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1、2021学年度第一学期六年级英语期中考试试卷Part 1 Liste ning第一局部听力I. Liste n and choose the right picture 根据你所听到的句子,选出正确的图片,用A,B,C等表示,填入括号内共5分(A)(B)(C)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.II. Liste n and choose the best response to the sentence you hear (根据你所听至 U的句子, 选出恰当的应答,用A,B,C或D表示,填入括号内)(共5分)()1.A.I ' m doing my homework.C.I ' m

2、going to the park by bus.()2.A.I ' m in Class Three, Grade Six.C.I ' m from Australia()3.A.Sure. Here you are.C.Certainly. It' s 60345267.()4.A. She likes readi ng.C.She works at a hospital.()5.A. I can lear n a lot on the Intern et.C.Me, too.B. Fine, tha nk you.D. Not at all.B. I '

3、m in No. 1 Junior High School.D. I ' m interested in English.B. Of course. I ' m Linda Ward.D. Sure. I ' m a student.B. She is a nu rse.D. She is slim with fair hair.B. I ' m sorry I don ' t know. D. I have seve n classes every day.根据你所III. Liste n to the short dialogue and choos

4、e the best an swer to the questi on you hear ( 听到的对话和问题,选出恰当的答案,用()1. A. For one hour and a half.C. At seve n in the evening.()2. A. It ' s cloudy.C. It ' s November 6A,B,C或D表示,填入括号内)(共5分)B. For half an hour.D. At half past seve n in the eve ning.B. It ' s rainy.D. It Thsrsday.()3.A. He

5、is America.B.He is America n.C. He is Brita in.D.He is British.()4.A. Twice a year.B.Twice a mon th.C. Twice a week.D.Twice.()5.A. The boy.B.The boy ' s mother.C. The girl.D.The girl' s mother.IV. Liste n to the passage and tell whether the followi ng stateme nts are true or false (判断以下句子是否符

6、合你所听到的短文内容,符合的用“T'表示,不符合的用“F'表示,填入括号内)(共5分)()1.The shop is n ear a factory.()2.My home is n ear the shop and I have lunch at home.()3.The shop is ope n at ten in the morning and closed at seve n in the evening.()4.Many people come to the shop to have lun ch.()5.Some people think the work isn

7、' t interestingbutIlikeit a lot.V. Listen to the dialogue and complete the sen te nces (听对话,完成以下句子)(共 5 分)1. Mike is Tom ' sfriend.2. He is a boy ofyears old.3. He lives at 16 Middle Street,.4. His sister iswith long dark hair.5. His sister is good at.Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第二局部词汇和语法)

8、I. Find the word with a differe nt sou nd in each group (从每组单词中找出一个划线局部与其他单词发音不冋的单词共6分()1. A. heavyB. breadC. weatherD.tea()2. A. manyB. ani malC. appleD.bad()3. A. farB. largeC. warmD.star()4. A. herB. readerC. writerD.teacher()5. A. thankB. thoseC. monthD.three()6. A. fineB. kindC. sunD.thinkII.Ch

9、oose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)(共 15分)()1. Wang Pi ng ismon itor of Class One, Junior Two.A. aB. anC. theD./()2. Five boys were found dead in a trash bin in GuizhouNov. 16 last year.A. atB. onC. inD. /()3. A: Who teachesEn glish?B: Mrs. Wang. We likeclass very much.A. you, herB. you, hisC. your, her

10、D. your, hiswell.)4. Tom is from, but he can speakA. America, Chi naB. America n, Chin eseC. America, Chin eseD. America n, China)5. I ' m Dick Brown. Dick is my.A. n ameB. last n ameC. give n n ame D. family n ame)6. We have four classes in the morning andthree in the after noon.D. the otherA.

