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1、句子成分和句子种类详解句子成分和结构是英语的根底,是理解和表达英语的关键。英语中许多词类都对句子成 分和结构有影响。英语中的句子是由词或短语组成的,这些词或短语在句子中起一定的作用,叫做句子成分。英语的篇章是由句子构成的,不同的内容需要不同类型的句式结构,这些句式结构又构成英语中不同的句子类型。学习英语句法的根底是了解句子成分、句子的根本结构和句子种类。I句子成分组成句子的各个局部叫做句子成分。句子成分包括 主语、谓语、表语、宾语、同位语、定语、状语和补足语等。主语和谓语是句子的主体局部;表语、宾语、定语、状语、补足语和同位语等是句子的次要局部。1. 主语:主语说明谓语动作或状态的执行者,常用

2、的作主语的词类有:名词短语、代词、数词、不定式短语、动名词短语和从句。Subject is the topic or theme of the sentence, which tells of what the sentence is about.1名词:The students are learning grammar.Our teacher speaks very fast.2代词:She is writi ng.He likes play ing tennis.3数词:Five is an odd nu mber.Six is my favourite nu mber.4不定式:To l

3、earn English well is important.It is not easy to remember all rules.5动名词:Swimming is interesting.Lear ning grammar well is difficult.6主语从句:What I said is true.What we can't get seems better tha n what we have.2. 谓语:谓语用来描述主语的行为动作或所处的状态。谓语的中心词是限定动词,有人称、数和时态的变化。Predicate says someth ing about the s

4、ubject and bears the new in formatio n which the speaker or writer wan ts to tran smit to the liste ner or reader.1简单谓语动词: He bought a dict ionary yesterday.动词短语: He is look ing for his pen.2复合谓语系动词 + 表语: We are stude nts.情态动词 +不定式:I may be wrong. 动词 + 不定式: We have to do someth ing for them.3. 表语:表语

5、与前面的系动词一起构成复合谓语,用来说明主语的特征、类属、状态、身份等。充作表语的可以是单词、短语或从句。Predicative expresses the status: characteristics or the quality of the subject.1名词:He is a doctor.Mr. Scott is a farmer.2代词:It is me.That's something we have always to keep in mind.3)数词:My lucky nu mber is nine.She was the first to learn abou

6、t it.4)形容词:The classroom is big.His hair has gone white.5)副词:I am here.6)介词:We are in the classroom.7)动名词: My job is teaching them grammar.=Teach ing them grammar is my job.8)分词:The film is excit ing.Time is press ing. Let's hurry up.9) 不定式短语 :My job is to teach them grammar.All I can do is to s

7、end her a telegram.10) 表语从句 :He looks as if he were going to cry.The suggesti on is that we should recite more words.注意:名词:身份、性质、内容。形容词:特点、特征。4. 宾语:宾语为动作的承受者。Object represe nts the pers on or the thing that someth ing is done to or the pers on who is concerned in the result of an action.1)名词:He is d

8、rinking water.rve bought an En glish-Ch in ese dict ionary2)代词:The teacher is talk ing to her.They did n't promise him any thi ng.3)数词:I like six.I want the first.4)动名词:He likes watching TV.I enjoyed work ing with you.5)不定式:I want to buy a book.My father likes to swim in wi nter.6)宾语从句:He asked

9、if he might go there.Did you write dow n what she said?注意:英语有单宾语、双宾语、复合宾语、同源宾语等。1) 单宾语:I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please turn it up?Please stop making no ise.Do you un dersta nd what I mean?2) 双宾语:双宾语指动词后面接指人和指物的两个宾语。(指人的宾语叫间接宾语;指物的宾语叫直接宾语) 其结构为:主语+及物动词(短语)+sb. + sth.Please tell me how t

10、he accide nt came about.(me为间接宾语,how从句为直接宾语)The teacher asked me a questio n.(me为间接宾语,a question为直接宾语)当直接宾语与间接宾语位置调换时,须在间接宾语前加介词to/ for 等。Would you like to do me a favor?=Would you like to do a favor for me?3复合宾语:“宾语+宾语补足语构成了复合宾语,宾语与补足语之间具有逻辑上的主谓关系。We all find him a nice boy.him为宾语,a nice boy为宾语补足语I

11、 saw a stra nger wavi ng to me.a stranger为宾语,waving to me为宾语补足语4同源宾语:同源宾语指由名词担任的能重复动词局部或全部意思的直接宾语,前面常有修饰语。laugh a good laugh 大笑 smile a gentle smile 微微一笑 live a happy life 过着幸福生活die a glorious death 死得荣耀dream a beautiful dream 作美梦 sing a sweet song 唱了一首甜 美的歌 blow a heavy blow 沉重地一击5. 同位语:对句子中某一成分作进一

12、步解释、说明,与前面的词在语法上处于同等地位的句子成分叫做同位语。同位语常常置于被说明的词之后。Appositive is the further in formati on after a noun or a pronoun referri ng to "who or "what.1名词:Zhang Sir, our grammar teacher is humorous.This is Mr. Zhou, director of our hospital.2代词:He himself did it.3数词:The year, 1988 is important.We t

