1、CQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment Version 1 Issued 8/07Special Process: Plating System Assessment 特特殊殊过过程程:电电镀镀系系统统评评估估Facility Name:工厂名称:Address:地址:Phone Number:电话:Type(s) of Plating Processing at this Facility:工工厂厂电电镀镀流流程程类类型型Fax Number:传真:Process Table A流流程程表表AZinc锌Number of Platin
2、g Employees at this Facility:工厂电镀工人总数:500Zinc Alloy Plating锌合金电镀Captive Plater (Y/N):职工电镀工厂(是/否)Process Table B流流程程表表BCommercial Plater (Y/N):商业电镀工厂(是/否)Surface Conditioning ofMetals for Decorative Plating装饰电镀的金属件调节Date of Assessment:评估日期:Process Table C流流程程表表CSurface Conditioning of ABS& PCABS
3、Plastics forDecorative Plating装饰电镀的ABS和PCABS塑料表面调节Date of Previous Assessment:历年评估日期:Process Table D流流程程表表DDecorative Plating装饰电镀Process Table E流流程程表表EMechanical Plating机械电镀Process Table F流流程程表表FEquipment设备Process Equipment流程设备Current Quality Certification(s):现有质量体系认证:Date of Re-assessment (if neces
4、sary):再次评估日期:(如果需要)Personnel Contacted:人人员员联联系系方方式式:Name:姓姓名名:Title:职职务务:Phone:电电话话:Email;Auditors/Assessors:评评审审员员/评评估估员员:Name:姓姓名名Company:所所属属公公司司:Phone:电电话话:Email:Number of Not Satisfactory Findings:“不不理理想想”项项目目数数:0Number of Needs Immediate Action Findings:“需需要要立立即即改改进进”项项目目数数:CQI-11Special Proce
5、ss: Plating System Assessment Version 1 Issued 8/070Number of Fail Findings in the Job Audit(s):工工作作评评审审中中“不不合合格格”项项目目数数0CQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment Version 1 Issued 8/07Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview) 特特殊殊过过程程:电电镀镀流流程程评评估估(一一般般设设施施概概况况)As
6、sessment评评价价QuestionNumber问问题题编编号号Question问问题题Requirements and Guidance要要求求与与标标准准Objective Evidence客客观观证证据据N/A无无Satisfactory理理想想NotSatisfactory不不理理想想Needs ImmediateAction需需要要立立即即改改进进Section 1 - Management Responsibility and Quality Planning1.1Is there a dedicated andqualified plating person on-site?
7、现场是否有专门的,具有相关资格的电镀人员?To ensure readily available expertise, there shall be a dedicated andqualified plating person on the site. This individual shall be a full-timeemployee and the position shall be reflected in the organization chart.A job description shall exist identifying the qualifications for
8、thepostition including chemical and plating knowledge. The qualificationsshall include a minimum of 5 years experience in plating and surfacefinishing or a combination of formal chemistry/chemical engineeringeducation and plating experience totaling a minimum of 5 years.为了确保能够随时得到专业指导,必须有专门的,具有相关资格的
9、电镀人员在场。此人必须是全职员工,其职务必须在企业组织结构中有所反应,职责描述中必须包括确认该职位所需资历,包括化学和电镀知识。职业资格应该包括具有电镀和表面处理五年以上工作经验,或化学/化工工程专业教育与电镀工作相加,五年以上工作经验N/A1.2Does the plater performadvanced quality planning?电镀厂是否进行先期质量策划?The organization shall incorporate a documented advance qualityplanning procedure. A feasibility study shall be p
10、erformed andinternally approved for each part. Similar parts can be grouped intopart families for this effort as defined by the organization. After thepart approval process is approved by the customer, no processchanges are allowed unless approved by the customer. The platershall contact the custome
11、r when clarification of process changes isrequired. This clarification of process changes shall be documented.企业必须形成一项正式的先期质量计划程序。必须进行可行性的研究,并且在每个零部件上达成一致意见。相同的部件可以组成一个系列,由企业来界定。在零部件批准过程被客户认可后,除非经客户批准,不然则不得擅自改动流程。电镀厂必须与客户联系,对流程的改变进行说明,流程改变的说明必须记录在案N/ACQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment
12、Version 1 Issued 8/07Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview) 特特殊殊过过程程:电电镀镀流流程程评评估估(一一般般设设施施概概况况)Assessment评评价价QuestionNumber问问题题编编号号Question问问题题Requirements and Guidance要要求求与与标标准准Objective Evidence客客观观证证据据N/A无无Satisfactory理理想想NotSatisfactory不不理理想想Needs ImmediateAction
