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1、小学一般现在时复习教案1、 教学目标:复习并掌握一般现在时的构成及其用法。2、 教学重点: 一般现在时的构成。 教学难点:一般现在时的运用。3、 教具:图片4、 教学过程1、 定义一般现在时的自我介绍(1) 表示经常发生或习惯性发生的动作时,用一般现在时态。 e.g.:I often watch TV at home.(出示看电视的图片)I usually get up at six .(出示起床的图片)I do my homework every night. (出示做作业的图片) (2) 表示客观的事实,用一般现在时态。 e.g.:There are seven days in a wee

2、k.The sky is blue.(出示蓝天的图片)2、 特征词一般现在时的好朋友often usually always sometimes never every+时间3、一般现在时的构成一般现在时的真面目 (1) 肯定句的结构be动词:主语+be(am,is,are)+其它。 e.g.:I am a boy. He is happy.行为动词:主语+行为动词(+其它)。 e.g.:We study English. The boy plays basketball.注意:当句子主语是I, we, they, you(第一、二人称)或复数名词时,动词用动词原形。 当句子的主语是he, s

3、he, it或单数名词(第三人称单数)时,动词要用第三人称单数的现在式形态(在动词后面加"-s"或"-es")。 e.g.:Mary likes Chinese.复习:人称单数复数第一人称Iwe第二人称youyou第三人称Hesheitthey一般动词后加swears, reads, works, makes, likes,laughs,buys以s, x, ch, sh结尾,后加eswatches, brushes,teaches,guesses,catches.以辅音字母 + o结尾,一边加esgoes, does辅音字母 + y结尾的单词, 变y为

4、I, 加esWorries, carries第三人称单数动词变化叮当法术变变变!特殊形式: have-has课堂巩固操练出示图片,请学生造句(分4个小组各造一句)图片组1:Tom、clean the room图片组2:A Cat、eat fish图片组3:Mary、watch TV图片组4:My mother、work in a factory练习考考你1. 把下列人称归类Tom, Jiamin, I , my father, you, they, my cousin, her daughter, our teacher, he, she, it, your sister, his frien

5、d, his friends, their brother, their brothers, the cat, little dog, the table, my bag第一人称:第二人称:第三人称单数:第三人称复数:2. 选择适当的词填空(1) I _(have, has) a beautiful toy bear.(2) They _ (have, has ) some postcards.(3) Tim _(have, has) a new basketball.(4) My sister _(have, has) three green skirts.(5) I _(like, lik

6、es) playing chess.(6) He _(like, likes) listening to the radio.(2) 否定句的结构be动词:人称+Be(am,is,are)动词否定形式+其它. Be动词的否定形式肯定形式否定形式缩写形式am am notis is not isntare are notarente.g.:I am not a boy. He isnt happy.行为动词:人称+助动词否定形式+行为动词(+其它)第三人称单数一般现在时的否定形式,在行为动词前加doesnt (does not).e.g.:I gets up early. I dont get

7、up early. We dont study English.注意:一旦遇见“doesnt”“do”这两个词时,动词必须还原。 e.g.The girl likes eating fruits very much.The girl doesnt like eating fruits at all.Does the girl like eating fruits?课堂巩固操练出示图片,请学生造否定句(重复用上个环节图片,分男女2组各造两句)图片组1:Tom、clean the room图片组2:A Cat、eat fish图片组3:Mary、watch TV图片组4:My mother、wor

8、k in a factory练习考考你把下面的句子改为否定形式:He is a worker ._He often play basketball ._(3) 一般疑问句的结构(一般疑问句读音升调)Be动词+主语+其它? Yes,主语+Be动词. No,主语+Be not. E.g.:Are you Jim? Yes,I am(这里不能缩写).No,Im Tom. Is your father tall? Yes,he is.No,he isnt.助动词(dodoes)+主语+动词原形(+其它)? Yes,主语+dodoes. No,主语+dodoes not. E.g.:Do you hav

9、e a story book? Yes,I do.No,I dont. Does Lily go to school by bike? Yes,she does.No,she doesnt.课堂巩固操练 课堂现场情景句子转换师:He is in red. 生:Is he in red? Yes,.No,.师:She is beautiful. 生:Is she beautiful? Yes,.No,.师:She looks thin . 生:Does she look thin? Yes,.No,.师:. 生:.师:. 生:.师:. 生:.师:. 生:.师:. 生:.如果主语是 this th

10、at,回答时用 it 代替,如果问句中主语these, those,回答时用 they 代替。e.g. Is this your bag? Yes ,it is.No,it isnt. Are those oranges? Yes,they are.No,they arent.课堂巩固操练 课堂现场情景句子转换师:This is his book. 生:Is this his book? Yes,it is.No,it isnt.师:That is a schoolbag. 生:Is that a schoolbag? Yes,it is.No,it isnt.师:This one makes

11、 me happy . 生:Does this one make you happy? Yes,it does.No,it doesnt.师:These are desks. 生:Are these desks?Yes,they are.No,they arent.师:. 生:.师:. 生:.师:. 生:.师:. 生:.陈述句变一般疑问句应注意的事项a.如果陈述句中有第一人称,则变问句时最好要变为第二人称。e.g.:I usually have lunch at school.Do you usually have lunch at school?My father is playing so

