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1、六年级下册英语Listening Part(听力部分)、听录音,选择听到的内容,将其序号写在题前括号内(听两遍,8分)()1. A.walkB. wake()2. A.month()3. A.word()4. A.safely()5. A.order()6. A.find out()7. A.look outof()8. A.their plansB. mouseB. worldB.safeB. koalaB. take care ofB. look out forB. their pensC. workC.houseC. wokeC. safetyC. colaC. talk aboutC.

2、 look forC. they plans、听录音,给下列图片排序。(听两遍,6分)()()()()()()、听录音,选择正确的应答,将其序号写在题前括号内。(听两遍,10分)C. Yes, he does.C.No,thank you.)1. A.No,he wasn ' t. B. No,he didn ' t. C.No,he isn ' t.()2.A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he has.()3. A. I ' m fine. B. All right.()4. A.Yes,I will.B.Yes,I am.C. Yes, I d

3、id.()5. A.She is going to the parkB.She is going to fly a kite.C.She is going there by bus.四、根据听到的短文内容,填入所缺单词。(听两遍,6分)Wang Bing is a good boy.He has many good.He gets up early in the morning.He goes to bed.He always eatsfood.He likes reading.He is reading a book.His is to be atraveller.Writing Part

4、(笔试部分)五、英汉互译。(10分)1.大声地读3.儿童节5.回去7.在将来9.关心,在乎六、单项选择。(10分)()1. Long long ago, thereA. is_ 2. wake.up 4. last nighte true8. summer holiday10. put on a play a lion in the forest.8. wasC. were()2. Wang Bing is very.He is talking.A. exciling; exciting B. excited; excited C.excited; excitedly()3.Su Hai sw

5、im?Yes,she does.A.Does; wellB.Does; goodC. Do; well()4. We can eat sweet food at a time.A.a littleB. a fewC. many()5. Mike often some bread and milk breakfast.A. have; forB.has; atC.has; for()6.Bobby likes ice creams.He wants some.A. to eat; buyB. eating; buyingC. eating; to buy()7.you basketball to

6、morrow afternoon?A.Do; playB. Are; going to play C. W川;going to play()8.The children about Australia next week.A.will learnB. learnC. are learning()9.will you stay in Beijing?For a month.A.WhenB. How longC.Where()10. Lily is good at.She wants to be a.A.cooking ; cooker B.cooking; cooking C. cooking;

7、 cook七、选择括号内单词的正确形式填空。(5分)1.Sam laughed.(happy;happily)2 .We must(follow; following) the traffic rules.3 . Mike(finish; finishes) his homework before dinner every day.4 .My friend(will see, sees) a play tomorrow.5 . Look! Su Yang(dancing;is dancing).(5分)RA.My mother.B.No,I can ' t.C. I want to b

8、e a writer.D.Yes,I am.E.I ' ll go to Taipei.八、从II栏中选择与I栏中句子相匹配的答句。I()1. Can you dance?( )2.Who woke you up this morning?( )3.Are you going to write stories?()4. Where will you go?( )5.What do you want to be?九、根据汉语提示,完成句子。(10分)1 .那个女孩正在安静地读书。The girl is reading a book.2 .Helen不困,她能走得很快。Helen isn&

9、#39;t,she can walk.3 .当你过马路时,你必须保持安全。You must keep when you cross the4 .-那些游客将要做什么?一一他们将拍一些照片。What are the going to do?They take some十、连词成句。(10分)1. have a party tomorrow We are going to (.)2. keeps He clean and tidy his room (.)3. interesting Australia is country an (.)4. go to Beijing Will by plane

10、 you ( ?)5. I a to be scientist want (.)十一、阅读理解。(10分)Buying Tickets (票)Sam is a little boy and he is only eight years old. One day he goes to the cinema. It is the first time for him to do that. He buys a ticket and then goes in. But after two or three minutes 分钟) he comes out 出来),buys a second tick

11、et and goes in again. After a few minutes he comes out again and buys a third ticket .Two or three minutes later he wants to buy another ticket. Then the girl in the ticket office asks him, do you buy so many tickets? How many friends do you meet?” Sam answers, “ No, Ihave no friends here. But a big

12、 boy always stops me at the door and tears 撕)my tickets in piece (碎片).” ()1. Sam wants to buywhen the girl asks him.A. the second ticket B. the third ticket C. the fourth ticket ()2. The big boy stops Sam at the door because.A. it is the big boy工彳)job(B. the big boy doesn ' t like Sam C.Sam does

13、n ' t buy tickets()3. The big boy is of the cinema at all.A. a teacherB. a policemanC. a worker()4. This is the time for Sam to go to the cinema.A. firstB. secondC. third()5. From the story,we know .A. Sam has a lot of moneyB. the little boy doesn t know anything about the cinemaC. Sam doesn t l

