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1、高中英语 第一部分 VOA慢速英语美国万花筒第6课英语翻议讲解:1.spiritual a.精神上的, 神圣的, 崇高的, 高尚的, 鬼的, 招魂术的例句:Nowadays we are strengthening civilizations spiritual development. A decayed life style is by no means allowed to grow. 在加强精神文明建设的今天,决不容许腐朽的生活方式坐大。2.summon vt.召唤, 召集, 号召, 振奋, 唤起, 鼓起例句:The company decided to summon the shar

2、eholders to a general meeting to select the location for the building. 公司决定开股东大会来选址建楼。 3.dreamy adj.空幻的, 梦想的, 多梦的例句:What a dreamy little house! 多麽小巧玲珑的房子啊!bine v.(使)联合, (使)结合例句:Enterprise needs to be managed by people who can combine tension with relaxation. 管理企业要弛张有度。 1.Basketball fans cheered Lake

3、rs head coach Phil Jackson as he became the only head coach in NBA history to win ten national championships.the only to winto win是不定式做后置定语,这种情况下可以改成定语从句,The only head coach that wins这时候要注意,用先行词由only修饰时,引导词只能用that.2.This is a result of spiritual influences he learned from his parents who were religi

4、ous workers. a result of由于原因,后面跟的是原因。result in导致,后面跟的是结果。例句:Transportation of goods were suspended as a result of bad weather. 货运由于天气原因暂停了。 3.Still, many people argue that his talent should be recognized because ten national coaching victories do not happen by accident.by accident偶然例句:Sorry I broke

5、it by accident, I didnt mean to hurt you. 对不起,我是无意中把它弄坏的,不是故意要伤害你的。by accident表示偶然一般是做状语。如果谓语的动词表示碰巧,偶然则用happen to。例句:If you happen to be going to the bookshop, please get me a map of the world. 你上书店的话,捎带给我买张世界地图。 4. Madeleine Peyrouxs voice is most often compared to Billie Holiday. compared to与相比,被

6、比作例句:Our living standards today are greatly improved compared to those of the past. 我们现在的生活水平线已经比从前大大提高了。 Some people have compared books to friends. 有些人把书比作朋友。5.Peyroux says the song shows that a person might have troubles, but it is always possible to survive and carry on.carry on继续开展, 行为愚蠢(或越轨)例句

7、:Its impossible to carry on a conversation with all this noise going on outside the house. 外面这么吵谈话根本就无法进行下去。Phil Jackson菲尔杰克逊(Phil Jackson),全名菲力浦道格拉斯杰克逊,(1945年9月17日),美国著名篮球教练员,现执教NBA洛杉矶湖人队。杰克逊作为教练至今已经获得10次NBA总冠军(超过阿诺德奥尔巴赫,独享此项纪录)。另外他也曾带领两支不同球队获得总冠军(NBA历史上仅有三人获此殊荣,另两人是帕特莱利和亚历克斯汉纳姆)。由于他对东方哲学特别是禅宗的深厚兴趣

8、,他也常被媒体尊称为“禅师”。“禅师”归来1945年9月17日出生,身高2米03。毕业于北达科塔大学,1967年在第二轮中第17位被纽约尼克斯选中,从1967-1968赛季至1978-1979赛季,曾先后效力于纽约尼克斯队11年,新泽西网队2年。随尼克斯队夺得1973年NBA总冠军,入选1968年新人最佳阵容。打球时的杰克逊是当时NBA思想最活跃最开放的球星之一,人们称他是改头换面的嬉皮士,甚至有人把杰克逊比作90年代的罗德曼,对此杰克逊说:不,我不是,不过当时我的风格的确给人留下了罗德曼式的印象,因为我是一个反传统文化的人。 菲尔杰克逊在执教芝加哥公牛队之前,担任NBA新泽西网队助理教练北海

9、队员2年,网队助理教练2年,CBA阿尔巴尼队主教练5年:(1985年获CBA最佳教练)。NBA芝加哥公牛队助理教练2年。1989-1990赛季起任公牛队主教练至1998年。他的执教纪录是545胜193负,创下了NBA历史上执教胜率最高的纪录。1991-1993、1996-1998年,他率领芝加哥公牛队夺得6届NBA总冠军,并率领公牛队在1995-1996赛季创下了72胜10负的NBA纪录,他因此也被评为该赛季的最佳教练。 杰克逊的行为举止与普通的NBA教练不同。内心反叛的杰克逊外表温文尔雅,仪表非凡,尤其是1995蓄须以后,更显得老成稳重,像备受人们尊敬的教父。每次到客场比赛,杰克逊最喜欢去的

