1、2019-2020 年八年级科学下册 4 植物与土壤自测题新版浙教版、选择题(每小题 1 分,共 20 分)1 控制蒸腾作用强弱的结构是(AA.保卫细胞 B.气孔C.叶片 D.根毛2 .下列说法正确的是(AA. 土壤中的有机物主要来自生物的排泄物和死亡的生物体B. 构成土壤的物质有固体和气体两大类C. 土壤中不存在微生物D. 土壤中腐殖质占固体部分的95%3 如图所示,能更好地证明土壤中含有无机盐的实验是(D)4 .小明为观察叶细胞吸收水分后的变化,在一株植物上取相同的两片叶子,把甲叶片放在阳光中曝晒 10 分钟,乙叶片放在清水中浸泡 10 分钟。然后分别制成临时装片,放在显微镜下观察,可以发
2、现其中细胞内变化最大的结构是(C)A.细胞核 B.细胞壁C.液泡 D.叶绿体5 .学习了根的相关知识后,你认为下列说法不正确的是(C)A.根尖的根毛区能吸收水和无机盐B根尖的分生区细胞能分裂C.根的导管能运输有机物D.移栽植物要注意保护幼根和根毛土壤AC十壕碍表叭 烧杯_L热水6 .无土栽培成功的原因是培养液中有(A)A.无机盐 B .水C.维生素 D .有机物7 .水分进出植物的主要途径依次是(AA根毛、导管、气孔 B.气孔、筛管、根毛C.根毛、筛管、气孔 D.气孔、导管、根毛&下列人类活动最可能造成土壤污染的是(C)A. 在荒山上大量种植树木B. 在适宜耕作的土地上进行玉米与大豆的
3、间作套种C. 在农田中为了增加肥效,大量施用化肥D. 在干旱缺水的地区实行喷灌或滴灌的措施9 .不同作物缺少无机盐种类不同,表现出不同症状:大白菜矮小瘦弱,叶色发黄;向日葵秆细茎弱,易倒伏;玉米苗长得特别矮小,叶暗绿色,叶片出现紫红色。上述作物分别缺少的无机盐是(D)A.氮、磷、钾 B .钾、磷、氮C.磷、氮、钾 D .氮、钾、磷10.旱地作物如玉米等适宜在较干燥的旱地上生长,若种植在湿润的土壤中,则会因水分比例过大,导致植物根不能正常呼吸而腐烂,俗称“烂根”。下列土壤中,最适宜玉米生长的11 在保证细胞存活的条件下,蔗糖溶液浓度与萝卜条质量变化的关系如图所示,则处于bD.以上三者均付【解析】
4、 玉米适宜在干燥的旱地上生长,则排除B,而 A 水分太少,不适宜。点的溶液的溶质质量分数与萝卜条细胞液的质量分数相比(B)(第 11 题)A. 蔗糖溶液溶质质量分数大于萝卜条细胞液的溶质质量分数B. 蔗糖溶液溶质质量分数小于萝卜条细胞液的溶质质量分数C. 蔗糖溶液溶质质量分数等于萝卜条细胞液的溶质质量分数D. 都有可能【解析】b点时萝卜条质量变大,表明细胞在吸水。当蔗糖溶液溶质质量分数小于萝卜条细胞液溶质质量分数时,萝卜细胞吸水。12 种植庄稼时,每过一段时间就要进行一次中耕松土、除草、施肥,这样做的目的一是为 了防止杂草争肥,二是增加土壤的肥力。上述劳动还有一个目的是使土壤中的(C)A.矿物
