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1、Unit 2李仕才考点规范练(必修 5 Un it 2 )【短文语法填空】根据短文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Nowadays, there are more and more people l.who are continuing to study to improvethemselves.Here are several examples.2.Havi ng failed(fail) in the college entrance exam, Sun Wentookup studying 3.for a degree in the evenings a

2、nd on weekends while keep ing a full-time job.Now Sun isabout 4.to_graduate(graduate) with aBachelor s Degree and he is getting promoted because of the new5.qualification (qualify). Laid off from the compa ny, Ms Tang was filledwith an gerand sadness.At first, she enjoyed 6.being (be) a full-time ho

3、usewife , 7.but soonshe got bored.Now she has lear ned so many new skills 8.that she is prepared to set up her owncompany.Grandpa Chen is 75 years old , but he is still teaching 9.himself(he) new tricks every day.Hehas learned how 10.to_ use (use) the Internet and now he s doing an En glish course o

4、n the Intern et.I.阅读理解AWhen I revealed that I was planning to travel around Britainby publictransport,everyone I saw said, “Gosh,you re brave! ” but it never occurred to me to go any otherway.Driving in Britain is such a dull experience these days.There are far too many cars on theroad,nearly double

5、 what there were when I first came here,and in those days people didn tactually drive their cars.They just parkedthem in the driveway and cleaned them once every week,or so.About twice a year they would “get thecar out ” for a pleasant drive to visit relatives or take a trip.Noweveryone drives every

6、where for everything,whichI don t understand becausethere isn t a single feature of driving in Britainthat has even the tiniest measureof enjoyment in it.Justconsider the average multi-storey( 多层的)car park.You drivearound for ages,and eventually find a space that is exactly two inches wider than the

7、 average2car.Then,because you are parked next to a pillar( 柱子),you have to climb over the seats and end upsqueezing out of the passenger door,in the process transferring all the dirt from the side of your car tothe back of your smart new jacket.Then you go hunting for some distant pay-and- display m

8、achine,whichdoesn t give change.And that s just one tiny part of the driving experience.There are all the other annoyances ofmotoring,like traffic lights on busy roundabouts(环状交叉路 ) thatnever let you advance more than 20 feet at a time,and motorway service areas where food is much moreexpensive.Moto

9、rized vehicles are ugly and dirty.They occupy every pavement,turn ancient marketsquares into disorderly and untidy groups of metal,and cause petrol stations and other discouragingplaces to appear in great numbers.They are horrible and awful and I wanted nothing to do with them onthis trip.1.Why did

10、the author decide to travel by public transport?A.Because he didn t have a car.B.Because he hated driving in Britain.C.Because he wasn t familiar with roads in Britain.D.Because he was inspired by how people used to travel.2.What did the author mainly complain about in Paragraph 2?A.The inconvenienc

11、e of parking cars.B.The unreasonable parking fees.C.The uncleanness of car parks.D.The improper use of cars.3.How is the last paragraph developed?A.By providing examples.B.By making comparisons.C.By following the order of time.D.By following the order of space.4.What would the author probably talk a

12、bout in the paragraph that follows?A.The terrible places caused by vehicles.B.The bother caused by driving cars.3C.His travels by public transport.D.His past driving experienee.BSummer CampsMake your summer magical with aon e-of-a-k indsummer camp experie nee!Half-day,week-long camps are held from 9

13、 am-12 pm or 1 pm-4 pm.Daily sn acks( 零食)will be provided and even become part of the han ds-on fun!Session 1 Ocean Commotion(暴动)Set sail for fun and adve nture on the deep blue sea!Campers explore un chartedland at The Magic House and discover something fishy as they come into the exciting world of

14、 seacreatures.June 6-10June 13-17June 20-24Session 2Super Kids Explore EarthCampers become superheroes to the earth as they learn about the environment and discover howto use their super powers to protect it!Duri ng this acti on-packed week,campers will explore the earthfrom the sky to the sea and p

