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1、工业工程专业本科培养方案Undergraduate Education Program of Industrial Engineering一、修业年限及授予学位名称四年;工学 / 管理学学士 、 Length of Schooling and DegreeFour Years; Bachelor of Engineering / Management.二、培养目标 本专业培养学生掌握扎实的工程技术和信息技术基础, 掌握现代管理与系统科学的理论和方法。培养能熟练应用工业工程知识,在制造领域、管理科学与工程领域的技术部门和管理部门从事技术 管理以及生产系统的规划、设计、评价和创新,培养既懂技术又擅

2、长管理的高素质创新型人才。 、 Educational ObjectivesThe main object of education is training students to master basic knowledge about engineering technology and information technology, and the principles and methods of modern management and system science. The graduate students will be proficient in industry engi

3、neering knowledge, and work in technical and management department of manufacturing, management science and engineering field to undertake the tasks of technical management, and production system planning, design, evaluation and innovation.三、培养规格及要求 毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力:1. 掌握工业工程、信息工程的基础理论;2. 掌握制造工程、管理

4、科学与工程以及系统工程的基础理论;3. 掌握计算机应用技术;4. 具有管理信息系统的应用能力;5. 具有从事技术管理、生产管理、人力资源管理、知识管理和物流管理的基本知识;6. 具有较强的分析和解决实际问题以及对生产系统规划、设计、评价、改善和创新的能力;7. 较熟练地使用一门外语,具有较好的听、读能力和一定的说、写能力,到大学三年级,能 达到用英语学习部分专业课程的能力。III 、 Skills Profile and Minimum CreditsThe students graduated should have the knowledge and capability as follo

5、ws:1. The basic theories of Industrial Engineering and Information Engineering;2. The basic theories of Manufacturing Engineering, Management Science and Engineering and System Engineering;3. computer application technologies;4. Application abilities of Management Information System;5. Basic knowled

6、ge on technology Management, Production Management, Human Resources Management, Knowledge Management and Logistics Management;6. Strong abilities of analyzing and solving practical problems, and production system planning, design, estimation, improvement and innovation;7. Using a foreign language sk

7、illfully, having good abilities of listening, reading, speaking and writing;capabilities of studying some specialty courses in English in junior.四、主干学科和主要课程主干学科:工业工程 / 管理科学与工程 主要课程:工程制图、运筹学、机械制造技术基础、电工电子学、工程统计学、管理信息系统、 数据库原理及应用、人因工程、基础工业工程学、人力资源管理、财务与成本管理、工程经济学、 系统工程、先进制造系统、设施规划与物流系统、生产管理等。IV 、 Core

8、 Disciplines and CoursesMain Subjects: Industrial Engineering/ Management Science and EngineeringMajor Courses: Engineering Drawing, Operations Research, Mechanism Manufacture Technology Basis, Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Engineering Statistics, Management Information Systems, Database P

9、rinciples and Applications, Human Factors Engineering, Fundamental of Industrial Engineering, Human Resources Management, Financial and Cost Management, Engineering Economics, Systems Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing System,Facilities planning and logistics system,Production Management and so on.

10、五、研讨型课程 新生研讨课V、 Seminer Courses Freshman Seminars六、全英文课程 项目管理概论VI 、 oreign Language Taught CoursesIntroduction to Project Management七、课程体系的构成及学分、学时分配和最低毕业学分课程类别学时/ 周数学分学时比例必修通识教育基础79249.536.26%学科大类基础31219.514.29%专业主干3362115.39%集中实践环节40周31.5选修文化素质9664.40%通识教育基础12885.86%学科大类基础16810.57.69%专业选修208139.52

11、%专业方向 / 模块课14496.59%最低毕业学分168、 Hours/Credits of Course system and Minimum Graduate CreditsType of CourseHours/WeeksCreditsPercentage (%)Required CoursesBasic Course in General Education79249.536.26%Basic Course in General Discipline31219.514.29%Major Courses in Specialty3362115.39%Concentrated Pract

12、ical Training40 weeeks31.5Elective CoursesCulture Elective Courses9664.40%Basic Courses in General Education12885.86%Basic Courses in General Discipline16810.57.69%Selective Courses in Specialty208139.52%Specialty-Oriented/Module Courses14496.59%Minimum Graduate Credits168八、集中实践环节及要求 电子实习:了解电子产品制作的基

