1、湖北理工学院实训报告实训名称:Linux操作实训I学院:计算机学院专业、班级:软件工程二班学号:2学生姓名: 甘伟奇指导教师: 李辉 燕20 1 5年 7月 2 日实训报告内容一、实训名称Linu x操作实训二、实训时间第17周三、实训地点K4 2 0 7四、实训目得掌握图形化用户界面与字符界面下使用She 1 1命令得方法、掌握 ls、cd等Shel l命令得功能。掌握重定向、管道、通配符、历史记录等得使用方法、掌握手工启动图形化用户界面 得设置。熟悉并掌握 vi命令模式、文本编辑模式与最后行模式三种工作模式之间得转换方法、掌握利用vi新建与保存文件;熟悉光标得移动,文本得插入与删除等操作。
2、掌握字符串替换;行得复制、移动、撤消与删除等操作。理解 /etc/p a sswd与/c tc/gr o u p文件得含义、掌握桌面环境 下管理用户与组群得方法。掌握利用Sh ell命令管理用户与组群得方法。掌握批量新建用户账号得步骤与方法。熟练掌握 mkd 1 r、mv、cp、rm等目录与文件管理命令。掌握文件权限得修改 方法。掌握文件归档与压缩得方法。五、实训理论基础知识Li n ux就是一套免费使用与自由传播得类Unix操作系统,就是一个基于P OSIX与UNI X得多用户、多任务、支持多线程与多CPU得操作系统。它能运行主要得UN IX工具软件、应用程序与网络协议。它支持3 2位与64
3、位硬件。Linu x继承了 U ni x以网络为核心得设计思想,就是一个性能稳定得多用户网络操作系统。Linux操作系统诞生于 1991年10月5日(这就是第一次正式向外公布时间)。Linu x存在着许多不同得 Linux版本,但它们都使用了 L inux内核。Linu x可安装在各种计算机硬件设 备中,比如手机、平板电脑、路由器、视频游戏控制台、台式计算机、大型机与超级计算机。L i nux得基本思想有两点:第一,一切都就是文件;第二,每个软件都有确定得用途。 其中第一 条详细来讲就就是系统中得所有都归结为一个文件,包括命令、硬件与软件设备、操作系统、进程等等对于操作系统内核而言,都被视为拥
4、有各自特性或类型得文件。至于说 Li n ux就是基于 Uni x得,很大程度上也就是因为这两者得基本思想十分相近。六、实训内容【操作要求1】显示系统时间,并将系统时间修改为 2011年1 2月17日零点。【操作要求2】查瞧2 0 1 0年1 2月23日就是星期几、1DootOfoxbirdJtt cai20102010一月二月日一二三四五六日一二三四五六1 212 3 4 5 63 4 5 6 78 97 89 10 11 12 1310 11 L2 13 141S 1614】51« 17 IS 10 2017 18 19 20 2122 232 2223 24 25 2«
5、; 2724 2S 26 27 2829 30装31四月五月口一二三四五六日二三四五六12 314 5 6 7 89 102 34 5 6 7 311 12 13 14 116 179 1011 12 13 14 151B 19 20 21 2223 2416 17月 19 20 21 2225 26 27 2S 293023 2425 26 27 2& 2g30 31七月八月日一二三四五六日一二三四五六12 51 24574 5 6 7 89 108 910 11 12 13 1411 12 13 14 116 1715 617 18 19 20 2118 19 20 21 2229
6、 ? 122 2324 25 26 27 2825 26 27 2350 RI因SO31十月十一月日一二三四五六日一二三四五六1 212 3 463 4 5 6 78 97 号9 1。 11 12 13三月日一二三四五六 1 2 3 4 S 67 8 9 10 11 12 13H 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 272g 1>3 SO 31六月日一二三四五六12 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 1920 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30九月日一二三四五六 12 3 45 6 7
7、 S 9 10 11 12 13 1J 15 16 1719 20 21 22 2S 2J 25 58 27 25 29 S0十二月日一二三四五六13 3 45 6 7 8 S 1Q 11操作要求3】查瞧ls命令中一s选项得帮助信息。LS( 1)User CoirunandsNAMEIs - 1 lsL di rectory contentsSt'OPSl SU OPTION . HLEL .DESCRIPTiaSLisi inforniation atnut the FLE$ the current di rectory by def ically if none of rftmSL
