1、Purchase Orders Questionnaire采购单调查表Prepared for准备Customer Name客户名字Project计画Project Name计画名字Prepared by准备被Name名字Contributors贡献者Document contributors文件贡献者A.Purchase Order Setup1.采购单装备Will items be purchased in a foreign currency?1.项目将会在外国的通货被购买吗?2.Will lot processing be used?2.意志运气处理被用?3.Will item sub
2、stitutions by vendor be required?3.将会计算厂商的替换被需要?4.Are purchased orders processed by your organization subject to tax?4.被购买的命令因你的组织而处理依照课以税?What type of tax(es)?5.哪一类的税 (es) ?Do you remit tax on the amount before or after discount?5.你免除优惠前或后的在数量方面的税吗?6. taxes?6.你以前采取在发票数量方面的优惠或包括税?If you will be remi
3、ttinguse or VAT taxes, what tax areas (jurisdictions)7.will you be subject to?7. 如果你将会免除使用或者加值税课以税,你将会受制于什么税区域 权)?司法B.B。Purchase Order General Questions采购单指挥疑问1.How many different order types are used?1.多少不同的次序类型被用?Do you take the discount on the invoice amount before or includingExamples are: stand
4、ard orders, blanket orders, subscription orders, etc.2.例子是:标准命令,毛毯命令,捐献命令,等等How many different line types could be on an order?2.多少不同的线类型可能是在一个次序上?Examples are: Inventory items, Service items.是:例子是: 详细目录计算,服务计算。3. type?What are the steps required to process each line type within an order3.必需在一个次序类型里
5、面处理每条线类型的步骤是什么?4.Do you have approval steps for purchase orders?4.你为采购单有赞成步骤吗?5.Do individuals have limits on the amounts they can approve?5.个体在他们能赞同的数量上有极限吗?If so, what are the approval limits?6.如果如此,什么是赞成极限?How is the purchasing order number assigned?6.被分配的购买次序数字好吗?Are order numbers restricted to
6、ranges depending on the order type?被限制到范围的次序编号是取决于次序类型吗?7. Is there a message which should always print for a vendor on all purchase orders for that vendor?7.有一个应该在那一个厂商的所有采购单上总是为一个厂商印刷的信息吗?This will be defined in the purchasing instructions.这将会在购买指导被定义。8. Do any vendors require a minimum order amou
7、nt to process the purchase orders for that vendor?8.任何厂商要求最小的次序数量处理那一个厂商的采购单吗?This will be defined in the purchasing instructions.9.这将会在购买指导被定义。Are you restricted from ordering certain items from a specific vendor.9.你从命令一个特定的厂商的特定的项目被限制。Should quantity received against a purchase order item be edite
8、d10.against the quantity entered on the purchase order?10.量应该收到对抗一个采购单项目被编辑对抗被从事采购单的量?11.How are vendor pricing rules established?11.订定规则的价格的厂商如何确定的?(Trade Agreement?)贸易协议? )12.Do Items typically enter transactions against one warehouse?12. 项目典型地进入对抗一间仓库的交易吗?If so, default locations?如果如此,疏怠职责位置?13.P
9、urchase Order Entry13.采购单进入a.What is a typical purchase order?一个典型的采购单是什么?b.b。Does each warehouse generate its own purchase orders, or is there a centralized purchasing function?每间仓库产生它自己的采购单,或在那里集中的购买动作?c.c。How do purchase order personnel search for an item?采购单人员如何寻找一个项目?d.d。Is there text informati
10、on or special messages that is entered for an order?有本文数据或者被申请参加一个次序的特别的信息吗?Where should this text print?这本文应该哪里印刷?e.e。What type of on-line pricing is required?哪一类的在线订定的价格被需要?14. Are blanket orders placed with vendors?14. 总括性的次序与厂商一起下吗?How are those orders released as individual purchase orders?15.当
11、做个别的采购单被释放的那些次序好吗?How are open purchase orders inquired on?15.被询问的开着的采购单好吗在?之上How own version of open order inquiry?16.被传送到厂商的次序好吗?many versions (different order types) of purchase order entry need their多少版本 (不同的次序打字)采购单进入需要开着次序质询的他们自己版本?16.How are orders transmitted to vendors?17.17.被产生的印刷的采购单是何时?W
12、hen are printed purchase orders generated?18.18.什么数据应该在一个采购单上印刷?What information should print on a purchase order?Should vendor's part number be printed?厂商的零配件号码应该被印刷吗?19.Do you track non-inventory items for analysis?19.你为分析追踪非详细目录项目吗?20.20.变更一个采购单的程序是什么?What is the procedure for changing a purc
13、hase order?How is the vendor notified of changes?变化被通知的厂商好吗?21. Does the receiving department use a document showing expected deliveries?21.接受部门使用一次文件表现预期的递送吗?22.22.什么数据应该在购买接收器身上印刷?What information should print on the purchase receiver?23.23.解释接受程序。Explain the receiving process.How do the receiving
14、 personnel match up a receipt to a purchase order?24.接受人员如何在一张收据上面,对一个采购单相配?Are receipts allowed for over or under the ordered quantity?24.收据被考虑到在或之上在被命令的量之下?25.25.宽容正在检查在收据的时候用?Is tolerance checking used at the time of receipts?26.26.你进入多个长袜位置之内接受吗?Do you receive into multiple stocking locations?27
15、.27.序号在收据的时候被记录吗?Are backordered sales orders released during the receipt process when28.sufficient quantity has been received?28.backordered 是售卖在收据程序期间释放的命令当充份的量已经被收到?29.Do you have an inspection or Quality Assurance process.29.你有一次检验吗或教育学程认证程序。Are serial numbers recorded at time of receipt?30.30.多少购买开着次序报告的不同类型被用?How many different types of purchasing open order reports are used?Are reports sequenced by warehouse, purchase order number, vendor, or item?报告被仓库序列,采购单数字、厂商或项目?Wha
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