10、地方就是图书馆和博物馆,他博览群书,尤其喜爱东方文化,因为他信奉精神的作用。John Denver约翰丹佛(John Denver)于1943年12月31日生于美国西南部新墨西哥州的劳斯威尔,原名叫小亨利约翰得奇道夫。父亲是一位曾经拥有三项飞行世界纪录的美国空军飞行军官。由于父亲的职业,他们一家人经常从这个基地搬到另一个基地,John小小年纪就几乎跑遍了全美国。小时候的他,最崇拜父亲的飞行技术,曾经立志效仿父亲作个伟大的飞行员。 8岁时,祖母送给他一把一只1910年制造的吉布森吉他,从此丹佛开始学习音乐。青年时代丹佛在德克萨斯技术学院攻读建筑设计专业 。为了赚取生活费,他开始在学校附近一带的小

11、酒店唱民歌。唱了两年半之后,由于唱出了兴趣,他干脆放弃了尚未完成的学业,正式以歌唱为业。 有一天,他在凤凰城演唱的时候BrothersFour合唱团的一名团员发现了他的才华,便鼓励他前往纽约,因为另外一支着名的民歌团体,Chad Mitchell Trio三重唱的主唱离职,正在招考新人。 John前往试唱的结果,击败了两百五十位竞争者,得到了那份工作。该团的制作人(也就是他日后的制作人)Milton Okun指出,虽然他在试唱的时候表现并不算特别好,但是却显示出了很特殊的个人风格。在这支三重唱里担任主唱的期间,John收获不少,不仅各方面的技巧都更专业化,同时也受到制作人的鼓励,开始尝试作曲。

12、 1968年十一月,Chad Mitchell Trio解散,John Denver决定独立。他争取到RCA的唱片合约,并且推出了首张个人专辑Rhymes and Reasons,虽然上市之后反应平平,但是其中的一首创作曲Leavin on a Jet Plane却受到了当红的Peter, Paul & Mary之喜爱,而在他们的新专辑里面采用了这首歌,并在1969年夺得了排行的冠军,使得大家开始注意到这位名不见经传的作曲新秀.其后的一年多里,John又陆续推出两张个人专辑,不过仍然没有突出的成绩,。1973年,美国CBS电视网邀JohnDenver为一部将在电视上播映的影片Sunsh

13、ine谱写配乐和插曲。同年十一月九日,影片播出的时候,收视率非常的高。在剧中,女病人的丈夫在病榻旁为爱妻唱出一Sunshine on MyShoulders的时候,是全剧最感人的部份,电视台的电话响个不停,无数的观众都在询问,这首歌曲要到哪里去买。1973年底,RCA决定要为他推出畅销曲精选集。由于羽毛已丰,他对自己早期某些录音中的表现感到十分汗颜,于是要求重录,而Sunshine on My Shoulders正是其中之一。对于新的版本John相当的满意因此要求公司把它制作成单曲发行。1974年三月,在上市的两个月之后,这首歌登上了榜首,终于为他夺得了第一次的排行冠军。 1974年夏天,他在

14、洛杉矶环球圆形剧场举行演唱会,七个晚上的门票在短短几个小时之内就全部卖光,打破了该剧场的纪录。演出的全部实况都被录制下来,经过剪辑之后,在电视上播出,得到一座最佳音乐综艺特别节目的艾美奖,同时实况录音也制作成两张一套的专辑唱片,在1975年二月推出,还没有正式上市,光是预购的订单就使它成了金唱片。 RCA在1975年三月,特别从实况录音里面抽出这首歌曲作为单曲发行,又使得John Denver再一次得到了冠军。 1975年,可以说是John Denver歌唱事业的巅峰期。除了在年初推出的演唱会实况,他又发表了新的专辑Windsong,其中包括了大为畅销的Im Sorry、Calypso以及Fl

15、y Away。后者是由当时刚开始在美国窜红的Olivia Newton-John为他和声的。同一年的圣诞节,他的电视特别节目Rocky Mountain Holiday拥有六千五百万观众,创下ABC电视网开播以来音乐节目收视率的新纪录,而同时推出的圣诞歌曲专辑唱片也是还没有出版就成了金唱片。 根据美国唱片界的统计,John Denver的唱片销量,在1979年元月就突破了一亿张,成果极为辉煌。 Madeleine Peyroux近年来崛起流行音乐世界的年轻爵士歌手不少,玛黛琳蓓荷本应该是最受瞩目的一位。生於美国乔治亚,却因为父母离异而随任职法语教师的母亲移居法国巴黎,蓓荷自小承受著法国艺术文化

