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1、Unit 3李仕才考点规范练(选修 7 Un it 3 )【短文语法填空】Many teachers believe that han ds-on experie nee is the 1.(good) wayto lear n.A group of stude nts in the Un ited States are putt ing that belief to the test.They 2.(success) desig ned and built a robot for diseoveri ngun explored mi nes 3._ the bottom of the sea

2、.Stude nts made the robot 4.(an swer) a challe nge from the U.S.Departme nt of Defen se.The students recently tested the underwater vehicle 5.(call)Perseusnin a 95-meter- longtank of water at the Steve ns In stituteof Tech no logy.The robot costs about $15,000 to build.The stude nts use a video game

3、 con trolto direct 6.movements in the tank.What s more,devices known asJapters 7._(able) the robot to go up,dow n and toward its target in thewater.Video cameras on the robot send images back to a computer through a 13-meter-longcable.Perseusnalso has 8._set of lasers( 激光),whichare used to measure t

4、he size of an object.The robot is the creationof five undergraduatestudents.Forover sixmon ths,they worked up 9.20 hours a week to desig n and build Perseusn.DeLorme supervised the project from 10._(begi n) to en d.He says thespecialized requireme nts of robots were dema nding.【解题导语】本文通过事实证明:亲身的实践经验

5、是学习的最好方法。1. best考查形容词最高级。此处表示“亲身的实践经验是学习的最好方法”,故用最高级best。2. successfully考查副词。副词修饰动词 designed 和 built 做状语,故用 successfully。3. at考查介词。at the bottom of 表示“在. 的底部”,故用 at。4. to answer 考查非谓语动词。在这里 to answer 是动词不定式做目的状语,表示“制造这个机器人是为了回应美国国防部的一项挑战”。25.called 考查非谓语动词。此处应用过去分词做后置定语 ,表示“被叫做” ,故用 called 6.its 考查代

6、词。由后面的 movements 可知, 应用形容词性物主代词做定语。指“机器人 的”,用 its 。7.enable 考查动词和时态。分析句子结构可知 , 主语是 devices, 谓语是设空处 ,故应用动 词 enable,表示“使发生”。且此处是一般性的描述 , 故应用一般现在时。8.a 考查冠词。 a set of “一系列” ,故用 a。9.to 考查固定短语。 up to “达到” ,故用介词 to 。10.beginning 考查固定短语。 from beginning to end “从头到尾”。I阅读理解(2016 长春质量监测二)The Coral Sea is home

7、to an amazing variety of turtles,sharks,whales,dolphins,largefish,birds,corals,plants,and many other species.Ma ny of these species are endan gered elsewhere inthe world,but still survive in the healthy environment of the Coral Sea.The Coral Sea is a large series of coral reefs located off the north

8、east coast of Australia.This areais three times larger than Australia s famous Great Barrier Reef,which the Coral Sea borders.The Coral Sea is one of the few coral reef environments that have remained largely undamagedby overfishing,oil and gas exploration and pollution.However,statistics show that

9、coral reefs around theworld are disappearing five times faster than rainforests.It is very likely that in the near future the CoralSea will face the same threats to its existence.The Australian government is currently looking at options for protecting theCoral Sea but has madeno decisions.Environmen

10、talists are pushing for laws to declare the Coral Seaarea a marine protecte d area.This would mean a large “no-take zone” for fishermen,ano-exploration zone for gas and oil companies and a no-dump zone for pollution.This would make theCoral Sea a marine park larger than any in the world.Wecan write

11、letters to Australian leaders,Australian environmental protection agencies,andAustralian friends,to let them know that people worldwide support this protection of the Coral Sea.Tolose this last great marine wildness would be a loss for the whole world.For more in formati on, click here please.1 .Wha

12、t is the author s purpose in writing this passage?A. To teach people how to protect the Coral Sea.B. To call for the public aware ness to protect the Coral Sea.3C. To show the amaz ing features of the Coral Sea.D. To expla in the fun cti on of the Coral Sea.2. What is the most importa nt reas on for

13、 protecti ng the Coral Sea?A. The Coral Sea,home to many species,will disappear soon.B. The Coral Sea is rich in oil and gas.C. The Coral Sea is three times larger tha n Great Barrier Reef.D. The Coral Sea will be a marine park larger than any in the world.3. You can most probably read this passage_

14、 .A.i n a guidebookB.on a websiteC.i n a scie nee textbookD.on a TV show4. Which of the follow ing is not men tio ned in the passage?A. The reas on for protect ing the Coral Sea.B. The way to protect the Coral Sea.C. The locati on of the Coral Sea.D. The money-raising for saving the Coral Sea.My mot

