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1、Unit 3 Job InterviewUnit 3 Job Interview How to find a good job?How to find a good job?Civil Servants Examination 公务员考试公务员考试The titles of common positions会计员,会计员,会计师会计师Foreman领班,组长领班,组长Administration Assistant行政助理行政助理总经理总经理Administrator行政主管行政主管MarketingExecutive 市场部主任市场部主任财务总监财务总监市场部经理市场部经理Accountan

2、tGeneral ManagerCFO ( Chief Financial Officer )Marketing ManagerThe titles of common positionsAssistant Manager 副经理副经理Mechanical Engineer机械工程师机械工程师Assistant Production Manager 副厂长副厂长Merchandiser买手(商人)买手(商人)Business Manager业务业务经理经理Office Assistant写字楼助理写字楼助理(办事员)(办事员)出纳员出纳员Plant Manager厂长厂长CashierThe

3、titles of common positions总会计师总会计师金融分析师金融分析师Chief Engineer总工程师总工程师Production Manager厂长厂长Civil Engineer土木工程师土木工程师银行柜员银行柜员文员(文书)文员(文书)Electrical Engineer电气工程师电气工程师Director董事董事Executive Director行政董事行政董事ClerkChief Accountantfinancial analystbank tellerHow can we stand out(脱颖而出)脱颖而出) fromthe crowd of job

4、 applicants?recruitment /rkrutmnt/ 招聘招聘Recruitment websites求职真人秀求职真人秀 go for an interview 去去面试面试 obtain an interview from 获得一个面试机会获得一个面试机会interview面试面试A formal meeting at which someone is asked questions in order to find out whether he/she is suitable for a job, course of study, etc. Definition of I

5、nterviewinterviewer面试官面试官interviewee被面试者被面试者If you are unable to interview successfully, you wont get the job. What do you think is the most important thing before an interview?Unit 3 Text AUnit 3 Text A 哈维哈维麦凯麦凯 Businessman Columnist 专栏作家专栏作家 Speaker has authored seven New York Times纽约纽约时报时报 bestse

6、lling books, including three number one bestsellers.About the author: Harvey B. MackayAbout the author: Harvey B. Mackay与鲨共泳与鲨共泳当心裸男当心裸男 Harvey Mackay,who runs his own company, often interviews applicants for jobs. Here he lets us into the secret of what qualities an employer is looking for, and giv

7、es four tips on what can help you to stand out from the crowd.applicant plknt: a person who applies for sth.job applicant 职位申请者职位申请者job hunter 求职者求职者rsum 求职者:求职者:job applicant 入学申请者:入学申请者:an applicant for admission to a school 入党申请者:入党申请者:an applicant for Party membershipCollocationsPart 1: Introduc

8、tion (Para._ ): An_failed his job interview. ill-preparedcollege graduate1-6 1. I run a manufacturing company with about 350 employees, and I often do the_(面试)面试) and _(聘用)(聘用)myself. I like talking to potential_(销销售人员售人员) , because theyre our_(联系)联系) to erviewinghiringsalespeoplelink I

9、n Paragraph 1 Line 2, how do we understand “potential salespeople”? They are people who _.A. have already become salespeople B. may not become salespeople in the future C. like to become salespeople in the futureD. are likely to become salespeople in the future: 潜在的销售人员潜在的销售人员:可能成为销售人员的人:可能成为销售人员的人P

10、ara2. What job did the college graduate hunt for in the authors company?hunt for a job 求职求职look for a jobWhen a recent_(大学毕业生)大学毕业生) came into my office not too long ago looking for a _(销售工销售工作)作), I asked him what he had done to prepare for the interview. He said hed read something about us somewhe

11、re.college graduate sales jobgraduaten. 毕业生毕业生/grdt/undergraduate本科生本科生postgraduate研究生研究生vi. 毕业毕业 /grdet/I graduated from Tourism and Culture College, Yunnan University. Had he called anyone at Mackay Envelope Corporation to find out more about us? No. Had he called our_(供应厂商)供应厂商) ? Our_(客户)客户) ? N

12、o.supplierscustomers(clientklant) Research the CompanyResearching the company thoroughly is vital to a successful interview. Researching about what? Development of the company 企业发展企业发展 Services or products 服务或产品服务或产品 Competitors within the industry 行业竞争者行业竞争者 Reputation 声誉声誉 New products or projects