5、质颗粒增加 B.水分增加C.空气含量增加 D.以上三种成分都增加【解析】 给土壤松土可增大土壤颗粒间的空隙,增加土壤中的空气含量,以促进植物根系的呼吸。13.双子叶植物叶表皮上的气孔结构如图所示,气孔是氧气、二氧化碳出入及水分散失的门户。当保卫细胞含水量多时气孔大,含水量少时气孔小甚至关闭。下列叙述正确的是(C)(第 13 题)A保卫细胞形状能改变是因为没有细胞壁B植物体光合作用强弱与保卫细胞含水量无关C. 蒸腾作用能带走叶片的部分热量,与水的汽化有关D. 将叶片浸入浓盐水,气孔会逐渐增大【解析】 水汽化时吸热,能降低叶片温度。14 做植物生长需要无机盐的实验时,配制过第一种营养液的烧杯、玻璃
6、棒等器皿,在配制质M变化第二种营养液前必须要清洗干净后才能重新使用。下列关于清洗器皿的原因的解释和配制用水的叙述,正确的是(B)A.确保含有某些营养元素、蒸馏水B. 确保缺少某些营养元素、蒸馏水C. 确保缺少某些营养元素、自来水D. 确保缺少某些营养元素、清水【解析】 清洗器皿可有效防止第一种液体污染第二种液体,用蒸馏水不会引入其他杂质。15.下列有关根的形态结构和生理功能的叙述,最合理的是(C)A.根尖伸长区有导管形成B根吸收含磷的无机盐可使植物茎秆健壮,促进淀粉的形成与运输C. 根尖根毛区表皮细胞的一部分外突形成根毛,用于吸收水分和无机盐D. 根尖分生区的细胞分裂增多是根不断伸长的唯一原因
7、【解析】 根毛区表皮细胞的一部分外突形成根毛,内部有导管,是根吸收水和无机盐的主要部位;伸长区细胞较长,是根尖生长最快的部位,使根不断伸长,内部无导管;根吸收含 钾的无机盐能使茎秆健壮,促进淀粉的形成与运输。16.下面的柱状图分别表示 4 种植物叶片上、下表皮的气孔数。其中叶片浮于水面生长的植物是(C)【解析】 叶片浮于水面生长的植物叶片下表皮浸没在水中,气孔数远少于上表面,应选 C17.要验证植物进行蒸腾作用的主要器官是叶,最好选择的对照装置是A.甲和丁 B.乙和丁 C.丙和丁 D.甲和乙【解析】 本实验应设置对照组,一盆有叶,另一盆无叶;同时为排除土壤中的水分干扰实验,塑料袋应扎在植物上。
8、(第 16 题)(B)每?方Fn朮气(第 17 题)18 如图所示为测定植物蒸腾作用的简易装置, 整个装置密封且充满水(装置中的水不蒸发),仅细管中部留有一个气泡。根据标尺可测出气泡移动的位置,进而计算出水分变化的数量。这一数量代表(C)(第 18 题)A. 蒸腾作用散失的水量B. 光合作用消耗的水量C. 植株吸收的水量D. 呼吸作用消耗的水量【解析】 植株吸收的水量中,用于光合作用的约占1%用于蒸腾作用的约占 99%19.某校科学兴趣小组在野外考察时,绘制出如图的树桩年轮特征示意图。根据示意图,下列说法正确的是(C)(第 19 题)A. 靠乙一侧降水多,生长快B. 靠乙一侧降水少,生长快C.