15、her has always lived by some simple rules:Go to church every Sunday,help people inneed,and don t worry aboutunchangeable things.These simple rules haveallowed her to live a content life,and in doing so,she sets an example for her childre n tofollow.However,l had broke n all of these rules by the tim

16、e I set off for college.It was September,a nd I should have bee n ecstatic as I stood on my collegecampus saying goodbye to myparents and embarking my new independent life.However,I was justquietly crying.I had never been away from homewithout family.My momhugged me,“Little girl,we llcome back to ge

17、t you next weekend and you can come home for a visit! ”My homesickness made my freshman year in college difficult,and I comforted myself bythrowing myself into my academics.I spent all my time studying,including weekends when everyoneelse attended parties.I had always been a good student.I would not

18、 settle anything but an A,and whenI got a 4.0 my first semester,a friend said to me, “That s great,but you can only go down from there!” Suddenly,I was moredriven than ever.My momwas worried about my social life.She was happy that I got good grades but had alwaystold me there was more to life.What a

19、bout faith?What about helping others?She encouraged me to go4to church.She believed that weekly attendance was the answer to my pathetic social situation.Sometimes,I find myself being critical (批评的 ) of my mother s simpleways.It s difficult with busy schedules to go to church every Sunday.And while

20、I admire my mom sability to help anyone in need,I complain that I do not have as much time as I wish to follow herexample.Her simple rules have served her well,and though I don t follow them as much as Ishould,they are there like a beacon(灯塔 ),calling for me to follow.1._The underlined word“ ecstati

21、c ” in Paragraph 2 probably means_ .A.tearyB.excitedC.homesickD.sad2.What can we infer from the third paragraph?A.The author didn t like any social activities.B.The author was angry with what her friend said.C.The author had a difficult time learning in college.D.The author couldn t adapt touniversi

22、ty life at first.3.What is the author s opinion about hermother s life rules?5A. She values the rules because they are guidi ng in her life.B. She ignores the rules because they are meanin gless to her.C. She supports the rules because they are suitable for her.D. She disapproves the rules because t

23、hey are difficult to follow.参考答案:1.B; 2.D; 3.A解析:作者母亲的生活法则虽然简单,但却蕴含人生智慧,就像灯塔,指引作者在人生道路上前进。1. B 词义猜测题。由本句后面表示转折的Howeverwas just quietly crying.”可知,ecstatic 应与 crying 所表达的情绪相反,意为兴奋的”,故选 B 项。2. D 推理判断题。由第三段,特别是第一句My homesickn ess made my freshman year incollege difficult,a nd I comforted myself by thro

24、w ing myself into my academics.”可推断,作者由于想家,大一只能通过不断的学习来安慰自己,故在大学一开始,作者不能很好地适应大学生活,故选 D 项。3. A 细节理解题。由最后一段的最后一句“Her simple rules have served her well,andthough I don t follow them as much as I should,they are there like a beacon,calling for me to follow. ”可知,作者虽然不能完全遵守母亲的生活法则,但它们会像灯塔一样不断指引作者,故选 A 项。n

25、.完形填空Dow n syn drome is a medical con diti on that makes some one develop men tally andphysically in a differe nt way from most people.However,a small act of1 couldhave a big in flue nee on a tee n with Down syn drome.Every morni ng for 10 years,bus driver Scott Reyno Ids2 Ty Coppola,who hasDown syn

26、drome,with a smile and a fist bump(拳头碰拳头 )when he 3 Ty.“It would start his day in a 4 way, ” Michael Coppola,Ty s father said.Ty can speak and com muni cate his basic n eeds,5he does n t have typical6con versati ons like most do.“Instead,he senses how people6 him whether it s a handshake or a fistbu

27、mp,” Michael said.Michael admits that many people, 7 their best intentions,donot know how toapproach8_ in cludi nghim.7that serves childrenand adults with disabilities.Michael says the school has taughthis son to be 11and con fide nt despite his disability.Yet,although Ty has 12 to do things on his

28、own,it doesn t mean he doesn t want affect ion fromothers.“The13 mean a whole lot more than words to him, ” Michael said.Reyno Ids kindn ess did n t 14 t here.He also lear ned things about Ty s life and asked himquesti ons about his family.When the Coppolas were 15 that Reyno Ids pla nned to retire,

29、Michael and hiswife decided to do someth ing to 16 Reyno Ids that he meant a lot to their son. With other peo ple shelp,the Coppolas held a surprise party in Reyno Ids17 .Ma nypeople came and paid respect for his years of18.“ I wan ted to show my 19, ” Michael said. “ I did n t want everything he di

30、dto be taken for gran ted ( 认为.是理所当然).He was n t just a. 20. . ”B.kindn essD.careful nessB.helpedD.no ticedB.gave upD.picked upB.particularD.positiveB.soD.orB.e ntertai nIt s exactly9_ Michael and his wife sent Ty to Holy Childhood,a101 .A.happ inessC.polite ness2.A.greetedC.exam ined3.A.broughtupC.

