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1、安全防护现代城市轨道交通5/2009MODERN U RBAN TRANSIT摘要:分析了地铁通信电源电磁干扰产生的原因,在此基础上探讨了抑制电源电磁干扰的措施,包括抑制零线及开关电源电磁干扰、雷击防护、选择正确的接地方式、不间断供电电源的选配等问题。关键词:电磁干扰;共模;差模;防雷地铁通信电源系统承担全线通信设备供电,由电源系统引发的电磁干扰()可以从尖峰干扰到完全失电之间进行变化,干扰形式包括电压变化、频率变化、波形失真、静电放电等,轻者会造成通信设备数据误码率增大或数据丢失,重者会造成通信设备的“死机”或莫名其妙的关机,严重时,甚至会损坏通信硬件设备,从而造成通信系统的中断。电源电磁干



4、电源噪声和电子设备之间的耦合途径。高频开关型稳压电源产生的电磁干扰辐射频率主要是电源工作频率的基波和二、三次谐波。开关管快速通断产生的浪涌电流和尖峰电压,是开关电源产生电磁干扰及开关损耗的主要原因。软开关技术是减小开关器件损耗和改善开关器件电磁兼容特性()的重要方法。使用软开关技术,使开关管在零电压、零电流时,吸收开关管或高频变压器初级线圈两端的尖峰电压,能有效地改善电磁兼容特性。对开关电源二根进线而言,电源线干扰可以使用电源线滤波器滤张亦然汪曙明张亦然:南京地下铁道有限责任公司运营分公司,工程师,南京地铁通信电源电磁干扰分析及其抑制MODERN URBAN TRANSIT5/2009现代城市






10、:机械工业出版社,威廉斯电磁兼容设计与测试李迪译北京:电子工业出版社,收稿日期地铁通信电源电磁干扰分析及其抑制张亦然等ABSTRACTSTechnical Points and Revision in Implementation of GB Passen-ger Transport Service Marks of Urban Rail TransitLi Weijun, Wang Juan1The GB/T18574-2008 of Passenger Transport Service Marks ofUrban Rail Transit, revised by 16 units mod

11、erated by Beijing Instituteof Metro Design, formally implemented on June 1, 2009. In order tohave a correct understanding of the GB/T18574-2008, the technicalpoints supporting the GB clauses as well as the main revised contentsare introduced.Comparison and Analysis of Transmission Techniques of Com-

12、munication System in Urban Rail TransitZhang Yuping9The several frequently-used transmission techniques of communi-cation system in urban rail transit are introduced. These techniquesas well as the operations carried by communication system of urbanrail are compared and analyzed. Thus a scheme with

13、comprehensiveapplication of Multi-Service Transport Platform (MSTP and Resil-ient Packet Ring (RPR Technology is presented, which can be a moreprospective transmission scheme for future communication systemin urban rail transit.Analysis on Setting Scheme of Control Center with Network Op-eration in

14、Urban Rail TransitDing Jinchun12With the development of urban rail transit, the rail transit of somecities has been networked. For the network-based urban rail transit,how to set the control center becomes a new project. From the devel-opment review of setting forms for the control center of various

15、 stagesin different urban rail transit lines, as well as the analysis and sum-mary of construction, change and setting mode of the control centerin Beijing rail transit lines, the development trend of setting for con-trol center in urban rail transit with network operation is introduced,and the sett

16、ing scheme is suggested.Study on New Method of Anti Pollution Flashover Using Porce-lain Insulator of Contact Lines in Electric RailwayZeng Qinyuan19Based on the analysis of the cause for pollution flashover, themeasures for preventing pollution flashover are introduced. In orderto promote the opera

17、tion reliability of China electric railway, the antipollution flashover performance of porcelain insulator should beimproved by using carefully chosen porcelain materials, new designof product structure and modern manufacturing technology. On thepremise of fulfillment of the mechanical strength stip

18、ulated by na-tional standard, using the porcelain insulator produced by isostaticpressing technology can decrease the shaft diameter and increaseumbrella diameter, thereby increasing the creepage distance and en-hancing pollution flashover voltage of porcelain insulator. The de-signed open umbrella-

19、shape structure sufficiently utilizes the aero-dynamic principle, and improves self-cleaning and pollution-resis-tance capability of porcelain insulator. The manpower pollution-re-sistance voltage value of porcelain insulator produced by this newmethod of anti pollution flashover is 40 kV, which is

20、higher than thevalue of 36 kV stipulated by national standard.Determination for Installed Capacity of Rectifier Transformerof Power Supply System in Urban Rail TransitChen Jianguo, Fang Ming22Based on the principle of capacity matching between transformerand rectifier, the new method for determining

21、 the installed capacityof rectifier transformer is proposed. Then, taking the power supplysystem substation of Rail Transit Line 1 in a city as an example, theinstalled capacity of rectifier transformer is calculated and determined.Compared with the actual installed capacity of rectifier transformer

22、,the installed capacity determined by this method can meet the re-quirement of actual train operation.Repair Technology and Equipment for Wheel Flange and TreadZhang Yanfang26The wear is inevitably for wheel flange and tread during operation.The technical requirement for wheelset repair is proposed.

23、 The tech-nology of measurement, repair welding and turning repair for wearof wheelset tread and flange is discussed. The repair technology, thedevelopment of equipment and the application of new technologyand new equipment are introduced.Experimental Study on Effects of Shield Construction Param-et

24、ers of Metro Tunnel on Ground SettlementJin Ming, Si Xiangyu, Yang Ping32Taking the tunnel of Yi-Da section in Nanjing Metro Line 2 asbackground, the effects of shield construction parameters (includingpropulsion, earth pressure on working face, cutterhead torque and soon in the shield construction

25、on ground settlement are studied. Therules of ground settlement are summarized by analyzing the fieldmonitoring results, which have guiding significance for subsequentproject construction.Line Arrangement in Urban Rail Transit DepotChen Yizhi, Wang Lvzhi45The general arrangement of urban rail transi

26、t depot and the vari-ous functional line arrangements in the depot are analyzed by thedesign practice as well as using the design experiences of severalurban metro lines for reference. Some concrete implementation sug-gestions are proposed, including double angle design adopting No. 7turnout frog an

27、gle, and bay washing track simultaneously linkingtransfer track and lead track.Analysis and Suppression of Electromagnetic Interference toMetro Communication Power SupplyZhang Yiran, Wang Shuming51The reasons for generation of electromagnetic interference (EMIto metro communication power supply are analyzed. On the basis ofthis analysis, the measures for suppressing EMI to power supply arediscussed, including the suppression of EMI to zero line and switch-ing power supply, the lightening prevention, the selection for propergro


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