13、本工艺过程、掌握基本仪器仪表的使用。 管理信息系统课程设计:综合运用数据库系统的理论知识,设计小型数据库应用管理系统。 金工实习:了解热、冷加工及装配的过程,初步掌握机械设备基础知识和基本的工艺操作技能。 生产实习:包括机制实习和 IE 实习两部分,了解工业产品的加工工艺过程、定位夹紧过程,了 解典型设备的工作原理及结构,了解生产组织情况、企业管理情况以及设施布置情况,能熟练地进 行车间现场诊断,进行程序分析、动作分析和作业测定,提出提高生产效率和生产产量的一系列措 施和策略。机械设计课程设计:完成机械部件、机构分析与综合设计,培养设计、计算、绘图、查阅技术 资料、手册、标准的能力与技能。机械

14、制造技术基础课程设计:掌握工艺规程及夹具设计的基本理论、方法和步骤,完成典型零 件的工艺设计、夹具设计。设施规划与物流系统课程设计:通过对某一产品的生产加工过程为例,进行物流分析、非物流 分析和综合相关分析,对生产工厂进行系统的规划设计,完成工厂总平面布置设计并各方案进行分 析和评价。综合课程设计:综合应用所学的专业基础知识和专业知识,选定一个典型零件的加工制造工艺 过程,完成生产系统规划与设计,编排生产计划与作业计划,进行质量管理与控制,进行财务与成 本核算等,对设计方案进行评价与选择。毕业设计:以实际工程设计、生产系统分析、改进企业流程再造、管理信息系统、项目管理、 战略管理、人力资源管理

15、、财务管理、质量管理、供应链管理、管理技术研究、软件开发等为研究 课题,进行综合设计(科研)能力训练与培养。 、 ConcentratedPractical Training and Its RequirementsElectronic Practice: to understand the basic process of electronic products production and master the use of basic instrumentation.Management Information Systems Curriculum Design: synthetical

16、ly using the theoretical knowledge of database system to design a small database application management system.Metalworking Practices: to understand the processes of heat, cold working and assembling, to preliminarily grasp the basic technology skills about machinery equipment and process operation.

17、Production Practice: it includes two parts which are mechanism practices and IE practices. To understand the process of industry production and clamping position process; to understand the working principle and structure of typical equipments, and the station of production organization, business man

18、agement and facilities layout; to have the skills to carry out workshops diagnosis, program analysis, operations analysis , motion and operations analysis; to propose a series of measures and strategies to increase productivity and production.Mechanical Design Curriculum Design:through the completio

19、n of mechanical components ,mechanism analysis and synthesis design, the students will have the competence and skills of design, calculation, drawings, access to technical information, manuals and standards.Mechanical Manufacturing Fundamental Curriculum Design : to master the basic theory, methods

20、and steps of process planning and fixture design, and to complete the process and fixture design of typical parts.Logistics System Engineering Design: taking the product of the production process for an example, the students will carry factory system production planning and design and factory layout

21、 to complete the program design, analysis and evaluation through Logistics analysis, non-Logistics analysis and non-correlation synthesis analysis.Integrated Curriculum Design: through an integrated application of basic knowledge and professional expertise in selected parts of a typical preparation

22、in manufacturing process, to get the completion of the production system planning and design, production planning and operations scheduling program, the implementation of quality management and control, such as financial and cost accounting, design evaluation and selection program. Graduation Projec

23、t: take an actual engineering design, production system analysis, improvement business process reengineering, management information systems, project management, strategic management, human resources management, financial management, quality management, supply chain management, management of technol

24、ogy research, software development and so on as a research topic, the students will master the skills of integrated design of research.九、教学安排指导表 、 Table of Teaching Arrangement (一) 必修课 Required Courses课程 类别 Type of Course专业 方向 Speci alty课程 编号 Course Code课程名称 Course Name总学 分Credi ts总学 时Hour s课内学时 Hou

25、rs课 外 实 践 Prac tice开 课 学 期 Se mes ter理 论 课 The ory实 验 课 Exp eri me nt上 机 Op erat ing通识教育基 Educatio础n课 Basi程cCourses“形势与政策”教育Studies of Current Social Situations2323201000220思想道德修养与法律基础 Ethics and Principles of Law23232104033330大学英语( 1)College English( 1)34840161in1 G00e1n9e7ra4l5高等数学( II-1 ) Higher

26、Mathematics( II-1 )4.572721课程 类别 Type of Course专业 方向 Speci alty课程 编号 Course Code课程名称 Course Name总学 分Credi ts总学 时Hour s课内学时Hours课 外 实 践 Prac tice开 课 学 期 Se mes ter理 论 课 The ory实 验 课 Exp eri me nt上 机 Op erat ing18012625大学计算机基础(按入学测试分级教学)Fundamental of Computer2.5402432125000110体育( 1)Physical Education

27、(1 )11632167001420军事课 (含军事训练、军事理论 )Military Course(Including Training and Theories)232323周1新生研讨课Freshman Seminars11616101000920中国近现代史纲要Outline of Modern Chinese History23232204033430大学英语( 2)College English( 2)3484016210019565高等数学( II 2) Higher Mathematics( II 2)6.5104104225000710体育( 2)Physical Educa