8、X nor -sort.htanJfitcry argunenLs to long: options are mandatory for short of-a. -al 1do not 1 gnore entries slartitig: with .-A, -alnas-t-allda not list implied . and .,authorwi th 11 prt nt the author oF eac h fi1eTi. escapepri n t oc tai escapes f*or nongraphic charac ters-blcckrt 工I EEu&e SI
9、ZE-byte blacks-B.一ignarr-backups【操作要求4】查瞧/ e t c目录下所有文件与子目录得详细信息。-rw-r-一P一1ra6troot9542011-02-01sysc tl-r 常一f-r1rootroot9582012-03-11*【“1rootN»t64112008-05-25tcsd.七日-r q-rr1rootroot8O71O:52007-01-07tcrirxzii-r r-一1rootroot2007-01-07tux. mudrwxr-r-x5rootroot4 Mb2012-03-11ude-r 4 t -F-1root136200
10、3-09-04uM&ts1root13332011-03-06vt mrcqt-广rootroet13初2011-03-06id rcdrwxr-xr-x2rootroot4:)Jb2012-0S-28vtflpddrwr-r-v2rootriot40S62012-03-H*Em-F-1rootroot2k2011 -02-23ft'&rnqufl-rtt-r-"7rootroot23752007-01-09tkcb&li:-r 需一 T-r1ro6troot42042009-11-04redrwyr-r-x2rootrriot40%2012-03-1
11、1ftpa_surw-T'r1rontNWt02012-1C-16avdt aldrwr-5jr-v8rootroot40362012-03-11Jtlldrfrr-r-i:4rootroot工闯上2012-03-11kdg-r 需一t-r-1rootroot10012007-03-15vt ne tddrwxr-r-v二rontrrit409日2012-03-11vt netddruiyr-r-K2rootrwct40962012-03-11knl4rft-r-.1 ;一rootrootS&S2009-09-22j-p.cdndr wxr-r-x3rootroot40yb20
12、12-03-11yiint-r r-r1rootrriot4百12011-0201yumiYmdrcfr-xr-x2rootlose2011-02-01yum*re-rtt=r-rootroot2522011-01-21roglnr n-r-r1rootroot躯2011-01-21T. L 口 gu -r ft-T-r-1rootmot1百回2011-01-21rprofi-rw-r-一r一1rootrort3042011-01-21"hem-r q-rLrootroot8402011-01-21z&hrc【操作要求5】查瞧当前目录。【操作要求6】用c a t命令在用户主目
13、录下创建一名为fl得文本文件,内容为:Li n u x is u s efu 1 fo r u s allYou can n e ver imagine how g r eat it is、foxbird login: root Passuord:Last, log in: Thu Jun 25 10 : 44 : 16 an tty 1LrootCf oxbirdn " # pud /root CrootPfoxbird # cat >f1 Linux is usef u 1 f or us a 11 You can never iamg inc liou great i t
14、 is . rootOfoxbird tt Is192.168.2.revexamp1&.com.zonelocaIdomain.zonenamed.rootaccess.dbflnamed,broadcftstscsrun.loganac:onda-ks .cfginsta 11 . lognamed . cainstall,log.syslo named,tbnfrootf oxbjrd "" # cat F1L iiiux is usef ii I f or* us a 1 I You can neuer iamq i ne hou great i i is.
