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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Break away 突然离开,强行逃脱 out 爆发,使逃走 down 损坏,(车)抛锚 through 突围 in 闯入,插嘴 up 粉碎,终止(关系) off (谈话,谈判等)中断 Bring about 导致 forward 提议 down 打倒,降低 out 拿出,出版 up 提出,扶贫,养育 Call for 要求,邀约 on 拜访,号召 off 取消 up 打电话,召集Come across 偶遇 off 发生,成功,脱落 to 打倒,苏醒,涉及 on (口)快点,进展 out 出现,出版 up to 比得上 through 历经··

2、·仍存活下来 up with 想出,拿出Cut down 削减 in 打断,超车拦挡 off 阻断 out 删去Get across 讲清楚,被了解 along(with)进展,过活 on with 与···友好相处 out 退出(组织) down 写下 over 康复,克服(困难) together 开会Give away 泄露,赠送 in 屈服 off 释放(光、热) up 放弃,辞去 way to 闪开,让位于···Go after 追求 in for 从事,喜好 ahead 继续,开始 over 仔细查看 downu

3、p 下降上升 out (火等)熄灭,过时Hand down 把···传下去 in 上交,交上 out 分发,散发 over 移交Hold back 退缩,隐瞒,阻拦 on 坚持 out 伸出,不屈服 up 延误,耽搁Keep back 隐瞒,阻止 to 遵守,坚持 up 坚持,(使)不停止 up with 跟上Let alone 更别提,不打扰 down 让···失望 go(of) 松手 off 排放,宽恕Look after 照料 at 看,看待 back 回顾,回忆 down onupon 轻视 in 顺便访问 on 旁观 out

4、 留神,注意 over 察看 through 浏览,仔细检查 up 查(字典),向上看Make for 向···走去 out 理解,看出,列出 up 构成,编造,化妆 up for 弥补 Be made up with 由··构成 be made from 由···做成Put down 镇压,拖迟 forward 提出 off 推迟,拖延 on 穿上,上演,假装 out 熄灭,公布 up 张贴,投宿 up with 容忍Run away with 不受···的约束 into 遇到,共计

5、 out of 用光,用完 over (车等)辗过See about 办理 off 给··送行 to 负责,修理 (to it)that 务必做到 through 看穿,帮···度过Set about 开始,着手 apart 分开 aside 储蓄,留出,不理会 back 推迟 down 写下,记下 off 启程 out to do 开始做··· up 创立,开业Stand by 袖手旁观,支持 for 代表,主张,容忍 out 与众不同,杰出 up for 维护,保卫 up to 抵抗,经受不住Take afte

6、r 与···相像 apart 拆开 back 收回 down 记下 for 把···看成 in 领会,接受,(被动)欺骗 off 起飞,脱下 on 呈现,承担 over 接管 to 开始喜欢,从事 up 开始从事,占用Turn against 厌恶,与···敌对 in 呈出,交 down 拒绝,调小(音量等) off 关闭 out 出现,结果是··· over 翻身,深思熟虑 to 翻到,请求(帮忙)动词短语;abide by 固守,遵守 absorbed in 吸引,占时间

7、accord with 与···一致,相符 account for 说明,证明accuseof 控告,起诉 act on(upon) 按照··行事adapt to 适应 add up to 总计,总共adhere to 坚持,粘着 agree on 商定,约定aim at 瞄准,旨在 answer to 符合,适合于apply to sd. for sth. 向···申请··· approve of 批准,赞成arrange for 安排 associate with 与·&

8、#183;·相联系attribute to 把··归因于·· bear in mind 记住,记在心里begin with 开始 belong to 属于boast ofabout 吹嘘 burst into 闯进,突然··起来cant help doing something 不由自主 care about 关心,对··感兴趣care for喜欢,照顾,照看 carry away 搬走,使入迷carry forward 发扬 carry on 进行carry out 贯彻,执行 carry throug

9、h 完成catch hold of 抓住,得到 catch up with 追上,赶上clean up 清扫 clear up 清理,完成,天晴cling to 坚持,紧握 combine with 同··结合起来comment on 对··加以评论 compare with 与··对比complain about(of) 报怨 concentrate on(upon)专心于consist in 在于 consist of 由··组成correspond to(with) 符合,一致 correspond with

10、 与··通信count on(upon) 指望,依靠 decide on(upon) 决定depart from 离开 depend on(upon) 依赖,依靠differ from 与··不同 do without 省去,无须draw near 行近,将近 draw upon sd. 拔出武器威胁· dream of 梦想 drop in 顺便拜访dwell on(upon) 细想,详述 earn ones living 谋生eat up 吃光 engage in 正忙于,从事fall behind 落后 feel like doing s

