



1、人体解剖学与组织胚胎学试题人体解剖学与组织胚胎学试题 (牟兆新) 一、名词解释 (每题 3分,共 18分) 1, 突触2, 直肠子宫陷窝3, 静脉瓣4, 咽鼓管5, 白质6, 受精二、填空题 (每空 1 分,共 30分)1. 结缔组织分为 、 、四种类型。2, 椎间盘是由周围的 和中央的构成的。3, 小腿的三头肌由 和组成。4, 肺位于 内, 的两侧。右肺被 和 分为上、中,下三叶。5, 肾小管由 、和三部分组成。 application;infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers t

2、o levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, syst

3、emic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in disease-di

4、sease myocardial infarction . 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urin

5、ary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirement

6、s: understand various image check6, 心房和心室表面的分界标志是 ,左、右心室表面的分界是 和7, 胸导管收集和,即全身3,4 区域的淋巴,最后注入左8,脾位于左季肋区,其长轴与第 lo 肋一致,脾肿大时临床触诊的标志是 。9, 甲状腺滤泡由 围成,中间是 ,其内是 . 10, 混合性的脑神经有 、和舌咽神经。 11, 锥体束包括 和三、选择题(每题1分,共 20分)1, 关于红细胞的描述,下述哪项不正确 ?( )A,呈双凹扁圆形,中央较薄,周边较厚B,成熟红细胞只有一个细胞核 C.胞质内血红蛋白的浓度很高D.血红蛋白是一种含铁的蛋白质E.女性每升血液中含10

7、5 135g血红蛋白2。不能为骨细胞提供营养和氧气的结构是 ( )A,哈佛管B,缝隙连接C.骨基质D.内皮细胞E,骨小管3,上皮细胞侧面不具 有哪一种细胞连接 ?( )A,中间连接B,桥粒C.质膜内褶D,紧密连接E,缝隙连接4,骨骼肌纤维三联 体的结构是 ( )A,由一条横小管与两侧的终池构成 B,由两条横小管及其中间的终池构成 C.由 两条纵小管及其中间的终池构成 D,由一条横小管和一个终池构成E,由三条横小管 构成application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers

8、 to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, sy

9、stemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in diseased

10、isease myocardial infarction . 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) diseaseintestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urin

11、ary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirement

12、s: understand various image check5, 肱骨体后面中部有一斜行的沟是 ( )A,鹰嘴窝B,冠突窝C.桡神经沟D,结节间沟E,尺神经沟6,腹股沟管前壁是 ( )A. 腹横筋膜 B, 腹股沟韧带 C, 腹外斜肌腱膜 D, 腹直肌前鞘 E, 腹外斜肌7, 上消化道包括 ( )A. 口腔、咽腔、食管 B ,口腔、咽腔、食管、胃、空肠 C. 口腔、咽腔、食 管、胃、十二指肠 D, 口腔、咽腔、食管、胃、十二指肠和空肠 E, 口腔、咽腔、食 管、胃8, 下列关于肾单位的描述中,哪一项错误 ?( )A. 为肾的结构和功能单位 B. 由肾小体和肾小管组成 C. 每个肾所含肾单位

13、多达 100万个I以上D,肾单位仅位于皮质E。分为皮质肾单位和髓旁肾单位9, 心的位置位于 ( )A.胸膜腔内B,胸腔的上纵隔内C,胸腔的中纵隔内D,胸腔的前纵隔内E,胸腔 的后纵隔内10, 膀胱( )A. 空虚时膀胱全部位于小骨盆腔内 B, 男性膀胱后方邻骶骨 C. 膀胱底的后方有 前列腺 D. 女性膀胱前方邻子宫颈和阴道上段 E. 属于腹膜内位器官11, 以下关于子宫内膜的描述中,哪一项错误 ?( ) A. 浅层较厚,称功能层 B, 功能层为妊娠期胚泡种植和发育的部位 application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical app

14、lication; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest

15、 and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements:

16、severe pneumonia in disease-disease myocardial infarction . 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflamma

17、tory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical kno

18、wledge, and skills requirements: understand various image checkC. 深层较薄,称基底层 D. 基底层增生能力很强E,功能层和基底层都发生周期性剥脱和出血12, 肝基本结构与功能单位是 ( )A,肝板B,肝细胞C.肝血窦D.胆小管E,肝小叶13,关于虹膜的描述,哪一 项是错误的 ( )A.为一环形薄膜B。含丰富血管C.含丰富色素细胞D,主要由疏松结缔组织构 成 E, 含丰富感光细胞14, 不具有折光作用的结构是 ( )A.晶状体B。玻璃体C角膜D.睫状体E,瞳孔15,肱骨中部骨折时易损伤()A,正中神经B,腋神经C.桡鹎,经D.尺神