9、 靠乙一侧为树干向阳面,生长快D. 靠甲一侧光照强于靠乙一侧【解析】 对一棵树来说,两侧降水几乎是相同的,而向阳面光合作用强,生长快,年轮较稀疏。20 我市西瓜以品种齐全、味美质优而闻名,是很好的消暑佳品,在西瓜生长阶段,下列说 法正确的是(C)A. 西瓜籽由受精卵发育而来B. 光合作用始终强于呼吸作用C. 根从土壤中吸收的水主要用于蒸腾作用D. 根能从肥沃的土壤中吸收大量的水、无机盐和有机物【解析】 西瓜籽是种子,由胚珠发育而成,受精卵发育成的是胚;光是光合作用不可缺少的条件,植物在夜晚进行呼吸作用,几乎不进行光合作用;植物通过根从土壤中吸收水分,吸收来的水大约只有 1%当做光合作用的原料被
10、植物利用,大约 99 躺 E 通过绿色植物的蒸腾作用以水蒸气的形式散发到大气中去了;绿色植物的蒸腾作用不是对水的浪费,它有其积极的意义;根能从肥沃的土壤中吸收大量的水、无机盐,而有机物则是植物通过光合作用自己制造的。二、填空题(第 2124 题每空 1 分,其余每空 2 分,共 31 分)21 工农业生产和生活废水、固体废物的任意排放,农药、化肥的大量使用,都可能导致土 壤的化学污染,从而破坏土壤的结构;某些病菌、寄生虫和病毒对土壤产生生物污染_22 我们经常发现在城市绿化带上园林工人在傍晚时剪去部分枝叶,将根部用草绳捆扎有较多泥土的移栽植物种植在花坛中并浇足水,植物上方罩上黑色的防晒网。 上
11、述叙述中,使蒸腾作用减弱的措施是傍晚剪去部分枝叶、植物上方罩上黑色的防晒网;有利于水分吸收的措施是根用草绳捆扎有较多的泥土、浇足水。23 自然界中,植物的茎是千姿百态的。如图所示是缠绕茎。根吸收的水分和无机盐是通过茎中的导管向上运输。水稻、小麦等植物没有形成层,因此,它们的茎不能加粗生长。(第 23 题)【解析】由图可知该植物茎缠绕在外物上向上爬升,是缠绕茎。水稻和小麦属于单子叶植物,茎内无形成层。24 如图所示,在甲烧杯内注入浓蔗糖水溶液,乙烧杯内注入清水,并各放入同样大小的胡 萝卜。在胡萝卜内插上同样大小的玻璃管,管内盛有等量清水。请分析回答下列问题:(1) 经过一段时间后,甲图玻璃管内液
12、面下降了,这表明植物失水。吸收来的水大约只有 1%当做光合作用的原料被植物利用,大约 99 躺 E 通过绿色植物的蒸腾作(2) 经过一段时间后,乙图玻璃管内的液面上升了,这表明植物吸水。25 根据下面的资料,请运用所学的知识解答下列问题:17 世纪,比利时科学家海尔蒙特做了一个实验。如图所示,他把一棵2.5 千克的柳树种在装有 90 千克泥土的桶里,只浇雨水。5 年后,柳树长到 85 千克,而泥土的重量只少了不到100 克。由于水是加到桶里的唯一物质,所以,海尔蒙特认为使柳树生长的物质是水。w-W(第 25 题)(1)该实验中泥土的重量减少了,这主要是由于泥土的无机盐被植物吸收。 海尔蒙特认为
13、使柳树生长的物质是水,你认为影响柳树生长的外界因素还有哪些?二氧 化碳、光照。(3)柳树吸收的水分中,一部分作为光合作用原料合成有机物,而绝大部分则通过蒸腾作用_散失到空气中。【解析】 植物生长需要无机盐。二氧化碳是光合作用的原料,光照是光合作用的条件,这26.如图所示,当植物放入浓盐水(合理即可)中时,植物细胞会发生 B 图的状况,导致植物萎蔫。位的树皮进行环剥。(1)伤口的上方(填“上方”或“下方”)会形成瘤状物。(2)两个果实中能继续发育长大的是枝条 旦填“A”或“ B”)上的果实。28.下表是花生在各个生长阶段的需水情况,请根据表回答:两个因素都会影响光合作用。水是光合作用的原料,99
14、 鳩上的水通过蒸腾作用散失。27.如图是两1 个大小相同的果实,现将枝条A B 白色部(第 27 题)A生长阶段平均每日耗水量/(米3/亩)播种出苗0.55 0.75出苗开花0.68 1.20开花结实1.33 2.11结荚成熟0.82 1.34(1) 花生的各个生长阶段中,生长最旺盛的阶段是开花结实阶段。(2) 花生的开花结实阶段消耗水分最多,其主要用于C(填字母)。A. 光合作用 B .呼吸作用C.蒸腾作用 D .开花结实(3) 从表中你能获得什么结论?花生在不同生长时期需水量不同。【解析】 根据表格数据可知, 四个生长阶段中平均每日耗水量是不同的,最多的是开花结实期,最少的是播种出苗期。