16、与美国乡村蓝调的双重洗礼,造就她不凡的艺术品味;蓓荷1996年发行了第一张个人专辑爵士天地(Dreamland),舒缓、清柔的演唱风格,加上她近似爵士第一夫人比莉哈乐黛(Billie Holiday)的纯情风格,令爵士乐评家为之惊艳。Time杂誌就提出了以下的评论:如同比莉哈乐黛,蓓荷有著同样的心碎中音,她极为聪敏的滑过音符与乐段之间,不经意中流泻深沉的情感.,这使得她虽有“比莉哈乐黛接班人”之名,却完全自成一格,不让前辈专美於前。英语听力原文:HOST:Welcome to AMERICAN MOSAIC in VOA Special English.(MUSIC)Im Doug Johns

17、on.On todays program, we tell about Los Angeles Lakers basketball coach Phil Jackson .Answer a question about folk singer John Denver .And hear music by Madeleine Peyroux.The National Basketball Association recently chose new players to join its teams. These new professional athletes are training to

18、 win basketball games and championships. Their coaches are working to design winning plays and powerful teams. One coach recently was recognized as the most successful at doing this. Barbara Klein has more about Los Angeles Lakers head coach Phil Jackson and his recent historic victory.BARBARA KLEIN

19、:On June fourteenth, the Los Angeles Lakers defeated the Orlando Magic to win the National Basketball Association championship. But that was not the only major victory that night.Basketball fans cheered Lakers head coach Phil Jackson as he became the only head coach in NBA history to win ten nationa

20、l championships. NBA coach Red Auerbach of the Boston Celtics had held the record with nine championship victories. Auerbach died in two thousand six.Phil Jackson with Lakers player Kobe BryantPhil Jackson is known for his easy style of coaching. This is a result of spiritual influences he learned f

21、rom his parents who were religious workers. His supporters say his calm style shows he trusts his players to perform well by learning from their mistakes.But others have criticized Jackson for calmly sitting during games instead of showing great emotion. Other coaches walk along the sidelines and sh

22、out at the players. Critics say Jacksons success is not a result of his coaching skills as much as having superstar athletes on his teams.Still, many people argue that his talent should be recognized because ten national coaching victories do not happen by accident.Phil Jackson has coached the Laker

23、s for ten years and has led the team to four national championships. He has coached some of the NBAs best basketball players, including Kobe Bryant and Shaquille ONeal.Earlier in his career, he won six championships as coach of the Chicago Bulls. That team included Michael Jordan, who is said to be

24、the best basketball player of all time.The sixty-three year old coach has had operations to replace both of his hips and has problems with his back and knees. But last week, Phil Jackson announced that he will return to coach the Lakers next season.Our listener question this week comes from a colleg

25、e student in China. Liu Hualong wants to know about the American musician and singer John Denver. Denver was one of the most popular musical artists during the nineteen seventies. He was known for his songs about the beauty of nature. He was also a human rights and environmental activist.John Denver

26、He was born Henry John Deutschendorf, Junior in nineteen-forty three in Roswell, New Mexico. Johns grandmother gave him his first musical instrument when he was seven years old. When he began performing, he changed his last name to Denver, after the capital of his favorite state, Colorado.In ninetee

27、n sixty-five, John Denver joined the band called the Chad Mitchell Trio. He later left the group to perform alone. His first hit record was Take Me Home, Country Roads in nineteen seventy-one.He had a very successful career with hit songs like Sunshine on my Shoulders, Annies Song and Thank God Im a

28、 Country Boy. This song, Rocky Mountain High, is one of the official songs of Colorado.John Denver sold more than one hundred million albums around the world. He received many music industry awards. He used his popularity to support environmental causes. He started an environmental education and res

29、earch center.In nineteen-ninety seven, John Denver was killed when the plane he was piloting crashed. A memorial sign where his plane crashed contains lines from his song Windsong: So welcome the wind and the wisdom she offers. Follow her summons when she calls again.Madeleine Peyroux is known for h

30、er soft and dreamy voice which she made famous with her hit album, Careless Love, in two thousand four. On her latest album, Bare Bones, the thirty-four year old performer continues to combine the sounds of jazz, folk music and the blues. But on this album, Peyroux does not sing songs made famous by

31、 other artists. She helped write all eleven songs on the album. Faith Lapidus has more.Madeleine PeyrouxFAITH LAPIDUS:That was Instead, a song that takes listeners back in time. Madeleine Peyrouxs voice is most often compared to Billie Holiday.Peyroux has said that the great blues singers Billie Hol

32、iday and Bessie Smith still help shape her identity.Peyroux first began performing popular jazz and blues songs as a teenager in the streets of Paris, France. She has said that writing the songs on Bare Bones was a very new experience, almost like making her first album over again.Her aim in writing is to keep each song as clear and simp


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