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1、申请CCC认证需要提交以下材料1、正式的申请书 EcQC申请书.docformal applicati on2、产品描述product discrapti on3、工厂审查调查表 w工厂调查表.docmanu factory inquiry form4、产品差异说明expla nati on of products differe nee5、 一致性说明咗一致性申明.doccon siste ncy declarati on6、关键兀器件清单及相关证书certificates of key comp onents8生产厂组织结构图structure chart of manufactory9、

2、关键生产设备清单key manufactory devices lists10、检测仪器设备清单in spect apparatus lists12、商标注册证明或商标受理通知书Trade mark registratio n ide ntificati on or the trade mark accept the no tice13、照片和铭牌photo and n ameplates14、申请人,制造商和生产厂的营业执照复印件Busin ess lice nse copy of applica nt、manu facturer and traffic15、中文产品的使用说明书和技术说明书

3、。Users manual and tech no log specs in Chin ese.CQC/QPCP01.01(1/1)申请编号 :Application No:生产厂编号:Factory No:CCC认证申请书Application for the CCC Certification首次申请 再次申请 First ApplicationSecond Application申请日期 /Date :产品类别 /Product sort:中国质量认证中心China Quality Certification Centre1 .申请人 /Applicant1.1 申请人名称 /Name

4、of Applicant: 1.2 付款人名称及地址 /Invoice Address: 1.3 申请人地址、邮编 /Address and post code of Applicant:1.4 联系人 /Person to be contacted:1.5 电话 /Applica nt s Teleph one:1.6 传真 /Fax:1.7电子邮件/E-mail:2代理机构或中国办事处名称,联系人姓名,地址,邮编,电子邮件、电话及传真/Name ofAge nt or office in Chin a, its con tact pers on, Address, Post Code, E

5、-mail, Tel. No. &Fax No.: 3. 制造商 /Manufacturer where the equipment is produced:3.1 制造商名称 /Name of Manufacturer :3.2 制造商地址 /Address of Manufacturer :3.3 联系人 /Person to be contacted:3.4 电话 / Manufacturer s Telephone:3.5 传真 /Fax:3.6电子邮件/E-mail:4. 制造厂 /factory where the equipment is produced:4.1 制造厂名称 /

6、Name of factory :4.2 制造厂地址、邮编 /Address and post code of factory : 4.3 联系人 /Person to be contacted:4.4 电话/factory s Telephon 4.5 传真 /Fax:4.6电子邮件/E-mail:5. 产品名称 /Name of the equipment: 6. 产品商标 /Trade mark of the equipment: 7. 型号和规格 /Model and specification:8. 申请认证产品的GB 标准号 /Number of the GB standard f

7、or the equipment to becertified:8.1 安全标准 /Standard for Safety: 8.2 EMC 标准 /Standard for EMC(如有 /If applicable): 9. 申请认证的产品是否有CB 测试证书 /Has the applying equipment been awarded the CBTest Certificate:如果有,给出CB测试证书的编号和获证日期 /If“Yes , give the number and date ofthe CB Test Certificate:a. CB 证书号 /No. Of CB

8、Certificate: b. 获证日期 /Issued Date: c. 颁发CB测试证书的认证机构/Name of the NCB issuing the CB TestCertificate :10、申请CCC认证的同时,是否申请CB测试证书/ If to apply CB Certificate Whenapply CCC Certificatio n:否/No是 /Yes11、说明生产厂是否有同类产品获得过CCC证书或CCEE证书或CCIB证书,如果有,请列出证书编号。 Please in dicate if the factory has ever obta in ed CCC o

9、r CCEE orCCIB certificates, if the an swer is yes, the n list the certificate No:我们声明我们将遵守中国质量认证中心的认证规则和程序,支付认证所需的申请 试验,工厂审查及其它有关的费用;中国质量认证中心将不承担获得产品合格认证的制 造厂或销售商应承担的任何法律责任。We declare that we will follow the rules and procedures of the CQC and make payment for the fees arising from the application,

10、testing, inspection and other services.授权人签章 /Authorized signatory注:1、申请人应将申请书寄 CQC有关产品处。邮寄地址:中国 北京市朝阳区芳草地西街 15号;邮编:1000202、请用中、英二种文字填写申请人 ,制造商、制造厂和认证产品的名称 。3、有关 CQC 产品认证的公开文件可通过上网获取,网址是 http:/WWW .CQC.COM.CN4、 如果申请CCC认证,同时也申请 CB测试证书,请填写完“申请人承诺”后,继续填写CB测试申请书。5、CCC认证与CB认证同时申请时,制造商必须相同。6、CB申请书以英文填写为准,