11、th. 想做··fill with 用···把··充满 fix up 修理free from 免除,解放 furnish with 供给,装备grow up 生长,长大 guard against 提防,注意hand down 传给后世 have a word with sb. 和··说句话have trouble in doing sth 做··有困难 head for 向··方向前进hear about(of) 听说 hear from sb 收到某人来信hop

12、e for 希望有,期望得到 impose on(upon) 把·强加给···improve on 对··做出改进 instead of 代替,而不是interfere in 干涉 interfere with 妨碍,干扰involve in 卷入,陷入 isolate from 与···隔离keep an eye upon 照料,照管 keep fit 保持健康kick out 逐出,开除 knock down 打倒,撞到laugh at 嘲笑 lead to 通向,导致lean on(against)

13、 靠在··上 learn by heart 记住,背下learn from 向··学习 leave alone 丢下不管,不理会live on 以···维持生命、生活 long for 想得到lose ones temper 发脾气 lose ones way 迷路lose tough with 与···失去联系 make do 将就使用meet with 遇见 mistakefor把···错当成name after 以··命名 object t

14、o 反对part from(with) 与···分别 participate in 参加,参与pass away 消磨时间,逝世 pass on 传递,移交pass over 不注意,忽略 pass through 经过,经历pay attention to 注意 persist in 坚持pile up 堆积 place an order for 订购(货物)play a joke on sb. 开某人玩笑 play with 玩弄,与···玩point out 指出 point to 指向prefer to 比起·

15、83;来还是··好 prepare for 为··做准备protectfrom 保护···使不 provide for 供给pull down 拆除 push aside 把··堆在一边range from 恢复,复原 refer to 指,提到refrain from 戒除,忍住不 regard as 把··看作related to 与··有关,涉及 rely on(upon) 依靠,依赖remind sb. of sth. 使···

16、想起··· remind sb to do sth 提醒··做respond to响应,对···反应 result from 由···引起result in 导致,造成结果 revenge oneself on 为··向··报仇rise up 起来,起义,反叛 rule over 追赶sell out 卖完,脱销 send for 派人去叫,差人去拿send out 发出(光、热) send up 发射sentence sb to death 判

17、处.死刑 separatefrom将··同··分开set an example to 给···树立榜样 settle down 定居,成家立业show sb around 领···参观 sing high praise for 高度赞扬smooth away 清除(不快、困难等) speak for 代表···讲话,辩护speak of 谈到,提及 stay up 熬夜(同sit up)steal out 溜出 stick to 粘住,坚持,忠于succeed in

18、 doing sth 成功做某事 suffer from 受··苦痛,损害take a pride in 以···自豪 thanks to 由于,多亏try on 试穿 wait for 等候,等待warm up 把···变热,热身 watch out 注意,当心wipe off 消除,清偿(债务) wipe out 消灭掉work at 从事于··· work out 设计,制定,算出等worry about 担心,惦记(1)与from搭配构成名词短语的名词absence 缺席 re

19、lief 解脱 difference 与··不同shelter 躲避 escape 逃跑 protection 保护isolation 与··隔离(2)与for搭配构成名词短语的名词affection 深爱 ability 有能力 anxiety 渴望sympathy 对··同情 demand 要求 reason 理由excuse 借口 passion 激情 preference 偏爱cause 原因 (3)与in 搭配构成名词短语的名词confidence 信任 delight 高兴 faith 相信pride 自豪 use 用处

20、difficulty 困难point 要点,意义 progress 进步(4)与of搭配构成名词短语的名词intention 意图 equivalent 相等物 way 方法case 情况 honor 荣誉 observation 观察(5)与on搭配构成名词短语的名词impact 影响 impression 印象 effect 效果dependence 依靠 emphasis 强调 influence 影响operation 手术 stress 强调 pity 怜悯revenge 报复(6)与to搭配构成名词短语的名词reaction 反应 solution 解决方法 answer 答复at

21、tention 注意 addition 额外 access 通道,接口key 钥匙,答案 contrast 对比 invitation 邀请objection 反对 reference 参考 appeal 呼吁(7)与with搭配构成名词短语的名词chat 交谈 connection 联系 communication 交流acquaintance 相识形容词短语abound in(with) 充满,多,富有 absent from 缺席active in 在··方面很积极 afraid of 害怕aware of 知道,意识到 (be)used to 习惯于某事(be)ha

22、rd on(upon)sb 对某人很严厉 (be)busy doing sth 忙于做某事cautious of 注意,当心 close to 接近于,靠近于different from 与·不同 eager for(after) 渴望,极想easy on the eyes 悦目的 engaged in 专长于···famous for 因··而有名 far and wide 广泛的,到处fit for 适当的,恰当的 fond of 喜欢,爱好friendly to(with) 与··友好 full of 充满f

