1、精品word文档值得下载值得拥有退股权论文:论有限责任公司股东退股权制度【中文摘要】有限责任公司的退股权是指在公司存续期间 ,对公 司所作出的重大决策有异议或认为公司行为侵犯其合法权益的股东,所享有的要求公司按法律规定或公司章程规定的程序,以合理价格收 购其股权,并彻底摆脱与公司关系的权利。该权利的产生是由于有限 责任公司的人合性和资本多数决原则的滥用使中小股东处于无法摆 脱的困境而造成的,该制度设立便是为了充分保护中小股东的合法权 益,各国公司法对退股权制度均予以规定。我国公司法修订后首次确 立了退股权制度,确认股东退股权不仅是立法者对股东缺乏公司决策 控制力的一种利益补偿和心理同情,也是尊
2、重股东营利性的理性选择 更是顺应瞬息万变的公司实务的切实之举。但正是由于首次确立此制 度,难免会存在缺陷,因此,有必要对我国退股权制度加以完善。本文 除引言和结语部分外,共由三部分组成。第一部分为有限责任公司退 股权制度概述,该部分首先从理论的层面对退股权制度的概念和属性 进行了分析,通过分析,笔者得出结论,认为退股权是股东的固有权、 自益权、单独股东权、一般股东权和形成权。其次,通过与股份转让、 公司减资、股份回购等相关概念的比较分析,对退股权制度的性质进 行了进一步的阐述。第三,从四个方面对退股权的产生原因进行了分 析,并对退股权的法律价值进行了简要介绍。通过对退股权制度的理 论分析,充分
3、表明退股权制度在保护中小股东合法权益,确保市场经 济有序发展等方面的重要作用。第二部分为有限责任公司退股权制度精品word文档值得下载值得拥有的立法现状。该部分共分境外立法考察和我国退股权制度立法进程两 部分,其中,在境外立法考察部分,对作为英美法系国家代表的美国和 作为大陆法系国家代表的德国退股权的制度设计和法律规定进行了 重点介绍,寻找两国退股权制度上的优点,为下一章提出我国退股权 制度的完善建议奠定基础。在我国退股权制度立法进程和现状部分,对我国退股权制度的产生背景和过程进行了详细介绍,为下一章对我 国的退股权制度的分析提供方便。第三部分为我国退股权制度存在的 问题及其完善建议。该部分以
4、我国新公司法第75条的规定为出发点: 分别从我国退股权制度的适用主体、适用范围、行使程序、限制条件 等方面指出法律规定的不足之处,并结合上述不足之处提出了完善建 议。希望我国尽快完善退股权制度,发挥该制度的作用。结语部分作 者再次强调了自身的观点,对退股权制度的重要作用进行了重申,并 提出我国应逐步完善该制度,早日制定出符合我国国情,适应我国现 状的退股权制度。【英文摘要】 The stockholders withdrawal rights in thelimited liability company (LLC) is defined as right of the shareholder
5、s to be en titledto sell their equity on reas on ableprice to LLC during its existenee according to procedure ruled by the law or regulation of the companyand sever the relations with the compa ny whe n the shareholders have disside nee to the major decisi ons made by the compa ny or con sidered the
6、ir legitimate in terests have bee n infrin ged by the compa ny. Thesystem of the right has bee n set up due to the abuse of huma n joining and the majority rule which put the medium and small-sized shareholders into un recoverable difficulties, therefore this system aims to fully protect the legitim
7、ate in terests and rights of medium and small-sized shareholders.The system of the right of retur ned stock of the stockholders has bee n con stituted by the corporate law in differe nt coun tries. The system has firstly bee n established in our country after the amendments to the corporate law. It
8、is not only the measure for legislators to provide the compe nsati on and psychological sympathy for the shareholders who are lack of right of decisi on-mak ing for the compa ny, but also the rati onal choice for respect ing for both shareholders to pursue the profitability and companies practices t
9、o fit in the ever-cha nging en vironment. However, it is in evitable for the system to have somepitfallswhenit has been set up firstlyin our country, so it is necessary to polish it.Apart from the preface and conclusion, this paper has been divided into three parts. The first part describes the over
10、view of the system of the right of returned stock of the stockholders of the limited liabilitycompany(LLC). In this part, firstlythe theoretical an alysis has bee n con ducted for the con cept and attribute ofthe system and the con clusi on has bee n reached. Secon dly, the paper shows the character
11、istics of the system furthermore by doing the comparis on about the con cept betwee n the system and share tra nsfer, reducti on of capital, Stock Repurchase and so on. Thirdly, an alyses in four aspects have bee n done to show the reas on that the system has bee n set up and the legal importanee of
12、 the system has been briefly introduced. With the theoretical analysis, the part shows the important role of the system to protect the legal rights and interestsof mediumandsmall-sized shareholders and promote the healthy developme nt of the market-orie nted econom y.The sec ond part shows the legis
13、lativeenvironment of the system of the right of returnedstock of the stockholders of the limited liability compa ny (LLC). This part con sists of two secti ons, one is about the research on legislation of the system in other countries, andthe other is about the legislationprocess of the system in ou
14、rcountry. The first section mainly focuses on the system design and legal provision about the right of equity withdrawal of the United States which is the representativeof Anglo-American lawsystem and Germa ny which is the one of Con ti nen tal law system and try to find the advantages of their syst
15、ems which set the foun dati on for the suggesti ons for our system in the n ext精品word文档值得下载值得拥有chapter. The second section makesthe specific introductiontothe backgro und and process of the establishme nt of our system and provides the basics for the an alysis in n ext chapter.The third part illustr
16、ates the problems and suggestio ns for oursystem. Based on the No.75 course in our latest corporate law, the paper points out the deficie ncies of the course in the aspect of subjects, scope of application, exercise procedures, restrictive condition and provides the suggestions for impro ving those
17、aspects, so that we could enhance our system which play its role.In the conclusion, the paper reiterates the viewpoi nt and the importa nee of the system, and suggestsamendments step by step to improve the system to fit in the curre nt situati on and con diti on in our country.【关键词】退股权有限责任公司人合性中小股东利
18、益保护同时提供论文辅导写作和学术期刊论文发表服务【备注】索购全文在线加好友趴1399388 18尹尅学术文就总摩合作提洪 无涉版权-作者如有异溟请与总库或学校联茶【英文关键词】stockholders Withdrawal rights limitedliability compa ny (LLC)huma n joiningsmall-sized shareholders in terests protecti on【目录】 论有限责任公司股东退股权制度 摘要精品word文档值得下载值得拥有制度概述13-23 第一节 退股权制度的理论分析 13-17一、退股权制度的概念和退股权的属性13-15二、退股权与其
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