15、但无论哪个时期,植物吸水量的 99%都是用于蒸腾作用的。三、实验探究题(每空 2 分,共 34 分)29 某同学在探究植物枝条失水的速度与哪些环境因素有关时,设计了如图所示的实验装置。在风速等条件相同的情况下进行实验,其结果如下表:(第 29 题)实验序号环境条件失水速度/(克/时)125C、光照、潮湿14225C、光照、干燥32325C、黑暗、干燥8(1)水的表面加一层油,目的是防止水分蒸发,使实验结果更可靠。(2) 该实验装置中,锥形瓶上没有刻度,如何较为准确地测量枝条每小时的失水质量?利用 天平称量实验前后整个装置的质量。(3) 比较 1 和 2 两组数据可以得出的结论是在其他条件相同时
16、,空气湿度越大,枝条的失水 速度越慢。比较 2 和 3 两组数据可以得出的结论是在其他条件相同时,光照可以加快枝条的失水速【解析】(1)根据题意,小明提出的问题是:蛋壳能促进植物生长吗。(2)甲、乙两盆植株度。(5)如果要研究温度对枝条失水速度的影响,还需要设置第4 组实验,那么该实验应如何控制实验变量?除温度不同外,其他条件均与第2 组相同。【解析】(3)第 1 组和第 2 组实验的变量是湿度。(4)第 2 组和第 3 组实验的变量是光照。(5)若要研究温度对枝条失水速度的影响,则温度是变量,其他主要影响因素尽可能相同,为了使实验时间短些,选第 2 组实验为对照组。30.小明是一个八年级的学
17、生,他常常看到妈妈将做饭后留下的蛋壳倒扣在花盆中,妈妈认为蛋壳中含有促进植物生长的营养物质。蛋壳真能促进植物生长吗?小明是一个爱钻研的学生,为了把这个问题搞清楚,他设计了如下实验来探究这个问题:I.首先选取了发育情况相同的 3 株健壮吊兰幼苗,分别栽入体积相同、 质量相等的甲、乙、丙三个花盆中(甲和乙中装洗净的细沙、丙中装普通的土壤)。n.甲盆中不放蛋壳、乙、丙盆中放等量的蛋壳,其他实验条件都相同。川.一段时间后,吊兰生长状况发生了变化。小明将变化情况记录在下表中:植株实验前质量/克实验后质量/克生长情况甲4151植株弱小、叶色变黄乙4170植物较健壮、叶色较绿丙4199植株健壮、叶色浓绿请根
18、据上述材料回答以下问题:(1)小明提出的问题是蛋壳能促进植物生长吗。比较甲丄两盆植株的变化情况,可以得出结论:蛋壳能促进植物的生长。如果小明实 验前选取的吊兰幼苗发育情况不相同,能否得出上述结论?否。 (3)实验后,小明对丙盆吊兰呵护有加。由于浇水过勤,吊兰烂根死亡。这主要是因为土壤 中水分太多,导致 D(填字母)。A根吸收了过多水分,造成细胞破裂B. 根部细菌大量繁殖,损伤了植物的根C. 土壤中营养成分过少,造成根细胞死亡【解析】(1)根据题意,小明提出的问题是:蛋壳能促进植物生长吗。(2)甲、乙两盆植株D. 土壤中氧气过少,根无法进行正常呼吸是否放蛋壳,可比较而得蛋壳对植物生长的影响。甲、
19、乙两组其他变量均应相同,比如实验前两株植物的长势。(3) 土壤中水分过多会使土壤中氧气减少,使根细胞无法呼吸而死亡。31 如图,选一盆银边天竺葵(叶边缘呈白色),预先放在黑暗中 48 小时,再将叶片左边用 黑纸夹住,然后把天竺葵放在阳光下照 4 小时,再取下此叶片并用打孔器分别在该叶片的不 同部位取下 A、B、C 三个大小相同的圆片,放在酒精溶液中加热脱色,再放入清水中漂洗, 取出后再加碘液。(第 31 题)(1)将植株放在黑暗处 48 小时的目的是使植物叶片内的淀粉消耗、运走。(2)A、B、C 三个圆片能变蓝色的是 Bo(3)比较 A B,说明光合作用需要光。比较 B C,说明光合作用需要叶
20、绿素。(5)此实验说明光合作用的产物是淀 _(6)若要进一步证明此生理过程需要水,采用的主要措施是什么?切断叶_部分进行比较。【解析】(1)植物在黑暗处无法进行光合作用,可以进行呼吸作用消耗植物体内的有机物, 所以实验前将植株放到黑暗环境中的目的是消耗掉叶片内原有的淀粉,排除干扰,防止影响实验。(2)观察实验现象,在 A、B、C 三个圆片中,见光的 B 圆片能进行光合作用制造淀粉, 淀粉遇碘变蓝;遮光的A 圆片因无光不能进行光合作用,所以没有变蓝;不含叶绿体的C圆片也无法进行光合作用,没有变蓝。(3)比较 A、B,变量是有无光,说明光是光合作用的必要条件。(4)比较 B、C,变量是有无叶绿素,
