



1、精选教育Unit4 第2课时教学设计教学目标1. 能听懂、理解Lets talk部分的对话。2. 能灵活运用shall和will表达将要做的事情,理解shall在第一人称疑问句的结 构中还可表示提出建议,征求意见的用法。3. 能在日常生活中灵活运用以下句型进行交流。Are you free next Saturday?Yes. Whats up?What shall we take?Shall we meet at the gate of the park?When shall we meet, 8:00 or 8:30?教学准备教师准备:(1) Lets talk及Listen and ma

2、tch部分的音频。(2) 要展示的下列五个句子的课件或纸条:Lets go on a picnic at the foot of the mountains.We are free next Saturday.We shall meet at the gate of the park at 8:00.We shall get to the park early and come back early.I will go shopping tomorrow.教学方法建议I. 课程导入(Leading In)1. 课前热身Part A Warming-up: Look and talk教师进行课前

3、提问,然后请几名学生回答问题,了解一下学生周末都在做什么。此问答环节可参考如下:T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again. Id like to know what you often do on weekends?S1: I often go to the park.S2: I often help my parents do some housework.S3: .T: Well. Open your books and turn to Page 25. Look at the pictures and talk in pairs.让学

4、生看图,标记出各自在周末常做的活动图,然后两人一组仿照示例进行对话。2. 新课导入T: What day is it today?Ss: Its.T: The weekend is coming. You wont have classes on the weekend. You will be free. What will you do on Saturday and Sunday? Will you play sports? Will you go on a picnic?II. 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(Presentation)1. 新课展示T: Tomorrow is Sund

5、ay. And the weather is fine. Are you free on Sunday? Lets go on a picnic, shall we? Shall we go on a picnic?Ss: Yes. / Great!T: OK. We shall go on a picnic tomorrow. What shall we take? Shall we take some food and drinks?Ss: Yes. We can take.T: All right. And we shall take some fruits, too.教师板书、朗读句型

6、:We shall / will go on a picnic tomorrow. 我们明天要去野餐。What shall we take? 我们要带些什么呢?Shall we take some food and drinks? 我们要带一些食物和饮料吗?学习运用:I will / shall go shopping on Sunday.What shall we have for supper this afternoon?Shall we meet at the school gate?句中所用的shall, will是动词的将来时态,用来表示将要做的事或将要出现的情况。就其用法教师可予

7、以补充。.教学小贴士shall与will的用法shall一般用于第人称,will用于第二、第三人称,用于第一人称表示强调。关于shall / will的用法的五个规则:1. 说或写都尽量使用Ill, Youll, Hell, Shell, Itll, Well, Theyll的省略形式。如:Ill answer your question. 我将会回答你的问题。2. 表达主语的意志,通常用will(语法上称为意志将来)。如:I wont see him again. 我不愿意再和他见面。3. 说话者要把自己的意志表达或行使出去,通常用shall。如:You shall not do that

8、again. 你不可以再做那样的事。4. 第一人称问句使用shall。如:Shall I call you a taxi? 我来给你叫个出租车吧?5. 问句是Shall.?答语就用shall;问句用Will?答语就用will。如:Shall you go to school tomorrow? 你明天要去学校吗?Yes, I shall. Well have an exam. 是的,我要去。我们明天有考试。2. 课文讲读、理解(1)教师领读对话,然后让学生通过朗读、回答问题理解对话的大意。T: Wu Chen and Alice will go on a picnic. They are ta

9、lking about their plans. Please read the dialogue and try to answer the questions.Question 1: Is Alice free next Sunday?Question 2: Where will they have the picnic?Question 3: When will they meet? Why?教师随机点选学生回答问题,检测学生的听力理解水平。然后引导学生用完整的句子说出问题的答案。Answer 1: Yes, she is.Answer 2: They will have the pic

10、nic in the park.Answer 3: They will meet at 8:00. Because they want to get to the park early and come back early.(2)疑难讲解:Are you free next Saturday? 你下周六有空吗?Yes. Whats up? 有。怎么了?What up? 什么事?怎么啦? 口语交流中用以询问对方有何需求或建议等。可让学生学习运用:Can you help me?Yes. Whats up?3. 巩固活动(1)教师播放Lets talk部分的录音,让学生跟读本部分的对话。(2)再

11、次播放录音,同时用课件或纸条展示下列句子,学生根据听到的内容给下列句子排序。( ) Lets go on a picnic at the foot of the mountains.( ) We are free next Saturday.( ) We shall meet at the gate of the park at 8:00.( ) We shall get to the park early and come back early.( ) I will go shopping tomorrow.教师让学生一起按排好的顺序读一读这些句子,通过这种方式逐步训练学生简述对话内容。.

12、操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)1. Part C Listen and match(1)教师先引导学生观察图片,说一说图意,如:mountain, river等。再熟悉图下给出的人名,读一读,记一记。(2)播放录音,学生听录音,完成连线题。(3)教师带领学生试着说一说,核对答案。如:Peter will see a film.Tina will go on a picnic near the river.Kevin will go boating.Sun Yang will play ping-pong.Nancy will climb the mounta

13、ins.(4)本部分录音内容如下:1. A: Peter, what shall we do this afternoon?B: How about seeing a film?A: Good idea!2. A: Hi, Tina. Lets go on a picnic this weekend.B: Great. But where shall we have it?A: Near the river.B: Great!3. A: Kevin, shall we go skating tomorrow?B: I wouldnt like to do that. Why not go boating?A: OK.4. A: Hi, Sun Yang. Lets play tennis.B: Sorry. I cant play tennis. How about playing ping-pong?A: OK.5. A: Nancy, where shall we go next Sunday? B: Lets go to climb the mountains.A: Great!2. Part B Ask and answer(1) 教师请学生先读一读对话示范,画出活动要用的功能句,教师板书:What shall I


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