15、 ErootCfoxbird J#操作要求7】向f1文件增加以下内容:Why not have a try?r ootOf oxbi rd.cat >>f 1Inlliy not have a. try?ErootGfoxblrd 1# cat flLinux is useful for us: all You can neuer iamgine houi great it is, Uhg not ve a try?CrootGfoxbird #【操作要求8】统计a文件得行数,单词数与字符数,并将统计结果存放在 cou n t f 1文件【操作要求9分页显示/et c目录中所有文件
16、与子目录得信息。d.rwxr-xr-xqrootroot4096Mar*11Z01Za IsftZdrwxr-xr-xzrootroot4096Mart11Z81Za 1 terna1-i"u-r-p-ipoolraijt工兆Mai*zaZ007PHI1 Pirootroot54Z1Oct16Za1Zasound,:-PHirootroot1JanZ7Z910at,denyAPU乂F-乂3rootTOOt4096Mar11Z91Zatiiisp/d.uxr-乂一2root4096Mar11zaizaudit/rw1r 口口土ruat3578NovS2910/vtufmm*一广一1ro
17、otroot717Nov8SOW-rw'F-F'-1rootroot561Nov8auto-rwxr-xr-x1rootroot1292Nov8zaiaernto .DE-r-wxr-xr -x1rootroot715Now8auto.smd.rHxr-xr -x4rootroot4096Map112012auah ix-pw-r-r-1rootroot1708SepZZZ06?Mshc-'-More -.【操作要求1 0】仅显示/etc目录中前1 5个文件与子目录IMiotGf oxbiid Is /*etc! head -n 15 aZps ¥cf9 a2
18、ps-s ite.cf g atop ± ad. j t i me a 1chemi sh n 1 i祖3 a 1iases,db a Isa ci terpfit i ves aTiacrortab a&ound,state ait. deny au.d isp au.d itautof3_1dap_cuth.conf【操作要求1 1】清除屏幕内容。【操作要求1 2】显示/bin/目录中所有以c为首字母得文件与目录。ErootGfaxbird .(t Is zbinzc« /bin/cat /b in/cliniod zbin/cp /binesh zbin/cl
19、igrp /b in/choun /bin/cp io /b in/cut【操作要求13】显示/bin/目录中所有以c为首字母,文件名只有3个字符得文件与目录。LrootPfoxbi rbin/catrdl *11 Is /bi” c / jjilx /bin/clioiwTi /bi n/csh八 in/sed/b iii/sJiZb i n/sttypt in/chgrp Kbln/chMod产 b inzcjp/bin/cpio/bi n/cut /bin/tiastname/b insetfont /bin/setser ia 1xb in/slecp zb in/sort/blnzs
20、u/bin/stjnc【操作要求15】显示/bin/目录中所有得首字母不就是 a、b、c、 d、e得文件与目录、i nz,l«sh93Zb inredliat _ 1 sb_ in H,/h in/Unamezl> inZ link/b i n/rm/b inun i cod)kb in,Imbin/rmd. irzb in/unicodikbin/loadkeyszbin/rpmiivunl inkrb inload.keys . static/b i nzrv/i/h inzusleej)kbinzlogyerzbinzrviewzb im/vikb in/log i n/
21、bi n/sed./bin/viewkbln/ls/bin/setfontzbiii/ypdoma/bi n/rna i 1zb in/setserla 1xb in/zcatrhih/mn ilx/binzshzbir/Esh/bin/mlcd ir/bin/51Gspbin/rnknod/bin/sort【操作要求16】重复上一步操作bm/ loadkeys. stat ic/bin/rvi/din/us Icepbin/loggerxb i n/ruieid八 in/uibin/lay in/h i nxsed八 i n/ui eu八 i n/ypdoihabin/ 1 sxb in/s
22、etfontbiii/mdi i 1bin/ma ilx/b i n/setse r i a 1i n/zcttti n/sh八 im/ashbin/mkdirzb inzsleepbin/mknodzb i n/sort操作要求17修改/etc/initta b文件。【操作要求1 8 手工启动图形化用户界面。【操作要求1 9】利用v i新建文件f 2,内容为:H ow to R ead Fa ste rWhen I w as a s c h ool b o y I m us t h a ve read eve ry c o mi c bo o k ev er p ubli s hed。 B
23、ut as I got older, my e yeba 1 ls must h a ve sl o wed down or something I mean, c om i c book s started t o pile up f a s ter then I cou 1 d read them!I t w asnz t until much lat e r, when I wa s studying at c o llege, I real i zed t h at it w asn' my eyeballs that had gone wrong。 They7 re s ti
