



1、DUPONT SUZHOU POL YESTER CO. LTD苏州杜邦聚酯有限公司SAFET Y, HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT STANDARDS安卫环保标准SUBJECT:Utility Area Safety Rules主体:通用区域安全规则STD NO: SHE-900标准号00-9-11Drafted by 起草:Armstro ng ZhangDate 日期:Revised bv 修订:Date 日期:Reviewed by 审核:Technical Manager 技术部经理Date 日期:Reviewed by 审核:Date 日期:Safety Ma n

2、ager 安全部经理Reviewed by 审核:Date 日期:Utility Man ager 通用工程部经理APPROVED BY 批准:_Operation Manager 生 产经理Next Scheduled Review To Be Completed By: 下次复审完成时间DATE 日期:_2002 911DSPC SHE STANDARDSSTD NO 标准号:SHE-900苏州杜邦安卫环保标准Page 页数:Page 1 of 5Effective Date 生效日:04/17/20Utility Area Safety Rules通用区域安全规则1. GENERAL概述

3、Safety is a condition of employment and our priority for any task or activity. Our goal is Zeroinjury, Zero Health and Zero En vir onmen tal in cide nts. All Utility area staff has theresponsibility of ensuring their personal safety, helping his/her colleagues perform task in asafe manner, and tak i

4、ng care of safety for any non-DSPC pers onnel hav ing bus in ess withDSPC.安全是雇用的一个条件,也是执行每项任务或进行任何活动的首要考虑因素。我们 的目标是零伤害、零健康和零环保事故。通用区域全体员工有责任确保他们自身的 安全,帮助同事安全地执行工作,关心所有和 DSP(有业务往来的人员的安全。This procedure provides safety guideli nes for every in dividual pers on, who is staying,performing or having task

5、in Utility area. The specific safety requireme nt for each task will becovered in related job procedures therei n. Any violati on of, or any actio n attempt ing toviolate the rules herein may directly result in term in ati on of employee labor con tract or anyservice con tract.本程序提供的安全准则适用于在通用区域逗留、操

6、作或执行任务的每一位员工。对 于每一项操作任务的特别安全要求将在相关的工作程序中有所规定。任何违反,或 试图违反这些规定的行为将直接导致终止其劳动合同或任何服务合同。For any situati on not clearly stated here in or not covered here in, you should seek pla ntsafety sta ndards, S&OH office an d/or Utility man ageme nt. A sound, safe judgeme nt isalways a must at all times.任何这里未明

7、确提及的或未包括的情形,应查询全厂安全标准,安卫办公室和/或通用管理层。良好和安全的判断在任何时候一直都是有必要的。2. DESCRIPTION描述2.1.Every one stayi ng or worki ng in Utility area shall follow all DSPCPla nt safety rules and sta ndards stated in SHE MANUAL, such as LTCT, LineBreak, In terlock Bypass, Confined Space En try, Barricade, Ladder and etc.DSPC

8、 SHE STANDARDSSTD NO 标准号:SHE-900苏州杜邦安卫环保标准Page 页数:Page 2 of 5Effective Date 生效日:04/17/20在通用区域逗留或工作的每个人要遵守DSPC 工厂安全守则和安卫环保手册上规定的标准,如 LTCT 管线断开、联锁旁通、受限制空间的进入、围 栏、梯子等。2.2.Utility employees should follow all the safety stateme nts in the related procedureswhe n con duct ing operatio ns task. Supervisor

9、should be immediately con tacted ifthere is any safety issue not covered in the procedure or any item therein not fullyunderstood.通用员工在执行操作任务时,要遵守相关程序内提及的所有安全规定。程序 内若有末提及的安全问题或不能完全理解的条例,要立即和主管联系。2.3.Every one, who is in Utility area, in clud ing the con tractors and visitors, shouldhave required bas

10、ic PPE on at all times except in office, con trol room in Utilityevery area, bathrooms and PPE free roads.在通用区域的每一个人,包括承包商和参观者一定要随时穿戴好基本要求的 PPE除办公室、各区域控制室、洗手间和不要求PPE 的路上。2.4.All con tractors worki ng in Utility area must be safety orie ntatedper S&OH procedure, must have Work Permit approved and

11、 posted in the worki ngarea before starti ng any con tracted service.在通用区域内工作的所有承包商必须经安全培训,按安卫部程序所规定的, 必须有工作许可证,并在进行合同服务前,将其张贴在工作区域。2.5.Only after the required permit being filled out and approved by Area Supervisor orhis desig natee, can any HOT JOB, in clud ing cutting, grinding and welding, beper

12、formed in Utility area or on any equipme nt, or pip ing owned by Utility.只有在填写必须的许可证并由区域主管或其指派者批准后,才能在通用区域 或通用拥有的任何设备或管线上进行任何热工作,包括切割、抛磨和焊 接。2.6.All Utility staff, including technicians and supervisions, have the responsibility ofassisting, guiding, monitoring, correcting, report ing and man agi ng