21、说明光合作用需要叶绿素。(5)光合作用的产物遇碘变蓝,说明该产物是淀粉。(6)叶的叶脉内具有运输水的导管,如果切断叶片部分叶脉与其他部分进行比较,可证明光合作用需要水。32选择大小和生长情况相同的A、B 两株豌豆幼苗,分别种植在相同的培养液中(即无土栽培),在相同的生长条件下测量各一天内的吸水量(实验 1)。然后再将它们分别放置在与实验 1 同样的培养液中,同时在 B 株的培养液中添加较多NaCI(盐),A 株不变,一天后再测量它们各自吸水量(实验 2)。两个实验的结果如图所示,请回答下列问题:(第 32 题)(1)实验 1 结果证明:在实验中,可选择 A 植株作为 B 植株的对照。(2)B
22、植株的根吸水量减少的主要原因是外界溶液溶质质量分数增大。【解析】(1)A、B 两植株在实验 2 中只有培养液质量分数不同,其他情况均相同,可以互为对照。由于实验 2 的 B 植株培养液中添加了 NaCI,使该培养液质量分数增大,进而导致植物根 毛细胞细胞液质量分数与培养液溶质质量分数的差变小,根细胞吸水速度变慢。四、分析计算题(15 分)33.环境污染对植物的生长有不同程度的影响,在一定程度上,植物在被污染的环境中生活时,也有继续保持正常生理活动的特性,这种特性称为抗性。研究植物的抗性对筛选具有净化环境作用的植物种类和保护环境有积极的意义。一项研究表明,植物对SQ 的抗性与叶片上气孔的大小和多
23、少有关。所得数据如下表:被测植物平均受害面积/%气孔气孔密度/(个/厘米1 2)每个气孔面积/微米2甲植物13.53702.721该研究表明,植物对 SQ 的抗性与气孔密度的关系是气孔密度越大,植物对 SQ 的抗性越强,与每个气孔面积的关系是每个气孔面积越大,植物对SQ 的抗性越弱。2在 SC2污染严重的地区,最好选择表中甲植物为主要绿化树种。 大气中 SQ 的主要危害是产生酸雨现象,即pH 小于 5 乞的酸性降水。除 SQ 外,常见的大气污染物还有一氧化碳(合理均可)(写出一种)。对 SQ 污染物的处理,可用 NaQH 溶液吸收(化学方程式为 2NaQHF SQ=NaSQ + HQ)2005
24、年,我国排放 SQ 总量约达 2549 万吨。若全部用 NaQH 处理,则需 NaQH 固体多少吨?宝验1乙植物33.52504.16丙植物57.51805.56【解】 设需要 NaOH 的质量为x。A. tidy upB. sets up C. takes up D. puts away2NaOHF SO=NaSO+ HO80,x)64,2549 万吨)8064厂 2549 万吨,x= 318625万吨。【解析】(1)若植物对 SO 的抗性越强,则植物的平均受害面积越小。(2)甲植物的平均受害面积最小。(3)大气中 SO 的主要危害是产生硫酸,可表示为2SO+ 2H.O+ Q=2HSQ。常见
25、的大气污染物还有 CO NO、可吸入颗粒物等。2019-2020 年八年级第一学期期中英语测试笔试部分(120 分)、单项选择(20 分,每题 1 分)()31. How often does your sister use the Internet?Abouta day()32. When is your father going to Hong Kong?He is goi ng thereJuly 28th.A. onB. atC. inD. to()33. Thank you for me find my little cat yesterday.A. helpB. helpsC. h
26、elpedD. help ing()34.Are you good at_?A. swimB. swimmi ng C. to swimD. swam()35.Her bag is smaller tha nA.himB. heC. hesD. his()36. He had to retire(退休)earlypoor health.A. asB. becauseC. because ofD. because()37. I am verybecause I don t like exercise.A. healthB. healthyC. healthilyD.un healthy()38.
