



1、初中英语经典完成句子100句及 答案-简单简单完成句子1 .对不起,我上课迟到了。I'm sorry I'm2 .今天天气真好啊!既不冷也不热。What a nice day! It'sclass.coldhot.3.你父母止忙于工作。为什么不自己做呢?Your parents are busy working. Why it yourself?人当李先生听到这个好消息时,兴奋得说不出话Mr Li was _ _ excited _ sayanything when he heard this piece of good 5.I' ll tell your un

2、cle about itnews.5.I get your e-mail.6.工人们建成这所医院花费了多长时间?How longitthe workersbuild this hospital.7.英语和数学English鼠 郝老帅不仅是我们日勺老帅血且也是我们日勺朋Mrmaths.Hao.9口里波特的故事真有意思,我们都喜欢。The story of Harry Porter interesting10.工人们仅用七大日勺时间就建成了一座新医 院。like it.theworkers build anew hospital.11.别扔亍它,还有用呢。Don'tas it is sti

3、ll useful.12见HHBk国家体苜场母大都有成千上万Duringthe Olympic Games, audience watched the games11in the National Stadium. 13It's time tosome14.你想来点儿囿包吗?Would you15.安娜太小,还不能上学。Ann is young16_得和我一隹go to school.John runsfastme.17.布莱克太太经常在英语上帮助我们。 Mrs. Black oftenusour English .18 .你昨天花了多长时间做作业How longithomework

4、yesterday?19.老师让我们每天施英语。you to do yourThe teacher tells usEnglishevery day.20 .为什么不让孩子们做他们喜欢的事情 ? let the children do what they li ke?21 .当老师走进教室时,学生们立刻停止了谈话。When the teacher came into the classroom, the studentsat once.22 .我认为你日勺答案不对。一Iyour answer_ _right. 一、 '、23,今天莪们的作业很多,你最好先做作业。We have a lo

5、t of homeworktoday. it first24 .祢能告诉我如何使用这本字典吗? Could you tell methis dictionary?25 .电影手机太有趣了,我一连看了三遍。The film Cell phone isIhave seen it three times26幸觉得Jack明天不会和我们去郊游,他近来I2_Jack2_2 outing with us tomorrow He istoo busy these days27 All既不喜欢牛肉也不喜欢猪肉,但我非常喜 欢吃出I likebeeffish very much 28 .情谊越来越糟。Thing

6、spork but I likearegetting29 .花园经常被子一个叫 Tony的工人打扫. Thegardena workernamed Tonythe TV30 .她早上两点钟才关上电视机。Heit was two o'clock in the mornin g31 .您能帮田 help the problem?32 .我有点累了,想休息一会JL。I feel tired. I.33 .大黑了,你最好回家吧。 It sdarkmewant tonow.34.我今大没不时间去看望他们。明天怎么样?I have no time to see them today.333351这

7、架照相机太旧,不能用了。Thecamerais36.刘翔和姚明一样闻名全国LiuXiangsupper.Yao Ming all over China.37.在上律她有几个朋友,所以一点儿也不孤独。She hasfriends in Shanghai38 .六点钟了,该峪晚饭了。It s six o clock.39 .博物馆很近,为什么不走很去呢?so she does nThe museum is quite near. on foot?40 .我的电脑坏你能帮我修一下吗?_ 一“ mycomputer. Could you help me mend it?41 .for a long t

8、ime.生他限玩电脑游戏的时间太多,结果对学习 不感兴趣了he was not interested in his lessons. 43!Come on, children. _ to have lunch.I m sorry44 .昨天因为堵车,他们开会迟到了。the meeting because of the heavy traffic yesterday.45 .她遇到了据大的麻质。让我们帮帮她吧。She is now in great trouble.46.你一到上海就给我打个电话好吗?Shanghai?中练琴To口及you arrive in琴,她已经坚持The seven-ye

9、ar-old girl likes playing the piano, for twoyears.48 .他们每天花半小时进行体育锻炼。to do sports every day.49 .他们一到,我就告诉他们。, I 1l tellthethem about it.50 .她太小,自己上不去汽车。She is _bus by herself.51 .对虽然只有七岁,但英语说得非常好。Although he is only seven.52 .我觉得恶劣的大气不会妨碍他去参加运动会the terrible weatherthe sports meeting.53 .我认为这所房子不够大。I

10、 the housebig enough.54 .这儿关很热,为什么不出去散散步呢?It's very hot here. go out for a walk?55It's ' 一. go to school now.Watching TV too much is ._your eyes.57 .他跑特快,我都社不上他。He ran fast I couldn'tcatch up with him.58 .昨町玛丽11点才睡觉。Mary o' clock last ni go to bed ht.eleven59.有很多人来看我们的演出o_ people