11、ano therB. an otherC. other)7. You shouldmore En glish in En glish classes.A. speakB. sayC. talk)8. A: Whathe usuallyB: An egg and some bread.A. does, hasB. does, haveC. do, has)9. My sister and Igood at En glish and maths.A. are bothB. both areC. are all)10. This is my e-mail address. We canA. keep

12、 touchC. keep in touch with)11.beautiful picture it is!A. What aB. Whatfor breakfast?D. tellD. do, haveD. all areB. keep touch withD. keep in touch with each otherC. HowD. How a)12. What abouta walk after supper, Dia na?D. to takeA. takeB. tak ingC. takes)13. My brother gets to school at a quarter t

13、o eight. The un derl ined part meansB. eight forty-fiveD. seve n forty-fiveA. eight fiftee nC. seve n fiftee n)14. A: What does your mother do? B:.A. She is tall and thinC. She is a nurse)15. A: Nice to see you.B:B. She works for a compa nyD. She is doing some washi ngA. Nice to meet you.C. How do y

14、ou do?B. Nice to see you, too.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空)D. How are you?III. Fill in the bla nks with the words in their proper forms ( (共6分)1. Today is theday of the school week. (one)2. Let me introduceto you first. (I)3. My name is John Smith. I' d like to makewith you. (friend)4. Jim likes draw ing. He

15、 wants to be anin the future. (art)5. A: What ' s your, Mary?: Australian. (national)6. Look! Jennifer is talk ing to the old peopleat Yinfa Home for the Age. (happy)IV. Complete the sentences with the give n verbs in their proper forms (用所给动词的正确形式 完成以下句子共6分1. My pare ntsalways busy on weekdays.

16、 be2. My mother is a teacher. She usuallylunch at school. have3. John and Linda are watching TV now. Let' s them. join4. basketball in the street, boys. not play5. The stude nts of Class Onethe Cen tury Park tomorrow. visit6. Look at the girl. Shea picture book in the bookshop. readV. Rewrite th

17、e sentences as required 按要求改写句子,每空限填一词共10分1. Susan often goes to her company by underground.改为一般疑问句Susa nto her compa ny by un dergr ound?2. It ' s time for eye exercises now保持原句意思根本不变It ' s timeeye exercises now.3. Surfi ng the In ternet is very fun.改为反义疑问句Surfing the Internet is very fun,?

18、4. My teleph one number is 60316449.对划线局部提问telepho ne n umber?5. My uncle is good-look ing. He has fair hair. 二句合并成一句My brother is amanfair hair.Part 3 Readi ng and Writi ng第三局部阅读和写话I. Reading comprehension 阅读理解共 15分ARobots seem very new to most people. But they have a long history. The first one wa

19、s made by a Greek inven tor. You may see robots in some films. The robots in these films are stro nger and cleverer than people. In real life, most robots are used in factories. They are used to do many dangerous, difficult or bori ng jobs. Some people can not take care of themselves and robots are

20、used to help them. For example, some people can not see, so many of these people use a dog to help themselves move around. This dog is called a guide dog. Scien tists are making a robot to help them .In the future, robot dogs might take the place of 替代these guide dogs. Robots are also used in Americ

21、an hospitals. At one hospital, a robot takes meals from the kitche n to the sick people's rooms. It n ever loses its way because it has a map of the hospital in its computer system.In the future robots will work in space. But robots will n ever take the place of huma ns 人类. They can, however, he

22、lp us in a lot of differe nt ways.True or False 判断以下句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“ T表示,不符合的用“ F示,填入括号内1. Robots have a long history.2. The first robot was inven ted by a Germa n.3. Robots can only be see n in films.()4. Robots can help some people take care of themselves.()5. A robot cooks meals for the sick peop

23、le at an America n hospital.(B)Do animals dream? It looks like they do. If youwatched youedeg o r cat sleeping, you' veprobably seen it move its paws or twitch (抽搐).The cat almost always look like it is dreaming about running. Or maybe it is trying to catch someth ing in its sleep. Scien tists h

24、ave studied many ani mals.They seem to spend most of their sleeping time dreaming about looking for food. Almost all warm-blooded (温血的)animals dream.Of all animals, the possum (负鼠)spends the most time dreaming. It spends most of its time sleeping high up in the trees. And, just likes any other lazy

25、animals, it loves to dream sweet dreams all day long.However, the an teater (食蚁动物)does n't dream although it's a warm-blooded ani mal. Maybe that ' s because it lives a boring life and doesn ave much to dreaitrhabout. When you spend most of your time catching and eating ants, perhaps you

26、 ' ll never want to dream about them. Choose the best answer (根据短文内容选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示)()1. You can probably see your dog or catwhe n it sleeps.A. moving its paws or twitch ingB. runningC. trying to catch somethi ngD. look ing at someth ing()2. Of all the ani malsspe nd the most time dream ing.

