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1、智课网TOEFL备考资料美共和党总统参选人周三继续辩论一托福阅读机经背景 The four remaining Republican presidential candidates took part in a televised debate late Wednesday in Arizona, one of two states holding Republican primary elections next Tuesday. Most of the debate dealt with domestic issues but, Irans nuclear capability did s

2、park a lively exchange among the contenders. 共和党四位仍在争取提名的总统参选人星期三晚间在亚利桑纳州举行电视辩论。亚利桑纳州是下个星期二举行共和党总统初选的两个州中的一个。这次辩论主要围绕美国国内议题展开,但是有关伊朗发展核武器的问题也在参选者中爆出火花。 After nearly a month without a Republican debate, the four remaining contenders took to a stage in Mesa, Arizona, for a testy debate that covered a

3、wide range of issues including taxes, government spending and illegal immigration. 共和党总统参选人在将近一个月都没有辩论后,剩下来的四名参选人星期三晚间在亚利桑纳州的梅萨再度举行辩论。辩论议题涵盖了税收,政府支出,和非法 移民 等等。 But near the end the debate did delve into foreign policy and in particular how the United States should deal with Irans nuclear ambitions.

4、但是在辩论结尾时,议题转向外交政策,其中特别是有关美国应该如何处理伊朗核野心的问题。 Three of the four Republican contenders took a tough line on Iran and criticized the Obama administration for not doing enough to pressure Tehran on its nuclear program. 四人当中的三人一致强调对伊朗采取强硬立场,并且批评奥巴马政府没有对德黑兰的核计划施加足够压力。 Among them was former Pennsylvania sena

5、tor Rick Santorum, who now leads the Republican field in national public opinion polls. 其中一位是前宾夕法尼亚州联邦参议员桑托勒姆。桑托勒姆目前在共和党初选的全国民调中处于领先地位。 “When they are going up against a dangerous theocratic regime that wants to wipe out the state of Israel, that wants to dominate the radical Islamic world and take

6、on the Great Satan, the United States, we do nothing. That is a president who must go and you want a leader who will take them on. I will do that,” he said. 桑托勒姆说:“当这个危险的政教合一政权试图消灭以色列,试图在伊斯兰世界称霸,试图采用恶魔的做法,美国却无所作为。这样的总统必须下台,而你们希望看到一位能把这件事肩负起来的领导人。我就是这样的人。” Santorums main Republican rival is former Ma

7、ssachusetts governor Mitt Romney, who faces a critical challenge in next weeks Michigan primary, the state where Romney grew up. 桑托勒姆的主要共和党对手是前麻萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼。罗姆尼在下个星期他出生的密西根州初选面临严峻挑战。 Romney also took a tough line on U.S. policy toward Iran. 罗姆尼也主张对伊朗采取强硬政策。 “But nothing in my view is as serious a failu

8、re as his failure to deal with Iran appropriately. This president should have put in place crippling sanctions against Iran. He did not,” Romney said. 罗姆尼说:“在我眼中,没有比他未能妥善处理伊朗问题更严重的失败了。这位总统应该对伊朗施加让伊朗瘫痪的制裁。但是他没有。” Former U.S. House speaker Newt Gingrich has fallen behind in the polls but remains in th

9、e race. Gingrich hopes to have a breakthrough on March 6th when his home state of Georgia and nine other states will vote in the so-called Super Tuesday primaries and caucuses. 前众院议长金里奇在民调中落后,但是仍继续参选。金里奇希望在3月6号 -他的家乡州乔治亚州以及其他九个州举行所谓超级星期二的党内初选时,能够有所突破。 Gingrich also advocated a tough line on Iran dur

10、ing the debate. 在辩论中,金里奇也主张对伊朗强硬。 “If you think a madman is about to have nuclear weapons and you think that madman is going to use those nuclear weapons, then you have an absolute moral obligation to defend the lives of your people by eliminating the capacity to get nuclear weapons,” he said. 金里奇说:

11、“如果你考虑到一个疯子即将拥有核武,而且你考虑到这个疯子会使用核武,那么,你就有绝对的道德义务,取消这个疯子获得核武器的能力来保卫你人民的生命。” Only one of the four Republican candidates had a different view on Iran policy. Texas Congressman Ron Paul opposed the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and says he would not favor another U.S. military involvement in the Middle Ea

12、st. 在这四名共和党总统参选人当中,只有一个人对伊朗政策持有不同观点。那就是德克萨斯州联邦众议员罗恩.保罗。罗恩.保罗曾经反对美国出兵伊拉克和阿富汗。他表示,他不赞成美军再度卷入中东。 “I disagree because we dont know if they have a weapon. Matter of fact there is no evidence they have it. Israel claims they do not have it and our government doesnt. I dont want them to have a weapon but I

13、 think what we are doing is encouraging them to have a weapon because they feel threatened.” 罗恩.保罗说:“我不同意的原因是,我们不知道他们是否真的拥有核武。事实是,没有证据显示他们拥有核武。以色列声称他们没有核武而我们的政府却不相信。我不希望他们拥有核武,但是我认为我们所做的恰恰是鼓励他们拥有核武,因为他们感受到威胁。” The debate was the last showdown for the candidates before next Tuesdays primaries in Ariz

14、ona and Michigan, and the 10 Super Tuesday contests on March 6th. 这次辩论是下个星期二的亚利桑纳州和密西根州初选、以及3月6号有10个州同时举行的超级星期二初选前的最后一次共和党总统参选人辩论。 So far, three of the four contenders have won at least one primary or caucus vote but none of them have established any consistent political momentum or forged a large l

15、ead in the delegate count that will determine the Republican nominee at the partys presidential nominating convention in Tampa, Florida, in late August. 到目前为止,四位参选者当中的三人都至少赢得过一次党内初选,但是却没有一位能够保持持续的政治势头、或者在选举人代表的票数上大幅领先。这些选举人代表将决定8月底在佛罗里达州坦帕召开的共和党总统提名大会。 Political experts say if the trend continues the Republican race could go o


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