14、ike the film十二、书面表达。( 10 分)小作文。请根据所学内容,写出你朋友的的好习惯和坏习惯。(不少于5 句话)2016-2017学年第二学期期末测试卷六年级下册英语译林版(三起)听力原文:一、听录音,选择听到的内容,将其序号写在题前括号内。(听两遍,8分)1. I walk fast in the street.2. The lion and the mouse became friends.3. I want to travel around the world .4. How can you cross the road safely ?5. Mum,can I have

15、some cola?6. Mike wants to take care of Childreen' s teeth.7. We must look out for cars and bikes.8. The children are talking about their plans for the holiday.二、听录音,给下列图片排序。(听两遍,6分)9. Bobby wants to make many things in the future.2 .The girl dances very well .She wants to be a dancer.3 .Look, a

16、 boy is playing football on the playground.4 .Does Willy want to be an artist? Yes,he does.5 .Mike and his friends are having an English lesson6 .Is this room clean and tidy? Yes, it is.三、听录音,选择正确的应答,将其序号写在题前括号内。(听两遍,10分)I.Did the lion eat the mouse?7 .Does Liu Tao have any good habits?8 .Please put

17、 your things in order.9 .Will you go to Beijing by plane?10 What is Helen going to do tomorrow?四、根据听到的短文内容,填入所缺单词。(听两遍,6分)Wang Bing is a good boy.He has many good habits .He gets up early in the morning.He never goes to bed late .He always eats healthy food.He likes reading.He is reading a travel bo

18、ok.His dream is to be a traveller.Listening Part (听力部分)、1-5 A B B A6-7 C B B A二、654 231三、1-5 B C B A B四、habits never late healthy travel dreamWriting Part (笔试部分)五、l.read loudly2.吵醒,叫醒3.Children ' s Day4.昨夜,昨晚5.go back to6.实现,成真7.in the future8.暑假9.care about10.表演戏居U,演戏六、1-5 B C A A C 6-10 C B A

19、B C七、1.happily 2.follow 3.finishes4.will see 5.is dancing八、1.B 2.A 3.D 4.E 5.C九、1.quietly2.sleepy; fast/quickly3.safe;road4.visitors; are going to;photos十、1.We are going to have a party tomorrow.2 . He keeps his room clean and tidy.3 .Australia is an interesting country.六年级下学期英语毕业总复习卷A听力部分 一、听句子,选出每

20、个句子中所缺的单词,并将其字母序号写在题前的括号中。 ( ) 1. Colin went to .A. Hong KongB. Haikou( ) 2. Lily went there with .A. her friendsB. her family( ) 3. They stayed there for .A. four daysB. five days( ) 4. The weather was .A. warmB. hot( ) 5. There are a lot of .A. mountainsB. flowers二、听录音,找出下列同学去旅游的城市,并连线。 (1) Daming

21、A. Shanghai(2) FangfangB.Haikou(3) TomC.Xi an(4) AnneD.London(5) PeterE.Guilin三、听录音,判断下列句子正(M)误(X。) ( ) 1. They had lunch at school. ( ) 2. He went to the beach. ( ) 3. I helped Dad water the flowers.( ) 4. Mary left at 10:00.(6) ) 5. They felt interesting on the farm.四、听录音,完成短文。Kevin went to (1) la

22、st Sunday. It s (2) but crowded. Peoplethere are very friendly. The weather is rainy and (3) . Kevin visited the (4)(7) d the museums. He stayed in Shanghai for (5) days.笔试部分、请根据图片将横线上所缺的单词填写完整。1.the flowers2.go to the5.3.take4.us coolstand on one、请从方框中选择合适的词填在每小题的横线上,将句子补全。A. easy B. travels C. dri

23、nksD. tomorrowE. France(1) His father to many places.(2) You ' ll need some food and(3) The maths exercise is very.(4) The Eiffel Tower is in.(5) We ' ll have a music lesson.三、从方框中选择正确的词填空。A. use B. shorter C. ShallD. cans E. sunny and cool(1) This tree is than that one.(2) We should bikes i

24、nstead of cars.(3) I will bring a few of Coke.(4) we go to the cinema? OK. Let s go.(5) It will be next Monday.四、选出相应的答语( ) (1) How old are you?( ) (2) Happy birthday.( ) (3) How do you do?A. She is reading on the sofa!B. I m seventeen.C. I want the big one.( ) (4) Which one do you want? D. Thank yo

25、u.( ) (5) What is she doing now? E. How do you do?五、读读写写。It s Saturday morning. The students of Class 2 are giving their classroom a good cleaning. Miss Smith, their teacher, is working with them. The children are busy. Some are carrying water. Some are cleaning the windows. Others are sweeping the

