1、This module serves as a guide to the auditor in completing the complianee part of the audit of an operation. The auditor will determine whether or not the Operation is compl ying with the specificati ons and requireme nts of The Coca-Cola Compa ny by complet ing this audit module.Pla nt: Date: Audit
2、or(s):YesNoQM二td11) Questio nn aire:Is PPE selected and issued following an assessment of its suitability for the hazard and in dividual? Are PPE provided and maintained in a serviceable con diti on and replaced when necessary?Are pers onnel give n trai ning in the use and correct weari ng of PPE?El
3、ectrical Safety Requireme nts 用电安全要求Work at Height Requireme nts 高 空作业要求Hot Work Requirements 热作业要 求2) Refere nee Stan dards List:Safety and Loss Preve nti onGuidelines安全与防护指南Confined Space Requireme nts 特定作业区要求Hazardous En ergy Con trolRequirements危害能源的控制Man agi ng Hazardous MaterialsRequirements危险
4、品管理要求TCCQS updates are captured till Sep 30, 20053) Specificati ons and Requireme nts Summary:Specificati ons / Requireme ntsGen eral1Is PPE selected and issued follow ing an assessme nt of its suitability for the hazard and in dividual?选择了 PPE吗?并就其对安全和个 人的适当性进行了以下评估吗* PPE and clothing selected and
5、provided based on the hazards to be encoun tered in the work area and type of work to be done.根据不同工作区域和工种有的危险选择不同PPE和衣着* Permits include as appropriate the list of PPE for :hot work热作业 elevated work升降作业 confined space 特疋区域 lockout/tag out work圭寸闭作业2Are PPE provided and main tai ned* There is a progr
6、amme to monitor thein a serviceable con diti on and replaced whe n n ecessary?确保的所用之物能用,必要时给予 更换utilisati on, con diti on and clea nli ness ofissued PPE有相应的程序以监控PPE的使用、情况 和清洁等问题.* Expiry dates of PPE are mon itored and man aged 监控和处理到期的PPEConfined Space Requireme nts:禁区要求:* For top entry or side ent
7、ry over 1.20 meters (4 feet) from the bottom of the confined space, each entrant will use a full body harn ess with D-ri ng attached to a retrievalline.从该区域底部算起咼宽不少于 1.2m,而且进口 材料是D型硬质材料,并有安全线* The Entry Supervisor is responsible for en suri ng that the required equipme nt and clothing is worn by all
8、 Entrants while in the space.进入监控者主要责任是确保进入该区域人员穿戴要 符合相应的要求Electrical Safety Requireme nts:用电安全要求* Associates working in areas where the pote ntial con tact with exposed electrical sources is prese nt or likely must be provided with and use PPE appropriate to the activity or pote ntial risk. This ma
9、y in clude, but isnot limited to:在有与暴露电源接触的风险作业的区的员工须要有 适当的PPE这包括(不仅限于这些)Electrically rated safety shoes/boots;电The use of cloth ing made of or containing synthetic materials, such as nylon, polyester, polypropyle ne, or Dacron, is more likely to burn tha n n atural materials and melts on to the ski
10、n, creat ing more sever bur ns. The use of flame- retarda nt cloth ing is highly recomme nded duri ng Hot Work. 用人造材料加工的服装更易着火, 所以宜用防火材料服装。Lanyard: A flexible line of rope, wire rope or strap which is used to secure the body belt or body harn ess to a deceleratio n device, lifeli ne or an chorage.一种
11、用于防护身体的绳索、防护衣级作业的安全鞋Electrically rated gloves, aprons or sleeves;电级作业安全手套、围裙、长袖 Non-con ductive head protectio n;绝缘头部保护Protective eye/face equipme nt;面部和眼部保护装置All cott on or flame-retarda nt clothi ng.全棉或是不易着火的服饰* Facilities are responsible for assessing the risks and provid ing appropriate PPE.* Al
12、l tools used for electrical work properlyin sulated.所用的电作业工具是有一疋的绝缘性* PPE and insulated tools inspected at least annu ally to confirm the in tegrity of theequipment. PPE和绝缘工具至少一年一次检杳以确 认设备的完好性。* Conductive lifting equipment and ladders not used whe n con duct ing work on or n ear或是固定点ANSI: American