28、tion(2 )11632204033530大学英语( 3)College English( 3)3484016310025520线性代数 ( ) Linear Algebra( )23232325000810体育( 3)Physical Education(3 )11632304033630大学英语( 4)College English( 4)3484016410029830概率论与数理统计 ( )Probability and Mathematical Statistics( )34848425000910体育( 4)Physical Education(4 )11632401001030

29、马克思主义基本原理 Marxism Philosophy34848601021230毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 Overview of Theoretical System of Maoism and Chinese Characteristics Socialism348487通识教育基础课程小计Sub-total of Basic Courses in General Education49.579268019232础GenBearasli c课程DCisocuiprlsinees11025235工程制图 ( ) Engineering Drawing (II)3.55656

30、111018335运筹学(双语)Operations Research( Bilingual)3.55650122in1 5011550电工电子学( II )Electrical Engineering and Electronics( II )58072163课程 类别 Type of Course专业 方向 Speci alty课程 编号 Course Code课程名称 Course Name总学 分Credi ts总学 时Hour s课内学时Hours课 外 实 践 Prac tice开 课 学 期 Se mes ter理 论 课 The ory实 验 课 Exp eri me nt上

31、机 Op erat ing11019220宏、微观经济学Macroeconomics and Microeconomics348484工程统计学 engineering statistics2.5403216511018825管理信息系统Management Information System232325学科大类基础课程小计Sub-total of Basic Courses in General Discipline19.53122901628专业主干课程Major Courses i11008820基础工业工程学Fundamental of Industrial Engineering2

32、32288311018725系统工程导论(双语)Introduction to Systems Engineering( Bilingual )232288311007215人因工程(双语)Human Factors Engineering( Bilingual)232288411018625数据库原理及其应用Database Principles and Applications232288411032625人力资源管理Human Resources Management23226125设施规划与物流系统(双语) Facilities planning and logistics syste

33、m ( Bilingual )2322612611018425工程经济学Engineering Economics232326Specialty11033225质量管理(双语)Quality Management( Bilingual)23232611020425生产管理Production Management3484212611020625先进制造系统Advanced Manufacturing System232327专业主干课程小计Sub-total of Major Courses in Specialty213363022840必修课程学分合计 Total of Required

34、Courses901440二) 选修课 Elective Courses课程专业课程课程名称总学总学课内学时课开类别方向编号Course Name分时Hours外课Type of Cours eSpeci altyCourseCodeCredi tsHour s理 论 课 The ory实 验 课 Ex peri me nt上 机 Op era ing实 践 Prac tice学 期 Se me ster文 质化 Culture 素文化素质教育选修课 Culture Elective Courses69696Basic E10001840* 大学物理() College Physics()46

35、464202020120管理学基础Introduction to Management Principles232323现代数值计算方法Modern Numerical Computation Method34848410007330离散数学Discrete Mathematics34848411005220电子商务Electronic Commerce23232502020020投资学概论Introduction to Investment232326通识教育基础选修课程小计lective CoSuurbsteosta inl o Gf eBnaesrica lE Eledcutcivaet

36、i oCno urses in General Education152402368通识教育基础选修课程对学生的最低学分要求为Minimum Credits of Basic Elective Courses in General Education8128学 科 大 类 基 础 选 修Basic E02018625经济法 Business Law2.54040120014820* 理论力学 () Theoretical Mechanics( )232304311001030* 机械设计基础 ()Basics of Mechanical Designing ( )348448411034020

37、* 机械制造技术基础 ()Mechanism Manufacture Technology Basis ( )348485机械 CAD/CAE/CAM CAD/CAE/CAM for Machine2.54030205创业管理New Venture Creation232327学科大类基础选修课程小计leScutibveto Ctaol uorfs Beass iinc GEelencetirvael DCiosucripsleinse i n General Discipline152402241220学科大类基础选修课程对学生的最低学分要求为Minimum Credits of Basic

38、 Elective Courses in General Discipline10.5168Special修tySelective Cou11020225*财务与成本管理Financial and Cost Management34842125*企业标准及其管理Enterprises Standardization and Management23232511020020rses in*项目管理概论(英文)Introduction to Project Management ( Engilish)232325课程 类别 Type ofCours e专业 方向 Speci alty课程 编号 C

39、ourse Code课程名称 Course Name总学 分Credi ts总学 时Hour s课内学时Hours课 外 实 践 Prac tice开 课 学 期 Se me ster理 论 课 The ory实 验 课 Ex peri me nt上 机 Op era ing*预测与决策Forecasting and decision-making232325*互联网技术及应用The Internet technology and application23226126*企业资源及供应链管理Enterprise resources and supply chain managemen2 t32