26、floor. Amy is putting up a map on the wall. It s a map of China. David and Tom arewatering the plants. The classroom looks nice and bright after the cleaning. The children are very happy.A.阅读上面的短文,判断句子正(M)误(X。)( ) (1) The students of Class 2 are giving their classroom a good cleaning on Sunday morni

27、ng.( ) (2) Some students are cleaning the windows.( ) (3) Amy is putting up a map of China on the door.( ) (4) David and Jerry are watering the trees.B. 看图完成句子,每空一词。1.2.It isThe children areLook! This is my grandmother.She is the vegetables.She feels听力部分听力材料1. Colin went to Hong Kong.2. Lily went th

28、ere with her friends.3. They stayed there for five days.4. The weather was hot.5. There are a lot of mountains.二、1. Where did you go last month, Daming? I went to London and I saw Big Ben.2. Where did you go this summer holidays, Fangfang? I went to Xi an. It s a very old city.3. Where did you go th

29、is winter holidays, Tom? I went to Haikou. It s warm there in winter.4. Where did you go last year, Anne? I went to China. I visited Shanghai. It s a big city.5. Where did you go this summer holidays, Peter? I went to Guilin. It s a beautiful city in China.三、1. They had lunch at home.2. He went to t

30、he beach.3. I helped Dad water the trees.4. Mary left at eleven o clock.5. They felt excited on the farm.四、Kevin went to Shanghai last Sunday. It s big but crowded. People there are very friendly. The weather is rainy and windy. Kevin visited the parks and the museums.He stayed in Shanghai for four

31、days.听力答案1、1-5 AABBA2、(1)-(5) DCBAE3、1-5 - x x4、(1)-(5) Shanghai; big; windy; parks; four笔试部分一、1. water 2. museum 3. picture 4. keep 5. foot(1)-(5) BCAED(1)-(5) BADCE四、(1)-(5) BDECA5、A. (1)-(4) x,xxB. 1. snowy; play the snow 2. water; fun六年级下学期英语毕业总复习卷A听力部分一、听句子,选出每个句子中所缺的单词,并将其字母序号写在题前的括号中。( ) 1. C

32、olin went to .A. Hong KongB. Haikou( ) 2. Lily went there with .A. her friendsB. her family( ) 3. They stayed there for .B. five daysA. four days()4. The weather was.A. warmB. hot()5. There are a lot of.A. mountainsB. flowers二、听录音,找出下列同学去旅游的城市,并连线。 DamingA. Shanghai(2) FangfangB. Haikou TomC. Xi 

33、9; an AnneD. London(5) PeterE. Guilin三、听录音,判断下列句子正(M)误(X。)()1. They had lunch at school.()2. He went to the beach.()3. I helped Dad water the flowers.()4. Mary left at 10:00.()5. They felt interesting on the farm.四、听录音,完成短文。PeopleKevin went to (1)last Sunday. It' s (2)but crowded.there are very

34、friendly. The weather is rainy and (3). Kevin visited the (4)and the museums. He stayed in Shanghai for (5)days.笔试部分一、请根据图片将横线上所缺的单词填写完整。1.the flowers、请从方框中选择合适的词填在每小题的横线上,将句子补全A. easy B. travels C. drinks D. tomorrow E. France(1) His father to many places.(2) You ' ll need some food and.(3) The

35、 maths exercise is very.(4) The Eiffel Tower is in.(5) We ' ll have a music lesson.三、从方框中选择正确的词填空。A. use B. shorter C. Shall D. cans E. sunny and cool(1) This tree is than that one.(2) We should bikes instead of cars.(3) I will bring a few of Coke.(4) we go to the cinema? OK. Let ' s go.(5)

36、It will be next Monday.四、选出相应的答语。()(1) How old are you? A. She is reading on the sofa!()(2) Happy birthday.B. I'm seventeen.()(3) How do you do?C. I want the big one.()(4) Which one do you want? D. Thank you.()(5) What is she doing now? E. How do you do? 五、读读写写。It ' s Saturday morning. The s

37、tudents of Class 2 are giving their classroom a good cleaning. Miss Smith, their teacher, is working with them. The children are busy. Some are carrying water. Some are cleaning the windows. Others are sweeping the floor. Amy is putting up a map on the wall. It' s a map of China. David and Tom a

38、rewatering the plants. The classroom looks nice and bright after the cleaning. The children are very happy.A.阅读上面的短文,判断句子正(M)误(X。)()(1) The students of Class 2 are giving their classroom a good cleaning on Sunday morning.()(2) Some students are cleaning the windows.()(3) Amy is putting up a map of China on the door.()(4) David and Jerry are watering the trees.B.看图完成句子,每空一词。


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