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1、近义词辨析1-40题1.C deceive意为“欺骗;蒙骗”,常用于句型deceive sb. into doing sth.中,表示“欺骗某人做某事”,如:He deveived the old woman into lending him all her money for his business. betray意为“背叛,出卖”,如:His accent betrays him. drive意为“驱使,迫使”,如:Too much noise will drive one mad. convince意为“使.确信;使.信服”,如:I feel convinced that we can

2、 overcome the difficulty and finish the task.2.A mobile意为“流动的,活动的”,如:A mobile medical team goes to the countryside once a week. drifting是动词drift(漂流,漂泊)的现在分词,如:The logs are drifting down the stream. shifting是动词shift(转移,转换)的现在分词,如:The wind shifted. rotating是动词rotate(转动,旋转)的现在分词,如:The earth rotates onc

3、e every 24 hours.3.B cut through意为“穿过,穿透”,如:Lets cut through the woods and get ahead of them. cut down意思是“砍下,消减”,如:The doctor asked him to cut down on smoking. cut off 意为“切去,隔离”,如:They cut themselves off entirely form the pleasures and enjoyments of the world. cut up 意为“切碎,摧毁”,如:His latest novel was

4、 cut up by the reviewers.4.C lose ones temper是固定搭配,意为“发脾气”,如:He lost his temper when he found his house so messy.5.B inferior意为“次的,劣等的”,如:A is inferior to B in quality. humble意为“低下的,卑贱的”,如:He was of humble origin. minor作”较小的,次要的“讲,如:Dont worry. Its only a minor operation. awkward意为”尴尬的,笨拙的“,如:He was

5、 in an awkward situation.6.B doubtful意为“怀疑的,疑惑的”,表示对自己的判断感到怀疑,如:Im doubtful about the future of the company. likely意为“很可能的”,常用于be likely to do sth.和be likely+that clause结构中,如:He is not likely to succeed. Its highly likely that he will succeed. certain意为“确信的,深信的”,一般不能构成it is certain to do sth.的结构 rar

6、ely意为“罕有地,不常见地”,是副词,一般作状语,如:He rarely visits library.7.D be characteristic of意为“是.特有的,是.的特征”,如:Sympathy is the feeling characteristic of mankind. special意为“特别的,特殊的”,如:What are your special interests? peculiar意为“特有的,独特的”讲,但不与of搭配,如:Language is peculiar to mankind. odd意为“奇怪的,古怪的”,如:He is an odd old ma

7、n.8.Caccuse意为“控告(charge),要和of连用,如:They accused Tom of stealing the car. The police accused him of murder.scold意为”责骂,训斥(berate),要和for连用,如:He was scolded for coming home late. She scolded her daughter for not closing the door.charge也作“指控”讲,但须和with连用,如:The driver is charged with speeding. There is no c

8、onclusive evidence to charge him with the murder.punish意为“惩罚(give a lesson to),要与介词for连用,如:He was punished for cheating on the examination. The soldier was punished for falling asleep at his post.9.D call off意为“取消”,如:Why were the talks scheduled for that afternoon called off at the last minute? set

9、off意为“出发,启程”,如:They set off on an expedition into the desert the following year. break off 意为“中止,中断”,如:The discussion had to be broken off as it was getting late. wear off意为“逐渐减弱 ,逐渐消失”,如:The effects of the drug began to war off.10.D lunar是形容词,来自拉丁语,意思是“月的,月球的,以月球公转测度的,太阴的”。solar也是形容词,意为“日的,太阳的”,如:s

10、olar calendar阳历,所以lunar calendar是阴历11.C constant作“永恒的,不变的”讲,如:He has been constant in his devotion to scientific studies. repeated意为“重复的,再三的”,如:He made repeated efforts to overcome difficulties ahead. continuous意为“持续的,连续的”,一般只用来修饰不间断的动作,如:There was continuous fighting on the border all day yesterday

11、. wide意为“广阔的,宽阔的”,与line不搭配12.Atraffic是不可数名词,many 和few只用来限定可数名词,故B,C不符合题意。little虽可限定不可数名词,但其中谓语动词are违反主谓一致原则,故排除。13.A 在as.as.之间加一个形容词或副词,表示两个东西在某方面是一样的,如:Shes as bad-tempered as her mother. 若用这一结构表示倍数,则在第一个as之前加上相应的词,如:We got three times as many people as we expercted.14.C anybody可用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中,表示“有

12、人”,如:Did you see anybody there? 此外anybody还可表示“无论什么人”,如:As we are good friends, you may ask anybody for help when you meet with difficulities. nobody表示“没有人,谁都不”,如:Nobody else but I went. somebody表示“有人,某人”,如:Somebody is waiting for you at the gate. everybody表示“每人,人人”,侧重于大家,如:Everybody is a soldier.15.