13、 新产品或项目新产品或项目 Corporate culture 企业文化企业文化supplier splan. 供应厂商,供应国;供应者供应厂商,供应国;供应者 food supplier食品供应商食品供应商supply vt.供应供应We can the best service for you. 我们可为您我们可为您提供提供最周到的服务。最周到的服务。【3】Had he called anyone at Mackay Envelope Corporation to find out more about us? No. Had he called our suppliers? Our cu

14、stomers? No. He hadnt called anyone at Mackay Envelope Corporation to find out more about us. He hadnt called our suppliers or customers. Para 3Para 3What is the difference between the following two paragraphs?rhetoric question (设问设问)4. Had he checked with his university to see if there were any gra

15、duates working at Mackay whom he could interview(ask questions询问询问)? Had he asked any friends to_(提问)(提问) him in a_(模拟面试)模拟面试) ? Did he go to the library to find newspaper clippings(剪报)(剪报) on us?grillmock interviewAlumni Network 校友网校友网grill 烧烤;盘问烧烤;盘问 Grill the meat for 20 minutes on each side.把肉的两

16、面分别把肉的两面分别烤烤20分钟。分钟。 He was grilled for two hours before the police let him go.他被拷问了两小时后,警察才让他走。他被拷问了两小时后,警察才让他走。mock/mk/ adj. 假装的假装的;模拟的模拟的 mock exam模拟考试模拟考试 mock exam papers 模拟试卷模拟试卷vt. 嘲笑嘲笑;嘲弄(嘲弄(laugh at) Those who mock history will be mocked by history. 嘲弄历史的人必将被历史所嘲弄。嘲弄历史的人必将被历史所嘲弄。5. Did he w

17、rite a letter_(事先)事先) to tell us about himself, what he was doing to prepare for the interview and why hed be right for the job? Was he planning to_(跟进)跟进) the interview with another letter_(表明)表明) his_(渴望)渴望) to join us? Would the letter be in our hands within 24 hours of the meeting, possibly even

18、 hand-delivered?beforehand( in advance) follow upindicating(showing)eagernessbeforehand 预先;事先;提前预先;事先;提前 请请事先事先通知我你抵达的时间。通知我你抵达的时间。Please inform me of your arrival time beforehand. follow up重要场合遇见权威人士留下联系方式后如何保持有效的重要场合遇见权威人士留下联系方式后如何保持有效的跟进跟进(follow-up)? 由于工作的关系,经常参加一些大型的内部会议,培训,讲由于工作的关系,经常参加一些大型的内部

19、会议,培训,讲座等。会遇见一些很棒的人,对方若留下联系方式,你会座等。会遇见一些很棒的人,对方若留下联系方式,你会如何如何follow up?这些人都是专业领域的权威,如何能在不?这些人都是专业领域的权威,如何能在不唐突的情况下保持有效的沟通,望分享有效的方法,谢谢。唐突的情况下保持有效的沟通,望分享有效的方法,谢谢。indicate 1)指示方向指示方向 2)指出;表明)指出;表明He asks me to indicate the road for him. The clouds indicate the coming of rain.eagerness igns n. 渴望;热心渴望;热

20、心an eagerness to learnHe showed the girl the way with great eagerness. 他他非常殷勤地非常殷勤地给女孩指路。给女孩指路。eager adj. : 渴望做某事渴望做某事 be eager for sth. 渴望得到某物渴望得到某物When her own son was five years old, she became eager for another baby.当当她她儿子岁的时候,儿子岁的时候,她她开始渴望要另一个宝宝。开始渴望要另一个宝宝。6.The answer to every question was the

21、 same: no. That left me with only one other question: How well prepared would this person be if he were to_(拜访)拜访) a_(潜在客户)潜在客户) for us? I already knew the answer.call onprospective customer(potential customer)prospectiveprspektvadj. 未来的;预期的未来的;预期的 prospective students 未来未来学生学生(潜在学生)潜在学生) prospectiv

22、e earnings 预期预期收益收益 prospective damage 预计预计损失损失call offcall offcall forcall forcall incall incall bycall byprases about call 需要;号召需要;号召 取消取消召集;叫召集;叫.来来 顺道拜访顺道拜访Hard problems call for great efforts. Do you want me to call off this wedding?Dont move, I will call in the doctor.Ill call by at the shops