11、 have come56 .看电视太多,对眼睛不好 to watch our performance.60 .老师让我皮复地读课文。My teacher told me the text.61 .我们大冢都同意去帮助那位老人。 Weallthe old man.62 .今天一大早,她像往常一样骑车去上班了。Early in the morning today, she went to work63 .老帅对我就像我是他的孩子。 My teacher treats meIwere her child.64 .妈妈对我很严格,但是她为我自豪。Mum me, butshe ,_ me.65 .除英语

12、外,我的数学也很好。I _ mathsEnglish66 .今大Tom炳好了 。他乘上学了 0Tom felt today and he cameto school.the city.68.我爷爷和奶奶都喜欢有京剧. my grandpa my67 .城里到处都是鲜花。 There are fresh flowersgrandmaBeijingOpera.69.,口宵节,中央电视台的新址的斯起特大火灾.A terrible fireat the70.昨天我过生日,妈妈做了一蛋糕Yesterday was my birthday and Mumbuilding of the new CCTV s

13、tation on Lantern Festival.me.71 .请您一见到他就告诉他这好消息. Please himyou see him.72 .在非游冰区游冰很危随.swim in non-swimming areas. 737Our teacher ourpapers _.74 .晚上大黑,我不敢一个人出门.一I out because it isdark.75 .很多同学同学前学以继日地忙着写作业.Manystudentsare before school begins.DistrictTanzhesi76 .门头沟以潭柘等而闻名.MentougouTemple.77 .慢通过驾照

14、考试而遗憾.I 中 , _not passingthe driving test.78 .天越莱钺暗了 .79.做元练习一,老帅让我们做接着做练习It is.Theteacherasked Exercise 2after finishing Exercise 1.80 .出门在外蒙带点钱。Please when you are away.81 .你聂好别让小刘和幼儿在一床上睡觉。You 拦拦 with your baby.82 .盘每天用3个小时才能完成作业。Ihomework every day.83 .我父母都不喜欢做家务。84.咱们已锻炼了一个小时了,休息一下吧。for an my fa

15、ther my mother housework.We have 拦 hour. Now let一_ homework sUpper._ the lights85 .吃完晚饭再写作业。You86 .走时关内。you leave._. 一定要拦桂他,别让他去跟人家打架。Dofighting with them.人在欣赏花卉,有些人在放血筝些人在拍照,有些Look! The square people. _"enjoyingthe kites.89.你都准备好了吗? Havephotos; flowers;you ?90 .毕业生每大晚上都连续学习4个小时。 School leavers

16、4 hoursevery night.91 .这些老照片使我想到了我的童年。Theseoldphotosmy childhood._ theupstairsin92 .为什么不去机场接我?airport?93 .我们晚上经常听到楼上的人跳绳。We often the rope in the evening.94 .以前睨上我经甯出去散步。I _ the evening.95 .有人经常溶到他在河边钓鱼。Heoftenby the river.96 .为了让花园更漂亮,我们决定多种些花。Weflowers.不好97上一老帅若诉我不要在阳光卜有书,因为对眼睛Myteacherbecausemy e

17、yes.98 .练琴时思是不认真,肉为她根本就不喜欢。She is always aboutpiano because she99 .她与作比我好但她的英语口语没找好。 Her writing is but she .100 .书读得越多,人越聪明。 youread,you are.简单完成句子答案:1. late for2. neither nor3. not do4. too to5. as soon as6. did take to7. as important as8. is not only our teacher but also our friend9. is so that w

18、e all10. It took only seven days to11. throw it away12. thousands of13. have supper14. have bread15. too .to16. as as17. helps with18. did take19. to read20. Why not21. stpped talking22. don;t think that .is23. You d better do24. how to use25. so interesting that26. don't think will go27. neithe

19、r nor28. worse and worse29. is often cleaned by30. didn t turn off until31. Could you please work out32. a bit .have a rest33. You d better go home34. how about tomorrow35. so old that it carit be used36. is as famous as37. a few feel lonely38. It s time for39. Why not go there40. There is something

20、 wrong with41. for keeping you waiting42. He used to play computer games for so long that43. It s time44. They were late for45. Let s help her46. Could you please give me a call as soon as47. she has kept practising (playing) the piano48. It takes them half an hour49. as soon as they arrive50. so yo

21、ung that she couldn get on51. he can speak English well52. don't think will stop him from taking part in53. don;t think is54. Why not55. time to56. bad for57. so .that58. didn't .until59. Many60. to read again and again61. agree to help62. by bike as usual63. as if64. is strict withis proud

22、of65. am good at .as well as66. wellii67. all over68. Both and like watching69. happened70. made a cake for71. tell the good news as soon as72. It s dangerous to73. asked to hand in as soon as possible74. am afraid of going out all by myself outside75. busy writing their homework day and night76. is famous for77. am sorry for78.


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