24、ll m ovin g as well as ev er。 Th e problem i s that there's to o much to read t h ese days, and t oo l i t tle ti m e to re a d eve r y WO RD of it、How to Head rasterUhen I uas a schoolboy I must h as I got alder , my cyeba 113 liust 11 s started to pile up faster then IIt wasn* t until much lat
25、erj when wasnJt my cyeba.1 Is that had gone u problem is that there * s too much 士 euery WQHD of iQ rfg" Hew 3Lj 19ZC written【操作要求20】打开f2文件并显示行号。1 Hjdlj to Read FasterHhen I 丽s 嗝 s:cJioq Iboy I must have rc ®d* But a不 I got older j my eyeballs must mean j co mi c books started to pile ur f
26、 a.s 3 It uasit11 until much later,when I was that it uasn* t my eyeba 1 Is tlieit had gane ell as ever .The problem is ttiat there1 s: too little time to re<id euery HORD of it【操作要求21】在f 2文件得第一行后插入如下一行内容:"Wi t h the dev e 1 opme n t ofs o c i ety, the ab i 1 ity of r ea d ing b e c o m es m
27、ore and mor e i mportant。”, 并在最后一行之后添加一行 ,内容为:“We must know some methods to read faster。"【操作要求22】将文本中所有得“e y eballs"用"eye bal 1 s"替换。hou to Heaa r asterUitli the deve lopment af society ,the abi 1 important .When I was 心 schao boy 1 must have reeid c as I got older my eye-ba1Is m
28、ust have sidue ks started, to pile ujp faster then I could re£t wasn't until mucll lateruhen I was stu uQ$Ti't my eye-l)a I Is that had gone wronf. They problem is tlidt thereJ s too much to read tti every UORD of it.we must kroi 后dm已 methods to read f aster.:Li5 s/eyebalIs/eue-ba1 Is/【
29、操作要求23】把第二行移动到文件得最后,删除第一与第二行并恢复删除,并不保存j.t uiasn t anti 1 much later,ulen I uas studying at co 1 leg iasn* t my eye -bal Is that had gone urohng . Theyf re still mouin prob lem Is that thereJ s too mucli to rea d these days .and. to euery UORD of it, we must know some mctliods to rcad faster.Uith the
30、 development of society "he ability of reading important.Hou to Read FosterUhen I a schoolboii I Must have read euery s 1 got o1der eye-ba1 Is must have s1Qued dn s started to pile up faster then I could read t11 uiasnJ t Lumt i 1 mucli 1 a.ter j uh e n I uas studij i n 也叁n't my eye-b«
31、11? that had g口He wr口ng,Thoy'rc problem is that there1s tao much to read these every WORD of it.ui巳 rmijist knoui some methods to read faster.Ui th tTie deve lopment of society , the ability i mportant,【操作要求24】复制第二行,并添加到文件得最后,删除第二行,保存修改后退出vi。How to Bettdi Faster*Ulien I urns: a schoolboy I mast
32、ha.ue read euery con s I got o1dep >my eyeba1 Is must haue sloued doun ar started to pile up f aster then 1 cou Id read, liietn!【操作要求25】新建两个用户账号,其用户名为xu ser 1与xuse r 2,口令为“e12u t59er”与“wful t 28er” 。门 group 同 口 g5hadow x 叩【ui ne: x; i口: ecr/ptfs:x:1U1: s-quid: x: 23: scr&en t k:94:xfs; x: 43:
