



1、商务英语翻译试题(二)I词汇测试题:(2题,每题10分,共20分)1 该组有 10 个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。 ( 10 分)(1) promoteA. to encourage the popularity, sale or developmentB. to change or varyC. to act as judge in an argumentD. to speak or write to someone(2) to addressA. to speak or write to someone,

2、 or to direct information at someone.B. to offer, supplyD. to come up with ideas(3) to indemnifyA. to pay for the damageC. to suggest an idea(4) to cancel an orderA. to confirm an orderC. to stipulateB. to state something officiallyD. to use something instead of anotherB. to deliver a letterC. to re

3、commend a candidateD. to make void or of no effect(5) ceilingA. upper limitB. cancellationC. bottomD. the lowest point(6) tide overA. to help sb. during a period of difficultyB. to spend a lot of time doingC. to tie to sth.D. to try one s best(7) carry outA. to take awayB. to perform or completeC. t

4、o give or offer somethingD. to suggest an idea(8) to complicateA. to finish somethingB. to be dissatisfied with somethingC. to make something more difficult to deal withD. to compare with something(9) to put on an eventA. to come up with ideasB. to come on for sth.C. to arrange for sthD. to work on

5、managerial skills(10) emergencyA. sth. dangerous or serious which happens suddenlyB. stipulationC. sales promotionD. an act of breaking a law, promise or agreement2. 该组有 10 个商务英语英文词或词组, 下面均有汉语词或词组来进行解释,请将正确项选出,要求英汉转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。(10分)(1) a line of creditA. 信用额度C. 信用公司(2) to comply with (regulations

6、)A. 制定规则C. 否定规则(3) premiumA. 最低费用C. 保险费(4) to go into liquidationA 去偿付债务C. 去企业评估(5) Preference StockA. 优惠股C. 绩优股(6) financial sceneA. 商业场景C. 金融业(7) unprecedentedA. 前所未有的C. 难以想象的(8) open-package inspectionA. 裸装货C. 未包装前检验(9) underwriteA 出售B. 在信用基础上D. 信用等级B. 修改规则D. 遵循规则B. 罚单D. 赔偿B. 去调查行情D. 去进行售后服务B. 普通

7、股D. 优先股B. 金融场面D. 资金融通B. 不可预见的D. 空前绝后的B. 开箱检验D. 安装,装配B 策划D 营销C 认购B.委托人D.认购人(10) trusteeA.受托人C.违约方II .语境意义,完形填空题(2题,共30分)本组考题共有15个空,每空下有多项意义近似的英语选项, 从中择一 准确选项填入空内。要求:A词语的特定环境所产生的意义。B词语的情态色彩意义。C词语的语法意义D句子与超句群在特定的集约形式中的意义。E语篇的主题意义1 .完形填空题(10空,每空1.5分)Claim DamagesIn most cases, bona fide party to an inte

8、rnational sales contract will do his best to 1 his duties either as a seller or a buyer, after the conclusion of the contract. However, it is not rare that either party to a contract may fail to perform his duties, or his performance is 2 with the terms provided on the contract. In case one party 3

9、the contract, he may cause damage or loss to the other, who is entitled to take 4 measuresaccording to the contract and the law.Most international sales contracts contain a claim clause in which the principles, time and applicable law of remedy are provided.To claim damages is a major remedy for bre

10、ach of contract.According to the Convention, the buyer still maintains the right to claim damageseven if he has resorted to other remedial measures. But how much should the damages be?The principles for determining the sum of damages are _5 in different laws. The Convention provides that damages for

11、 breach of contract consist of a sum _6_ to the loss, including loss of profit suffered by the injured party as a consequence of the breach, including loss of profit suffered by the injured party as a consequence of the breach, and the damages may not exceed the loss which the party in breach, and t

12、he damages may not exceed the loss which the party in breach foresaw or ought to have foreseen at the time of the conclusion of the contract, in the 7 of the facts and matters of which he then knew or ought to have known. The basic principle for damages claim is that the damages paid will enable the

13、 economic state of the injured party to be recovered to that extent where the contract would have been performed.In case of non-delivery, the buyer may declare the contract avoided. In a reasonable manner and within a reasonable time, the buyer may claim damages.Two points are 8 of special attention

14、: first, according to the Convention and laws of many states, the buyer must take reasonable measures to 9 further loss. If he does not do so, which causes further losses, he is not 10 to claim damages for the further loss which could have been prevented; secondly, when the buyer claims damages, he

15、does not have to prove whether the conduct of the seller contains any fault. If he can show evidences that the seller does not perform the obligations under the contract, which cause damages to him, the buyer may exercise the right to claim damages.1. A. do B. make C. perform D. determine2. A. incon

16、sistent B. line C. comply D. term3.A. abidesB. breachesC.doesD. works4.A. potentialB. uselessC. advanced D. remedial5.A. sameB. differ C.varied D.similar6.A. totalB. quotaC. equalD. offer7.A. rightB. wakeC. lightD.dependence8.A. worthlessB. worthyC. spending D. cost9.A. preventB. incurC. induceD. at

17、tract10. A. rightB. encouraged1 C. refuseD. entitled2 .语境意义题:文中有五处缺少内容,请从文后的选项中选出合适的选项,填回到原文中相应的位置 (5空,每空3分)Simulations of air, soil and water contamination on computer are increasingly being hailed as cheap and efficient ways of studying the environment. And as recent findings regarding the Chesape