40、327专业选修课程小计Subtotal of Selective Courses in Specialty1320819624专业选修课程对学生的最低学分要求为Minimum Credits of Selective Courses in Specialty13208专 业 选 修Selectiv工 程 经 济算法导论Introduction to Algorithms232323市场营销学 Market Sales232325国际经济学International economics23232611020110科技文献写作Scientific Literature Writing116166统

41、计方法与软件应用Statistical methods and software applications116166可靠性工程 reliability engineering232327生产系统建模与仿真Production system modeling and simulation232327专业方向 / 模块 1课程小计Subtotal of Selective Courses in Specialty Oriented Module112192192e Cours管 理 技 术算法导论Introduction to Algorithms232323e1s1 i0n1 S9p8e2c0

42、i alty组 织行为学Organizational Behavior23232311019720企业诊断与分析Enterprises Diagnostic and Analysis23232411019620战略管理Enterprises Strategy Management23232511019520企业文化及形象策划Enterprise Culture and Visualization Plan23232611020110科技文献写作Scientific Literature Writing116166统计方法与软件应用Statistical methods and software

43、 applications11610126课程 类别 Type ofCours e专业 方向 Speci alty课程 编号 Course Code课程名称 Course Name总学 分Credi ts总学 时Hour s课内学时Hours课 外 实 践 Prac tice开 课 学 期 Se me ster理 论 课 The ory实 验 课 Ex peri me nt上 机 Op era ing11019920新产品开发策划及管理New Product Development and Management232327专业方向 / 模块 2课程小计Subtotal of Selective

44、 Courses in Specialty Oriented Module21422421812学生按专业方向 / 模块课程选修的最低学分要求为Minimum Credits of Selective Courses in Specialty-Oriented Module9144选修课程的最低学分要求合计Total of Minimum Credits for Selective Courses22352三) 集中实践环节 Practical Training课程 类别 Type ofCours e专业 方向 Specia lty课程 编号Course Code课程名称 Course Nam

45、e总学 分 Credits总周 数Weeks课外 实践 Practic e开课 学期 Semes er必 修Required Cours01000110思想道德修养与法律基础实践Ethics and Principles of Law in Practice111174000140金工实习( II )Metal Technology Practices( II )4442参观实习 Visit Practice222374000410电子实习( II )Electric Technology Practices (II )111311026010工作研究综合实验 Experiments of W

46、ork Design111411020820机械设计课程设计Machine Design Course Project222411020920es机械制造技术基础课程设计Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacturing Course Project222511021110管理信息系统课程设计 Practice of MIS Course111611021040生产实习Production Practice1.533601021330毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论实践 Overview of Theoretical System of Maoism an

47、d Chinese Characteristics Socialism3337设施规划与物流系统课程设计Facilities planning and logistics system Course Project2227课程 类别 Type ofCours e专业 方向 Specia lty课程 编号Course Code课程名称 Course Name总学 分 Credits总周 数Weeks课外 实践 Practic e开课 学期 Semes er11021430综合课程设计Integrated Curriculum Design444811006115毕业设计Graduation Pr

48、actice714148必修课程小计Subtotal of Required Courses31.54040注:课程前标 * 的为必须选修课程培养方案制订人:杨育培养方案审核人:培养方案批准人:唐胜利工业工程专业辅修及第二专业培养计划Undergraduate Education Program of Industrial Engineering forMinor/Second Specialty一、专业名称工业工程I、 SpecialtyIndustrial Engineering二、培养目标 在系统掌握工程技术学科(主修专业)的基础上,通过对现代工业工程基础理论的学习,掌握 现代企业管理的

49、理论和方法,能较熟练地应用管理工程、信息工程以及工业工程的方法和技术,对 生产系统进行规划、设计、评价、改善和创新,培养既懂技术又擅长管理的高素质创新型工程技术 人才。II 、 Education ObjectivesOn the basis of mastering major professional technical disciplines system, through the study of basic theories of modern industrial engineering, the main object of education is for students t

50、o master basic knowledge on principles and methods of modern enterprise management, and the methods and technologies based on management engineering, information engineering and industrial engineering. The graduate will have the abilities of planning, design, evaluation, improvement and innovation o

51、f production system. Finally they will be trained as high-quality engineering and technical innovation personnel.三、培养规格及学分要求 掌握工业工程、系统工程的基本理论和方法;具备一定的经济管理知识及计算机知识和管理信 息系统的应用能力;能运用工业工程的知识解决主修专业工程实际问题;能对生产系统进行规划、 设计、评价、改善和创新;辅修要求修满 25 学分; 第二专业要求修满 55 学分。III 、 Skills Profile and Minimum CreditsThe education emphasizes on the general principles and


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