13、需需要要立立即即改改进进1.3Are plater FMEAs up to dateand reflecting currentprocessing?电镀厂是否更新FMEA失效模式与后果分析,使其能反映现有流程?The organization shall incorporate the use of a documented FailureMode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) procedure and ensure the FMEAsare updated to reflect current part quality status.The FMEA shall
14、 be written for each part or part family or they may beprocess-specific and written for each process. In any case, they shalladdress all process steps from part receipt to part shipment and allkey plating process parameters as defined by the organization. Across-functional team shall be used in the
15、development of the FMEA.All characteristics, as defined by the organization and its customers,shall be identified, defined, and addressed in the FMEA. 企业必须使用正规的失效模式和后果分析(FMEA)程序,并确保FMEAs能够反映最新的零件质量情况。必须对每个零部件或系列都编写FMEA,如果有具体的流程,则每一步都要编写。任何情况下,都必须处理从零部件接收到装运的每一步和企业所界定的所有关键电镀参数,必须组成一个综合职能团队来开发FMEA。所有企
16、业定义或者客户规定的特性必须在FMEA中进行确认,定义和处理N/ACQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment Version 1 Issued 8/07Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview) 特特殊殊过过程程:电电镀镀流流程程评评估估(一一般般设设施施概概况况)Assessment评评价价QuestionNumber问问题题编编号号Question问问题题Requirements and Guidance要要求求与与标标准准Objecti
17、ve Evidence客客观观证证据据N/A无无Satisfactory理理想想NotSatisfactory不不理理想想Needs ImmediateAction需需要要立立即即改改进进1.4Are finish process controlplans up to date andreflecting current processing?完成流程控制计划是否为最新,并能反映现有流程企业必须使用正规的控制计划程序,确保其被更新,能够反映现行的控制。必须为每个零部件或系列制定控制计划,如果有具体流程,则对每一步具体流程都制定控制计划。在任何情况下,企业必须处理所有流程步骤。从零部件接受到装运
18、,确认企业自己对所有使用的设备和所有关键电镀流程参数进行定义,必须组成一个综合职能团队,包括一名生产操作员,来开发控制计划,该控制计划必须符合所有相关文件,比如工作说明,车间导示和FMEA,所有由企业客户定义的特性,必须在控制计划中进行确定、定义和处理。评估过程和产品特性的取样数量及频率也必须至少按流程来处理 Theorganization shall incorporate the use of a documented Control Planprocedure and ensure the Control Plans are updated to reflect currentcontr
19、ols. The Control Plans shall be written for each part or part family orthey may be process-specific and written for each process. In any case,they shall address all process steps from part receipt to part shipmentand identify all equipment used and all key plating process parameters asdefined by the
20、 organization. A cross-functional team, including aproduction operator, shall be used in the development of Control Plans,which shall be consistent with all associated documentation such aswork instructions, shop travelers, and FMEAs. All special characteristics,as defined by the organization and it
21、s customers, shall be identified,defined, and addressed in the Control Plans. Sample sizes andFrequencies for evaluation of process and product characteristics shallalso be addressed consistent with the minimum requirements listed inthe Process Tables.N/ACQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessm
22、ent Version 1 Issued 8/07Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview) 特特殊殊过过程程:电电镀镀流流程程评评估估(一一般般设设施施概概况况)Assessment评评价价QuestionNumber问问题题编编号号Question问问题题Requirements and Guidance要要求求与与标标准准Objective Evidence客客观观证证据据N/A无无Satisfactory理理想想NotSatisfactory不不理理想想Needs ImmediateAc
23、tion需需要要立立即即改改进进1.5Are all plating related andreferenced specificationscurrent and available? Forexample: SAE, AIAG, ASTM,General Motors, Ford, andDaimlerChrysler. 是否所有与电镀相关的参数都是最新的,并且可以获得?比如SAE,AIAG,ASTM,通用,福特和克莱斯勒为了保证所有客户要求都能被完全理解并得到满足,企业必须将所有相关的电镀和客户参考标准与具体要求联系起来使用,并确保这些信息是最新的。这些标准和要求中包括由SAE,AIAG
