人教版高中英语(必修4)Unit4 Body language_第1页
人教版高中英语(必修4)Unit4 Body language_第2页
人教版高中英语(必修4)Unit4 Body language_第3页




1、 人教版高中英语(必修 4)单元习语Unit 4. Body languageWarming u1. communicate sth to sb.把某事传达给某人 communicate with.与.交流/通信2. a statement on /about sth 关于某事某物的声明、陈述 make/issue a statement发表声明 get/take a statement正式纪录陈述3. on the left side of the chart在图表的左边4. make notes作笔记5. act out表演出来Pre-reading, reading and c

2、omprehending6. the purpose of language语言的目的7. give an example举例8. greet sb with . 用.向某人打招呼/欢迎某人 greet sb/ sth (with/as sth)(通过.)对某人或某物作出反应9. represent our university's students association代表我们大学学生会 represent the Chinese government代表中国政府 represent. rs.把.描绘成.represent oneself as to be.自称是.10.

3、 meet this year's international students 迎接今年的国际交流生11. look around curiously/in a curious way好奇地四处张望 be curious about .对.感到好奇 be curious to do sth积想做某事 from/out of one's curiosity 出于好奇 with curiosity=curiously好奇地12. closely followed by.紧跟着的是. ;后面跟着13. introduceto介绍14. approach sb靠近某人 ap

4、proach to 接近;近似;(做某事的)方法(途径) the approaching examinations即将到来的考试;  the approach of spring春天的到来 at the approach of .在.快到的时候15. touch her and kiss her on the cheek摸一摸她的肩膀并且吻她的脸颊16. step back后退;  take a few steps away from离开退开几步17. in defence 自卫; in defence of .为了保卫. in sb's /sth's de

5、fence 为某人/某事辩护;在某人/某事的防备下 defend . Against/ from.保卫.以免受到.18. A major misunderstanding大误会 misunderstanding of/about sth关于某事的误会   at a major hotel在大酒店 major in . 主修.19. reach his hand out to sb.=reach out one's hand to sb.向某人伸出手20. shake hands with sb与握手21. dash through.冲过. dash out of. 冲出. d

6、ash across.冲过. dash into.冲进. 奔到.22. on the contrary 正相反;恰好相反 (be) contrary to .与.相反 to the contrary完全不相同地(的);23. nod at 对点头24. stand close to sb./sth靠近某人/物站着 sit close to sb./sth靠近某人/物坐着 get close to sb./sth 靠近某人25. get to do sth逐渐做某事 26. not all.( = all.not.并非所有的.都.(部分否定) not.nor. 既不.也不.27. in the

7、same way同样 at the time as同时28. spoken English 英语口语;spoken language口语 a spoken message一个口信29. express their feelings表达感情30.through physical distance通过身体距离31. be more likely to do sth. = It is likely that .很有可能做事32. in general= generally (speaking) 一般而言;总的说来;从总体上看;通常;大体上33. avoid difficulty in communi

8、cation避免交流中的困难 avoid doing sth避免做某事34. keep physical distance from others与别人保持身体距离Learning about language and using language 35. even if即使36. all kinds of各种各样37. be intended to打算38. the universal facial expression通用的脸部表情39. function as 起作用;具有功能 perfect/serve a function尽到职责40. put sb at (one'

9、;s) ease使某人放忪 at ease舒服;快活;自由自在 with ease轻易地;毫不费力地 ease sb of sth消除某人的痛苦等41. lose face丢面子;save face保全面子;有脸面 look sb in the face直视某人 in the face of .面对; 在面前 face to face面对面;相对与lose相关的词组 lose heart灰心;泄气 lose weight 减轻体重;减肥 lose one's temper生气;发脾气 lose one's life 献出生命;丧生42. turn your back to. 背

10、对;背弃; turn against背叛 turn your back on sb/sth避开或拒绝接受某人/某物turn one's nose up at.瞧不起;轻视;鄙视 shut/close one's eyes to. 闭目不看;视而不见43. show anger显示愤怒;in anger生气地;愤怒地 show good feelings表达好的情绪44. nod the head up and down点头 up and down 上下;来回;上下波动;时好时坏;起伏 from side to side 从一边到另一边;左右45. look away from

11、sb/sth把目光从某人或某物上移开;不注视,不看某人或某物 look down on/upon sb 轻视某人;瞧不起某人 look up to sb尊敬,尊重look forward to sth盼望;期待  look directly at an adult直视一个成人 look sb in the eye直视某人46. in most case大多数情况下47. turn forward to向前倾48. roll one's eyes转动眼珠49. be respectful to sb.对某人尊重的;  show respect for对表示尊

12、重50. give a hug to sb.= give sb a hug = hug sb 拥抱某人 hold your arms across your chest双臂抱胸51. be willing to do sth = be content to do sth = be pleased o do sth = would like to do sth愿意做某事 be pleased with 对高兴/满意52. be wrong about sb. = be mistaken about sb.= misunderstand sb.误解某人 be wrong with sb

13、/sth某人/某物有毛病/不正常 go wrong 出差错;患错误 do wrong to sb. = do sb wrong冤枉某人 misunderstand each other互相误解Workbook53. be nervous about对紧张54. be angry at sb生气55. the comedy show喜剧表演56. defend the honor of one's nation捍卫祖国的尊严57. be interested in the development of 对的发展感兴趣58. whisper to each other 互相小声说话  speak to对说话59. local business people当地商人60. disappoint your boss使老板失望61. an exciting experience一次另人兴奋


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