27、 His brother could himself when he was five.A. wearB. dressC. put onD. Wear()39. My friend likes singing and talking with others. But I often stay at hometo watch TV. So my friend is than me.A. seriouserB. more serious C. quieterD. moreoutgo ingA. three timeB. three times C. three timeevery day D. t
28、hree times【解】 设需要 NaOH 的质量为x。A. tidy upB. sets up C. takes up D. puts away()40. The big desk_ too much room. Please take it away.)41. Does Babara go to work bus or_ foot?A. to; byB. with; o nC. by; on)42. I don t mind _ you with your English.A. helpB. to help C. helpi ng D. helps)43. They are trying
29、_what is going on around the world.A. look for B. to look for C. to find out D .find outbus orD. on; on)44._I A. What)45. LookA. swimare you going to be a math scie ntist? igoing to lear n math well.B. HowCan you see a manB. to swimC. Why D. When in ariver.C. swimmi ngD. swims)46.Your father hopesA.
30、 you to feel better soon.C. you better soon .)47. Let s_:A. to watch B. watch)48. Remember class.A. The better, the harderC. The hard, the better)49. Tom is taller tha nA. any stude ntC. any other stude nt)50.The girlA. going to三、完形填空B. you feel better soon.D. you be better soon .a game show.iC. wat
31、ch ingyou work.D. watchesresult you will get.B. The harder, the betterD. The hard ,the good in hisclass.B. other stude ntsD. the other stude ntnew computer for herself n ext year.buys C.buy B.(30 分,每小题 1.5 分)is buyingD.is going to buyt show interest in any youngbeautiful and rich girl. She wouldnman
32、 and it makes them 51 . One day Fred came to the town to see his frie nd Mike.the university( 大学),” said Mike. I 53 you can help usLinda is a“ You 52 a lot in topunish( 惩罚)Linda!“ That s 54 !”said Fred.But you must 55 me a chance(Three days later, while FredI can make her laugh and cry in five minu
33、tes.机会).”was walking with his friends near the garden, theysaw Linda 56 her dog under a big tree. He came up to her and began to 57 the dog s head and the nhe said to it,“ Daddy!”The girl 58 this and bega n to laugh.“ What are you laugh ing for, Mummy?Linda s 59 turned red(“ What 60 ma n you are! su
34、percilious( 高傲的)girl.( ( ()51. A.terrible)52. A.learned)53. A.wa nt)54. A.busyB.unhappyB.seeB.letB.hard” Fred asked the girl. 变红)atonce and bega n to cry. theyoung men said to Fred andbegan to laugh at theC.gladC.metC.askC.easyD.quietD.taughtD.hopeD.free( )55. A.giveB.throwC.pass( )56. A.killB.killi
35、 ngC.play withwith( )57. A.beatB.touchC.cut( )58. A.sawB.listened toC.heard( )59. A.noseB.eyesC.ears( )60. A.astra ngeB.acleverD.fi ndD.playi ngD.hurtD.feltD.faceC.a nableD.apoliteBWhat should we do to keep healthy? One important rule is to exercise_ 61_. Mr.Fang 62 .exercise in the morning because
36、he must go to work at exactly seve no clodk. But he runs every evening .He walks a lot, 63_ . He works to work everyday,and after work he 64 different sports with his friends. Mrs.Fang goes to a yoga(瑜 伽)class 65 . But itwasn t 66 this way. Last year Mr.and Mrs.Fang used to (过去常常)67 everywhere in th
37、eir car, even todrugstore two blocks(街区)away.They thought they had to use the car all the time. They would nt walk. The Fangsall68 betternow. Theybelieve theyshouldn tbe lazy. We69 exerciseeveryday, but wu should try our 70 to exercise as ofte n as possible.61.A .ofte nB.sometimesC. lateD.later62.A.
