某人;用意志力 vt驱使(某事发生)vi. 愿意,希望,想要must必须;必然要;(做出逻辑推断);(表示aux.坚持)n.必须做的事,必不可少的事物;葡萄汁;霉wouldaux.将,将要;
8、愿意;会,打算;大概v. (will的过去式,用于转述)将你记住这些动词的意思了吗?自我检测seeknowfindn oticefeelth inkwonderaskrealizereco gnizetastesmellsoundfeeltouchseelookdescribeexpla inimagecreate3speaktellshouldmaycanmustn eedwillwoulddiscoverinventchangewritereadrecitedrawcopysay第一篇:12东城二模In less tha n an hour, David and his parents w
9、ere on their way. Thoughts of what the colorful birthday p ackages had in side filled his head. He was certa in that one had the baseball glove he wan ted, while others would have amaz ing things that he had dreamed about. Thinking of hisgran dfather, David39 what his birthday p rese nt from him mig
10、ht be.“ Sincemy grandfather has a large farm, he must have a lot of money, and the bigger hisp rese nt for me will be,” David said to himself.Fin ally they 40. Hugg ing his gran dfather, David excitedly shouted,missed you! I ' veYou know, today ' s my birthcDyl you get me a present?"I h
11、ave missed you, too. And I have a very sp ecial p rese nt for you.39. A. worriedB. exp ectedC. won deredD. con sidered40. A. movedB. arrived C. stoppedD. fini shed第二篇:13东城一模For several ni ghts this week Emma came home from school up set about the fact that Jake got p icked on so much. She also men t
12、i oned that he had no school supp lies as his family could not 37_ them. He is always ask ing to borrow pap er. It gives the kids even more reas on to p ick on him.One ni ght Emma and I sat together and discussed the situati on in great detail. We made aplan, and Emma decided to ask Jake what he 38f
13、or supp lies.39_ that this you ngThe next day Emma spent some time with Jake and really came to man had a heart of gold, but 40 had the cha nee to show it. Emma asked Jake if he n eededschool supp lies and if he could make a list for her, for shewould bring in extra supp lies that she had at home. J
14、ake made a small list of several thin gs. Emma told him she was happy to help.and Jake felt most tha nkful.主备人:审核人:班级:姓名:日期:937. A. orderB. achieveC. rep airD. afford38. A. receivedB.neededC. prep aredD. changed39. A. proveB. explainC. realizeD. expect第三篇:13丰台一模The first few times, I did n't say
15、 hello back to him gweetetlene. I was37 in myown world. On Mon day the security guard asked me: “ How was your weeke nd? ” I told him aboutmy visit to Califor nia, to see my mother, who had colon can cer. I38 how I visited her eachmon th.“ The time with my mother is so p recious珍 贵的), _because I kno
16、w that each time maybe the last. ”He listened like a close friend I ' dnown for years. He felt my sadnessand my love. Heshared how he had lost his father to c ancer two years before. He said,“I un dersta nd what you aregoing through. My father p assed away while I was servi ng in Germa ny. Becau
17、se of some reas ons Iwas un able to fly back in time. I was un able to say goodbye to him. I wish I could have bee n withhim, given him a hug, and told him I loved him. You are really lucky to have the gift of time . ”37. A. lostB. leftC. missedD. dropped38. A. wo nderedB.sharedC. realizedD. found第四
18、篇:13丰台二模I realized that girls would have to get to know me and 42 that I had the ability to rep rese nt them. I loved making friends and I liked being help ful, so I decided that p erha ps I coulduse these qualities to my adva ntage. In order to lear n how to 43 a great elect ionsp eech,I also atte
19、nded a course on effective p ublic sp eak ing.The day after the elect ion, the principal announ ced I had won the sec ond highest nu mber ofvotes. The stude nts44 . The joy on the faces of all my friends showed me that my victorywas also theirs. Sudde niy, I realized that I had achieved much more th
20、a n I had dreamed of.42. A. recog ni zedB. un derstoodC. foundD. thought43. A. prepareB. giveC. haveD. atte nd44. A. p raisedB. cheeredC. criedD. gathered课堂反馈:13海淀二模Whe n I was in the sixth grade, one day my teacher asked our class to think about the questi on“ What does doing the right thing' m
21、ean to you? ” over the weeke nd. We coauldtalk to our paor anyone else we thought might have a good an swer. OnMon day, we were to hand in an essay(论文) on it, and be prepared to live up to our an swers.The en tire weeke nd, I was trying to 37 someth ing that would imp ress my teacher and beeasy to l
22、ive by. I talked to my paren ts, called my gra ndmother and asked my n eighbor. Every onehad good an swers, but I did n't feel like I could live up to them.On Sun day after noon, my parents said they were going to my Aunt Cindy ' house. Thatusually 38 that I would have to entertain my four-y
