1、名词性从句1. matters most in lear ning En glish is eno ugh practice.A. What B. Why C. Where D. Which2. team wins on Saturday will go through to the n ati onal champi on ships.A. No matter what B. No matter whichC. WhateverD. Whichever3. It is none of your bus in essother people thi nk about you. Believe
2、yourself.A. howB. what C. whichD. whe n4. he had passed the exam surprised every one.A. That B. What C. / D. Whether5. in the regulati ons that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail acco unt.A. What is required B. What requiresC. It is requiredD. It requires6. I firmly believe
3、he said at the meeti ng was right.A. that B. which C. that what D. what that7. Afterseemed like hours he came out with a bitter smile.A. which B. itC. whatD. that8. The manager has decided to puthe think is energetic, clever, and has good sense of duty in thepositi on of the leadership of the compa
4、ny.A. those who B. anyone C. whomever D. whoever9. I hatepeople talk with their mouths full.A. whe nB. that C. it whe n D. what10. Why don ' t you bringto his attention that you are too busy to do it?A. that B. what C. that D. it11. The reas on why I pla n to go ishe will be disappo in ted if I
5、don' t.A. because B. that C. tha nks to D. what12. See the flags on top of the build ing? That waswe did this morning.A. whe n B. which C. where D. what13. One advantage of playing the guitar isit can give you a great deal of pleasure.A. howB. whyC. that D. whe n14. Great cha nges have take n pl
6、ace in that school. It is no Ion gerit was 20 years ago,it was sopoorly equipped.A. what; whe nB. that; whichC. what whichD. which; that15. This isthe Shen zhou V Spaceship Ian ded.A. there B. i n which C. where D. whe n16. I nformatio n has bee n put forwardmore middle school graduates will be admi
7、tted intouni versities.A. whileB. that C. whe n D. as17. There is much cha neeBill will recover from his injury in time for the race.A. thatB. which C. untilD. if18. Nobody believed his reas on for being abse nt from the class he had to meet his uncle at the air port.A. whyB. that C. where D. becaus
8、e19. The questio n came up at the meet ingwe had eno ugh money for our research.A. that B. which C. whether D. if20. Do you have any ideais actually going on in the classroom?A. that B. what C. asD. which21. -Don 'you think it necessary that heto Miami but to Mew York?-I agree, but the problem i
9、she has refused toA. will not be sent; thatB. not be sent; thatC. should not be sent; what D. should not send; what22. The order camethe soldiersthe small village the n ext morni ng.A. that ; had to leave B. that; should leaveC. /; must leaveD. whe n; should leave23. The lady in sisted that the manh
10、er purse and in sisted that heto the police.A. stole; was sentB. stole; be sentC. had stole n; should send D. had stole n; be sent24. Teachers recomme nd pare ntstheir childre n un der twelve to ride bicycles to school for safety.A. not allow B. do not allowC. must n'allowD. could n'tallow25
11、. It is uncertainside effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients havetake n it.A. that B. what C. how D. whether26. Before the sales start, I make a list ofmy kids will n eed for the coming seas on.A. whyB. what C. howD. which27. I want to be liked and loved forI am i
12、n side.A. whoB. where C. what D. how28 Have you fin ished the book?-No, I ' ve read up tothe children discover the secret cave.A. which B. what C. that D. where29 I prefer shutti ng myself in and liste ning to music all day on Sun days.That' sI don ' t agree .You should have a more active life.A.
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