23、on my way home. Part 2: Main Body (Para. 7-27): _ to getting hired. Four keys7. As I see it, there are four keys to getting hired.如欲被雇佣,需要注意四个要诀。如欲被雇佣,需要注意四个要诀。key to:开:开的钥匙的钥匙 的关键;的关键;的答案;的答案;: In my opinion,与与as I see it意义相近的表达方式意义相近的表达方式:From my perspective,To my mind, As to me,As far as I am con

24、cerned,Personally, As I see it, its a very wise investment.Four keys to getting hiredFour keys to getting hired1. Prepare to win. 2. Never stop learning. 3. Believe in yourself, even when no one else does. 4. Find a way to make a difference. Michael JordansA 90-year-old tennis playerThe Vietnam vete

25、ran in NYMarathonA New York cabdriver8. 1.Prepare to winCan you translate the saying among musicians?“一日不练,自己知道。一日不练,自己知道。两日不练,乐评家知道。两日不练,乐评家知道。三日不练,观众知道。三日不练,观众知道。 ”By Kwon Ji-youn Friday nights performance by Yundi Li, the youngest pianist to win the International Frederic Chopin Piano Competition

26、 at the age of 18, was nothing short of(无异于)(无异于) disastrous(灾难性的(灾难性的). calamitousklmtscalamity 灾难灾难(as) the saying goes : 俗话说俗话说俗话说:俗话说:“有志者事竟成。有志者事竟成。”As the saying goes, “Where there is a will there is a way.”常言道:常言道:“木已成舟(事已成定局,无可挽回)。木已成舟(事已成定局,无可挽回)。”As the saying goes, “What is done cannot be

27、 undone.”As a proverb goes,谚语有云:,谚语有云:As a Chinese proverb goes, “Dont climb a tree to look for fish.” 正如中国的一句谚语所说正如中国的一句谚语所说, “不要缘木求不要缘木求鱼鱼”。(方式方法不对头,就达不到。(方式方法不对头,就达不到目的)目的)critic(n.批评家)critical(adj.挑剔的)criticize(v.批评) criticism(n.批评) criticism n.批评;指责批评;指责;评论评论literary criticismcriticize. v.批评 现在

28、有些年轻人根本指责不得。现在有些年轻人根本指责不得。Some youth today do not allow any criticism at all.9. When we watch a _(世界级的)(世界级的)musician or a_ (顶尖的)顶尖的)athlete, we dont see the years of preparation that enabled him or her to become great. The Michael Jordans(?) of the world have _(天分)天分), yes, but theyre also the firs

29、t ones on and the last ones off the basketball court. The same preparation_(适用于)适用于) every form of human_(努力)努力). If you want the job, you have to prepare to win it.world-class toptalentapplies in endeavorThe Michael Jordans of the world have talent, yes, but theyre also the first ones on and the la

30、st ones off the basketball court. (para. 9)-“The Michael Jordans” refers to “such people as successful as Michael Jordan”世界上诸如迈克尔世界上诸如迈克尔.乔丹这样的顶尖人物无疑具有非凡的乔丹这样的顶尖人物无疑具有非凡的才能,但他们在篮球场上也是第一个到,最后一个走。才能,但他们在篮球场上也是第一个到,最后一个走。Michael Jordan (1963-) American professional basketball player, considered by many

31、 to be the greatest player in basketball history. Jordan led the Chicago Bulls to six National Basketball Association (NBA) championships (1991-1993, 1996-1998). 表达表达“卓越卓越”、“优秀优秀”的词汇:的词汇:world-classtopexcellentoutstandingdistinguished dstgwtadj. 著名的;杰出的著名的;杰出的prestigiousprestdsadj. 有名望的;享有声望的有名望的;享有

32、声望的talent n. 天分天分gift n.天分天分talent n.天分天分genius n.天才天才gifted adj.talented adj.有天分的有天分的Johnny Depp约翰尼约翰尼 德普德普Hollywood starThe most talented(才(才华横溢的)华横溢的) of the talented contemporary(当代的)(当代的) actorscourt kt 球场球场 王宫王宫 法庭法庭supreme courttennis courtthe court of Elizabeth Iendeavor: v. 努力(做某事);尽力(做某事)努

