2012年高考英语详解题典 单项填空部分(11)_第1页
2012年高考英语详解题典 单项填空部分(11)_第2页
2012年高考英语详解题典 单项填空部分(11)_第3页




1、2012年高考英语详解题典 单项填空部分(11)1. It was only a _ from my home to school.A. two-hour ride B. two hours rideC. two hours ride D. two-hour-rides2. The most important thing is _ people do with bamboo.A. what B. how C. that D. which3. She used to dress herself_in front of the mirror before breakfast.A. on B. i

2、n C. up D. at4. His mothers heart was seriously _ by his words.A. wounded B. hurtedC. injured D. hurt5. We shouldnt delay _ the work.A. to start B. startingC. to be started D. being started6. We are much obliged _ for your kind help when flood was coming.A. to thank you B. to thanking youC. to you D

3、. thanking you7. There are _ eggs in the cardboard box.A. two score B. two scoresC. two score of D. two scores of8. I looked for him, but he was_to be found.A. somewhere B. anywhereC. nowhere D. everywhere9. She hesitated_before telling me the truth.A. for an instance B. for an instantC. for instanc

4、e D. for instant10. His only hope lies_his perseverance in the struggle _ illness.A. in, against B. at, forC. in, for D. at, against11. She devoted all her life to。A. help the poor B. save the sickC. teach the young D. her work12. We _ very glad if what he told us _ true.A. shall be, were B. were, w

5、ereC. should be, were D. were, would be13. How _ could I stay here? You mustnt stay _ I wish I could stay a little _.A. soon, long, long B. long, longer, longC. soon, lonely, longer D. long, long, longer14. _joined in the discussion, which became more and more heated.A. Every one of us had almost B.

6、 Everyone of us had almostC. Every one of almost us had D. Almost every one of us had15. The car was driven _great speed the direction of the farm.A. at, in B. with, inC. at, to D. with, to16. Do you like tea or coffee? _.A. I prefer tea to have coffeeB. I would rather have tea than coffeeC. I would

7、 rather have tea than to have coffeeD. I would have tea rather than to have coffee17. The _ lasted for two hours and the British were_in the end.A. battle, defeated B. campaign, beatC. war, conquered D. battle, struck18. I regret _ that I dont like the colour or the design at all.A. saying B. to say

8、C. for said D. and say19. He will never forget the days _ we spent together working at the North Pole.A. when B. whichC. on which D. in which20. Rain, snow, fog and wind _ of nature.A. are phenomenon B. were phenomenaC. are phenomena D. were phenomenonKey:1. A 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. C 9. B

9、 10. A 11. D 12. C 13. D 14. D 15. B 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. C解析:1a two-hour ride (一次)两小时的乘车路程。2what.do with和how.deal with是常用的两种搭配方式3dress up打扮。4伤害感情用hurt。5delay后应接动名词。6be obliged to后接人时表示“感谢”。7score常用于scores of或one (two) score of 8nowhere to be found哪儿也找不到。9for an instant, instant是名词,意为“一瞬”。10如in在于,struggle against是常用搭配。11devote.to,to是介词,后应该接名词。12对现在情况的虚拟13how long多久,stay long呆很久。本句中amtle修饰比较级。14almost强调ever yone。10with great speed以很快的速度。in the direction of是常用短浯


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