已阅读5页,还剩12页未读 继续免费阅读




1、常用高级词汇替换作者: 日期:1.持某观点:c laim ( c ont end, d e em, t hat )rec k o n , asse r t, share t h e be lief2.支持某观点: a d voca t e (main t ain vote fos ide wit h bei n f avor o f )3 .反对某观点:con tr ad i c t (crit ic izebeagai n s t ca s t do u bt s on )t i o nal, pr a ct i sagacious, v i abl e , pre f e r ab 1e

2、, adv i sa bl e , appro pri4.合理的:j u stifie d ( s e n sible feasible co n v in cab le, lo gical, wise,at e, hol d water b e a r muc h an a1 ysis)cing, persuas i ve, ra5 .好处: adv an tage (be n efit, m erit , p o s iti v e sid e , up side, boon , pro s )6.弊端:disadv a ntag e (def ect, d e me ri t,a wba

3、c k , b a ne, co ns )n egati v e s i d e , downside,flaw, dr7.肯定:un do ubtedl y (in deed u ndeni ablyt here is no de n ying that)& 不确定:b e likely to ( p otenti a II y pr esum a bl y)9 .重要的:e s sen tia 1 p ensable)(s i g nifi c an t , v i t a l, crucial, c r itical, fun dame n t a 1, i n dis10.有益

4、的:bene f ic ia l (co n du c ive i nstrum e nta 1)11.有害的:detr imental(harmful v i rul e nt)1 2 .有争议的:co n tr ov ers ia l (di s putable, c o n t entious)1 3 .普遍的: wide s prea d ( pre v a 1 en t, u n i v ersal)1 4 .显著地:considerably (significantly, rem ar k ab 1 y, d ramat ica 1 ly, tr eme ndou sl y , s

5、 ub s tant i ally)15.明显的:evi dent (apparent,manifest)16.增强:e n ha n c e (s t re n gt h en,b oost)17.减少:decli ne (desce nd, c oll a p se, relieve)18.大约:appr o ximately (ne a rly, aroun d , estimat ed , roug h ly)19.趋势:trend( t e n dency, i n clina t io n)2 0 . 预见: pre die t (ex pect,pr o jec t )4 0.促

6、进 pro m ote ( con trib ute to, u pgr ade)【定制留学专属规划,提咼名校入读机率】21.带来 bringabou t (r esultin, l e ad to)产生,引起create (sp ark;yield ; ; give r i se to)23.建立 esta b lish (found, in st itute )要求 call f o r ( re q u e s t,dem a nd)2 5.去除eliminat e (r e move, e r adi cate)2 6.探讨 expIo r e (exam ine, identi f

7、y)27.表明,描绘 in d icate (dep i ct, po r tray, illustrate )28.ter满足需求 me e t t h e n eed of ( s a ti s fy t h e r e qu i re ment o f , c a for the dema nd of )2 9.足够 ad e qu a te (e n oug h ; sufficien t )30.解决 ta c kle ( r e solve, addres s )31.意识 awar e ness(co nsci o u s ness)32.控制 curb ( r egula te

8、, cen sor )33.解释:ac c oun t for ( be re s p o ns i bl e for, b e a tt rib u ted to)投资finance (in vest i n , s u b si d i z e)缓解r e 1 i e ve ( ease, allev i a te)36.压力 s t ress ( pressure, strai n)3 7.遵循 ob s erve (follo w , c onform to)38.继承 inhe rit (h a n d down , car ry f or w ard)39.培养 cul t iva

9、te (train , fo s te r)【定制留学专属规划,提高名校入读机率】41.适应ad apt to (a dj u s t t o, a c clima t e to)42.提供P rovi d e (ren d er, affor d )43.替代r ep lace (s ubstitut e , ta ke t he p lace of)保护pre s erve (pro t ec t ,safe guard)45.证据evid e n ce (p ro o f)赢得49.发展adva n ce (de ve lop m ent,p rogress)52.53.5 4.55.5

10、 0.倾向于吸引专注的ten d to ( be i nclined t oatt rac t (all u r e , t em pbe a b sorbed in(be im me rse dbe apt t o)t)in, de v ote o n eself t o )目的是 aim at ( T he pu r p o sei s )实现 achieve (f ul fi l l, imp l eme nt)危害 endang e r ( th r eaten; j eopard i ze )损害 u n de rmi ne (impair,d amage)阻碍hi

11、 nd e r (ob st ru c t, i mpe d e)禁止责备污染f o rbid ( b an, pro hi bit)blame( d e n o un c e, c r iticize)p o I lut e (c ont a min a te, stai n )ga i n (ac quire, att a i n)国外的 f o re ig n( al i en, e xo t ic )48.重视 attach impo rt ance to (emph as is, hi ghlight)【定制留学专属规划,提高名校入读机率】腐蚀 erod e (w e ar away

12、, co r ro d e)欺骗 dece ive (c heat, d efr au d)63.冲突 conflict ( shoe k , tens i on)64.马驱使 p r omp t ( s p u r,in cite)65.贪婪的acqu i s it ive(mo ne y- or ien ted,materi al ist i c)6 6.自私的se If -cente r e d (selfish , in co ns iderate)67.体谅的consi d e r ate (under st a nding, sym p athe t ic)68.冷漠的i ndi

13、fferent (apath e tic, a lo of)69.奢侈的was teful (luxurious , e xtravagant)70.残忍的i nh urn ane(b ru tal, b a r baric)7 1 .绝望的ho p eles s ( d espai rin g, d esp e r at e)72.过分的exc e ssive (e xt r av ag a nt, ex or bi t an t)7 3.激烈的 inten s e (f i erce , vigoro u s)74.严厉的st ringent ( ri gorou s, rigid )7

