



1、Literature Reading and TranslationU1 General DescriptionII. Translation1. Put the following sentences into Chinese, using either literal or free translation.1) It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it

2、 was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of the Light, it was the season of Darkness; it was the spring of Hope, it was the winter of Despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.这是最美好的时期,这是最坏的时期,这是智慧的年代,这

3、是愚蠢的年代,这是从满信仰的时代, 这是顾虑重重的时代,这是光明的季节,这是黑暗的季节,这是富有希望的春天,这是充满绝望的寒冬;我们拥有一切,我们一无所有;我们正笔直走向天堂,我们正笔直走向地狱。2) A greeting card can warm a heart, hold a hand, lend an ear, pat a back, light up a face, tickle a funny bone, dry an eye, surprise a child, woo a sweetheart, toast a bride, welcome a stranger, wave a

4、 good-bye, shout a bravo, blow a kiss, mend a quarrel, ease a pain, boost a morale, stop a worry and start a tradition.一张小小贺卡可以温暖一颗心,握紧一双手,倾听肺腑言,轻拍友人背;它另人喜洋洋,撩得心痒痒,抹去泪汪汪;它给孩子以惊喜,给恋人以温纯,给新娘以祝福,给路人以欢迎;它可用以挥手道别,高声喝彩,遥寄飞吻,也可用以弥补嫌隙,减轻痛苦,提高士气,解除忧虑,开创一种新风尚。2. Put the following passage into Chinese.As an im

5、portant means for preserving knowledge, various literatures have become precious resources or treasures for the mankind, which have greatly contributed to the social progress of the human race.Professional literatures have been regarded as “intangible assets” of the whole world because they are, on

6、the one hand, the summary, generalization, and development of the achievements obtained on the basis of previous experiences or studies; and on the other hand, they have been accumulated and handed down from generation to generation. In this sense, therefore, all kinds of literature are records of p

7、recious research findings and academic achievements, and the crystallization of human civilization.作为一种重要的知识储备手段,各类文献已成为宝贵的资源宝藏,大大促进了人类社会的进步。专业文献一向被认为是全世界的“无形财产”。因为一方面它们是对前人的经验或研究成果的总结,概括和发现;另一方面,又是人类长期积累、世代相传的遗产。因此,从这种意义上讲,一切文献都是前人的研究发现和学术成就的宝贵记载,是人类文化的结晶。3. Put the following passage into English.翻

8、泽的意义是将词句从一种语言转换成另一种语言。简单地讲,它是用与原作不同的语言将作者的真正意思准确地复述出来的一种艺术。从以上翻译的定义来看,我们知道词句的原意必须尽可能保持准确,不可有所增删。翻译者的任务只是变换词汇而不是改变其意思。因此,翻译有两种要素:准确性与表达性。准确性是翻译的首要条件。译者必须谨慎地遵循原作者的意思。字词的选择与句式结构必须如实传达原作的思想。表达性是使译文易于理解。换言之,译者必须用自己的文字尽可能将原作思想清楚而有力地表达出来。准确性是使译文的意义确切无误,而表达性则是使译文生动,引人入胜。Translation means the conversion of a

9、n expression into another language. To say plainly it is an art to reproduce the exact idea of the author by means of a language different from the original. From the above definition of translation we know that the original thought of the expression must be kept as exactly as possible. Nothing shou

10、ld be added to or taken away from the original work. The duty of the translator is simply to change the vocabulary not the thought. In translation therefore, there are two essential elements: accuracy and expressiveness.Accuracy is the first requisite of translation. The translator must stick to the

11、 authors idea. Words selected and sentences constructed must be of such nature as will convey the exact original thought. Expressiveness is to make the translation readily understood. In other words, the translator must express his authors idea as clearly and as forcibly as he can by the medium he e

12、mploys. Accuracy is to make the thought definite and exact; while expressiveness is to make the translation vivid and attractive.U2 Professional Paper (1) This war is becoming the most important story of this generation.(2) It is quite another story now.(3) Some reporters who were not included in th

13、e session broke the story.(4) Hell be very happy if that story holds up.(5) The Rita Haywoth story is one of the saddest.(6) A young man came to Scottis office with a story.(1)这场战争将成为这一代人经历的最重大的事件。(2)现在的情况完全不同了。(3)有些没让参加那次会议的记者把内情捅出去了。(4)如果这一说法当真,那他就太高兴了。(5)丽泰海华丝的遭遇算是最悲惨的了。(6)一个年轻人来到斯科特的办公室报案。U4 Abs

14、tracts More than three thousand IPC symbols jammed into the chart. He certainly was not scanning the rows with a magnifier.图表中密密麻麻地排满了三千多个国际专利分类符号。他肯定不会拿着放大镜一排排往下看。 Although no one has yet set foot on Vesta, and no spacecraft has been near, planetary scientists have obtained conclusi

15、ve evidence during the last decade that cold, silent Vesta was once the scene of volcanic activity.尽管从未有人登上过灶神星,也从未有过太空飞船飞近过灶神星,但是研究行星的科学工作者在最近十年中已经获得了可靠的证据证明寒冷而宁静的灶神星曾经(一度)是火山活动的场所。 Despite the long-standing availability of effective antibiotics, particularly penicillin, pnumococcai disease

16、 continues to take a heavy death toll, particularly among people suffering from other chronic diseases.尽管有效的抗菌素,特别是青霉素应用已久,但肺炎球菌引起的疾病仍然造成大量死亡,尤其是对患有其他慢性病的人来说更是如此。 The research found a 12 per cent reduction in the patients blood cholesterol from a level of 349 milligrams per 100 milliliters o

17、f blood.研究结果发现,病人血液胆固醇的含量从每100毫升含349毫克下降了百分之十二。 Working at the fruit and vegetable chemistry Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.(加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳), the scientists sprayed young guayule(银胶菊) plants with 5,000 part per million of the hormone stimulator 2- (3-4) dichloriphenoxy-triethylamine.在加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳的果

18、蔬化学实验室工作的科学家向银胶菊植物幼苗喷洒浓度为百万分之5000的激素催长剂2(3-4)二氯本氧三乙胺。U6 Conference documentsINSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Selection of papers for presentation and inclusion in the digest will be made on the basis of abstracts submitted by intending authors. Abstracts and any supporting figures must be confined to a sing

19、le A4 or 210 x 297mm page. The letter accompanying the abstract must include the principal authors complete mailing address and fax number. All abstracts must be received by 6 DECEMBER 1992. Forward abstracts to the Technical Program Chairman: (omitted) Following review of abstracts by the Technical Committee authors will be advised by 6 March 1993 whether or not their papers have been accepted. All papers must be in English. Complete papers, of l


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