23、ear-old cousin Andrea while my parentsvisited. I found a Disney movie for An drea, and the n I sat dow n and started to write my essay. Itwas due (至U期的) the next morning and this was my last chanee.Soon I felt a pair of ey es on me. It was Andrea. “ What are you doing? ” Andrea asked.“Ihave to write
24、 an essay about what doingthe right thing means to me.” answered. Andrealaughed. Could this smart four-year- old possibly know the answer? “ That 'easy, 'she said.“ Doing he right thing means being nice to your family and friends. Never lie. Eat lots of fruitsand vegetables. Take a bath whe
25、n you're dirty. And never put rocks in your mouth.I stared with great surp rise at my little cous in. Then I ju mped up and gave her the biggest hug.Not only had An drea an swered a very tough questi on for me, but I could easily live by all of heran swers. All I had to do was to be n ice, not t
26、o lie, to kee p myself clea n and healthy, and n ever putrocks in my mouth. So whe n I wrote my essay, I 45 the story about An drea and how she hadan swered my questi on.Two weeks later, my teacher retur nedevery one essays. I 46 an A+ along with a little“ Always do the right thing and give An drea
27、an A+, too!37. A. look throughB.keep onC. make up ofD. come up with38. A. leftB. meantC. decidedD. explained45. A. readB. foundC. in cludedD. returned46. A. prep aredB. exp ectedC. in troducedD. receivednote my teacher had writte n at the top:家庭作业:2010年中考题It was yearbook day and we were give n an ho
28、ur to sig n each other's yearbooks in thecafeteria. I was p reside nt of the class and I p layed sports. Whe n I sat dow n at a table, peoplestarted to come over to get their yearbooks sig ned and to sig n mine.Among them, a weak boy with ugly teeth and thick glasses kept shak in g. I had see n
29、himaround, and I knew he was always laughed at. He seemed un sure of himself, and was so p ale thatit 38 us to look at him.He came up and asked me nervously, “ Caryou sign this? ” took his yearbook butdidn ' t know what to write. I saw that there was the name“ Ricky Sanders” written on the front
30、* ftkky,、* bI1 think yoBrr a really nict Jt阳,and / Jtop韋 you hovfI* Iof fitn iffI刖 yowr puime Jtrz)jSo I wrote:“ WhatI put down the yearbook and turned around to get some sig natures from some of my friends when I _40_ my yearboo k was gone. I saw that Ricky had sat down with my yearbook.“Sign! ”are
31、 you doing? ” I asked him. He looked up cair平静地)and just saidMy friends broke into a loud laugh, and I saw that he was carefully frying to put a sig naturein my yearbook. He h adn ' t even finished the“ R” yet. I thought for a while and _42_ to let himsign.It took him n early five minu tes to si
32、g n and whe n I got my yearbook back, there was a't help bcksmile bavery shaky“ RICKY” . He hugge抱)his yearbook and _43_. I couldn at him.In that mome nt, my attitude cha nged compi etely.I gave him a high five and sudde niy every one at my table wan ted his sig nature. He wasasked po litely to
33、write in their yearbooks and the sig nature p ages of his yearbook were filled up.He was smili ng so big that it lit up the whole room.' m down, I still lookI changed school the next year, and I never saw Ricky again. However, I will neverforget the day that he became the most popu lar guy in sc
34、hool. When ever I back at that yearbook.38. A. worriedB. surp risedC. taughtD. hurt40. A. sawB. no ticedC. thoughtD. believed42. decidedB. meantC.beganD. prep ared43. A. smiledB. waitedC. leftrose13朝阳一模I had been a high school teacher for six years and had watched a lot of TV shows about solvi ng ca
35、ses (破案).1 was about to beg in my dream job, someth ing I had wan ted for a Ion g, l ong time.On the first Mon day of the Firearm Officer Safety Trai ning we were give n guns and byWed nesday we were give n our first test. We would score one mark for a hit to the chest on the target, and half a mark
36、 for any where else on the body. When it was my tur n, I en tered the house n ervously. It was dark and I could hardly see a sin gle thing. Sudde niy, one of the targets jumped out at me. I 38 my gun out quickly and fired two shots (射击).He fell to the ground.Ano ther target app eared from beh ind and I39 to get a successful shot. Just at the moment,I noticed something in the corner. I fired four shots and then the test ended. I came out of thehouse, feeli ng con fide nt that I was fin ally going to p ass the test.Whe n one of the officers followed me out, I could
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