13、C persistence意为“坚持,固执”,如:He went on making efforts with persistence. endurance意为“耐久力,忍耐力”,如:He showed remarkable power of endurance. assistance意为“帮助,援助”,如:The book was completed with the assistance from his colleagues. resistance意为“抵制,抵抗”,如:Mary has great powers of resistane and will get well quickl

14、y.16.C transcend意为“超出,超越”,如:There is nothing that seems to transend the limits of unaided human intelligence. transport意为“运输”,如:Wheat is transported from farms to mills. transfer意为“转移,调往”,如:The dog has transferred its affection to its new master. transform意为“改变,改造”,如:A dynamo transforms mechanical e

15、nergy into electricity.17.D be popular with意为“受到.的喜爱”,如:This game is especially popular with girls. be content with意为“对某事感到满足”,如:We are not content with our prsent achievements. be pleased with意为“对.感到满意或高兴”,如:I am very pleased with what he has done. favorable意为“顺利的,有利的”,如:The weather is favorable to

16、 us for a start.18.A appauld可意为“称赞,赞许”,如:The teacher applauded his brave spirit. enhance意为“提高;增强”,如:By using modern techniques, the productivity of the soil can be vastly enhanced. clap意为“鼓掌,喝彩”,如:The teacher clapped to attract the class attention. elevate意为“举起;提高”,如:The fresh morning air elevated h

17、im.19.C call(draw) ones attention to 意思是“将某人的注意力吸引到.”,是固定搭配。另外,pay attention to 是“注意,重视”的意思,如:Please pay attention to your spelling.20.Dbe to have done结构表示“本来打算做完某事”,强烈地暗示“事实上没有做某事”,这是一种特殊的虚拟语气,相当于intend to have done或plan to have done, but did not do in fact,如:I was to have left that day, but owing

18、to a change of plan, I stayed.He was to have come back by eight oclock, but his bike broke down.They were to have been married last year.I was to have started work last week, but I changed my mind.A. completed表示“被完成了”, 这与but后面的分句内容矛盾。由于句子主语the second book和动词complete是逻辑动宾关系,因此这里的不定式要用被动形式,所以B, C错误。同时

19、由于was to complete使用的是过去将来时,根本不能够表示出“原本打算做某事,而实际上未做”的意思,也说明C错误。21.C flaw 意为“瑕疵,缺陷,裂痕”,如:There is only a flaw in his argument. mistake, error强调的是“错误” weakness意为“弱点”22.A concern在此意为“关于”,相当于be about,如:This story concerns a good girl and a wicked fairy. state意为“陈述,叙述,(正式地)说”,如:This book states the case f

20、or womens rights very clearly. proclaim意为“宣布,宣告”,如:The ringing bells proclaimed the news of the birth of the prince. relate意为“联系”,常与with搭配,如:I cant relate what he does with what he says.23.A wreck意为“破坏,毁坏”,尤其用于指船只,如:The ship was wrecked on the rocks. spoil意为“损坏,宠坏,溺爱”,如:Postcards always spoil my hol

21、idays. tear意为“撕,撕裂”,如:He tore his hair with rage. injure意为“伤害”,如:The injured people were taken to hospital.24.C bare意为“无覆盖的,光秃秃的”,如:He had his head bare. empty指有空间的物体中没有人或物,如:I had to leave with an empty stomach. isolated作“隔绝的,孤立的”讲,如:The patients isolated in special hospitals usually have infectiou

22、s diseases. remote意为“遥远的”,如:The connection between these two ideas is very remote.25.C give up 意为“放弃,抛弃,戒除”,后面接名词或动名词,如:He soon gave up smoking after he attended the medical report. arrive at意为“达到(结论、谅解)”,如:Both sides arrived at no agreement after 3 days talk. submit to意为“屈服于,忍受”,如:The oppressed peo

