



1、最新资料推荐1中国茶文化英文介绍The Chinese people, in their drinking of tea, place much significanee on the act of savoring.Savoring tea is not only a way to discern good tea from mediocre tea, but also how people takedelight in their reverie and in tea-drinking itself. Snatching a bit of leisure from a busy sched

2、ule, makinga kettle of strong tea, securing a serene space, and serving and drinking tea by yourself can helpbanish fatigue and frustration, improve your thinking ability and in spire you with en thusiasm. You mayalso imbibe it slowly in small sips to appreciate the subtle allure of tea-drinking, un

3、til your spirits soarup and up into a sublime aesthetic realm. Buildi ngs, garde ns, orn ame nts and tea sets are the elements that form the ambience for savoring tea. A tranquil, refreshing, comfortable and neat locale is certainly desirable for drinking tea. Chin ese garde ns are well known in the

4、 world and beautiful Chin ese Iandscapes are too nu merous to count. Teahouses tucked away in garde ns and n estled beside the natural beauty of mountains and rivers are en cha nting places of repose for people to rest and recreatethemselves.China is a country with a time-honored civilization and a

5、land of ceremony and decorum. Whenever guests visit, it is n ecessary to make and serve tea to them. Before serving tea, you may ask themfor their preferences as to what kind of tea they fancy and serve them the tea in the most appropriateteacups. In the course of servi ng tea, the host should take

6、careful note of how much water is remaining in the cups and in the kettle. Usually, if the tea is made in a teacup, boiling water should be addedafter half of the cup has bee n con sumed; and thus the cup is kept filled so that the tea reta ins thesame bouquet and rema ins pleasa ntly warm throughou

7、t the en tire course of tea-dri nking. Sn acks,sweets and other dishes may be served at tea time to compleme nt the fragra nce of the tea and toallay one s hunger.参考译文:中国人饮茶, 注重一个品字。品茶不但是鉴别茶的优劣,也带有神思遐想和领略饮茶情趣之意。在百忙之中泡上一壶浓茶,择雅静之处,自斟自饮,可以消除疲劳、涤烦 益思、振奋精神,也可以细啜慢饮,达到美的享受,使精神世界升华到高尚的艺术境界。 品茶的环境一般由建筑物、园林、摆

8、设、茶具等因素组成。饮茶要求安静、清新、舒适、 干净。中国园林世界闻名,山水风景更是不可胜数。利用园林或自然山水间,搭设茶室, 让人们小憩,意趣盎然。中国是文明古国,礼仪之邦,很重礼节。凡来了客人,沏茶、敬茶的礼仪是必不可少 的。当有客来访,可征求意见,选用最合来客口味的茶叶和最佳茶具待客。主人在陪伴客 人饮茶时,要注意客人杯、壶中的茶水残留量,一般用茶杯泡茶,如已喝去一半,就要添 加开水,随喝随添,使茶水浓度基本保持前后一致,水温适宜。在饮茶时也可适当佐以茶 食、糖果、菜肴等,达到调节口味和点心之功效。最新资料推荐2注释:1. 神思遐想:reverie。2. 领略饮茶情趣:take deli

9、ght in tea-dri nki ng。3. 在百忙之中泡上一壶浓茶:这个句子较长,译者根据其意思的层次,把它分成了两个完整的句子来翻译,这样就有较大的自由度来遣词造句。4. 择静雅之处: securi ng a sere ne space。5. 纟田啜慢饮:imbibe slowly in small sips。6. 达到美的享受:即”享受到饮茶之美”。allure 这里是名词,意为迷人之处,也可用 beauty。7. 使精神世界升华到高尚的艺术境界:un til your spirits soar up and up into a sublimeaesthetic realm。8. 利

10、用园林或自然山水间,搭设茶室:翻译时用了tucked away 和 nestled,比用 built要形象、优美得多。9. 让人们小憩,意趣盎然:意思是(茶室)是让人们休息、娱乐的迷人场所。”10. 礼仪之邦:即是一个很讲究礼仪的地方”,很重礼节为重复,不译。11. 当有客来访:是凡来了客人的重复,可不译。根据下文的内容,加上beforeserving tea,使上下衔接贴切自然。12. 征求意见,选用最合来客口味的茶叶和最佳茶具待客:可理解为询问来客他们最喜欢什么茶叶,然后用最合适的茶具给客人敬茶”。13. 主人在陪伴客人饮茶时:译为in the course of serving tea,

11、 与前面 before servingtea 相呼应。14. 主人在陪伴客人饮茶时水温适宜:这句话较长,译者同样根据其意思的层次,把它分成了两个完整的句子来翻译。15. 随喝随添: and thus the cup is kept filled 或者 and in this way the cup is kept filled。16. 茶食:意思为点心、小吃”。17. 达到调节口味和点心之功效:点心为方言点饥、充饥的意思。最新资料推荐3The in troductio n of Chin ese teaThe practice of drinking tea has had a long hi

