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1、2018-2019年海南小升初英语真题及答案班级:姓名:分数:、选择题1.I,m going a singer.A. to ,isB. to beC. be【答案】【解析】略2.Is that your ruler? No, it' s ruler.A. yourB. youC. my【答案】A【解析】略3 .My family going to get together.A .amB. isC. are【答案】C【解析】略4 .These are some stamps Canada.A. fromB. forC. ofD. at【答案】A【解析】略5 .用所给词的正确形式填空(每题

2、1分,共10分)(1) Do you like(swim) in a river in summer?(2) Which do you like(well), English, math or Chinese?(3) Stephen spends about half an hour(practise) English every day.(4) - What do you want to be when you grow up?-I want to be a(science).(5) Everyone knows that the Chinese are very(friend).(6) I

3、 have two(knife). Which one do you want? I think the moon cakes with nuts are the(nice) of all.(8) Hockey is(exciting) than rowing.(9) 9) No one(want) to speak English carelessly.(10) He sings that English song(bad) in his class.【答案】(1) swimming/to swim(11) best(12) 3) practising(13) 4) scientist(14

4、) friendly(15) knives nicest(8) more exciting(9) 9) wants(10) (the) worst【解析】(1)句意:你喜欢夏天在河里游泳吗?like to to 或like doing喜欢做某事,固定搭配,故答案为 swimming/to swim(2)句意:英语、数学和语文你最喜欢哪一个?well好,副词,最高级为best,对三者的选择用最高级,故答案为best.(3)句意:史蒂芬每天用半小时练习英语。practise doing练习做某事,固定短语,故答案为 practising(8)句意:曲棍球比划船更令人兴奋。exciting令人兴奋的

5、,than前用形容词比较级,故答案为 more exciting(9)句意:没有一个人想粗心大意地说英语。数,动词用三单形式,故答案为 wantswant想要,no one没有一个人,第三人称单(10)句意:他在他班英语歌唱的最不好。级,副词修饰动词 song,最高级可去掉the,bad不好的,in his class形容词或副词用最高故答案(the) worst6.We are all very pleasedour studies in the school.A. in B. atC. with【答案】C【解析】句意为“关于在学校学习使我们都非常高兴。”A. in在里 B. at在.上C.

6、 with 和、关于,故选 C7 .Remember you shouldn ' t play computer games doing your homework.A. beforeB. after【答案】【解析】略8 . any milk in the room?A. Is thereB. Are thereC. There aren【答案】【解析】略9 .-Can he play the piano?A. Yes, he can ' tB. No, he can ' tC. Yes, he does【答案】【解析】略s millions of years old.

7、10 .-is the moon ?- ItC. How oldD. How manyA. How longB. How tall【答案】【解析】略11 .climb up the tree.A. Don ' t B.doesn ' tC. didn ' t【答案】A【解析】略12 .句子对对碰。() How do youA. the traffic lights.B. by bike.() Wait() Look atC. go to the USA?()(4) Sometimes I goD. at a yellow light.() How can IE. get

8、 to the zoo ?【答案】C;D; (3) A; (4) B;E【解析】略Coke isn ' t healthy.13 .Juice and water are healthy drinks,A.andB.butC.or【答案】A【解析】思路分析: 本题考查的是连词and, but 和 or 的用法。名师解析:and 意为和,又,表示并列关系,常用来连接表示对等成分的单词、短语或者句子,表示意思的顺延或增补;but 意为但是,表示转折关系,所连接的成分意思相反或相对; or 意为或者,表示选择关系。本题题意是,果汁和水是健康的饮料,而可乐是不健康的。两个句子是并列的关系,故答

9、案是A。易错提示:在做题时容易混淆and, but 和 or 的用法。14 .Did youfun?A.had B.have C. has【答案】B【解析】题干的句意为:你们玩的开心吗?have fun 是固定词组,又因为did 是助动词,其后加动词原形,故答案:B。15 . 判断不属于同一类的选项。1. A. gymB. ice-skateC. ski2. A. SeptemberB. JuneC. spring3. A. bowlingB. karateC. boring4. A. subjectB. historyC. geography5. A. weekB. dustC. polis