15、articipate in fun, earth-frie ndly activities such as tur ning trash into treasure.June 27-July 1July 11-15July 18-22Session 3Once Upon A TimeAt this unique fairy tale-themed camp,campers have a magical,make-believe adventure throughthe pages of someof their favourite storybooks.Campers experienee g

16、iant-sized fun as they use theirimaginations to travel to places found only in fairy tales.July 25-29August 1-5August 8-12(am sessions only)4All campers must be registered in advance.5.What does the underlined word“one -of-a- kind ”inParagraph 1 mean?A.Long. B.Unique.C.Official. D.Moving.6.What is t

17、he main purpose of Session 2?A.To encourage reading.B.To inspire imagination.C.To develop the spirit of adventure.D.To raise environmental awareness.7.What do campers probably do during Session 3?A.Read fairy stories.B.Travel the country.C.Search for treasure.D.Learn about animalsn.七选五阅读Imagine gett

18、ing a soft drink from a robot machine using only your smart phone. Or scanning aQR code ( 二维码 ) to buy goods from a newspaper ad.By making use of these new technologies, China mobile shopping is a bit ahead of the UnitedStates. China is still the worlds largest smart phone market, even though growth

19、 is slow. It accounts forabout 30 percent of the global smart phone market, and Chinese smart phone users are expected tojump from 526.8 million to 640 million in 2018, according to eMarketer. And its shoppers are using theirinstruments to rush to purchase a wide range of goods and services.Nearly h

20、alf of all Chinas e-commerce sales, totaling $505.7 billion, are made with mobile devices,versus roughly one-quarter in the US, according to eMarketer. By 2019, Chinas mobile sales willaccount for 71 percent of those sales.“Wedont see mobile buying staying unchangeable for the next five years, ” sai

21、d MonicaPearl, eMarketers director of forecasting.“Itll increase becauseconsumer behavior has changed. ” Feature­rich( 功能多样的 ), cheap smart phones are also5helping fuel the boom, she added.“China is, after all, a mobile first market, ” explains Brian Buchwald, CEO of consumerintelligence fir

22、m Bomoda. So it has been able to go beyond other markets, which mainly used PCs forpurchases.Meanwhile, the Chinese government has allowed a free-flowing retail and paymentsmarketplace. “There are no restraints( 约束), ” said Michael Zakkour, vice president of China / AsiaPacific practice at Tompkins

23、International.And thats good news forWeChat, a messaging app thats only five years oldand is offered by the Internet giant Tencent. The app now has 650 million users.And a good mass of them are using the app for mobile shopping. The result is that WeChat payments,along with Alibabas Alipay, lead the

24、 market. Because retailers can easily set up shops inside WeChat,users can plan family vacations, order a taxi or even buy clothes without going anywhere else.China is up to three years ahead of the US in mobile shopping, said Buchwald. “And itsmoving faster than any other area of the economy. Its t

25、he future.”1.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?A.China has more goods than the United States.B.Americas new technologies are as good as China.C.Chinas smart phone market is larger than that of the United States.D.American smart phone users will be ahead of Chinese in 2018.2.According to Monica Pear

26、l, why is mobile shopping increasing in China?A.Chinese are fond of using these new technologies.B.Nearly half of all Chinas e-commerce sales are made with mobile devices.C.Smart phones are cheaper than any other country in the world.D.The behavior of customers has changed.3.Which best describes the

27、 Buchwalds attitude toward Chinese mobile shopping?A.Doubtful.B.Optimistic.6C.Cautious.D.Worried.参考答案:1.C; 2.D; 3.B解析: 1.纟田节题。根据China is still the worlds largest smart phone market, even though growth isslow ”可知,哪怕增速有所减缓,中国仍然是世界上最大的智能手机市场,自然也大于美国的智能手机市场。2. 推断题。根据第 4 段 Itll in crease because con sume

28、r behavior has cha nged”可知,它只会不断增长,因为消费者的行为已经发生了变化。3. 推断题。根据最后一句可知,其发展速度也快于其他任何一个经济领域。未来前景无限,可知 Buchwald 对移动购物的态度是乐观的。七选五。(2016 长春质量监测二)decreases while our tale nts do not in crease.1 Get to know how you use your usualTake a week and write dow n what you do every 30 minu tes every day and make itint

