1、精品患者知情同意书的SCI写作模板导语:我们在写临床相关的文章时,一般都要提及本研究已经获得了病人的知情 同意。在SCI写作中,如何表达新颖,而不拘泥于常规的表述呢?为此,小丰特 意整理了一些比较好的句子,大家进来看看吧。1. Inv estigatorshave to obtai nin formedconsent beforeen rolli ngP artici pants in cli nical trials.2. Patientsreferred toa radiati onon cologycli nic for treatme nt ofmalig nantneop lasms
2、were tested for their immediate recall ofin formatio np rese nted.recorded, and sig ned on in formedconsent感谢下载载docume nts.3. Our analysis to 56samp les of ductal lavage fluid (obta inedafter in formed consent) from wome n4. Writte n in formed consent was obta ined for each p artic ipant accord ing
3、to federal and in stituti onal guideli nes.5. These p atie nts were con tacted by tele phone to obtai n verbal in formed consent.6. All p atie nts sig ned an in formed consent appro ved by the in stituti onalReview Board.7. P artic ipants were mailed an in formed consent form and a baseli ne questi
4、onn aire p acket.8. who were aged 18 years or more, and who providedwritten informed consent, were eligible for this study.9. Twelve patients gave informed consent and agreed to participate in the study.10. Participants gave separate informed consents for each phase were11. The study was done after
5、agreement from the local ethics committee and with the patients' informed consent.12. Written informed consent was required for participation in the trial.13. Informed consent was obtained in all cases, and protocols were approved by the scientific ethical committee of Aarhus County.14. After in
6、formed consent was obtained for the questionnairestudy,15. All patients gave written informed consent before participation in this study.16. Participants provided written informed consent before enrolment.17. The study protocol and the comprehensive written informed consent used in this study protoc
7、ol were reviewed.18. Our institution's committee on human research gave approval for this study, and all participants gave informed consent.19. Informed consent for publication of photographs was obtained from all subjects or their parents.20. The patient was then asked to sign an informed consent statement for the consent study.21. Patients were directed to sign the new consent form before arriving at the unit only if they had no further question.22. The University of Arizona Human Subjects Protection Committee approved our methods, and all partici
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