38、 may notB.can notC.would notD.should not63.A. eitherB .alsoC .tooD. aga in64.A.watchesB. playsC.lo vesD.likes65. A.in two、weeks B.fortwo weeksC.aftertwo weeks D.twice a week66.A.alwaysB.eve nC.sometimesD.no67.A.ridi ngB.driveC.flyD.walk68.A. hadB.makeC.feelD.feel like69.A.needn tB.d ontC.did ntD.mus
39、tn t70.A.bestB.goodC.wellD.bad四补全对话(5 分,每小题 1 分)A. Because it has the best clothi ngB. It has the worst music.C. Whats the best clothing store?D. Because it has the most in teresti ng music.E. But easy Liste ning 979 is the most popular.F. Just liste n to their commercials.G. Whats the best radio st
40、ati on?Reporter: Hi, Im doing a survey for the Bedford Daily News. 71_Boy: I guess Jammi n 107 FM is the best.Reporter: Why?Boy: 72_Its much better tha n the other stati ons in tow n.Reporter: What about the other radio stations?Boy: Well, I think Oldies 102.1 FM is very bad. 73 _Reporter: I heard t
41、hat. 74 _Boy: Not for me.Reporter: Why not?Boy: 75 _ Theyre worse than the commercials of All Talk 970 AM!五、阅读理解 (40 分,每小题 2 分):阅读 A、B C、D 篇短文选择正确答案AI am Catherine. I love rock very much. I mean I like climbing mountains not rock music. I liketouching the rock and reading the face of the rock. I lik
42、e it a lot. I feel at home on the side of a mountain.Climbing is only my hobby. I have two long holidays every year. I often climb mountains during theholidays. I am different from other climbers. I often climb the mountains without ropes ( 绳子 ). I climbmany mountains in many countries but most ofte
43、n in the A mountains near D City, where I live.I started climbing near my home in Paris when I was five years old. I was good at climbing atthat time. I joined Climb Club to learn more when I was fourteen years old. I won my first competition inItaly in 1995.Three years ago I tried to find a new rou
44、te( 路线 )up the b Mountain near D City. The climbtook eleven days and at last the snow was so heavy that I could not move. Im going to try again thisyear.76. Catherine didnt start climbing mountains until _ .A. she was five B. she joined the clubC. 199577. On the side of a mountain she always feels _
45、.A. worriedB. happyC. lucky78. Catherine joined the Climb Club when she was _ years old.A. 5B. 14C. 1679. She couldnt climb up the B Mountain, because _.A. Catherine lost her wayB. the climb took11 daysC. it was too hard for her to move in the snow80. Which of the following is true according to this
46、 passage?A. Catherine won her first competition in France in 1995.B. Most climbers climb the mountains without ropes.C. Catherine lives somewhere near Chamonix.BOf all the students of Grade Four , Bill is the tallest Hes thirteen , and of course , hes theoldest , too But hes the worst and the most f
47、oolish Hecant answerthe easiest questions in class . And he neverpasses the exams . But the boy is thestrongest in his school . Even the boys in higher grades are afraid of him. So heleaves home with an empty bag. Whenhe gets to school , his bag is full of fruit and cakes . Sometimeshe brings some h
48、ome . His mother , Mrs King , is always happy when she sees them . She praisesher son , for she can save some moneyThis morning , Mrs. King went shopping in the market . She saw an old man selling eggs there .She chose twen ty-fourbut paid only for twenty . The old man was too busyto count them . Sh
49、e hurried off and told her husba nd as soon as he came back forlunch .“ How clever you are ! Mr . King said happily . And Bill was busy eating the,dear ? asked Mr . Ki ng .,“ Can you tell us what can lay eggs?and said , Hens, ducks , geese (鹅).and. . . and BADEGG .81. Bill never passes the exams bec