33、stapdev;m;102:stapus厂 x:103: rpcj sen: x: 29: nfsnobodyix165534 stap- server: x: 155 : haldaemn: x; 68:aahi-autoipd:x:156;gdm: x: 42:saba/cn:x:86: foxtiird: x: 500:wu kang; x: 501 : baj ie; x: 502;zhang3:k:503: 114:X:5D4:xuserlix:505: ku 弓白2:k:SC6:【操作要求2 6】锁定xu s er2用户账号。用户属性一 口 X用户喋据。帐号信息® | 口
34、令信息® |组群启用帐号过期帐号过朗的日期(Yyyy-mmqd):S住芈口芝壁加X取消©xuser250Gxuser2VA、矮肯定想删除用户”吗?xuserl505xLiseri删除 xuser2 的主目录(Vnome/xuser2,T >,邮件: jspuN ("TvdfVspQoVmMI/NUserN")和临日tJt件。操作要求5 修改操作要求28】新建两个组群,分别就是my u s c rs与temp。myu s e rs组群属性,将xuserl用户加入 my u sers组群。操作要求6】删除tem p组群。【操作要求33】一次性删除dus
35、 e r用户及其工作目录。操作要求29】新建一名为duser得用户淇口令就是“ t d d6 3 u 2 ”,主要组群为m yu s ers。操作要求30】将duse r用户设置为不需口令就能登录。f oxb i rd login: dtiserLast login; Fri Junun tty3duseperoxliipd $ _操作要求3 1 查瞧du s er用户得相关信息。userii id=SHi&i( rlnuser ) g i d=h(4h(myusir ) gpfiuip龛=SQfi ( myuser 1 rnntext =usf?r jii : systpm_r zu
36、ncnnf操作要求32】普通用户d us er切换为超级用户。dusepQfcxbind " $ ls/i*oot-faash : 1 s/root i Moduse?rQfoxt>ird 1$sllcJ) file or d irectary su -assword : rootfoxbind Fit Is /rootkecess .db inaconda-ks : cunt Lou nt f 1.2oneFlFZ f i i nsta11.log ins-ta 1 1 . log . syslog ttlocaIdomain.sone nimed . br-oadcdst
37、nmed.ca named.conf named.root scsrtill . 1 ogIrootGfoxbird MJtt Is /home操作要求3 4新建组群 my g rou p o【操作要求35】将m ygrou p组群改名为newg r o up。【操作要求36删除n e w g roup组群。【操作要求37】为全班同学创建用户账号,用户名为“ s"+学号得组合,并且都属于cl (as sO 401组群。S020701 : SlSswO/Bf WdS3bHeE2Tlz27yUMJG/O03P/ :t01 :69B : : /home公姓 5020702 ; SlSsuO
38、/Bf UdS3bHeE2Tlz27yUNJG/O03P/ :602:606 : : /liome/s02 S0ZH703 : $ l$suOzBf WdS3bHeEZTlz27yUMJGyO03P/ :603 :600 : :/>iome/s02操作要求3 8先创建二个新目录d ir 1与dir2,然后将d ir2目录移到di r 1目录中,最后删除d i r2目录。tlrwxr-xr-x 2rootrooL4=09606-27 15:20 Ji r 1drwxr-xr-x 2rootroot-L096Oti-27 15:20 Jir2一r- irootroot3472011-07-0
39、1 examplecointzonefu-f-i rootroot432062012-03-11 install. log一r root rooL 3995 2012)3-11 instBll .loE.sy.slog -ru-rr 1 root root 19.8 2011-07-01 locsldomaizone -ru-rr 1r口凸troot4272011-07-01named. hroadcastrw-rr rootroot1B922011 -07-Cnanedca- r谭-1?rroot root 216 2011 -fl7X) 1 named .ccnf- r»rr :
40、rootroot2779201 I 0 701naincd. root- 里-fr- 1rootroot209201ZY371sesrun. .egroctiifoxhi rd '宙 mv di r2 dir 1roonifoxbird * cd dlr 1roottfoxbi rd di r1= Is 1总计sdrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4036 06-27 15:20 di r2oxbird Ji r1H udrootfrfoxbi rd =# find /etc/fstab/clc/fstabroot»roAbi rd vr £rcp -n " /ec/fsLab > f4rooL«tfoxbird u = caL i'4;impfs/de/shntmpf sdef aBdevpts/dc*/ptsdev pts gid 二【操作要求39】查找fstab文件,并将fst a b文件中所有包含"m n t”得行存入f 4文件。【操作要求40】将f4文件复制到diri目录,并在d i ri目录中创建/etc/fs tab文件得符号链接文 件 fstab l i nko
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