10、h6. A. onceB. ninthC. twice【答案】1. A2. C3. C4. A5. A6. B【解析】略二、填空题16. 根据汉语提示完成句子。(20 分 )( 1)一年有12 个月。twelve monthsa year.( 2)学生们在二月度过寒假。Students have winter holiday( 3)一周有7 天。Theredays in a.( 4)春天是从3 月到 5 月。Spring isMarchMay.【答案】(1 ) There are, in ( 2) in February( 3) are seven, week ( 4) from, to【解析

11、】略17. 来玩问答的游戏吧。() (1)Does your mother cook dinner?() (2)Do you live in Canerra ?() (3)Is your father a doctor ?() (4)Where does your pen pallive?()(5) What' s her name ?匹 Hw ixsjw Julie8.B.Hq.不h审4qg孑口,t.C.T哼 I da.D. He Ixt5j 3口 a bix city.!Ew Mq# he is a dzTWi.【答案】B C E D A【解析】略18 .写出下列单词的正确形式。(

12、1) left(对应词)-(2) see(过去式)-(3) turn(过去式)-(4) fly(现在分词卜一(5) have(过去式)-(6) month(复数形式)-【答案】(1) right (2) saw (3) turned (4) flying(5) had (6) months【解析】略19 .Can you tell (I/we/me/my/our ) more about Christmas?【答案】me【解析】本题的含义为:能不能告诉我更多的关于圣诞节的事情?动词后接人称代词要使用 宾格形式,故填入单词me【点评】本题考查的是人称代词的用法。20 .填空题1.1 am goi

13、ng to the zoo.2 .The pet hospital is next to the3 .Where are you going? Bookstore. I'm going to buy a new .4 .Tomorrow I'm going to【答案】by; taxi cinemacomic ; booktake ; a; trip【解析】略三、阅读理解21.阅读理解 (10分,每题2分)The USA is the fourth largest countries in the world. It is smaller than Russia, Canada

14、 and China. Washington DC is its capital. But it is a quiet city. New York is the biggest city in America and it' s one of the biggest cities in the world.It is in the east of the USA and at the mouth of the Hudson River. A large part of the city is on Manhatten Island (岛),a big island in the ri

15、ver. New Yorkhas a larger population than Washington DC. In New York we can see the famous statue, the statue of Liberty.The USA is the largest country in the world.A. secondB. thirdC. fourth(2)Washington DC has a population than New York.A. largerB. smallerC. more(3)Washington DC is than New York .

16、A. largerB. more crowedC. quieter(4)A large part of New York is on.A. an islandB. the seaC. the lake(5)New York is one of the cities in the world.A. quietestB. biggestC. oldest【答案】 【解析】略22. 阅读与表达(10 分 )“ Early to bed , early to rise ” makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.It's good for the body.

17、This is an old saying.Have you heard of it before? It means that we must go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning.Then we shall be healthy.We shall also be rich and clever.That is true.The body must have enough sleep to be healthy.Children of young age should have enough sleep , or t

18、hey can't do their work very well.They will not be wise and they may not become wealthy!The body also needs exercise: walking, running, jumping, swimming, playing games and all other exercise.Exercise keeps the body strong.Exercise also helps the blood to move around inside the body.This is very

19、 important.Our blood takes food to all parts of our body.The head also needs blood.Exercise helps us to think better.根据短文内容,回答问题。( 1) What does “ early to bed.early to rise ” mean?( 2) What must the body have to be healthy?( 3) What will happen to Children of young age who don't have enough slee

20、p?( 4) What keeps the body strong?( 5) What takes food to all parts of our body?【答案】(1 ) It means to go to bed early and get up early( 6) Enough sleep( 7) They will not be wise and they may not become wealthy( 8) Exercise( 9) Our blood.【解析】(1)句意:早睡早起意味着什么?从It means that we must go to bed earlyat nig

21、ht and get up early in the morning.可知填 It means to go to bed early andget up early( 2)句意:身体必须有什么会健康?从The body must have enough sleep to be healthy.可知填 Enough sleep( 3)句意:小孩子没有充足的睡眠会发生什么?从They will not be wise and they maynot become wealthy! 可知填 They will not be wise and they may not become wealthy可知

22、填 Exercise4)句意:什么使身体强壮?从Exercise keeps the body strong.( 5)句意:什么把食物带到我们身体的各个部位?从Our blood takes food to all partsof our body. 可知填 Our blood23. 任务型阅读My ideal school is not far from my home.It takes me 15 minutes to walk there.Inthe school, there are a lot of trees and flowers.It s very beautiful.We a