27、A. goatsB. miceC. mon keysD. possums()3. Possums like to.A. stay with other lazy an imalsB. dream sweet dreamsC. sleep un der the treeD. look for food all day long()4. The an teater does n ream'magbe because it.A. is a warm-hearted ani malB. n ever sleepsC. lives a bori ng lifeD. n ever wants to

28、 dream()5. This passage is mainly (主要)about animals that.A. dreamB. are warm-heartedC. sleepD. eat ants(C)'t it'We all know in England, people like talking about weather. Such words"It ' s a nice day, isnor " It looks like rain can often stamversaoctn (会话).People often talk abo

29、ut weatherbecause weather is very cha ngeable in En gla nd. They can even have four seas ons in one day .In the morning, the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour later, clouds come out and then it rains hard.The weather gets a little cold. In the late after noon, the sky will be sunny, the s

30、un will begi n to shine, and it will be summer at this time of a day .In En gla nd, people can also have summer in win ter, or have win ter in summer. So in win ter they can sometimes swim, and in summer sometimes they should take warm clothes.When you go to En gla nd, you will see that some En glis

31、h people usually take umbrellas 伞or rain coats with them on a sunny morning, but you should not laugh at 嘲笑them. Because whe n it rains later, you will laugh yourself.Answer the questions 根据短文内容,答复以下问题1. What do people in En gla nd like talk ing about?They like .2. How many seas ons can people in En

32、 gla nd have in one day?They can have.3. In En gla nd, y ou can sometimes swim in win ter, can' t you?, I.4. Why should n ' t youga at people whe n they take umbrellas or rain coats on a sunny morning?Because it may .5. What do you think of the weather in En gla nd?I think it ' s.II. Clo

33、ze Test 共 11分A. Read the passage and fill in the bla nks with proper words 在短文的空格内填入适当的词,首字母已给Running is beco ming popular these days. Many of us run for our health. Doctors say many of the health problems come f 1 bad habits such as eating too much, drinking too much, smoking, and not havi ng eno u

34、gh e 2. Doctors tell us, “ Eati ng less, don ' t smoke, and have more sports.Running is a good sport because it helps build a strong body. It also helps most people lose weight 减月肥.One 68-year- old woman runs three times a week."I love to eat, so I3 . Ithink running wil l help me to lose we

35、ight, she says.Running is good for your health in o 4 ways, too. Many runners say running makes some small health problems go away.“ Running is my doctor, says one man.Running can also help people to relax. So today men and wome n of all ages e 5 running. So for your health, every day you should spe

36、 nd ten or twenty minu tes on this kind of sport.B. Choose the words or expressi ons and complete the passage 选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文Sheepdogs are very important to farmers. Sheepdogs help farmers to find their 1 and bring them back to the farm.Mike, a farmer from a village has a very hon est and2 sheepdog

37、called Bobby. He hasbuilt a little but comfortable 舒适的house for Bobby and he treats the dog as a family member. He often says, “ Bobby is the best dothe world. He works hard and 3my sheep very well.If the dog house is empty, Mike knows Bobby must be with his sheep.Mike communicates with Bobby throug

38、h whistles 口哨.Bobby can4 many differentin struct ions from those soun ds. When Mike whistle twice, Bobby runs up to him 5 And Bobby can also express himself by barking 狗叫of doing other actions. 6 , he will barkrepeatedly if any sheep is lost. What a nice dog it is!() 1. A. homesB. dogsC. neighborsD.

39、 sheep() 2. A. cleverB. sillyC. dangerousD. terrible() 3. A. looks forB. looks afterC. takes backD. takes away() 4. A. catchB. findC. understandD. keep() 5. A. firstlyB. clearlyC. quicklyD. usually() 6. A. At lastB. By the wayC. In this wayD. For exampleIII. Write at least 6 sentences about the topi

40、cMy School Life至 少写 6句话,介绍我们的班级共6分2021学年度第一学期六年级英语期中考试答题纸Part 1 Liste ningI. Listen and choose the right picture 5%1. 2. 3. 4. 5.II. Liste n and choose the best resp onse to the sentence you hea5%1. 2. 3. 4. 5.III. Liste n to the short dialogue and choose the best an swer5%1. 2. 3. 4. 5.班级IV.Liste n to the passage and tell whether they are true or false5%1. 2. 3. 4. 5.V. Liste n to the dialogue and complet


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