24、,ASTM,通用,福特,克莱斯勒发行的文件,但并不局限于以上这些机构,企业必须制定流程,定期评审,分发和执行所有客户/行业标准和规范,以及基于客户要求的变更,该流程必须立即执行,不得超过2周,企业必须记录检查和执行过程并且必须落实如何获取客户和行业文件,如何在企业中保持,如何建立现状,以及如何将这些信息在2周内传达到车间等问题,企业还必须确定有谁来负责这些工作。To ensure all customer requirements areboth understood and satisfied, the organization shall have all relatedplating a
25、nd customer referenced standards and specificationsavailable for use and a method to ensure that they are current. Suchstandards and specifications include, but are not limited to, thoserelevant documents published by SAE, AIAG, ASTM, General Motors,Ford, and DaimlerChrysler. The organization shall
26、have a process toensure the timely review, distribution, and implementation of allcustomer and industry engineering standards and specifications andchanges based on customer-required schedule. This process shallbe executed as soon as possible and shall not exceed two weeks.The organization shall doc
27、ument this process of review andimplementation, and it shall address how customer and industrydocuments are obtained, how they are maintained within theorganization, how the current status is established, and how therelevant information is cascaded to the shop floor within the two-weekperiod. The or
28、ganization shall identify who is responsible forperforming these tasks.N/ACQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment Version 1 Issued 8/07Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview) 特特殊殊过过程程:电电镀镀流流程程评评估估(一一般般设设施施概概况况)Assessment评评价价QuestionNumber问问题题编编号号Question问问题题R
29、equirements and Guidance要要求求与与标标准准Objective Evidence客客观观证证据据N/A无无Satisfactory理理想想NotSatisfactory不不理理想想Needs ImmediateAction需需要要立立即即改改进进1.6Is there a written processspecification for all activeprocesses? 所有现行的工序是否都有书面工序规范?The plater shall have written process specifications for all activeprocesses an
30、d identify all steps of the process including relevantoperating parameters. Examples of operating parameters includeprocess temperatures, cycle times, load rates, rectifier settings, etc.Such parameters shall not only be defined, they shall have operatingtolerances as defined by the organization in
31、order to maintain processcontrol. All active processes should have a written processspecification. These process specifications may take the form ofwork instructions, job card, computer-based recipes, or other similardocuments.电镀厂必须有针对所有现行工序具体的书面规范,并明确所有工序的步骤包括相关操作参数入温度,周期,负荷率,整流器设置,等。这些参数必须不仅只是被定义,
32、而且必须由企业规定允许操作玩味,一保持对该工作的控制,所有的现行工序必须由书面的供需规范,这些规范应该来自于操作指导,工作说明,电脑程序或其他相似的文件。N/A1.7Has a valid product capabilitystudy been performed initiallyand after process change?是否在工序变更之前和之后,进行有效的产品性能分析?为了证明每个工序都能生产出符合要求的产品,企业必须对每个工序进行初始产品性能分析,在设备调整之后,或主要设施重建之后检查每一个流程,企业必须对主要重建的构成做出定义,每一条生产线的所有工序都必须能按照工序要求和客户
33、的要求进行初始产品性能分析。性能分析技术必须是用于电镀产品的属性,如:电镀厚度,防腐度,等。产品性能必须符合客户的特定要求,如果没有客户要求,企业必须建立可行的性能检测范围。在性能指标超出客户要求或建立的范围时必须制定改进措施并跟进处理。To demonstrate each process is capable ofyielding acceptable product the organization shall perform productcapability studies for the initial validation of each process, afterreloca
34、tion of any process equipment, and after a major rebuild of anyequipment. The organization shall define what constitutes a majorrebuild. Initial product capability studies shall be conducted for allplating processes per line as defined in scope of work and inaccordance with customer requirements. Ca
35、pability study techniquesshall be appropriate for the plating product characteristics, e.g. platethickness, corrosion resistance, etc. Any specific customerrequirements shall be met. In the absence of customer requirements,the organization shall establish acceptable ranges for measures ofcapability.