23、lsohave a big school library, a swimming pool and seven computer rooms.We begin our classes at 8:00 a.m.and finish them at 4:00 p.m.So we have a lot of time for after-school activities.Every day we only do our homework for an hour.Every month we can go on a school trip.How wonderful the school life

24、is!阅读以上短文,完成下面各题,每空一词。( 1) The boy goesto his ideal school on .( 2) There is a , a swimming pooland seven computer rooms in hisschool.( 3) His school at 4:00 p.m.( 4) The students have time for after-school activities.( 5) They often go on a school trip every .【答案】foot, library, finishes, much, mont

25、h【解析】略24. 阅读理解。A lot of boys and girls in west countries are wearing the same kinds of clothes: Many of them have long hair, so it is often difficult to tell whether they ate boys or girls.One day, an old man went for a walk in Washington. When he was tired he sat down on a long chair. A young perso

26、n was standing on the other side of the pool.“ Good Heavens! ” the old man said to the person who was sitting next to him on the chair. “ Do you see that person with long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?She s my daughter.I m sorry. I didn t know that you were herA girl. ” said his neighbor,“ Oh! ” the o

27、ld man said quickly, mother. ”I m not, ” said his neighbor, “ I m her father.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。wear the same clothes.B. England() 1.Many boys and girls inA. west countriesC. the USAD. a country not known to us() 2.The old man didn t know whether the young person was a boy or a girl,becauseA. the person

28、was standing far awayB. they had never seen each other beforeC. the person was too youngD. its hair had grown very long() 3.The old man cried out “ Good Heavens” B. with joyA. with a look of surpriseC. with a smileD. with fear() 4.The old man made an apology to his neighbor, for he didn tknow.A. the

29、 young person was a boy or a girlB. his neighbor was the young personsfatherC. his neighbor was the young personsmotherD. the young person was his neighborsson() 5.The old man s neighbor is the of the young person.A. fatherB. mother C. brotherD. sister【答案】1. A 2.D3.A4.B5.A【解析】思路分析:本题应该先整体的通读文段,然后再通读

30、试题,根据具体题目从文章中得出答案。名师解析:1. 由句子 A lot of boys and girls in west countries are wearing the samekinds of clothes(在西方国家的许多男孩女孩穿着同样式的衣服。)选项 A意思是西方国家,与短文意思一致,选项 B意思是英格兰,选项 C意思是美国,选项 D意思是我们不知 道的国家,可知答案为A。2 . 由句子 Many of them have long hair, so it is often difficult to tell whetherthey ate boys or girls. (他们

31、中的许多人都留长发,因此很难分辨出他们是男孩还是女孩。)选项A意思是:这人站得离他很远。选项B意思是:以前他们没有见过彼此。选项 C意思是:这人太年轻。选项D 意思是:他的头发是棕色的很长。可知答案为D。3 . 由句子“ Good Heavens! ” the old man said to the person who was sitting next to him on the chair. “ Do you see that person with long hair? Is it a boy or a girl? ”(“天啊!”老人对在椅子上紧挨着他的人说。“你看见那个长着长头发的人吗

32、?它是男孩还是女孩?")选项A意思是:惊讶的表情,选项B意思是:喜悦的,选项 C意思是:微笑的,选项D 意思是:害怕的,可知答案为A。4 .问句的意思是:老人对他的邻居感到抱歉,由于他不知道 由句子“A girl. " saidhis neighbor,"She' s my daughter."("女孩"他的邻居说,“她是我女儿。”)选项A意思是:年轻人是男孩还是女孩。选项B意思是:他的邻居是年轻人的爸爸。选项 C意思是:他的邻居是年轻人的妈妈。选项D意思是:这个年轻人是他的邻居的孩子。可知答案为 B; D。5 .由句子&qu

33、ot;I ' m not, " said his neighbor, "I ' m her father."("我不是”他的邻居说,“我是她爸爸。”选项 A意思是:爸爸,选项 B意思是:妈妈,选项 C意思是:兄 弟,选项D意思是:姐妹,可知答案为A。4小题的答案选项易错提示:第3小题原文中没有答案,可以通过分析语境,得出答案。第 比较绕,需要认真仔细分析。四、单词拼写25 .根据所给中文提示写出单词的正确形式。(10分)(1) It was (有风的)and (多云的).(2) We (是)happy at the party last