33、力(做某事);尽力(做某事) n. 努力;尽力努力;尽力Eg: We make every endeavor to satisfy our customers. 我们我们尽全力尽全力使顾客满意。使顾客满意。10.When I graduated from college, _(极有可能极有可能) that I would have the same job for the rest of my life. And thats how it worked out.(当时情况确实当时情况确实如此)如此) But getting hired is no longer a_(一生中只有一次的)一生中只

34、有一次的) experience. Employment experts believe that todays graduates could face as many as ten job changes during their_(职业生涯)职业生涯) .the odds were goodonce-in-a-lifetime careersjob-hopping 跳槽跳槽What is changed for todays graduates?odds n.机率;可能性机率;可能性odd: a. 奇怪的;古怪的;奇怪的;古怪的;The odds are good that.: .的可能

35、性很大。的可能性很大。=It is highly likely that. Try calling him now and the odds are good that he will not answer the phone because he is with his girlfriend. once-in-a-lifetime once-in-a-lifetime experience一生只有一次的经历一生只有一次的经历once-in-a-lifetime opportunity 千载难逢的机会千载难逢的机会The new Land Rover model includes on-and

36、-off-road technology. 新款路虎拥有路面与越野两用技术。新款路虎拥有路面与越野两用技术。Compounds(复合词)(复合词)forget-me-not11.That may sound like a lot of _(压力)压力). But if youre prepared, the pressure is on the other folks the ones who havent done their homework(?)(?).pressurethe ones who are not fully-prepared. pressure Dont put press

37、ure on me! n. 压力压力v. 对对施加压力施加压力Can you work under pressure?She will pressure you to get married.high blood pressure高血压高血压她会对你逼婚的。她会对你逼婚的。12.You wont get every job you_(追求)追求) . The best salespeople dont_(每次都成交)每次都成交). Michael Jordan makes barely half of his field-goal attempts(投篮)投篮). But it takes n

38、o longer to prepare well for one interview than to wander in_(未准备好的)未准备好的) for five. And your _(前景)前景) for success will be many times better.go afterclose every sale half-preparedprospectswander vi. 徘徊;漫步徘徊;漫步但认真准备一场面试的时间不会多于马马虎虎准备五但认真准备一场面试的时间不会多于马马虎虎准备五次面试的时间。次面试的时间。As the saying goes, Chance favo

39、rs only the prepared mind.go after: 努力争取;追求努力争取;追求Eg: Jack does not go after fame or money. 杰克不追名逐利杰克不追名逐利 。 我决定力争得到那份工作。我决定力争得到那份工作。 Ive decided to go after that job. 13. Recently I played a doubles tennis match_ (与与.搭档)搭档) a 90-year-old. I wondered how things would work out; I shouldnt have. We_(?

40、)?) our_(对手)对手) 6-1, 6-1! paired withhammered(compare: defeated)opponents 2. Never stop learning. 14. As we were switching sides(交换场地交换场地) to play a third set(第三局)(第三局), he said to me, “Do you mind if I play the backhand court? I always like to_(花时间在自己的花时间在自己的弱点上)弱点上).” What a fantastic example of a

41、 person who has never stopped learning. (顺便说一下),(顺便说一下),we won the third set 6-1.work on my weaknessesIncidentally好一个永不中断学习的精彩实例。好一个永不中断学习的精彩实例。15. As we walked off the court, my 90-year-old partner_(格格笑)格格笑) and said, “I thought youd like to know about my_(排名第一)排名第一) in doubles in the United States

42、 in my age bracket(年龄段)年龄段), 85 and up!” He wasnt thinking 90; he wasnt even thinking 85. He was thinking number one.chucklednumber-one ranking单打单打 singles“笑笑”smile 微笑微笑laugh 大笑大笑grin 漏齿笑漏齿笑sneer 嘲笑嘲笑16. You can do the same if you_ and_ . To be able to compete, youve got to keep learning all your li