23、ple will never submit to foreign rule. work out意为“设计,制订;算出”,如:One of your main responsibilities is to work out ideas.26.C根据句子结构,此处是非限制性定语从句,由于that不能引导非限制性定语从句,因此A错误。what作关系代词,相当于that which; the thing which,可以引导名词性从句但不能引导定语从句,故B错误。which在此处引导一个非限制性定语从句,修饰前面整个句子,所以C正确。as 虽也可以引导定语从句,但多和such 或the same连用,

24、如:Such people as knew Tom thought he was a talented young man.认识汤姆的人都认为他是一个有才华的青年。27.D at length此处意为“详尽地”,如:He told Philip the story at length. at hand意为“在手边,即将到来”,如:I havent my book at hand, but Ill show it to you later. in turn意为“依次,轮流”,如:They answered the teachers questions in turn. in conclusion

25、意为“总之”,如:In conclusion, Id like to say Ive enjoyed staying here.28.D stand out此处意为“显著,出色”,如:His work stands out from that of the others. break out意为“突然发生,爆发”,如:Riots and disorders broke out then. hold out意为“维持,支持”,如:The car will hold out till we reach Tianjin. ran out意为“终止,到期,用尽”,如:When does the lea

26、se run out?29.C有些“prep.+n.结构有被动含义,如:A new type of machine is under development. The bill now under discussion was put forward by Smith. The commander has concentrated all his forces at places which are likely to come under attack.within意为在.里面,在.之间“,如:Our boss asked us to finish the work within three

27、 days. The company is within easy reach of the port.towards意为“向,对”,如:Both sides made little progress towards agreement.upon意为“在.之后即”, 如:Upon heated discussion, the proposal was dismissed as impractical.30.C 表示“能力”时,can与be able to同义,can只有现在时和过去时,be able to可能有各种时态形式。用于过去时中,can常表示能够做某事,事实上并不一定去做;be abl

28、e to则表示能做某事并且已做好,如:I could catch the 7:30 train.我能赶上7:30的火车。 I was able to catch the 7:30 train.我赶上了7:30的火车。31.Dvariation意为“变化,变动”,如:There was a variation of 10 degrees in the temperature yesterday.variety意为“多样化,种类”,如:The garden offers a variety of attactions.vanity意为“虚夸,虚荣心”,如:The girls vanity made

29、 her look in the mirror often.varnish意为“清漆”,如:The varnish was slightly chipped.32.A few和a few只用来修饰复数名词,而time是不可数名词,故C, D错误。 little含有否定意义,意为“很少”,如:He gained little from the scheme. a little含有肯定意义,意为“少量的,少许的”,如:He knows a little French.33.Bfreedom意为“自由”,和20 minute parking相矛盾。permission意为“允许,许可”,如:With

30、out permission, nobody can enter the room.limit作“限度,限制”讲,如:There is a limit to ones life, but no limit to serving the people.34.C gap用来指抽象的“距离,差距,隔阂”,如:You really dont feel the generation gap in this country before a son or daughter comes home from college for Christmas. crack用来指具体的“裂纹,龟裂”,如:There w

31、as a crack in the cup. room作不可数名词时,意为“空间”,如:They moved to another hotel, making room for a VIP. space可以用来指“空间,余地”,如:The atom, as we think of it today, is mostly empty space.35.D trend意为“趋势,倾向”,如:The trend of wages is still upwards. direction则作“方向,指挥”讲,如:The singing group is under the direction of Mr

32、. Blair. tradition意为“传统”,如:It is a tradition that women get married in long white dresses. phenomenon作“现象”讲,如:Unmarried mothers should not be regarded simply as a social phenomenon.36.A该题旨在考查动词know和短语动词do with的用法。know后面既不能接动名词,也不能接不定式作宾语,所以C, D错误。know后面可以接“疑问词+不定式”的结构,如:Nobody knows how to operate t

33、he new machine.He doesnt know what to say before the VIP.do with意为“处理,对付(deal with),如:What did you do with yourself last Sunday?The children didnt know what to do with themselves for joy.37.D shortage意为“匮乏,缺乏”,如:The work remains unfinished owing to shortage of staff. decline意为“下降,减少”,如:There has been a decline in prices these years. vacancy意为“(职位或位置的)空闲”,如:There is a good vacancy for a typis


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