18、ake Bay indicate, computers can demonstrate complex interactions that simply cannot be determined using other methods.Computer modeling has revealed that approximately 25 percent of the nitrogen in the Chesapeakecomes from air pollution wafting in from as far away as western Pennsylvania, Ohio and K

19、entucky. (1) To arrive at this conclusion, Robin Dennis of the Environmental Protection Agency and his colleagues digitally recreated the atmosphere above the eastern U.S. and combined this information with another model that examined how water flows into the Chesapeake. In particular, the group sim

20、ulated how air moves across the country and how nitrogen pollution reacts with other airborne compounds and then drops to the ground directly or in rain.Conventional wisdom has generally held that nitrogen pollution falls out fairly quickly. Thus, simple models had suggestedthat air pollution from l

21、ocal sources probably contributed to the bay's condition. (2) Although water testing helps to monitor the state of the bay, models demonstrate how the pollution gets there. Despite several years of regulations on waterborne pollution, nitrogen levels have not decreased as much as expected. (3) M

22、uch of the Chesapeakemodeling was carried out at the EPA' s three-year-old National Environmental Supercomputing Center, which currently provides computer time for about 40 different projects on topics such as urban air pollution or the effects of landfills. Instead of having to sample a huge re

23、gion to determine where a toxic compound might end up if released by a factory, researchers using computers need only am few samples to establish original conditions. (4) Such techniques can often save a great deal of money. In the early 1980s, researchers assessing the feasibility of a field experi

24、ment to study acid rain in the eastern U.S. - a project similar in scale to one that might test the findings from the Chesapeakemodel put the price tag at $ 500 million. In contrast, Dennis estimates that the project to model the air pollution affecting the bay has cost around $ 500 000.Yet for all

25、their power, models cannot include every aspect of a natural system. (5) For instance, predictions about global warminghave been controversial, because,as critics point out, various models, each with district assumptions, can give vastly different results. Having absolute faith in a simulation of an

26、 environmental problem can be tough, even for computer experts. Stephen E. Cabaniss of Kent University emphasize that for now, old-fashioned laboratory experiments as well as actual sampling of water, soil and air are still vital pieces of information needed to validate computer data to or nudge mod

27、els in the right direction.A And although experiments also cannot evaluate every detail, models in particular trigger complaints about accuracy.B If people will not believe a computer model that forecasts a rise in global temperature over the next century, it is unclear whether they will accept a co

28、mputer's assessment of what is safe to put in drinking water.C Then, intricate computer programs, which consider details down to the movement of atoms, fill in aspects such as how a compound will degrade in the environment, whether any secondary products will be toxic, how the chemicals might pe

29、rcolate down to the water table or how they might accumulate in wildlife. In some cases, the toxic compound being studied may not have been produced yet.D. Dennis asserts that although controls on water pollution must not be abandoned,attempts to lower nitrogen levels in the bay may not be fully suc

30、cessful unless air pollution is also reduced.E But the more extensive model revealed that such pollution presents a much larger problem: 25 percent of nitrogen pollution is still being carried aloft 500 miles from its source.F Don' t put away those lab coats yet.G This finding alters the current

31、 perception that the bay' s greatest problems stem from more local waterborne pollution, such as sewage and runoff from agriculture.III 形式主义类题( 5句,每句 4分,共 20分)该题型旨在考核学生两种语言对应能力,五个汉语单句需译成英语,要求体现原语形式意义。1. 发达成员有责任帮助发展中成员尽快走出困境。这样也有助于发达成员实现持续发展。2. 新的世纪充满着机遇和挑战,让我们共同合作,迎接挑战,使多边贸易体制得到巩固和加强, 为世界经济贸易的稳定

32、和发展不断做出贡献。3. 谢谢你方 3 月 10 日来函。从信中我们获悉你方希望得到我方梅林牌罐 头食品的报盘。4. 在大多数情况下,目的一致(盈利)而方式各异的交易的双方最终都 要经过谈判来做成生意。5. 我们无意催促你方作出决定,但是由于该商品需求量大,为了你方的 利益我们建议你方接受我们的报盘。IV. 风格意义类试题(共30分)将下面段落译成适应原文风格的汉语表达, 要求不仅译文忠实于原文,流畅无误,而且在篇章词语风格上,能与原文相适应。Under some systems of law, trade terms have, at least traditionally, been us

33、ed only to determine the division of costs between the parties. However, in present international custom the main purpose of trade terms is to determine at what points the seller could be said to have been delivered to the buyer.Uncertainty about these obligations could be very harmful for the contr

34、acting parties. Lack of precision would almost inevitably lead to disputes, including litigation, and to a considerable increase in "overhead" expenditures in everyday operations.Moreover, the parties in different countries would be very unwilling to subject themselves to the laws and prac

35、tices of the other. They would probably feel secure using the laws of their own country but would find it difficult to assess the consequences of rules of interpretations used in a foreign country.In order to be truly useful, trade terms should have universal application and should make explicit the obligations of both parties. This is the aim of Incoterms.商务英语翻译试题(二) 参考答案(共 20%)1 ( 1-5) AAADA( 6-10) ABCCA2 .( 1-5) ADCAD(6-10) CABCAII 语境意义,完形填空题(共30% )完形填空题(15%)(1-5) CABDC (6-10) CCBAD语境意义题:(15%)(1-5) GEDCAIII 形式主义类题( 5 句,共 20% )1 Developed


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