11、相同的内容可以复制。申请人承诺1) 始终遵守认证计划的安排的有关规定;2) 为进行评价作出必要的安排,包括审查文件、进入所有的区域、 查阅所有的记录(包括内部审核报告)和评价所需人员(例如检 验、检查、评定、监督、复评)和解决投诉的有关规定;3) 仅在获准认证的范围内作出有关认证的声明;4) 在使用产品认证结果时,不得损害 CQC勺声誉、不得做使(中国质量认证中心 ) 认为可能误导或未经授权的声明;5) 当证书被暂停或撤销时,应立即停止涉及认证内容勺广告,并按CQC要求交回所有认证文件;6) 认证仅用于表明获准认证勺产品符合特定标准;7) 确保不采用误导勺方式使用或部分使用认证证书和报告;8)

12、 在传播媒体中对产品认证内容的引用,应符合 CQC勺要求。年 月 日申请人授权签字:工厂编 号:Factorycode: 工厂检查调查表Questi onn aire for Factory In specti on申请人名称:Name of Applica nt:制造商名称:Name of Manu facturer:生产厂名称:Name of Factory:中国质量认证中心China Quality Certification Center认证联系人:部门及职位:电1.1 工厂注册名称: Name of the factory:工厂地址:Address of the factory:电话

13、(含区号 ):传真码:Tel:Fax:邮政编Post Code电子邮件:E-mail: 抵达工厂的最佳交通路线(最近的火车站、机场;如可能,请附一张当地地图) The Optimal route to factory local Railway station, airport (with the map if possible)1.2 制造商注册名称: Name of the manufacturer:制造商注册地址:Address of the manufacturer:电话(含区号 ):传真政编码:Tel :Fax:Code:邮Post电子邮件:E-mail:2. 申请人注册名称:Nam

14、e of the applicant:地址:Address:电话(含区号 ):传真政编码:Tel:Fax:Code:邮Post电子邮件:E-mail:话:Department/position:Tel:Contact person of certification:3. 工厂质量负责人姓名、工作部门及职位、联系电话The name, department/position and telephone of principal on quality assurance质量负责人姓名:电话:Name of the principal:部门及职位:Department/position:Tel:4.

15、 工厂员工总数(如申证产品生产仅是其中一部分,请注明与申证产品生产、管理有关 的员工人数)Total amount of employees in the factory (If the production for the certified product is just one part of the whole production, please indicate the amount of employees for the production and management on the products applied for certification)5.1 申证产品申请编

16、号、名称、型号规格、商标The application No., name, model /specification and trade mark of the products applied for certification5.2 申请产品认证依据的标准Pursuant standards of the products applied for certification6.1工厂是否按认证实施规则的要求建立文件化质量体系?提供组织机构图质量手册 目录程序文件目录。Has the factory established and maintained a documented quali

17、ty system according to the requirement of the implementation rules for certification? Provide the chart of organization structure the list of the quality manual the list of the documented procedures .6.2 由工厂完成的申证产品生产工艺流程(请提供生产流程图并填写附表 1:关键生产设备明细表 )Indicate the production process on the products appl

18、ied for certification, which is performed by factory.(Please provide the production flow chart, and fill in the Appendix 1- List of Key Production Equipments.)6.3 说明由分承包方提供的关键零部件和原材料(如已通过 CCC 认证或其它同等的产品认 证的,请注明)Indicate the critical parts and materials, which are provided by the subcontractors. (Ple

19、ase give clear indication if the parts have passed the CCC or other equivalent product certifications.)6.4 具体说明为了确保最终产品符合相应标准,企业在进货检验、过程检验和最终检验中 具备了哪些项目的检验能力。 (请提供一份检验文件目录清单并填写附表2:主要检测仪器、检测设备明细表)To ensure that the final products conform to corresponding standards, please specify on which items the f

20、actory has inspection ability during in-coming inspection, process inspection and final inspection. (Please provide a list of inspection documents and fill in Appendix2- List of Main Test Instruments and Equipments).7. 说明申请认证产品已获得的其它认证机构颁发的认证证书和认证标志。Please indicate the Certificates and the Marks bee

21、n got by the products for which the Certification have being applied.8. 工厂的质量体系是否已通过质量体系认证?(如有,请提供证书复印件)。请说明最近一次审核的日期及结论。Whether or not the factory has obta ined the certificates of quality system certificatio n (please provide the copy of the certificates) and in dicate the date and con clusi on of

22、 last audit).9. 希望安排检查的时间:Date of factory in spect ion expected:工厂休息日:Off day of factory:工厂上下班时间:Time of factory on/off duty:可否在休息日检查(Whether or not the in spect ion could be done on off day):可以(yes) 可商议(discussible) 不可以(no)10. 是否同意认证机构的检查员在正常生产时,经与质量保证负责人接洽后,可以进入涉 及认证产品生产及管理的所有场所?Whether or not the

23、 inspectors of Certification Body are allowed to access all sites for production and management on products applied for certification under consulting with quality principal during regular production?工厂代表签章:Sign ature and stamp of the represe ntative of the factory:日期:Date:注:本表签字人应对所填写的信息的准确性负责。Note: The undersigned person shall be responsible for the veracity of the information filled in this questionnaire.附表1Appendix 1List of Key Production Equipments工厂名称:页Name of factory:共页第关键生产设备明细表序号No.生产设备名称Name of equ


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