1、China Life Strategic AssessmentExternal & Internal Assessment? 2003 China Life Insurance Company, LTD.Document Summary:Document Number:Document Version:Internal Document Control Number1.0Authors:QA:Date Released:Classification:Internal ConfidentialDocument Type:Language:EnglishHistoryHistory of Chan
2、gesAuthorPre Release QAReleasedDraft 1.0Initial draft createdDocument AuthorizationThe en closed docume nt has bee n reviewed and accepted by the follow ing people:NamePositionDate Reviewed1 Table of Contents1 TABLE OF CONTENTS42 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY63 EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT73.1 INSURANCE I NDUSTRY REVIEW
3、73.1.1 Life insurance industry REVIEW73.1.2 Key regulatory issues & trends73.1.3 Customer segment & profile review73.2 Competitive Environment Review (Domestic & Foreign I nsures)73.2.1 Competitor profile / context review73.2.2 M ARKET OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS73.2.3 China Life competitive advantage
4、s / differentiators73.3 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & ASSESSMENT83.3.1 Global Trends83.3.2 Trends in China83.3.3 Review selected packages83.3.4 E-commerce issues and trends84 INTERNAL ASSESSMENT94.1 Strategic Objectives Review & Assessment94.1.1 Business definition94.1.2 strategic & tactical mis
5、sion94.1.3 VISION & value94.1.4 Business operating model & structure94.2 INSURANCE VALUE CHAIN ASSESSMENT94.2.1 Customer / client94.2.2 distribution94.2.3 PROGRAM / PRODUCT -PACKAGING , PRICING94.2.4 OPERATIONS / ADMINISTRATION94.2.5 TECHNOLOGY & applications94.2.6 Finance94.2.7 service network deve
6、lopment94.2.8 Servicing94.2.9 PROVIDER SELECTION / CARE MANAGEMENT / CARE DE LIV ERY94.3 Key Strategic & Tactical I nitiatives Review and Summary104.3.1 Key initiatives review104.3.2 alignment review & business case ASSESSMENT105 SWOT ANALYSIS10105.1 STRENGTH5.2 WEAKNESSES105.3 Opportunities105.4 Th
7、reats105.5 Strategic Conclusion & Recommendation-input to current China Lifestrategic plan106 ADDITIONAL input to it strategy106.1 T ransition Requirements106.1.1 Organizational106.1.2 APPLICATION106.1.3 Data and metadata106.2 IT Organization and management processes116.2.1 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE1
8、16.2.2 Operating principles & model116.2.3 PLANNING , BUDGETING , EVALUATING116.2.4 Project monitoring & project management112 EXECUTIVE SUMMARYExecutive summary here to descript the documentation (e.g background, objectives, approach, etc)3 External Assessment3.1 Insurance Industry Review3.1.1 Life
9、 insurance industry review3.1.2 Key regulatory issues & trends3.1.3 Customer segment & profile reviewa Global best practice review and trends(i) Customer / client(ii) Distribution(iii) Program / product -packaging, pricing(iv) Operations / administration(v) Technology & applications(vi) Finance(vii)
10、 Service network development(viii) Servicing(ix) Provider selection / care management / care delivery3.2 Competitive Environment Review (Domestic & Foreign Insures)3.2.1 Competitor profile / context reviewa Capabilities & dynamics review (e.g. product, channel, operations, etc)b Financial position &
11、 results3.2.2 Market opportunities and threats3.2.3 China Life competitive advantages / differentiators3.3 Information Technology Analysis & Assessment3.3.1 Global Trends3.3.2 Trends in China3.3.3 Review selected packagesaFinancebActuarial / ValuationcPolicy AdministrationdClaimseInvestment3.3.4 E-c
12、ommerce issues and trendsaRegulatory constraints and trendsbAdva nee markets distributi on man ageme nt / age ncy support, clie nt, serviceprovider, billing & cash managementcPrivacy considerations44.14.2Internal AssessmentStrategic Objectives Review & AssessmentBusiness definitionStrategic & tactic
13、al missionVision & valueBusiness operating model & structureInsurance Value Chain AssessmentCustomer / clientDistributionProgram / product -packaging, pricingOperations / administrationTechnology & applicationsaOrganizational structurebOperating principles & model / processcPlanning, budgeting, eval
14、uatingdProject monitoring & project managementeBusiness application systemfTechnical infrastructureFinanceService network developmentServicingProvider selection / care management / care delivery4.355. Strategic & Tactical Initiatives Review and SummaryKey initiatives reviewAlignment review & business case assessmentSWOT AnalysisStrengthWeaknessesOpportunitiesThreatsStrategic Conclusion & Recommendation-input to current China Lifestrategic planAdditional Input to IT Strateg
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