50、ause_A. hes the tallest of the children B. hes thirteenC. he doesn t work hard at his lessons D. he is not the worst in the school82. Why is Bills bag full of fruit and cakes when he gets to school?A. He buys them on his way to school . B . He makes the children give them to him .C. He finds them in
51、 the shops . D . His parents buy them for him.83 . _ , so Mrs . Ki ng is happy .A. Bill ofte n saves money for his family B. The childre n are afraid of BillC.Bill is stro nger and older tha n any other childD.Bill gets no food without pay ing any moneyEvery one knows that exercise is importa nt. We
52、 all n eed to exercise. Doctorssay i is good for us. It makes your heart and body strong. Children who often exercise are more alert(灵活的) . There are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games. Make sureyou exercise in the following ways: you have to like what youre do
53、ing. Exercise eno ugh but not toomuch. Its best to exercise twice each week. Thirty minu tes each time is eno ugh. Try all kinds of thingseggs, so he did nt say a word“ Whats your favourite food“ Eggs, of course )“ Well , then , said the manThe boy thought for a whilemum!Oh? But why ?I ofte n hear t
54、hey call me84.Bill didnt saya wordat tablebecause A. hewasthinking of aproblem B C.he wasafraidof hisfatherD85.Whichof thefollowing istrue A.he had to go to school ontime .he wan ted to eat moreeggs ?C.D.Mrs . King can lay eggsBill wished his mother could lay eggs.Bill likes his nickname(绰号)very muc
55、h .CPeople think Bill is very badun tilyou find one, two or even three sports that feel right for you.You can exercise at fitnesscenters. They have a lot of equipment there.The equipme nt will help exercise your arms, legs and other parts of your body to make you fit. Somepeople buy equipme nt for t
56、heir homes. But it is very expe nsive.Exercisingcan be fun. Friends can exercise together at a fitnesscenter,or they can play sports together.How do you exercise?86. In the passage, the writer tells us that we all n eed to._A. drink B. exercise C. sleep D. work87. Doctors say exercis ing makes our b
57、ody ._A. stro ng B .fatC. sick D. weak88. How often should we exercise accord ing to the passage?A. Once a week B. Twice a week C. Three times a week D. Once a day89. How long should we exercise each time accord ing to the passage?A.30mi nu tes B.35mi nutes C.13mi nu tes D. An hour90. The underlined
58、 words “ fitnesscenters ” in the passage mean inChinese.A.商务中心B. 健身中心C.购物中心D.医疗中心DA famous teacher was speak ing to the stude nts at our school. He bega n his less on by holdingup a $ 100 bill. Then he said to the three hundred students, “ Whowould like this $ 100 bill? ” Thestudents began to put up
59、 their hands at once. Then he said, $ I am going to give this$100 to one of you, but first, let me do this.”He then made the bill into a ball. Then he said ,“ Who wants it now? ” The handswent back into air. “Well. ” he said,“What if I do this? ” and he dropped it onthe floor and stepped on it. He p
60、icked up the dirty, crumpled bill and said, “ Who still wants it? ” Handswent back into the air. “My friends, ” he said, “ you have learned a valuable less on today. No matterwhat I did to the money , you still wan ted it because it did not go down in value. It was still worth $100 ! ”Many times in our
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