23、amiliar with(to)熟悉 grateful to sb for sth 因··感谢guilty of 有罪 good at 善于harmful to 对··有害 honest in 在··方面诚实happy about 因··而高兴 identical with 与···相同ignorant of 不知道,无知 ill with 生··病impatient to 急躁的,性急的 interested in 对··感兴趣intent o

24、n 对···很专心 indifferent to 对··漠不关心inferior to 次于,职位低于 independent of 不受····支配jealous of 嫉妒,爱惜 keen on 渴望,热衷late for 迟到 likely to 很可能的loyal to 忠于··· liable to 易···的 mad about 迷于··· mad at sb(sth)对人活物发火mindful of 不

25、忘 necessary for 对···需要negligent in 在···方面疏忽 nervous about 担心,紧张new to 对··没有经验 obedient to服从、observant of 严格遵守 obvious to 对··很清楚opposed to 反对··· opposite to 与···相反或相对parallel to 与··平行 partial to 对··偏爱p

26、articular about 过分讲究,挑剔 patient with 对··满意polite to sb 对··有礼貌 popular with 受··欢迎previous to 先于·· proud of 以···自豪profitable for 对··有益 proper for 适合于proportional to 与···成比例 qualified for(in)胜任(工作)quick at 很快地做 ready for 准备

27、好···responsible for 对··负责 rich in 丰富,富有related to 与··有关 relevant to 与···有关remote from 距··偏远的 rude to 对··粗暴无礼safe from 没有受到···危险 satisfactory for 称心如意satisfactory to 满意 satisfied with 对··满意sensitive to 对

28、83;·敏感 sick of 厌烦,厌倦skillful at(in)善于···的 short of 缺乏sorry for 对··懊悔 strict with 对··严厉,对··严格successful in 在···方面成功 suitable to 适合于··· superior to 优于,胜过 sure of 确信surprised at 对··吃惊 thankful to sb for sth 感谢

29、3;··做tired of 厌倦 uneasy about 对··感到不安unfit for 不相宜,不合适 useful to 对···有用valid for 对··有法律效力 well-known for 以··出名willing to do sth 心甘情愿做··· wrong with 出故障介词短语ahead of schedule 提出 as a matter of fact 事实上as a times 无论如何,一直 at all (加强语气

30、)完全,丝毫at the first glance 乍一看 at any time 在任何时候at down 拂晓,天一亮 at first 最初at heart 在心里(感情深处) at home 安逸,自在,精通at home and abroad (在)国内外 at last 终于,最后at least 至少,起码 at most 至多,不超过at once 立刻,马上 at one time 在某一时,曾经at other time 往常,平素 at present 现在,目前at table 用餐 at the end of 在··末端,在··

31、末尾at the foot of 在··脚下,在··下端 at the same time 同时,然而at the sight of 一看见··就 at the top of 在··顶上at worst 最坏,最不利 at a loss 困惑不解at all costs 不惜一切代价 at intervals 不时,每隔一定距离at large 逍遥法外的 at length 最终at sbs disposal 任··处理,供··使用 at ones wits end 江郎才

32、尽at war 处于交战状态 at work 在工作,在做活by accident 偶然 by air 乘机by land 乘车 by sea 乘船by all means 不惜手段 by chance 巧合,偶然by far 比··得多 by means of 采取···方式by no means 绝不 by the way 顺便提一下by virtue of 借助 by ones estimate 据···的估计by heart 凭记忆 by nature 本性by mistake 不慎弄错 except fo

33、r 除了··之外for ever 永远 for example 例如for instance 例如 for the moment 暂时for the present 眼下 for the sake of 为了··缘故或利益for the time being 暂时 for ages 很久from now on 从现在起 from time to time 时常,间或in a hurry 匆忙,很快地 in···voice 以··声音说in a minute 马上,立即 in charge of 负责,掌管

34、in common with 共同,一起 in conclusion 最后,总之in general 一般,大体上 in memory of纪念···in no time 立刻,马上 in ones opinion 据某人看来in way 以·方式 in other word 换句话说in public 当众,公开 in search of 寻找,寻求in spite of 不顾,不管 in surprise 惊异地in the end 最后 in the future 将来in time 及时 in trouble 处于困境中in turn 轮流,依次

35、 in a sense 从某种意义上说in a word 简言之 in accordance with 与··一致in addiction to 除··之外 in advance 事先in brief 简单地说 in debt 负债in detail 详细地 in fact 事实上in favor of 赞成 in half 分成两半in hand 在进行中 in honor of 为纪念,为庆祝in the light of 由于 in line with 与··一致in no case 绝不 in no way 绝不in order 按顺序,整齐 in part 部分地in particu


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