1、各位来宾、各位朋友,欢迎大家参加本次中国茶文化普及讲座。今天,我想跟大家一起谈谈中国的茶文化。关于中国茶文化有一个传说,茶是炎帝神农偶然发现的。Distinguished guests and friends, welcome to this lecture for universalization onthe Chinese tea culture. Today I am going to talk about the Chinese tea culturetogether with you. Legend has it that tea was discovered accidentall
2、y by EmperorYandi, Shennong.天,他在树下烧水,突然间发现远处一只野兔。于是,他就去追那只野兔,但没追着。回来的时候,他发现一些树叶掉进了他烧开的水中,水已变淡黄。神农追赶野兔而累出一身汗,口干舌燥,尝了一口泛黄的开水,顿时口舌生津,精神一振。由此,泡茶的传统就流传下来了。不管传说是真是假,不可否认的是,中国是茶文化的故乡。Oneday, he was boiling water under a tree, and then he saw a hare in the distant.And he went to chase the hare, but he faile
3、d. Whenhe cameback, he found someleavesin the boiled water which had turned to light yellow. He was in a sweat afterchasingthe hare. His throat was dry and he was really thirsty. Drinking somelightlyyellowwater, he felt refreshed at once and it was sweet to soul. The tradition ofmakingtea has been h
4、anded down from then on. No matter the legend is true or not, Chinais undeniably the hometown of tea culture.早在唐代,中国的茶叶就通过陆路及海运的方式远销各地。于是,茶文化也随之传到了日本,韩国,印度,中亚和阿拉伯半岛等地区。在 17 世纪初期,中国茶叶远销至欧洲各国,很多上层社会的名流贵族都渐渐养成了喝茶的习惯。中国人饮茶,最注重一个“品”字。品茶不仅是鉴别茶之优劣,也有领略饮茶情趣,遐思神往之意。Chinese tea has been sold to all over the w
5、orld by sea or land freight as far back as Tang Dynasty. As a result, the tea culture has spread to many districts including Japan, Korea, India, Central Asia and Arabian Peninsula. In the early 17th century, Chinese tea was sold well to European countries. Many celebrities or aristocrats from upper
6、 classes gradually fell into the habit of drinking tea.For Chinese the most important thing of drinking tea is to taste it. To taste tea is not merely to separate the wheat from the chaff but also to enjoy the pleasure and excite the fancy.中国人喜欢在闲暇时择雅静之处,泡一壶茶,自斟自饮,借以消除疲劳,陶怡心情, 振奋精神。中国茶文化不光只管喝茶本身,还涉及
7、喝茶的环境,如建筑、园林、摆设、茶 具等。In the spare time, Chinese prefer making a pot of tea and drinking it alone in a tranquil and secluded place to relieve fatigue, please themselves and cheering up. The Chinese tea culture is not just about drinking tea itself but also the environment of drinking such as architec
8、ture, gardens, decoration, tea sets and so on.品茶要求外部环境安静幽雅,舒适赏心。这种由外至内、由内至外的品茶文化是中国 人养身的最好体现。 中国是古老的茶都, 也是礼仪之邦, 茶自然成为招待客人的最好选择。家中凡有客人来访,沏茶、敬茶的礼节是必不可少的。主人可征求客人的意见,选用最合 来客口味的茶叶和最佳茶具待客。The surrounding environment for enjoying tea should be peaceful, elegant,comfortable and pleasing. This culture of tas
9、ting tea containing the ins and outsis the very soul of Chinese self-cultivation.(The thought of Chinese self-cultivation is best represented by this cultureof tasting tea consisting of external side and internal side.)China is an ancient land of tea as well as a state of ceremonies where tea isthe
10、best choice to serve guests. When Chinese have visitors at their home, makingtea and serving tea for them are indispensable. The host can ask what the guestswill like to have and choose the tea pleasing to their taste and the best tea set.主人在陪伴客人饮茶时,要注意客人杯中的茶水剩余量。一般用茶杯泡茶,如已喝去半,就要添加开水,随喝随添,使茶水浓度基本保持前
11、后一致,水温适宜。在饮茶时,也可适当佐以茶食,糖果,菜肴等,达到调节口味之效果。常言道,开门七件事,柴米油盐酱醋茶,可见茶已成为中国人生活的很重要的一部分。When the host drinks tea with his guests, he should give heed to how much tearemains in their cups. If the tea is madewith cups, the cups should be filledwithboiled water when it' s half full. As they are drinking, the
12、 host keeps fillingtheir cups to keep the samestrength and appropriate temperature. In order tobringout the flavor, tea can be served with snacks, candies and dishes. As the sayinggoes, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are indispensable ineveryhome. Therefore, tea has become an important part of Chinese life.茶本身存在着一种从形式到内容,从物质到精神,从人与物的直接关系,到成为人际关系的媒介,逐渐形成传统东方文化一朵奇葩 - 中国茶文化。茶的特殊自然功能使茶文化在中国优秀传统文化中占有重要的一席之地。Tea itself, which bears the direct connection between form and content, material and spirit as well as men and things, is a media for the interpersonal rel
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