36、 An action plan shall exist to address the steps to befollowed in case capability indices fall outside customer requirementsor established ranges. N/ACQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment Version 1 Issued 8/07Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview) 特特殊殊过过程程
37、:电电镀镀流流程程评评估估(一一般般设设施施概概况况)Assessment评评价价QuestionNumber问问题题编编号号Question问问题题Requirements and Guidance要要求求与与标标准准Objective Evidence客客观观证证据据N/A无无Satisfactory理理想想NotSatisfactory不不理理想想Needs ImmediateAction需需要要立立即即改改进进1.8Does the plater collect andanalyze data over time, andreact to this data? 电镀厂是否长期保持对数据
38、的收集和分析,并且根据数据进行调整The analysis of products and processes over time can yield vitalinformation for defect prevention efforts. The organization shall have asystem to collect, analyze, and react to product or process data overtime. Methods of analysis shall include ongoing trend or historicaldata analys
39、is of special product or process parameters. Theorganization shall determine which parameters to include in suchanalysis.对产品和工序进行持续分析,为故障预防提供重要信息,企业必须由相应的系统,持续不断的采集、分析、并对产品和流程数据做出反应,分析方法必须包括对特殊产品或流程参数运行趋势或历史数据的分析,企业必须决定对应那些参数进行这类分析。N/A1.9Does management reviewand verify bake oven logs forparts requi
40、ring hydrogenembrittlement relief every 24hours?管理部门是否需要每24小时进行氢脆环节的零部件的锅炉使用记录进行检查Management shall review the oven monitoring systems/logs atintervals not to exceed 24 hours or prior to parts being released forshipment. The plater shall have reaction plans for non-conformancesto process requirements
41、. This is to contain, at minimum,requirements for quarantining material and notifying customer.管理部门必须不时的检查锅炉监控记录,而不要超过24小时或在零部件发运之前,对于不符合工序要求的部件,电镀产必须有相应的反应计划,至少包括隔离材料,并通知客户。N/A1.10Are internal assessmentsbeing completed on anannual basis, at a minimum,incorporating AIAG PSA?内部评估是否根据AIAG的PSA每年进行一次?T
42、he organization shall conduct internal assessments on an annualbasis, at a minimum, using the AIAG PSA. Concerns shall beaddressed in a timely manner.企业必须根据AIAG的PSA每年进行一次内部评估,对发现的问题应及时进行处理N/ACQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment Version 1 Issued 8/07Special Process: Plating Process Assess
43、ment (General Facility Overview) 特特殊殊过过程程:电电镀镀流流程程评评估估(一一般般设设施施概概况况)Assessment评评价价QuestionNumber问问题题编编号号Question问问题题Requirements and Guidance要要求求与与标标准准Objective Evidence客客观观证证据据N/A无无Satisfactory理理想想NotSatisfactory不不理理想想Needs ImmediateAction需需要要立立即即改改进进1.11Is there a system in place toauthorize repro
44、cessing and isit documented?是否有合适的系统批准再进行加工,并对其进行记录?The quality management system shall include a documented processfor reprocessing that shall include authorization from a designatedindividual. The reprocessing procedure shall describe productcharacteristics for which reprocessing is allowed as wel
45、l as thosecharacteristics for which reprocessing is not permissible. Allreprocessing activity shall require a new processing control sheetissued by qualified technical personnel denoting the necessary platingmodifications. Records shall clearly indicate when and how anymaterial has been reprocessed.