12、story in Chin a,hav ing origi nated fromthere.The Chin ese drink tea duri ng many parts of the day such as at meals for goodhealth or simply for pleasure.Although tea origi nates from Chin a,Chi nese tea generally represe nt tea leaves which have bee n processed using methods in heritedfrom an cie n

13、t Chin a.Accordi ng to popular lege nd,tea was discovered by Chin eseEmperor Shennong in 2737 BCE whe n a leaf from a Camellia sinen sis tree fell intowater the emperor was boili ng.Tea is deeply wove n into the history and culture ofChin a.The beverage is considered one of the seven necessities of

14、Chinese life,alongwith firewood,rice,oil,salt,sauceclarification needed and vinegar.Some writers classify tea into four categories,white,gree n,oolong and black.Othersadd categories for red,sce nted and compressed teas.All of these come fromvarieties of the Camellia sinen sis pla nt.Ch in ese flower

15、 tea (花茶),while popular,is not a true tea.Most Chin ese tea is con sumed in Chi na and isnot exported.Gree n tea is the most popular type of tea used in China.With in these main categories of tea are vast varieties of in dividual beverages.Someresearchers have coun ted more tha n 700.0thers put the

16、number at more than1,000.Some of the variations are due to different strainsof the Camilla plant.The popular Tie Guan Yin铁观音,for example,is tracedback to a single plant discovered in Anxi 安溪 in the Fujian province.Other teas drawsome of their characteristics from local grow ingcon diti on s.However,

17、the largest factor in the wide variati ons comes from differences in tea process ing after the tea leaves are harvested.White and gree n teas areheat treated (shd杀青 DgsOon after pick ing to preve ntoxidizati on, ofte n called ferme ntati on, caused by n atural en zymes in the leaves.Oolong teas are

18、partially oxidized.Black and red teas are fully oxidized.Other differences come from variati ons in the process ing steps.The Origins of TeaWhile refere nces to tea in Chin ese literature go back approximately 5,000 years, theorigi n of teas use as a beverage is un clear.Ancient folklore places the

19、creation of the brew at 2737 BC, when a camellia blossomdrifted in to a cup of boiled drinking water belonging to Emperor Shen Nung. However,most scholars credit a reference found in Erh Ya, an ancient Chinese dictionary,dated about 350 BC.最新资料推荐4Originally, tea was valued for its medicinal qualitie

20、s. It has long been known that teaaids in digestion, which is why many Chinese prefer to consume it after their meal.(Another interesting side effect for smokers is that tea haste ns the discharge of nicoti ne from the body). The elevation of tea drinking to an art form began in the 8thcentury, with

21、 the publication of Lu Yus The Classic Art of Tea. The highly esteemedpoet and former Buddhist priest had strict no ti ons about the proper procedure forbrew ing, steep ing,tea . For example, only water from a slow-moving stream wasacceptable, and the tea leaves had to be placed in a porcelain cup.

22、Theperfect milieu for enjoying the finished product was in a pavilion next to a water lilypond, preferably in the compa ny of a desirable woma n.(To be fair, his work also contained several practical tips for manufacturing tea, manyof which are still in use today).In the cen turies followi ng the pu

23、blicati on of Yus work, teas popularity spreadrapidly throughout China. Not only did tea drinking become a fitt ing subject for booksand poems; Emperors bestowed gifts of tea upon grateful recipie nts. Later,teahouses bega n dott ing the Ian dscape. While the Chin ese have n ever developeda ritualis

24、tic ceremony surrounding tea drinking resembli ng the Japa nese tea ceremony , they have a healthy respectfor its role in their daily lives.and serv ing最新资料推荐5Types of TeaTea afici on ados are ofte n surprised to lear n that all tea comes fromthe same source: the Camilla Sinensis bush. While there a

25、rehun dreds are varieties of Chin ese teas, most fall into four basiccategories. Reputed to provide the most health ben efits,white tea ismade from immature tea leaves that are picked shortly before the buds have fullyopened. Green teas are not fermented during process ing, and thus reta in the orig

26、inal color of the tea leaves. The most famous gree n tea is the expe nsive Drag onWell tea, grow n in the hillsides of Han ghou. Also known as red tea, black teas aremade from ferme nted leaves, which acco unts for their darker color.Popular varieties of black tea in clude Bo lei, a Canton ese tea o

27、fte n drunk with dimsum , and luk on - a milder tea favored by the elderly. Fin ally, oolong teas arepartially ferme nted, resulti ng in ablack-green tea. Examples of oolong tea include Soi sin, a bitter tasti ng brewcultivated in the Fukie n provin ce.There is also a fourth category known as sce nted teas, made bymixing various flowers and petals with green or oolong teas. Thebest known among these is jasm ine tea. Andwhite tea , made withunripened tea leaves that are still covered with a downy, silvery fuzz,


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