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1、Present Perfect Tense(现在完成时现在完成时):结构:结构:助动词助动词 have/has + p.p.(过去分词过去分词)用法:用法:1.表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造 成的影响和结果。成的影响和结果。 I have finished my homework. 2.表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态,表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态, 经常和表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在(包括经常和表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在(包括 “现在现在”在内)的一段时间的状语连用。在内)的一段时间的状语连用。 She has live

2、d in Beihai for 20 years. I have been at this school for 13 years. He has taught us since(自从自从) last year.She has taught us a lot.She hasnt taught us a lot.Has she taught us a lot? Yes, she has. No, she hasnt.I have had my lunch.I havent had my lunch.Have you had your lunch? Yes, I have. No, I haven

3、t.现在完成时和一般过去时的区别:现在完成时和一般过去时的区别:现在完成时现在完成时:强调:强调现在的情况现在的情况,不能和表示过去的时,不能和表示过去的时 间状语连用,如:间状语连用,如:yesterday, last night, three weeks ago, in 1990等,但常和等,但常和already, never, ever, just, before, yet, since 等状语等状语 连用。连用。一般过去时一般过去时:只表示:只表示过去的动作或状态过去的动作或状态,和现在没有任,和现在没有任 何关系,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。何关系,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。 I

4、have seen the film. 我看过这部电影。我看过这部电影。I saw the film last week. 我上星期看了这部电影。我上星期看了这部电影。用所给单词的适当形式填空:用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. She _(teach) us for two years.2. He _(teach) us last year.3. They _(live) here in 1973.4. She _(see) the film eight days ago.5. She _(see) the film.6. Yesterday Tom _(go) to school by bik

5、e.7. Mr. Li _ (teach) us since September.has taughttaught livedsawhas seenwent _has taught _时态时态结构结构标志标志一般现在一般现在一般过去一般过去现在进行现在进行一般将来一般将来现在完成现在完成原形或三单原形或三单always, usually, often, sometimes, every day 过去式过去式yesterday, last night, two weeks ago, in 1990 be + v-ingnow, Listen! , Look! will+动原动原be going

6、to +动原动原tomorrow, next week, next yearhave/has+p.p.already, never, ever, forsince , just, yet, before时间表达法(一)时间表达法(一)1. 整点的表达:整点的表达: 用用“数字或基数词数字或基数词+oclock”表示表示6:00 6 oclock six oclock12:00 12 oclock twelve oclock6:30 six thirty7:45 seven forty-five8:01 eight o one (o 读字母读字母o音音)2. 非整点的表达:非整点的表达: 时时

7、+ 分分时间表达法时间表达法 (二)(二)a) 表示表示“几点过几分(几点过几分(30分钟以内,包括分钟以内,包括30分钟分钟)” 用用“分钟数分钟数past整点数整点数”表示。常用表示。常用half 代替代替30 分钟分钟(thirty),用,用a quarter代替代替15分钟分钟(fifteen) 。 如如: 9:20 twenty past nine 8:30 half past eight 10:15 a quarter past tenb) 表示表示“几点差几分(超过几点差几分(超过30分)分)” 用用“分钟数分钟数to整点数整点数”表示。表示。 如如: 4:50 ten to f

8、ive .(即(即5点还差点还差10分)分) 7:45 a quarter to eight1. 整点的表达:用整点的表达:用“数字或基数词数字或基数词+oclock”表示表示2. 非整点的表达:非整点的表达:9:003:155:307:056: 452:558:26 9 oclock nine oclock a quarter past three half past five five past seven a quarter to seven five to three twenty-six past eight 12:004:159:308:053: 456:507:241221345

9、67891011121211223344556677889910101111Whats the time? Its “five to three.”ten past threetwenty-five to fourten after three122134567891011121211223344556677889910101111Whats the time?Its “a quarter to three.”a quarter past threehalf past threea quarter after threehalf after three1. How many subjects

10、do you study? What are they?2. Whats your favourite subject?Think about it!3. Whats Li Mings favourite subject? Make a guess.Chinese math(s) Englishhistory geography biology P.E.physics politics art music computer1. How long has Li Ming lived in Shijiazhuang?2. What subject does Li Ming like best?3.

11、 Has Li Ming visited Canada?4. What subject is Wang Mei not good at?physicsListen and catch the answers: Read quickly and answer the questions: Whats the main idea(主要意思主要意思) of each paragraph?Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 4Introduce himself and his city.his favourite subjectHow does he

12、learn English?a new subject, physics Read carefully and answer the questions:1. Where is Shijiazhuang?2. What does Li Ming think of it?3. Which grade is Li Ming in?4. Why does Li Ming like English best? Read carefully and answer the questions:1. Li Ming likes reading, doesnt he? What does he often d

13、o?2. Does he have a few Canadian friends? What do they often do?3. Who helped him with his English?4. Wang Mei isnt good at physics, is she? Who can help her?Yes, he does.是的,他喜欢。是的,他喜欢。No, she isnt.是的,她不擅长是的,她不擅长Language notes:4. borrow from 6. forget to do sth. forget doing sth. He forgot to turn out the light yesterday evening. He forgot turning out the light.2. sometime in the future1. a lot = very much3. such as 5. a few + 可数名词的复数形式可数名词的复数形式someUseful sentences:1


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