43、fe.work on your weaknesses(客服弱点)客服弱点)develop your strengths(发挥优势)(发挥优势) strength n. physical energyYou need strength to do this. strength n. advantagestrengths and weaknesses 优势与劣势Dictation(Unit 1-2)联盟(联盟(n.)战役(战役(n.)侵略(侵略(n.)低估(低估(vt.)削弱(削弱(vt.)计算(计算(vt.)单调的(单调的(adj.)信号(信号(n.)频率频率 (n.)消除(消除(vt.)all

44、iancecampaigninvasionunderestimateweakencalculatemonotonoussignalfrequencyeliminate17.Do you remember the four-minute mile(四分钟跑一(四分钟跑一英里)英里)? Athletes had been trying to do it for hundreds of years and finally decided it was_(身体上做不身体上做不到的)到的) for humans. Our_ (骨骼结构)(骨骼结构) was all wrong, our lung pow

45、er(肺活量)肺活量)_(不足)不足) .physically impossiblebone structureinadequate3. Believe in yourself, even when no one else does. The Vietnam veteran in NYMarathonphysicallyfzklladj.physical 身体的身体的体育体育P.E.Physical EducationYouth is the time of physical growth.青年时期是长身体的时期。青年时期是长身体的时期。adv. 身体上地身体上地physically chal

46、lenged people=disabled people Living with fear is not healthy, physically or mentally.活在恐惧中活在恐惧中对身体或精神对身体或精神来来说说都是不都是不健康健康的。的。inadequatendkwtadj.不足的,不充分的不足的,不充分的inadequate preparation 准备不足准备不足Supplies of food and medicines are inadequate in many regions of Africa.在非洲许多地区,在非洲许多地区,食品和药物的供应是不足食品和药物的供应是

47、不足的。的。反义词:反义词:adequate, sufficient, enough同义词:同义词:insufficient inadequatelyndkwtli 不充分地不充分地Food that is inadequately cooked can lead to food poisoning.未煮熟的未煮熟的食物可能造成食物中毒。食物可能造成食物中毒。green beansoybean milkbroad beanday lily18. Then one human _ the experts _(证明证明.是错的)是错的). And, miracle of miracles(?),

48、six weeks after Roger Bannister broke the four-minute mile, John Landy beat Bannisters time by nearly two full seconds. Since then, _(接近)接近) eight hundred runners have broken the four-minute mile!proved.wrongclose to1954年年5月月6日,每小时日,每小时15英里英里的逆风也未能阻止牛津大学医学的逆风也未能阻止牛津大学医学院学生罗杰院学生罗杰-班尼斯特突破班尼斯特突破1英里英里赛跑

49、赛跑4分钟大关。班尼斯特用分钟大关。班尼斯特用3分分59秒秒4跑完跑完1英里。班尼斯特一举英里。班尼斯特一举创造了创造了20年来人们一直想努力突年来人们一直想努力突破的纪录。破的纪录。miracle mrkl n. It is a miracle no one was killed.没有人死亡真是个奇迹。没有人死亡真是个奇迹。seven wonders of the world.19.Several years ago my daughter Mimi and I took a crack at(尝试)尝试) running the New York Marathon. _(发令枪一响)发令枪

50、一响), 23,000 runners started and 21,244 finished. _(第一名是)第一名是)a Kenyan who completed the race in two hours, 11 minutes and one second.At the gunFirst place went to 纽约马拉纽约马拉松的声誉松的声誉仅次于波仅次于波士顿,创士顿,创办于办于1970年,每年年,每年11月初举月初举行,参赛行,参赛者最多超者最多超过过10万人,万人,声势浩大声势浩大。The 21,244th runner to finish was a_ (越战(越战老兵老

51、兵) . He did it in three days, nine hours and 37 minutes. With no legs, he _(跑完)跑完) 26.2 miles. After my daughter and I passed him in the first few minutes, we easily found more _(勇气)勇气)to finish ourselves.Vietnam veteran /vetrn/ coveredcourage Vietnam War越南战争(越南战争(1955年年1975年),简称越战。美国等资本主义年),简称越战。美国