34、night.(3) Liu Tao (携带)some bread with him to school last Monday.(4) She often (画画)many pictures here .【答案】(1) windy cloudy (2) were (3) took(4) draws【解析】略五、书面表达26 .根据所给的图片写五句话,说明图片中Mary和Sarah在何时去了哪里?怎样去?做了什 么?天气怎样?他们的心情如何?Zao【解析】略六、句型转换27 .句型转换。(1)I have to water the plants every morning.(对划线部分提问)do

35、 you have to every morning?(2)What does your sister have to do at home?(用 wash the dishes 来回答)She wash the dishes at home.(3)many, do, home, I, at, chores(.)(连词成句)(4)Charlie has to walk the dog every day.(变成否定句)Charlie to walk the dog every day.(5)Does your brother have to do his homework every nigh

36、t?(做否定回答)【答案】(1) What; do(2) has; to(3) I do many chores at home.(4) doesn' t; have(5) No, he doesn ' t.【解析】注意问答句的时态一致,动词单复数形式和人称代词的转换。(1)划线部分是活动,故填 What与do。(2) haveto表示自己主动觉醒,意识到自己不得不做事情。主语是第三人称单数,故填 has 与 to。(3)句意:我在家里做家务。故答: I do many chores at home.(4) 一般疑问句(含实意动词)的否定回答结构:No,+主语+do动词+not

37、。助动词用第三人称单数。故填doesn't与have。(5) 一般疑问句(含实意动词)的否定回答结构:No,+主语+do动词+not。故答:No, hedoesn't.【点评】考查句型转换和连词成句七、翻译28 .汉译英。(24分)(1)夏天是一年当中最热的季节。Summer is the season of the.2)天气是热的和多雨的。The weather isand.( 3)在夏天,学校休息。summer, school.( 4)在中国,夏天大约从六月开始。In China, summeraround.June【答案】(1 ) hottest , year ( 2)

38、hot, rainy ( 3) In, closes ( 4) begins ,【解析】略八、判断题29 .听短文判断正误,与录音内容一致的写“T”不一致的写“ F'。( 10分)( 1) The sun shines , the rain falls down into a lake.( 2) The water can become vapour.( 3) The cloud comes from the vapour.( 4)“I ” come from the clouds.( 5) It s very hot today.【答案】【解析】【听力材料】I m rain , Wh

39、ere do I come from ? Do you know ? Let me tell you , When the sun shines , it s very hot , the water in lakes or rivers becomes vapour . The vapour goes up and becomes clouds. So there are many little water drops in the clouds. When the little water drops become very heavy ,I m falling down .30 .The

40、re are some ducks on the pond.有一些鸭子在水塘。【答案】T【解析】略31 . 判断其中不同类的一项。1. A. introduceB. liveC. subject2. A. interestingB. drawingC. easy3. A. classmateB. especiallyC. really4. A. experimentB. maybeC. painting5. A. myB. ourC. themselves【答案】1. C2. B3. A4. B5. C【解析】略32.根据短文意思判断下面句子的对错,用“T”和“ F”表示。I m Sarah.

41、 I live in a big city. Usually my father goes to work by car. Helikes driving, but he doesn t like driving to work. Why is that? Because ittakes too much time. There is always a lot of traffic. His car is very slow. Hegoes home very late every day. And he is very tired. He doesn t like playingwith m

42、e after work. Today, he is happy.“ There is going to be a subway near ourhome! I am going to work by subway next year. It is fast. I can read newspaperson the subway. I can listen to music, too!” My mother says, “ Then you can comeback early and cook the meals. ” I say,“ You can play with me after w

43、ork. ”( )1.Sarah s father goes to work by subway.()2.He likes driving.()3.He often plays with Sarah after work.()4.He often cooks the meals after work.)5.He likes listening to music.【答案】1-5 FTFFT【解析】略33. 阅读短文,判断正(T) 误 (F) 。Today is Friday. I m going to the supermarket this afternoon. I m going to buysome food and a comic book. Tomorrow morning I m going to Guangzhou for a trip.I m going there by train. I m going to read my new comic book on the train.The day after tomorrow I m going to Kunming by plane from Guangzhou. In Kunming, I m going to


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