13、Natio nalStan dards In stitute 美国标准协会Curre nt safety literature in dicates that body belts can cause in ternal trauma in a fall eve nt.当前安全观念认为在跌落事件中用 身体保护带能产生内伤。An chorage points are also known as tie-off poin ts, lifeli ne cables.Typically a capacity to support 22 kN is sufficie nt一般能承受22 kN力就足够了
14、A Lanyard n ever to be used as an an chorage point by wrapp ing it around a structural eleme nt and connecting it to itself.This reduces the stre ngth by a min 50 % and greatly in creases the cha nces that the lanyard will be cut or will roll out of the conn ector不能将绳索.绑于某一个架构上或与 本身连接作为固定点,这样做将减 少至少
15、50 %强度,绳索也很容易断 裂或接口脱开。electrical systems.在与电有关的区域附近工作时,不要用导电的提升设备和梯子* Fuse handling equipment, insulated for the circuit voltage, used to remove or in stall fuses whe n the term inal is en ergized.使用保险丝处理装置(对电绝缘)在突然短路时能 起到保护效果。Waste Management Requirements:废弃物管理要求* PPE in clud ing masks, goggles, gl
16、oves, boots and waterproof gear required.PP电括:口罩、护目镜、手套、Hot Work Requireme nts:热作业要求* Provide UV protection for the worker, fire watch, and others in the area through the use of eyewear or by plac ing non combustible partiti ons or flash scree ns to preve nt glare and flash from affect ing other ass
17、ociates in the area.对员工和火情观看者要有UV保护,另外为不影响在 该区域工作的其他同事,要求他们戴护目镜或是用 防火隔离层、闪屏。* All parts of the face and skin that might be exposed to the arc covered.脸部和外露的皮肤都要保护起来Work at Height Requireme nts:高空作业要求Fall Protectio n Equipme nt防掉落保护When perform ing work at height where fixed platforms and sta ndard r
18、aili ng not provided, pers onnel provided and wear fall protecti on equipme nt such as full body harn ess with lany ards or fall arrestors.在有固定平台的咼空作业,但没有护栏时,人员则要有相应的安全防护措施与设备:例如全身护 衣。* Equipment meets ANSI Z359.1 requirements or other applicable local sta ndard.设备要符合ANSI Z359.1要求或是当前的当地法规* Full bod
19、y harnesses sized appropriately for the wearer, con sideri ng weight requireme nts and the ability to maintain a freelysuspe nded user in an upright positi on.用全身防护衣要考虑穿戴者的尺寸、体重和保持在 竖直方向上人员自由停靠的能力。* Lan yards no Ion ger tha n 2 m. Mini mize Ian yard lengths when possible, to limit free-falldistanee系
20、索长度不长于2 m,只要可能尽量短为 好 Self-retracting lanyards used provided thatthe max. An gle with respect to the an chorage point not exceeds 45o to limit free-falldista nee.使用自动伸缩系索,其最大倾斜角度不过45o,以限制自由滑落距离。 Conn ectors (snap hooks, karab iners etc.) used to attach the lanyard to the harness oran chorage point de
21、sig ned to preve nt in adverte nt ope ning with one action.搭口处的设计要与系在身上的绳子相联,或是固定 的设计要是防松开的 Body belts not used不用大量系带.An chorage Point Selectio n固定点的选择* Located to ensure a max free-fall distanee of 2m.*固定以确保最在掉落距离小于2m* Provided and selected to support at least 2 times the max arresti ng force expec
22、ted.要有最大承受强度的2倍* Standpipes, vents, piping systems, electricalcon duit, outrigger beams and coun terweights not used uni ess docume nted capability of support ing the required force.女口果没有明文规定竖管、排风管、管道系、电路和平衡木的承受强 度,则其不应被用。* Each pers on has own in depe ndent point uni ess a sin gle one has docume nted capability of support ing more tha n one pers on.如果没有明文规定其承受强度能多于一人则每人单 独用一个点* In cases where specific points are not available devices specifically desig ned as temporary ones (e.g. beam straps) used provided that the beam meets the support require
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