52、等资本主义阵营国家支持的南越(越南共和国)对抗受苏联等社会主阵营国家支持的南越(越南共和国)对抗受苏联等社会主义阵营国家支持的北越(越南共产党)和义阵营国家支持的北越(越南共产党)和“越南南方民族越南南方民族解放阵线解放阵线”(越南民主共和国)的一场战争。其发生在冷(越南民主共和国)的一场战争。其发生在冷战时期的越南(主战场)、老挝、柬埔寨。越战是二战以战时期的越南(主战场)、老挝、柬埔寨。越战是二战以后美国参战人数最多、影响最重大的战争,最后美国在越后美国参战人数最多、影响最重大的战争,最后美国在越南战争中失败。南战争中失败。南越南越 死亡死亡220,357313,000人人 美国美国 死亡

53、死亡58,307人人 韩国韩国 死亡死亡5,099人人 北越北越 死亡最高估计死亡最高估计1,176,000人人 中国中国 死亡死亡1,146人人cover 行进行进 (一段距离一段距离)You can cover the distance to the British Museum in ten minutes. 桂林位于广西东北部,桂林位于广西东北部,面积有面积有2.782.78万平万平方公里,人口方公里,人口500500万。万。Located in the northeast of Guangxi, Guilin covers an area of 27,800 square kilom

54、etres with a population of 5 million.cover 覆盖覆盖 ;包括;包括E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)PG | 115 min | Family, Sci-Fi | 11 June 1982 (USA)A child summons the courage(鼓起勇气)鼓起勇气) to help a friendly alien(外星人)(外星人) escape Earth and return to his home-world.couragen.勇气勇气Success is not final, failure is n

55、ot fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts(有重要意(有重要意义)义).成功并不是终点,失败并不是终结,只有勇成功并不是终点,失败并不是终结,只有勇气才是永恒。气才是永恒。Winston Churchill(1874-1965)Former British Premiern. couragekrdadj. courageous kredsadv. courageouslykreidsli20.Dont ever let anyone tell you that you cant_(实现目标)实现目标) . Who says youre

56、 not_ (更坚强)(更坚强), harder working and (更(更能干)能干)_ than your competition(competitor)? accomplish your goalstoughermore ablenegative energyWhat should a goal be like according to the author?You see, a goal is a dream with a deadline: in writing, measurable, identifiable, attainable. 目标就是有最后期限的梦想:以书面的形式

57、出现目标就是有最后期限的梦想:以书面的形式出现, 可可测量,可确认,可实现。测量,可确认,可实现。measure vt. 测量测量identify vt. 确认确认attain vt. 实现;达到实现;达到deadline n. 截止期限,最后期限截止期限,最后期限If he doesnt meet the deadline, its his funeral.meet the deadline: 赶上最后期限完成赶上最后期限完成miss the deadline:耽误;错过最后期限:耽误;错过最后期限要是他最后一刻还没完成,那他不会有好果子吃的。要是他最后一刻还没完成,那他不会有好果子吃的。p

58、rocrastination 拖延症拖延症4. Find a way to make a difference. ( 使一切变得使一切变得不同不同) A New York cabdriver21. In my opinion, _ (大多数)大多数)of New York cabdrivers are unfriendly, if not downright rude. Most of the majority_(出租出租车)车) are filthy(dirty), and almost all of them sport(显示)显示) an impenetrable,_(防弹的)防弹的)_

59、(隔板)隔板) . majoritybulletproof partitionpartition 隔板隔板为为保障的哥安全,福州保障的哥安全,福州市市5245辆出租车,将辆出租车,将全部装上安全隔板,全部装上安全隔板,将驾驶座跟副驾驶座将驾驶座跟副驾驶座和后排隔开。同时,和后排隔开。同时,的士顶灯将增加报警的士顶灯将增加报警功能,的哥只要按下功能,的哥只要按下报警按钮,顶灯报警按钮,顶灯LED屏上就会闪烁屏上就会闪烁“我被我被打劫,请报警打劫,请报警”字样字样。 2012年年汽车之家汽车之家 福州新闻福州新闻 -proof 防防.的的 waterproof watch soundproof w

60、indow burglarproof door fireproof paint shockproof mobile phone防水手表防水手表隔音窗隔音窗防盗门防盗门防火涂料防火涂料抗震手机抗震手机As a proof (证明;证据)证明;证据)of his love, he spent all his money on a ring for her.作为他爱情的证明,他把自己所有的钱用来给她买了一只戒指。作为他爱情的证明,他把自己所有的钱用来给她买了一只戒指。Q: Why was the cab driver in the following different from others?(R


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