1、逻辑错误 fallacy1. 调查错误the survey upon which the argument depends is informative and statistically reliable.(1) It is very likely that the respondents only stand for a tiny proportion of the whole. (数量不够)For example, if the total number is , . is only a small percent of the total population that cannot
2、draw any firm conclusion. (绝对数值)For example, if the total number of sampling is , % is only a small number of total population that cannot draw any firm conclusion. (相对数值)(2) It is very likely that the sample is not representative enough to reflect the general attitude of (代表性不足) For example, they a
3、re just which could not represent a diverse cross section of the population. Another possibility is that the respondents would not be inclined to provide authentic and believable answer out of consideration for their privacy or personal affairs. Or, perhaps they are influenced by the surveyor.2. 负面影
4、响there is no possible detrimental effect of 3. 因果关系 is responsible for 4. 未来变化the trend in will continue in the future. / the strategy would ensure the similar result nowadays.It is most likely that many background conditions upon which the trend/ strategys effectiveness depend have changed over thi
5、s time span. 5. 空间变化the strategy that would ensure the similar result atIt is most likely that there are inherent differences between A and B which might make the same course of action ineffective and insufficient to ensure the similar result at B.6. 非此即彼there are only two alternatives : and It is p
6、ossible that there are other solutions contributing to solving the problem.7. 画蛇添足It is necessary to他因销量上升The author assumes that no factor other than is responsible for the increasing sales of A.1. 价格因素It is most likely that the price of A has fallen with the purpose of touting consumers. For that,
7、 the increase of the sales of A is due to the more attractive price other than the particular relish among people.2. 品牌因素It is most likely that A has advantage of brand that B does not possess, which is impossible to duplicate, if so, the increase of the sales of A is the result of the advantage of
8、brand other than the price.3. 供求因素As we know, property values are a function of supply and demand. It is most likely that the increasing of the sales of A is on account of an influx of a large amount of population.Or, perhaps the supply of A has decreased.4. 大公司消费It is most likely that most of consu
9、mption of A is from big companies and firms. In this case, the business object is different, and they should focus more attention on developing the relationship with big companies other than5. 旅游因素It is most likely that is a tour resort which makes the most of consumers may be tourists instead of lo
10、cal residents.In this case, the business object is different, and they should 销量下降The author assumes that no factor other than is responsible for the decline of the sales of A.1. 价格因素It is possible that A is priced at too high levels for majority of consumers to buy, if so, the decline of the sales
11、is the result of the imprudent pricing strategy other than2. 其他因素Rigid policy Poor management lacking investments or qualified workers未来销量得不到保证The author assumes that if we , the sales of A will definitely increase.1. 竞争因素It is possible that the competitive opponents will manufacture similar product
12、s with higher quality but priced at lower level in the instant future insomuch that these products will be more popular with consumers and diminish As sales sharply.2. 流行因素Moreover, even if achieves a monopoly in this field, it cant predict the success in the future, because its popularity may be ju
13、st a result of fashion and the tastes of people is changing with each passing day at the rate that no one could imagine. As the saying goes, what is in favor today may shift to be landfill in tomorrow, so when A is not in fashion the sales of A would dwindle and the profits would be seriously affect
14、ed.3. 环境因素Or, perhaps the nationwide economic depression of the coming future may reduce the demand of the consumers.事故原因The author assumes the high rate of accidents of A is due to 1. 司机因素It is most likely that more drivers of A lack consciousness of security or rarely keep alert when driving. For
15、example, a large portion of the drivers of A, who are in pursuit of high speed and breathtaking feeling, are mostly bold and careless, which may bring on lurking danger for accidents.2. 地形因素Moreover, with respect to the geological terrain of A, it is entirely possible that A is an area with more sha
16、rp turns, dangerous intersections and potholes where accidents are more likely to occur.3. 时间因素Moreover, it is possible that the living habit of the drivers may encourage them to drive in unsafe period of time, such as a foggy morning or a dark midnight, which will contribute to increasing the numbe
17、r of accidents.措施没有减少事故The author assumes that the measure is of no effect because the number of accidents has not decreased. As matter of fact, a lapse of six months is not enough to test and determine the effectiveness of the measure.1. 天气因素It is possible that the weather condition during this per
18、iod of time is harsh which conduce to increasing the number of accidents.2. 人口因素Moreover, is there an influx of population during this time span? If so, the unchanged rate of accidents is a result of increase of the number of automobiles on the road.空间变化the strategy that would ensure the similar res
19、ult atIt is most likely that there are inherent differences between A and B which might make the same course of action ineffective and insufficient to ensure the similar result at B.For example, prevails in A merely for the merely reason that it meets the tastes and preference of local residents, wh
20、ich perhaps is totally different in B.Another example is that the convenient transportation conditions that A embraces to improve the sales of may be totally different in B which makes it more difficult to convey their products and materials. As a result, the inconvenient will obviously increase the cost of the product to affect the profits of it.例子人口因素A has experienced a large growth in population.管理因素imprudent (pricing and distribution) strategies or poor management 偶然因素 . was an aberration 先天因素 was more relatively healthy/relatively bright than average to begin with. For e
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