31、lo oked up4.A.similarC.special5.A.a ndC.but6.A.treatC.guide7.A.beyondC.without8.A.secrets8D.followB.despiteD.aga instB.pressureD.a nxiety99.A.howB.whenC.whyD.where10.A.companyB.schoolC.hospitalD.camp11.A.independentB.intelligentC.strongD.gentle12.A.decidedB.learnedC.agreedD.refused13.A.effortsB.inst

32、ructionsC.actionsD.comforts14.A.changeB.repeatC.continueD.end15.A.informedB.promisedC.persuadedD.convinced16.A.warnB.remindC.teachD.show17.A.nameB.methodC.honourD.memory18.A.educationB.serviceC.protectionD.encouragement19.A.thankfulness B.surpriseC.satisfactionD.improvement20.A.coachB.doctorC.class

33、teacherD.bus driver川.短文改错To be completely honesty,I was not looking forward to my vacation a little weeksago.I haven t been on a big trip before.The reason was bec lot ofmoney.At present, I am have enough money to travel.I experience of finalseeing a part of Canada I ve always dreamed of visiting.I

34、felt exciting onause traveling cost am richer for the10the plane to our first stop in Vancouver.I did occasionally look out of the window see what waswhat!Unfortunately,most of the mountains in Alberta and B.C. was covered in clouds.So I had to waitfor our drive from Kelowna to Revelstoke to see tho

35、se view!考点规范练 ( 选修 7 Unit 3)I.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了位于澳大利亚东北海岸的珊瑚海,它面临着即将消失的威胁。澳大利亚政府正在寻找方案 , 希望能保护这个伟大的野生海洋世界。1.B 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段可知,该文旨在提高公众保护珊瑚海的意识。故选B 项。2.A 细节理解题。 根据第一段第一句及第三段的最后两句“ However,statisticsshow thatcoral reefsaround the world are disappearing.It is very likely thatin the nearfuture the Cora

36、l Sea will face thesame threats to its existence. ”可知,拥有许多物种的珊瑚海正在消失,因此它需要保护。故选A 项。3. B 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“ For more information,click here please. ”可知要获得更多的信息,请点击这里。因此可以在网上读到该文。故选B 项。4. D 细节理解题。 保护珊瑚海的原因、 方案及珊瑚海的位置文中均有提及,但没有提到为拯 救珊瑚海筹集资金。故选 D 项。n【解题导语】 本文是记叙文。雷诺兹是名公共汽车司机,他的善举对一名患有唐氏综合征 的少年产生了巨大的影响。1. B

37、 根据下文内容及倒数第三段中的Reynolds kindness可知,一个小小的“善举(kindness) ”能对一名患有唐氏综合征的少年产生巨大的影响。2. A 根据本句中的 with a smile and a fist bump可知,每天早上雷诺兹以微笑和碰拳的方式“问候 (greet) ”泰。3. D 根据本段内容可知,雷诺兹是名司机,所以这里应该是指他每天早晨“接 (pick up) ” 泰。114.D 根据下文中的Reynolds kindness,he meant a lot to their son泰的问候让他的每一天都以一种“积极的 (positive) ”方式开始。5.C

38、“泰可以说出并表达他的基本需求”与“他不会像大多数人一样进行典型的交谈”之 间为转折关系 , 故此处应用 but 。6.A 根据本句中的“ .whether it s a handshake or afist bump.”可知 , 泰感知人们是如何“对待 (treat) ”他的。7.B 参照第 8 题解析。8. C 根据本段内容可知,“尽管(despite) ”很多人都有好意,但是他们不知道如何接触有“残疾 (disabilities) ”的人。下段中的 disabilities 及 disability 提示了答案。9. C 上段内容就是迈克尔和妻子送泰到 Holy Childhood 的原因。10. B 根据下句中的 the school 可知,Holy Childhood 是所“学校 (school) ”。11. A 根据本空后的 con


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