29、o categories.After a week s record in g,you ll see which part con sumes most of the time. 2 .Andyou could come up with a revised timetable for your next week.Use fragment (碎片)time and “ dead time ”By time record ing,you llbe amazed how much time you ve wasted in waiting forthe bus,queuing,walking,et

30、c.You could really put that time to better use, 3 .Use your fragme nt time forin sig ni fica nt matters so that you could have more time for things that really matter.4There re always things to be done every day,and the thing we could do is toiden tify whether they re urge nt or importa nt.The thing

31、s you n eed to do for the day rest only on theurge nt as well as importa nt thin gs.D on t become slaves to urge nt but uni mporta nt things.Two biggest wealth in life:yourtale nt and your time.Tale ntin creases and timedecreases.Our life,ina way,is tradingtime with talents.Wastingtime mean sour tim

32、etime and make improvements7 Use the 20%-80% principle8At the most efficie nt time,20% of time could gen erate 80% ofefficie ncyand onthe con trary,at the least efficie nt time,80% of time could only gen erate 20% of efficie ncy.We shouldbe doing importa nt work at the most efficie nt time.That time

33、 period differs from pers on to pers on,5 .Yet gen erally speak in g,it s round 10in the morning and 3 in the after noon.After being familiar with those tips,the next thing would be to implement and hold on to it.Do theright thing at the right time,and we shall make our time to its fullest!A. but ev

34、ery one has a peak effect timeB. Make an an alysis about the ways you could improve your efficie ncyC. like memoriz ing En glish words or making n ecessary pho ne callsD. depe nding on your men tality and physical con diti onE. That is why we shall save every sec ond and make it countF. Pick three t

35、hings you must finish todayG. Finish as many tasks as possible川.短文改错(2017 河南豫南九校期末质量考评)A little kid fell into a lake while she was playing with her little the ambulancecame,the lady,who proved to be a nurse,performing first aid to thekid.A few of minu tes later,the kid sent to the n earest hospital

36、and fin allysaved.Thestory is a good example where first aid can make a lot of differe nces.From it,weknow it is necessary to know basic first aid skills so that we can be better preparing for an emerge ncy.frien ds.Theywere too frighte ningto know what to do next.Unfortunately,a prettylady and a ma

37、npassed by and saw the drowning girl.Theman immediate dived intothe water and tookthe girl to the bank and at a same time,thelady calledthe ambulaneeon time.Before9考点规范练 ( 必修 5 Unit 2)I.【解题导语】本文是议论文。作者认为在英国开车是件令人厌烦的事情,所以他决定乘坐公共交通工具环英旅行。1.B 细节理解题。通读全文,尤其是第一段中的“ Driving in Britain is such a dull exper

38、ience t hese days. ”,第二段中的“ .there isnt asingle feature of drivingin Britain that has even the tiniest measure of enjoyment in it.”及第三段中的annoyances,horrible and awful 可知,作者决定乘坐公共交通工具旅行是因为他讨厌在英 国开车。2.A 细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,作者抱怨停车的种种不便 : 找停车位费时间、停车 位狭窄、停车场收费机器不仅远而且不提供找零。3.A 写作手法题。根据最后一段中的“ .like traffic li

39、ghts.and motorway serviceareas. ”及“ They occupy.appear in great numbers.”可知,作者通过举例说明开车 是件令人厌烦的事情以及机动车对城市面貌的破坏。4.C 篇章结构题。根据本文最后一句中的“ .Iwanted nothing to do with them on thistrip. ”及文中作者运用大量笔墨证明在英国开车是件令人厌烦的事情可推测,下文最有可能描述的是作者这次乘坐公共交通工具旅行的经历。【解题导语】本文是应用文。文章介绍了三项形式特别的夏令营活动。5.B 词义猜测题。 由上文的 magical 及下文介绍的形式特别的夏令营活动,再根据该合成词 的成分可推断,画线词的意思是“独特的”。6.D 细节理解题。由文中的“ .learn about the environment and discover目的是提高露营者们的环保意识。7.


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