46、 The Quality Manager or a designeeshall authorize the release of reprocessed product.质量管理系统必须包括一个正规的再加工流程,该流程必须经指定人员认可,再加工流程必须对再加工流程允许的或不允许的产品属性进行描述,所有再加工处理必须要求一份新的流程控制表,该表是由具有资质的技术人员选择的必须要电镀修正,再加工记录必须标明材料在何时,使用何种方式进行再加工。质量经理或指定的人员必须批准对再加工产品的发放。N/A1.12Does the Quality Departmentreview, address, andd
47、ocument customer andinternal concerns? 质量部门是否检查,处理和记录客户意见和内部意见?The quality management system shall include a process fordocumenting, reviewing, and addressing customer concerns and anyother concerns internal to the organization. A disciplined problem-solving approach shall be used.质量管理系统必须包括一个正规化流程,
48、检查流程和处理客户机其他内部意见的流程,必须使用几率严明的解决问题方法N/A1.13Is there a continualimprovement plan applicableto each process defined inthe scope of theassessment?每个评估范围内的确定流程是否有特殊可行的改进计划The plater shall define a process for continual improvement for eachplating process identified in the scope of the PSA. The process sh
49、allbe designed to bring about continual improvement in quality andproductivity. Identified actions shall be prioritized and shall includetiming (estimated completion dates). The organization shall showevidence of program effectiveness.电镀工必须确定一个对每个在PSA范围内的电镀流程进行持续改善的流程,该流程必须能够在质量和产量上起到完善的作用,必须明确各项措施的
50、先后次序,必须包括时间限制,(估计完成的日期)企业必须证明其计划的有效性。N/A1.14Does the Quality Manager ordesignee authorize thedisposition of material fromquarantine status? 质量经理或专员是否批准对隔离状态材料的处理。The Quality Manager or designee is responsible for authorizing anddocumenting appropriate personnel to disposition quarantine material.质量经
51、理或指定人员负责授权和使用证明由某个合适的人员来处理被隔离的材料。N/ACQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment Version 1 Issued 8/07Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview) 特特殊殊过过程程:电电镀镀流流程程评评估估(一一般般设设施施概概况况)Assessment评评价价QuestionNumber问问题题编编号号Question问问题题Requirements and Guidance要要求求与与标标准准Obje
52、ctive Evidence客客观观证证据据N/A无无Satisfactory理理想想NotSatisfactory不不理理想想Needs ImmediateAction需需要要立立即即改改进进1.15Are there procedures or workinstructions available toplating presonnel that definethe plating process?电镀工是否可以获得详细说明电镀流程的操作指南?There shall be procedures and work instructions available to platingperson
53、nel covering the plating process. These procedures or workinstructions shall include methods of addressing potentialemergencies (such as power failure), equipment start-up, equipmentshut-down, product segregation (See 2.8), product inspection, andgeneral operating procedures. These procedures or wor
54、k instructionsshall be accessible to shop floor personnel.电镀人员必须得到包含电镀流程的工作程序和具体说明,这些流程或说明必须包括对潜在紧急情况,(比如停电)的处理方法,设备启动,设备关闭和产品隔离(见2.7),产品检查和一般操作流程,这些流程或说明必须易于车间人员理解。N/A1.16Is management providingemployee training for plating?管理人员是否提供有关电镀方面的员工培训?The organization shall provide employee training for al
55、l platingoperations. All employees, including backup and temporaryemployees, shall be trained. Documented evidence shall bemaintained showing the employees trained and the evidence shallinclude an assessment of the effectiveness of the training.Management shall define the qualification requirements
56、for eachfunction, and ongoing or follow-up training shall also be addressed.企业必须为员工提供所有电镀作业的培训,所有的员工,包括后备和零时工,都必须接受培训,必须保留员工培训的相关证明,这些证明必须包括一份培训效果评估,管理部门必须对每个岗位的资质要求进行界定,同时落实在正在运行的或将要进行的培训。N/ACQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment Version 1 Issued 8/07Special Process: Plating Process Asses
57、sment (General Facility Overview) 特特殊殊过过程程:电电镀镀流流程程评评估估(一一般般设设施施概概况况)Assessment评评价价QuestionNumber问问题题编编号号Question问问题题Requirements and Guidance要要求求与与标标准准Objective Evidence客客观观证证据据N/A无无Satisfactory理理想想NotSatisfactory不不理理想想Needs ImmediateAction需需要要立立即即改改进进1.17Is there a responsibilitymatrix to ensure t
58、hat all keymanagement and supervisoryfunctions are performed byqualified personnel?是否编制了责任矩阵确保所有关键管理职能和监督职能由具有相关资质的人员行使The organization shall maintain a responsibility matrix identifying allkey management and supervisory functions and the qualifiedpersonnel who may perform such functions. It shall i
59、dentify bothprimary and secondary (backup) personnel for the key functions (asdefined by the organization). This matrix shall be readily available tomanagement at all times.企业必须有责任矩阵,来确定所有关键管理和监管职能,并且制定由谁来行使这些职能。必须明确首要的和后备的人员行使关键职能(由企业界定),该矩阵必须随时供管理部门使用。N/A1.18Is there a preventivemaintenance progra
60、m? Ismaintenance data beingutilized to form a predictivemaintenance program?是否有预防维护计划?维护数据是否被用来形成定期的维护计划?The organization shall have a documented preventive maintenanceprogram for key process equipment (as identified by the organization).The program shall be a closed-loop process that tracks maintenance
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