



1、2017甘肃省国际交流员研习班申请书APPLICATION FORM2017 GANSU INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM姓名:Name:英文:In En glish:相片Photo中文:In Chin ese:国籍:Natio nality:性别:Sex:婚姻:Marital Status:出生地点:Place of Birth:出生日期:年月日Date of Birth:Yr.Mo.Da.护照号码:Passport No.:宗教信仰:Religio n:通讯地址:电话号码:Maili ng Address:Telepho ne:电子邮件:手机号码:Email

2、:Mobile:最后学历:Highest Academic Degree Obtai ned:现在职业:Occupati on:工作单位:Employer:家庭情况 /Family members:姓名/Name关系 /Relation工作单位/Employer学历Educati on学校In stitutio n学习时间Years Atte nded所获证书/学位Diploma Received主修专业Field of Study工作经历(最近五年)Employme nt Record (Most Rece nt Five Years)单位名称Prese nt Occupati on and

3、 Previous Employme nts所在地Address岗位Nature of Job职务Type of Positi on期间PeriodFromto单位名称Prese ntOccupati on and Previous Employme nts所在地Address岗位Nature of Job职务Type of Positi on期间PeriodFromto出国经历 / Experienee, if any, of being abroad国名 /Cou ntry时间 / Period目的 /Purpose语言能力 /Language Ability汉语 /Chi nese英语/

4、En glish其他语言Other LanguageNonePoorGoodNonePoorGoodNonePoorGood阅读 Reading写作 Writing会话 Speaking听力 Listening申请人保证:I hereby affirm that:(1)上述各项所提供的情况是真实无误的;All the information given in this form is true and correct;(2)学习期间将遵守中国政府的法律和研习班的各项规章制度。I shall abide by the Laws of the Chin ese Gover nments and t

5、he regulati ons of the Program.申请日期:申请人签名:Date:Sig nature:Please fill forms neatly in English using BLOCK LETTERS.甘肃省国际交流员研习班推荐书LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION FORGANSU INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM推荐单位名称:Orga ni zati on Name:所在地:Locatio n:通讯地址:Maili ng Address:代表者:Authority:印 /Seal电话:Telepho ne:I hereb

6、y recomme nd the follow ing pers on as a qualified can didate for the “In ternatio naFellowship Program ” sp on sored by the Gansu Provi ncial People ' Government of China. I find him/her suitable from the viewpoints of person ability, kno wledge, experie nee and men tal attitude to work. He/She

7、 is able to have leave and there exists no prohibit ing factors in his/her family circumsta nces.我谨推荐以下人员参加由中国甘肃省人民政府举办的甘肃省国际交流员 研习班。无论是知识结构、工作经验,还是个人性格和思考能力,我认为该人 是合适人选。该人参加研修不受个人家庭因素的约束或限制。被推荐者Recomme nded Can didate姓名:Name:年龄:性别:Age:Sex:职业:Occupati on:国籍:Nati on ality:年月日DayMon thYearThis form mu

8、st be stamped by the recomme ndatio n orga ni zati on.誓 约 书WRITTEN OATH本人宣誓在成为甘肃省国际交流员后,将遵守以下条款:After the qualificati on of the Gansu Intern ati onal Fellowship Program is gran ted me, I pledge that I shall adhere to the follow ing terms and con diti ons.1、遵守中国法律。To observe the Chin ese laws, ordina

9、n ces, and other regulati ons;2、遵从甘肃省政府相关规定。To meet the con diti ons, and observe the regulati ons provided by the Gansu provin cial gover nment;3、认真完成指定的研修任务及课程。To do the study assig nment faithfully;4、不介入任何政治活动及与之相关的其他活动。Not to participate in any activities, political or otherwise, not having to d

10、o with my study;5、不从事任何营利性工作。Not to take any profit-mak ing job;6超出甘肃省规定支付研修费用以外的其它费用由自己承担,不向甘肃省政府 申请增加研修补助。To pay, at my own expe nse, any cost exceedi ng the amount to be defrayed by the Gansu provin cial gover nment, and not to dema nd any in crease in the amount of finan cial aid;7、在华期间,如有负债,由自己

11、负责偿还。To repay, in case of falli ng into debt in China, the full amount of such debt out of my own pocket;8、 甘肃省政府如认为研修工作难以继续,决定取消交流员身份时,将予以服从。If it is judged by the authorities of the Gansu provincial government that it is impossible to continue the training, I abide by the decisions to terminate my positi on as a member of the Program, etc, without any compla int;9、研修结束回国后,将为推动本国发展及加强对华友好交流而努力。Upon fin ishi ng the trai ning course


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