



1、精选英国女王的一天是如何度过的?She has broken the record for the longest-reigning British monarch in history, and for Queen Elizabeth, its all about consistency.伊丽莎白女王已经打破纪录,成为英国有史以来在位时间最长的君主,对她而言最重要的就是始终如一。The woman who came to the throne as a mother of two at age 25 in 1952 keeps her life just so in a routine th

2、at has remained amazingly unchanged through the 65 years that she has served as monarch.这位女性于1952年登基,当时25岁的她已经是两个孩子的妈妈。在担任君主的这65年的岁月中,她一直过着极其有规律的生活,这种生活规律一直保持不变,令人惊叹。Waking at 7:30 a.m., she listens to her vintage Roberts radio tuned to BBC Radio 4s Today program. "She loves to hear British pol

3、iticians being questioned by the presenters ," Brian Hoey, author of At Home With The Queen says.早上7:30醒来之后,她会用自己那台已经调到BBC广播四台的古色古香的罗伯茨收音机收听今日节目。“她爱听英国政客被节目主持人质问。”我在女王家一书的作者布赖恩.霍伊说。A male servant carries a tray of Twinings English breakfast tea in a bone china cup and saucer, served with milk (

4、no sugar) and some Marie cookies, which a maid brings into her room.随后,一位男仆会端着托盘送来一套骨瓷杯碟装着的川宁英式早餐茶,配上由一位女仆送入女王房间的牛奶(不加糖)和一些玛丽饼干。After a bath, she will sit with her husband of 70 years, Prince Philip, 96, for cereal (she likes cornflakes), which is kept in Tupperware containers. She reads newspapers,

5、 but first to catch her eye is the Racing Post, which covers her favorite pastime of horse racing.沐浴之后,她会和相伴70载、现年96岁的菲利普亲王一起坐下来吃特百惠碗盛的麦片(她喜欢玉米片)。她还会看看报纸,不过最先吸引她目光的会是赛马邮报,上面刊有她最喜爱的消遣方式赛马的相关资讯。She then pores through the documents from the government in her so-called "red boxes"scarlet leath

6、er cases with legal and other papers. The only days she doesnt do so are Christmas and Easter, quiet non-working days for the devoutly religious woman. (She is head of the Church of England.)接下来,她会从头到尾地认真阅读所谓“红匣子”-装有法律文书以及其他文件的鲜红色皮箱-中的政府文书。只有在圣诞节和复活节,她才不做这项工作。对于她这位虔诚的教徒(她是英国国教会的最高首领)而言,这两个节日是无需工作的悠闲

7、日子。If she has an official arrangement, she will be seen in public later, coming in from Windsor Castle on Tuesdays for the week. Many of her other official roles are to meet with diplomats or the British Prime Minister. It is something she has become immensely experienced at over a period when she h

8、as met 12 American presidents.如果她需要出席正式活动,她会在周二离开温莎城堡前往伦敦,随后便出现在公众的视野中。在她需要履行的其他王室职责中,许多工作都是与外交官员或英国首相会面。对于这项工作,她已经轻车熟路了,这些年来,她已经会见了12位美国总统。She manages to keep completely neutral, to outside eyes and ears in any case. "I have worked for her 48 years, and have never heard her say anything to let

9、 anyone think she favored one political party over another or a political personality over another," her former stud manager Sir Michael Oswald says. "She has never made a mistake."在外界看来和听来,不管怎样,她都努力保持着绝对的中立。“我已为她工作了48年,从来没有听她说过任何会让任何人觉得她偏爱某个政党或是某位政治人物的话,”她的前任种马场事务总长迈克尔.奥斯瓦尔德爵士说,“她在这方

10、面从没犯过错。”And giving upas her uncle Edward VIII did by abdicating in 1936is not an option. "As long as she is able to carry out her duties she will continue," Oswald says.而她更不会选择放弃王位,像她的大伯爱德华八世在1936年通过退位的方式所做的那样。“只要她有能力履行自己的职责,她就会继续干下去。”奥斯瓦尔德说。But she has become good at keeping her work life

11、 separate from her domestic one.不过,在将自己的工作与家庭生活分开这方面,她已经变得游刃有余。Sometimes she will host a lunch, helping her and Philip stay informed as they meet a cross-section of people from public life, politics and the celebrity world, as race car driver Lewis Hamilton recounted.正如赛车手刘易斯.汉密尔顿所言,女王有时会举办午宴,与菲利普亲王

12、会见来自公共领域、政坛以及名流圈的社会各界人士,借此帮助自己和丈夫不断了解各方面的情况。Her cousin Margaret Rhodes says she expertly juggles family with work, from attending to the concerns of a servants family or the tasks of hosting a party at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. "She has this ability to compartmentalize her brain," says

13、Rhodes, "and if she has a worry about something, she can shut the door on that compartment and be totally outgoing and happy with other people."女王的表姐玛格丽特.罗兹曾说,女王能兼顾家庭和工作,她在这方面很在行,不论是关心仆人的家长里短,还是处理在苏格兰巴尔莫勒尔堡举办一场宴会的工作。“她能把自己的大脑分隔成很多的区域,”罗兹说,“如果她对某件事感到发愁,她能关上那个区域,完全爽朗、愉悦地与他人相处。”In the evening

14、s, she might watch classic British comedies or mysteries and detectives stories like Inspector Morse.晚上,女王可能会看一些经典的英国喜剧或是悬疑剧和侦探剧,比如摩斯探长。And then there are the horses. "If its during the racing season and shes been busy during the day, then somebody will put together a recording of the races tha

15、t day," says Hoey. "Particularly, if one of her horses has been running."此外还不得不提赛马。“如果恰逢赛季而她白天又很忙的话,就会有人将当天的比赛都录下来,”霍伊说,“尤其是在她的某匹马正在参赛期间。”One of those keeping a check on how her horses are getting on is Oswald, 83, who says, "She not only loves them but she understands them in ev

16、ery aspect. Horse psychology is not the right word but she understands how they feel and how they react."83岁的奥斯瓦尔德是女王的马匹监管人之一。他说:“她不仅爱马,而且还了解它们的方方面面。说她懂马匹心理学可能不太恰当,但她了解它们的感受和行为。”Of course, the Queen is in an extraordinary position, but if things were different, she would be like many other aristocra


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