19、经E.肌皮神经16,第?对脑神经的 名称是 ( )A,嗅神经B,视神经C,动眼神经D。听神经E.面神经17,蛛网膜下腔位于()A, 硬脊膜与骨膜之间 B. 蛛网膜与硬脊膜之间C,软脊膜与蛛网膜之间D,硬脊膜与软脊膜之间E.脑室内18,成人的脊髓下端 位于( )A.第1腰椎下缘B,第2腰椎下缘C.第3腰椎下缘D,第3骶椎下缘E.第2骶 椎下缘19, 大脑后动脉起自 ( )A. 颈内动脉 B, 基底动脉 C 动脉 D, 大脑前动脉 E, 大脑中动脉 20, 腺垂体远侧 部的嗜酸性细胞分为 ( )application; infection and antibacterial drug of cli

20、nical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respirato

21、ry arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requi

22、rements: severe pneumonia in diseasedisease myocardial infarction . 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic

23、inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clin

24、ical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image checkA. 催乳激素细胞、促肾上腺皮质激素细胞 B. 催乳激素细胞、促甲状腺激素细 胞 C. 生长激素细胞、催乳激素细胞 D, 促肾上腺皮质激素细胞、促甲状腺激素细胞 E. 生长激素细胞、抗利尿激素细胞 四、简答题 ( 每题 8 分,共 32 分 )( 一 ) 简述肩关节、膝关节和肘关节的构成并说出肩关节的特点。( 二 ) 简述胃底腺壁细胞的数量、分布、结构和功能。( 三 ) 供应内囊的动脉主要来自什么动脉 ?一侧内囊出血可出现什么症状 ?( 四 ) 试述心肌

25、闰盘的电镜结构及功能。application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; commo

26、n guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illn

27、ess. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in diseasedisease myocardial infarction . 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disea

28、se intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular

29、blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image check人体解剖学与组织胚胎学试题答案及评分标准 名词解释(每题3分,共 18分)1, 突触是神经元与神经元之间或神经元与效应细胞 (肌细胞或腺细胞 )之间特化 的细胞连接。 (3 分)2, 直肠子宫陷窝是腹膜在直肠与子宫之间所形成的间隙,在直立或半卧位时为 女性腹膜腔的最低部位。 (3 分 )3, 管径大于2mm勺静脉内膜向管腔内突出而

30、形成的两个半月形结构,彼此相 对,游离缘朝向血流方向,表面为内皮,中央为结缔组织,此结构称静脉瓣,其作 用是防止血液倒流。 (3 分)4, 咽鼓管是连于鼻咽与中耳鼓室的通道,借此可维持鼓室与外界气压的平衡, 利于鼓膜的振动。 (3 分 )5, 白质位于中枢部,是神经纤维集聚的部位。 (3 分)6, 获能精子进入卵子形成受精卵的过程称为受精。正常受精部位在输卵管的壶 腹部。 二、填空题(每空1分,共 30分)1, 固有结缔组织 骨 软骨 血液2, 纤维环 髓核3, 腓肠肌 目鱼肌4, 胸腔 纵隔 斜裂 水平裂5, 近端小管 细段 远端小管6, 冠状沟 前室间沟 后室间沟7, 上半身 左下半身 静

31、脉角8, 脾切迹9, 滤泡上皮细胞 滤泡腔 胶质10, 三叉神经 面神经 迷走神经11, 皮质脊髓束 皮质核束三、选择题(每题1分,共 20分)1,B 2,D 3,C 4,A 5,C6,C 7,C 8,D 9,C 10,A 11,E 12,E 13,E 14,D 15,C16,E17,C 18,A 19,B 20,C 21,B 22, D四、简答题(每题8分,共 32分)(一)答,肩关节是由肩胛骨的关节盂和肱骨头构成。肩关节的特点是 , 肱骨头 大、关节盂浅和关节囊松弛。 (4 分) 膝关节是由股骨下端、胫骨上端和髌骨组成 的。(2 分) 肘关节是由肱尺关节、肱桡关节和桡尺近侧关节构成的。 (

32、2 分)细胞呈三角形或圆 (二)答, 胃底腺壁细胞的数量较少,以胃底腺的体部和颓部较多。 (2 分 形,细胞核圆形,居中,有的细胞可见双核,细胞质嗜酸性强。 (2 分) 电镜 下,壁细胞游离面的细胞膜向细胞内深陷形成迂曲分支的小管,称细胞内分泌小管 小管附近有许多小管泡系、线粒体和高尔基复合体。 (2 分) 该细胞具有分泌盐酸和 内因子的功能。 (2 分) ( 三)答,供应内囊的动脉主要来自大脑中动脉的中央支。 (4 分)当一侧内囊出血时,患者可出现对侧半身浅、深感觉丧失 , 对侧半身痉挛性瘫 痪,对侧眼裂以下面肌瘫痪,对侧舌肌瘫痪,伸舌时舌尖偏向对侧 , 双眼视野对侧 半同向性偏盲,即临床上

33、称的“三偏症”。 (4 分) ( 四)答, 心肌纤维相互连接处称 为闰盘。电镜下,闰盘位于 Z 线水平。在横向连接的部分有中间连接和桥粒 , 在纵 向连接部分有缝隙连接,此结构利于化学信息和电冲动传递,使心肌纤维同步舒 缩。 (8 分)application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support,


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