14、5 .与相关be r e l a ted to( be assoc iated wit h , be li nke d to)7 6 .难以置信的unb e li ev able( in credulous, v irtual)77.惊人的 extr a ordinary (ma r velous, sp e ctacu la r)78.有抱负的 ambitiou s( aggressive, aspiran t)79.固有的 in here nt (n at u r e , i nna t e)8 0.稳定的 s t e a dy (sta b l e , co ns tant)【定制留学专

15、属规划,提高名校入读机率】81.恶化 w o rsen (agg r avate, d eter i orat e )8 2.夸大e X agg e r a te ( o ve r st a te)8 3 .限制r es t rai n (co ns t r a i n, confi n e)84.拆除te ar dow n(kno e k dow n, pul 1 do w n)85.加速accel e rate (speed up , pr e cipit a te)8 6 .占优势pr e d o mina te (d o m i n ate)87.分辨disti ng u ish (d

16、 if fe re nti a t e , disee r n)88.抵消coun t erae t (o ffs e t, e ancel o ut)8 9.开展launch (conduct, car r y out)9 0 .承担assume (sho u l de r, ace e p t)91 .颁布,制定 en a ct (e n for e e, pro mulgat e,map 0 u t )92.影响in93.差异f lue n ce(impac t ,perva d e) differenee ( d istinc t ion , ga p)9 4 交流comm u nic

17、a t e ( exe hange, a s soei at e)95.接触h a ve a ee ess to ( ma k e con tactw i th, k e ep in t ouch wi t h)9 6 .优先give pri o rity t o (p ut i nt o fi r s t p1 a ce)9 7.节约econo mize ( conse r ve, e h e rish)9&面临b e f a ced wit h ( b e confront ed wit99.措施m e a s u r e (s te p , ae ti o n)10 0 .注意

18、beware ( p r eve nt, gu a rd ag ai nst)1.重要的: Ke y, c ruc ia l , cr iti ca l, imp orta n t,sig ni fica nt , vital,nt i al, in d i spensab le, imperatives ub s t a2 .损害:D ama g e, hurt, in j ur e ,harm, i m pai r , unde r mi n e, j e opard3 .给与:Give,offer, r ender, imp a rt, provi de,supply,afford4.培

19、养:D eve lop, cult i va t e,f oster5 .优势:Adv a n ta ge, m erit ,v irt ue , be nefit, up side,s trengt h6.缺陷: Dis a dv a ntage , demerit , d rawbac k.dow n s ide, w eakn e ss7.使迷惑:Pu zz le, b ewi lder,perpi ex, baffle8.解决:Solve, dea l wit h , co pe w i th, h a nd le,re so lve, address, tackl9.认为: T hi

20、nk, b e l ieve, in sis t, maint a in, asser t u e, be c onvin ced , b e f i rmly con v i n ced, b e,conclude, de ef u lly c o nvi nm, hol d , cedarg10.保护:P ro t ect, co n s erve, pres e r ve11.确保:Assu re, ensu r e , g uaran te e,pl edge12.有害的:Bad, ba nef u l ev i l,har mfu l, de trime nt al1 3 .要求:R

21、 e q uest,d ema nd,n eeds,r e quisit i1 4消除:El im ina t e, c l e ar, remove, cl eup, t ake aw a y,sm o o tha way15 .导致:p r ocu r e,Le a d to, br i ng abo u t, resulti nd uce , gen er a tein,ca us e , spa rk o f f, co n ducet o,16.因此:Sccordingly,o , ther efo re , thus , h e nee, cas a re s ult, beca

22、u se o f thi s , as a result o f t h ison sequ en tly, as a con seque nee , a1 7 .增长至:Grow t o , r ise to,i ncrease to , go up to,cl i mb to, a sce nd t o , jumpto , sh o ot18.降低至:Dip t o ,fallto , d e cli ne to , de crease to , d r op todu ce to, slum p to , de scend to,s in k to , sl i de t o,go d

23、 ow n to,re19.保持稳定:Le vel out , do n ot cha n g e, r ema in s t a bl e , s te ad y , b e stab le , mai nt ain t he sa m e l e ve e s t ill,re m ain th e same l e ve 1 , stay c ons tant,kee p off,s ta bi 1 i ze , kee p it s st ab i li t y,e v en o utst i ll, re ma i n in u n changed,bremai nl, remaat

24、 t h e same level, level2 0 .急剧地:D r amatic a11y ,d r astically , sha rp ly , hugely ,su bs tan tia 1 ly , cons idera b1y , sign if i can tly,marke d l y , su rp ris ing1 y , s tr i kingly,r a dically, r em a rka b ly , vast 1 y, n o t i c eab 1 yenormously , s t ee ply ,2 1.平稳地:Steadily, smoothly,

25、s li gh t 1y, slow ly, m a rgin a lly, gradually,mo der m i l d l yately,22.宣称:Allege, assert, d eclar e , c la im2 3.发生: Happen, occu r , ta k e place24.原因: Re a s o n , f acto r , cau se2 5 .发展: D e v e lopmen t , a dv ance , pr og ress26.有益的:Us e ful, he 1 pf u l, bene fi cial, p rofitabl e , r ewa rdi ng , advan tageous27.影响:In f lue n ce, im p act, e ffec t28.明显的:C 1 e ar , obvious, ev i dent, crystal clears e 1 f- e vide nt.man ifest, a p p are n t,2 9 .占:Com pr i se , take up, a c co unt occ up y ,


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