12、ccer.Is your father playing soccer?b.如果陈述句中有some, 则变问句时往往要变成any 。e.g.:I have some friends in America.Do you have any friends in America?课堂巩固操练 课堂现场情景句子转换师:I listen to the music every Saturday.生:Do you listen to the music every Saturday? Yes,.No,.师:We like Tom & Jerry .生:Do you like Tom & Jer

13、ry ? Yes,.No,.师:I know some stories in this book.生:Do you know any stories in this book? Yes,.No,.练习考考你变一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答。1.He wants a book._2. Jimmy washes hands before dinner._3. Lisa likes milk very much._4. They walk to school._5. Lingling and Dandan are 10 years old._6. I am Chinese._7. Ben is fro

14、m America._ (4)特殊疑问句的结构(特殊疑问句读音降调)特殊疑问词+助动词(dodoes)+主语+动词原形+其他?eg:Where do you do study English?特殊疑问词+be动词+主语+其他?eg:Why is your Mum so angry?【即 疑问词+一般疑问句的结构】 疑问词有:what ,when ,why ,who ,where ,how. e.g. When do they have lunch? 他们什么时候吃饭?Where does he do his homework? 他在那里做作业?How is your father? 你爸爸怎么

15、样了?练习考考你划线提问(前两题做例题讲,后四题学生练习)1. He wants a book._2. Jimmy washes hands before dinner._3. Lisa likes milk very much._4. They walk to school on Monday._5. Lingling and Dandan are 10 years old._6. I am a doctor._7. Ben is from America._实战训练一 选择正确的答案填空,将其字母编号写在题前的括号内。( )1. My mother_ housework every day

16、. A. did B. do C. does( )2. The lion doesnt_ the net three times a day. A. bited B. bite C. biting( )3. He_ a big hole every week. A. makes B. is making C. made( )4.Does the cat_ a mouse every hour? A. catch B. catching C. catches( )5.He usually_ the earth to the hill. A. carry B. carries C. carrys(

17、 )6. My mother always_ up at half six. A. got B. get C. gets( )7. She often_ under a big tree and _ books in the morning. A. sitreads B. sitsread C. sitsreads( )8. _ the boy _ TV on weekdays? A. Dowatches B. Doeswatch C. Dowatch( )9.Their friend_ to the park every two days. A. go B. goes C. going( )

18、10.He never_ a lot of water after he_ football. A. drinksplay B. drinksplays C. drinkplays( )11. _your mother _ a car to get there every day? A. Doesdrive B. Dodrive C. Dodrives( )12. He seldom_ anything.A. forget B. forgot C. forgets( )13. She often_ over when she_ the baton. A. fallsgets B. fallsg

19、et C. fallgets( )14.Janet_ the dog every morning. A. feed B. feeding C. feeds( )15.My father_ well in the evening every day. A. doesnt feel B. dont feel C. doesnt feels(二).在下面的动词后加-s或-es . (1) catch_ (2) go_ (3) cost_ (4)fish_(5)listen_(6)do_ (7) fall_ (8)show_(9)brush_ (三). 翻译。 1I often _ _(看电视)in

20、the evening. 2Jack _ _(踢足球) every afternoon. 3Jane _ _(购物)with her mother on the weekend. 4They all _(喜欢)English teacher. 5Jack often _(睡觉)at ten. 6Do they _ _(吃晚饭)at home? 7We often_(跳舞)in music class. 8A chair_(有)four legs.(四).用适当的动词形式填空.(1) Wang Xin usually_(get) up at 6:30. He_(get) up now . (2)

21、 Meihua usually_(clean) his bedroom on Sunday. Now its nine oclock. He_(clean) his bedroom. (3) Bill_(not like) skipping. He_(like) running. (4) My mother_(make) noodles on Sunday. She_(not make) pasta. (5) _ your sister_(like) coffee? No, but she_(like) tea.(6) The bird sometimes_(fly) high. (7) To

22、day_(be) my 12th birthday. My grandmother _(give) me a doll. (8) The girl usually_(plant) many plants in the spring every year. (9) Our music teacher_(teach) us music on Monday afternoon. (10) He usually_ (water) them in the morning.(11) He always_(clean) slowly and _(look)left and right (12) The yo

23、ung lady_(clean) her bedroom every afternoon. (13) She never_(go) to school late, and she always _(do) well in class. (14) Usually, Tom _(water) them two times a day. (15) May usually_ (plant) many trees in spring.(五).照样子,写出下列动词的形式.例: sing sings singing(1)cut_ _ (2) catch_ _(3)swim_ _ (4) take_ _(5)

24、get_ _ (6) run_ _(7)ask_ _ (8)brush_ _ (六).找出每句中的错误并改正。 ( )1. I has a matchwith him today. _ A B C ( )2. He favourite class is Chinese. _ A B C( )3. There are a carin front of my house. _ A B C ( )4. These ishis shoes. He should put them on. _ A B C ( )5. It isgoing to beeight now. _ A B C七按要求变化句子。

25、1Jack sweeps the floor every morning.(否定句)_ 2He sometimes goes to school at eight.(特殊疑问句)_ 3We like singing and dancing.(一般疑问句)_ 4We often have lunch at school.(特殊疑问句)_ 5A dog runs faster than a cat.(否定句)_八仿照例子写句子。 例:Tom gets up at seven in the morning.(at six) Does Tom get up at six in the morning?No, he doesnt get up at six in the


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