Chapter Ten Motivating and Rewarding Employees_第1页
Chapter Ten Motivating and Rewarding Employees_第2页
Chapter Ten Motivating and Rewarding Employees_第3页
Chapter Ten Motivating and Rewarding Employees_第4页
Chapter Ten Motivating and Rewarding Employees_第5页




1、Chapter 10 Motivating and Rewarding EmployeesChapter Ten: Motivating and Rewarding EmployeesMultiple Choice Questions1.The _ theory of motivation specifically addresses the issues on which job enrichment focuses.a. motivation-hygieneb. expectancyc. McClellands needd. equity2.According to Maslow, a p

2、erson who is looking for affection, belongingness, acceptance, and friendship is at which need level?a.physiological d.esteem 3.Which of the following was not identified in the job characteristics model as a core job dimension?a.skill abilityb.task identityc.autonomyd.feedback4.Acc

3、ording to _ theory, motivation is a function of how much we want something and how likely we think we are to get it.a. equityb. expectancyc. reinforcementd. motivation-hygiene5.Of the factors listed below, which one would most likely cause an employee to produce a low effort-to-performance linkage?a

4、.The company keeps its pay policies confidential.b.The employee does not have confidence in his or her level of ability.c.Management increases standards for receiving a bonus when workers start increasing productivity.d.The employee feels that the organizations does not provide adequate pay levels.6

5、.In applying equity theory in the workplace, effective managers realize thata.overrewarded employees perform best.b.underrewarded employees perform best.c.for rewards to motivate employees, employees must perceive them as being fair.d.employees must consider their outcomes equal to the outcomes of t

6、heir co-workers.7.Which of the following is not a key component in the definition of motivation?anizational goalsc.hierarchyd.needs8.Maslow's hierarchy of needs proposes that an individual begins by satisfying _ needs.a.self-actualizationb.esteemc.physiologicald.safety9.According to

7、 Maslow, when does a need stop motivating?a.When the situation changes.b.When it is substantially satisfied.c.When the person returns to a lower-level need.d.Never.10.Which of the following statements would a Theory Y manager consider to be true?a.Employees dislike work.b.Employees must be coerced,

8、controlled, or threatened.c.Employees view work as being as natural as rest or play.d.Employees will shirk responsibilities whenever possible.11.Factors that eliminate dissatisfaction area.eliminatorsb.referentsc.hygiene factorsd.motivators12.According to Herzberg, which of the following is a motiva

9、tor factor?a.supervisionb.salaryc.statusd.recognition13.According to Herzberg, which of the following is a hygiene factor?a.salaryb.responsibilityc.achievementd.growth14.The theory that intrinsic factors are related to job satisfaction, and extrinsic factors are related to job dissatisfaction isa.Ma

10、slow's hierarchy of needs.b.McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y.c.Vroom's expectancy theory.d.Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory.15.When an individual is characterized by a need to constantly do better, to accomplish rather difficult goals, and to succeed, he or she external l

11、ocus of controlb.a high unfulfilled need for hygiene factorsd.a high nAff16.Jessica strives to develop friendships, prefers to work in cooperative situations, and works toward a high degree of mutual understanding in her relationships. She is demonstrating which need?a.achievementb.powerc.r

12、ecognitiond.affiliation17.Which of the following is a correct match between theory and the individual who developed it?a.motivaton-hygiene theory: David McClellandb.equity theory: J. Stacey Adamsc.hierarchy of needs theory: Frederick Herzbergd.three-needs theory: Douglas McGregor18.Equity theory rec

13、ognizes that individuals are concerned witha.only absolute rewards.b.their compensation package.c.their rewards relative to others.d.whether others perceive equity.19.On the basis of equity theory, when employees perceive an inequity, they might do all of the following excepta.distort either their o

14、wn or others inputs or outcomes.b.behave so as to induce others to change their inputs or outcomes.c.behave so as to change their personal inputs or harder on their job.20.In equity theory propositions, if paid according to quantity of production, overrewarded employees will produce

15、_ than equitably paid employees.a.fewer but higher quality unitsb.more and higher quality unitsc.more but lower quality unitsd.the same as but higher quality units21.All of the following are needed in order for a person to view his/her job as meaningful work excepta.skill variety.b.task identity.c.t

16、ask significance.d.autonomy.22.In the job characteristics model (JCM), the links between job dimensions and outcomes are moderated or adjusted by the strength of the _ need.a.securityb.powerc.growthd.affiliation23.Which of the following is not true about the job characteristics model (JCM)?a.The JCM

17、 provides a reasonably valid framework for defining the core characteristics in a cross section of jobs.b.People who work on jobs with high core job dimensions are generally more motivated.c.People who work on jobs with high core job dimensions are generally more productive.d.Job dimensions directly

18、 affect personal and work outcomes.24.Which of the following is not one of the three variables that are central to Vroom's expectancy theory?a.effort-performanceb.performance-rewardc.effort-rewardd.attractiveness25.The degree to which an individual believes that working at a particular level wil

19、l generate a desired outcome is defined by the expectancy theory asa.value or valenceb.attractivenessc.performance-reward linkaged.effort-performance linkage26.John is a salesperson for XYZ Corporation's Houston office. If the salespeople meet their sales goals for the month, they are given an a

20、ll-expense-paid trip to a Denver Broncos football game. Football is not one of Houston's favorite sports, and the Denver Broncos are definitely not John's favorite team. John's performance might be influenced by the _ part of Vroom's expectancy theory.a.effort-performance

21、rformance-reward linkagec.effort-reward linkaged.attractiveness27.A demotivating force in the _ relationship is represented by the following. After taking an examination, you believed that you could not have passed regardless of the amount of preparation you had done.a.behavior-rewardb.expectancy-fa

22、ilurec.effort-performanced.individual-performance28.At the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is:a.esteem needs.c.self-actualization needs.29.Joan believes her employees are responsible, creative, and able to work with minimal direction, she is aa.theory X manager b

23、.theory Y manager c.theory Z manager d.contingency theory manager30.The two factors in Herzberg's theory are motivators and _.a.growth b.hygiene c.power d.achievement 31.The _ theory of motivation is based on the premise that employees compare their inputs and outcomes to other people in a simil

24、ar situation to determine if they are being fairly treated.a. expectancyb. equityc. McClelland needsd. motivation-hygiene32.The best-known theory of motivation is which of the following?a.Maslow's hierarchy of needsb.McGregor's Theory X and Theory Yc.Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theoryd

25、.McClelland's three-need theory33.John has a job that pays well, he desires to make a contribution to the organization, and he has an active social life. His overpowering drive now is to become all that he is capable of becoming. At which level is John?a.self-actualizationb.safetyc.sociald.estee

26、m34.According to McClelland, which of the following needs focuses on the need to make others behave in a way that they would not have behaved otherwise?a.achievementb.powerc.recognitiond.affiliation35.In equity theory propositions, if paid according to quantity of production, underrewarded employees

27、 will produce a _ units in comparison with equitably paid employees.a.small number of high qualityb.small number of low qualityc.large number of low qualityd.large number of high quality36.Technical and professional employees are typically motivated by:motions mitment to their


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