13、the con tractorsafety performa nee at any time and in any place.所有通用员工包括技工和主管都有责任随时随地帮助、指导、监督、纠正、 报告和管理承包商的安全表现。2.7.When con duct ing an operati on, maintenance or con tracted task in Utility area,the specified PPE, including but not being limitedto hardhat, safety glasses, safety shoes and gloves a

14、re always required. Whe n atask invo Ives ope ning or break ing equipme nt or a system where the no rmaloperati ng temperature is above 60 degree, full hotsuit is required. Stan d-by person with full hotsuit available is required.DSPC SHE STANDARDSSTD NO 标准号:SHE-900苏州杜邦安卫环保标准Page 页数:Page 3 of 5Effec

15、tive Date 生效日:04/17/20当在通用区域进行操作、维护或合同承包的任务时,要求时刻穿戴特定的 PPE 包括但不局限于所要求安全帽、安全眼镜、安全鞋和手套。一旦设备 或系统的正常操作温度大于 60C 时,有涉及打开或断开的工作,要求穿全身 防热服。要求有另一名穿防热服的后备人员在现场。2.8.Long sleeve work ing suit with the sleeve butt oned and splash proof goggles arerequired whe never operat ing any valve on the system.任何时候在系统上操作阀门

16、时,都要求穿长袖工作服和戴防溅护目镜。2.9.Whe n uni oad ingHydrochloric Acid or Caustic, Acid Suit is required. Sta nd-by person with Acid Suitavailable is required.当在卸酸或卸碱时,要求穿防酸服。要求有另一名穿防酸服的后备人员在现 场。2.10.Static ground wires shall be attached to any metal container being emptied or filledwith liquids other than water

17、.在倒空或灌装除水之外的液体时,金属容器上必须接有防静电接地线。2.11.All containers shall be ide ntified as to con ten ts.所有容器应标有其内容物。2.12.All containers weigh ing 40kg or more shall be moved with truck or lifted by twomen.所有等于或超过 40kg 的容器要用叉车或由两人搬运。2.13.Rubber hoses will not be used to connect a hot system with a cold system or t

18、odrain hot liquids from any system.橡皮软管不能用于冷系统和热系统之间的连接或从任一系统排放热液体。2.14.After coupli ng quick disc onnect coupli ng, pull on hose to in sure that a properconnection is made before releas ing hose.当连接好快拆接口后,在放开软管前,应试拉软管以确保正确牢固。2.15.Should not use a persuader to open and/or close, if it becomes aneces

19、sary, it will be limited to one man, one persuader, using normal effort. Noextension of any kind will be used with persuader.不能用管子钳或阀门扳手来打开和/或关闭阀门,若确有必要,仅限于一人 一管子钳或阀门扳手,用正常作用力。在使用管子钳或阀门扳手时,不能使 用任何其它附加方式。2.16.All pipe lin es, valves, and no zzles shall be isolated from the atmosphere by a blank, pipe

20、 cap, or plug whe n not being used.当不在操作使用时,所有管线、阀门、和喷嘴应用盲板、管帽、或塞子使其 和大气DSPC SHE STANDARDSSTD NO 标准号:SHE-900苏州杜邦安卫环保标准Page 页数:Page 4 of 5Effective Date 生效日:04/17/20隔开。2.17.Check safety showers and eye wash stati ons to be operable and record on patrolsheet every shift. Notify maintenance if not oper

21、able.每个班要检查安全淋浴洗眼站的可操作性,并记录在巡查表上。若不可操 作,则通知维护部。2.18.All emerge ncy ladder safety cha ins shall be up at all times except when pers on isen teri ng or leav ing ladder.所有紧急梯安全链要随时挂上,除人员正在进入或离开梯子时。2.19.Equipme nt platform ladder safety cha ins shall be and will behooked on ly whe n some one is worki ng

22、 on the platform.设备平台梯上的安全链只有有人在平台上工作时应挂好。2.20.Smoki ng is permitted in desig nated areas only.只允许在指定区域吸烟。2.21.Ear protect ion is required for entry into desig nated high no ise areas that includeUtility Building, ETP blower room and Boiler house (whe n one or two boiler run).进入指定的高噪音区域要戴耳塞,有通用厂房,ET

23、P 风机房和锅炉房(当-台或两台锅炉运行时)。2.22.Wrist watches, bracelets, n ecklaces, ri ngs, earri ngs and loosecloth ing must not be worn while work ing around moving mach in ery.在移动机器边工作时,禁止穿戴手表、手镯、项链、戒指、耳环和宽松服 装。2.23.When sitt ing on stools or chairs, all four feet of stool or chairs must be on the floor.坐凳子或椅子时,凳子或椅子的四只脚要完全着地DSPC SHE STANDARDSSTD NO 标准号:SHE-900苏州杜邦安卫环保标准Page 页数:Page 5 of 5Effective Date 生效日:04/17/202.24.Only authorized pers onnel using proper PPE will operate motor con trol switches.只有经授权的戴正确 PPE 的人员才能操作马达控制系统。2.25.Never spray any liquids or clea ning age nts directly on electrical


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