13、wo will go shopp ing this after noon.4动名词: My task, looking after these children is important.5不定式:My job, to teach them grammar is hard.6同位语从句 :I had no idea that you were here.The suggesti on that we should recite more words is useful.6. 定语:定语是用来描述名词或代词的修饰语,它常和名词构成名词短语。Attributive is used to modif

14、y a noun or a pronoun.前置定语:1)名词:I want an En glish-Ch in ese dict ion ary.He has bought a grammar book.2)代词:This is my bag.No difficulty whatever can stop our adva nee.3)数词:There are two policema n in the street.Please read the first paragraph.4)冠词:This is a desk.5)形容词:I like red apples.He gave me a

15、 vivid description of the battle6)动名词:This is a sleeping car.The swim ming pool is won derful.后置定语 : 7) 副词 : The students here are good.The buildings around are of modern construction.8) 介词 :The students in the classroom are good.The book on the desk is mine.9) 不定式 :I have an apple to eat.I have a l

16、ot of homework to do. 注意:当句子的主语是不定式动作的发出者时,不定式用主 动形式表被动。10) 定语从句 :The students who are in the classroom are good. The boy who went to the library is our monitor.注意:是作前置定语还是后置定语取决于自身的长度。11) 分词:现在分词: This is a sleeping boy.The sleeping boy is my brother.There are some boys playing outside. 过去分词: This

17、is a broken glass.She is taking care of the newly-born child. We must solve the problems left by history. 注意:动名词作定语,表示所修饰名词的性质或用途。 This is a sleeping car.= This is a car used for sleeping. 分词作定语,表示所修饰名词的动作或状态。 I like the children playing on the ground. This is a glass broken by that kid.7. 状语 :状语是用来

18、修饰动词、形容词、副词或句子的一种成分。它可以表示时间、地点、 方式、比拟、程度、原因、目的、结果、条件和让步等。Adverbial is usually used to modify a verb, an adjective, an adverb or a sentence. 英语中有十大状语: 1) 时间状语 :He is to fly to London tomorrow.2) 地点状语 : The meeting was held in Harbin.3) 方式状语 :The workers there are paid by the week, not by the month.4)

19、 比拟状语 : He worked as fast as a skilled worker.5) 程度状语 : He loves his son very much.6) 原因状语 :Because of the warm and sunny weather, oranges grow very well here.7) 目的状语 : We do it in this way so as to save time.8) 结果状语 : He returned home to find his father dead.9) 条件状语:Without pla nts, ani mals could

20、not live in the world.10) 让步状语:In spite of all his efforts, he failed.注意:十大状语,九大状语从句。程度状语没有状语从句,由程 度副词或现在分词来担任。1) 名词:He will go to Japan tomorrow.2) 畐恫:Liu Xia ng runs fast.3) 形容词:He got home, cold and hungry.Un able to an swer the questio n, he said nothing.4) 状语从句 :Since he was unable to answer th

21、e question, he said nothing.He got up early so that he might catch the morning train. 注意:当状语从句位于主句前面时,必须有",后面时,“,可有可无5) 介词: We are learning grammar in the classroom.6) 不定式:They went to Beijing to visit a famous writer.They study hard to pass the exam in ati on.7) 分词:Seeing the notice, he ran aw

22、ay.Seem from the hill, the village is beautiful.注意:分词作状语,其逻辑主语是句子的主语。Settled, we bega n our work.t The question settled, we began our work.8) 独立主格:名词 /代词 + 名词:He talked about friends, all stars.形容词: He stood there, his face red.副词: Class over, the stude nts went out of the classroom.介词: The teacher

23、came in, a book in his hand. 不定式短语:Much work to do, I don't thi nk I'llhave time to come and see you.分词:Some boys making so much no ise, I could n't study.The questi on settled, we bega n our work.8. 补语:补语是用来说明宾语或主语的性质、状态等的一种句子成分。Compleme nt is used to form complete sema ntic meaning of

24、a senten ce.补语分为主语补足语和宾语补足语,含有宾语补足语的句子在变为被动句时, 宾语补足语便成了主语补足语。注意:补足语力求句意的完整,根据语意,不能随意拿掉。1) 名词:We call her Zhang Sir.t She is called Zhang Sir by us.形式主语,逻辑上的宾语主动语态的主语变到介词后注:被动语态主宾一体。2) 形容词:The letter made him sad.t He was made sad by the letter.3介词: We consider her as our friend.t She is con sidered

25、as our friend. 注意: As our friend, she is kind.状语可以随意拿掉4不定式短语:受到动词的制约rII made him come in. 主语补足语bare infinitive t He will be made to come in by me. 主语补足语 The teacher made us recite the words.t We were made to recite the words.5副词:I'll mad him in.t He will be made in.I'll let him out.t He will

26、 be let out.注意:虚词不能独立在句子中作成分。6分词:I saw her crossing the street.t He was see n cross ing the street.9. 独立成分:与句子没有关系或关系很松,独立于句子之外的成分称为独立成分。1感慨词:感慨词作独立成分多置于句首。Well, let's end the discussi on!There, there! Never min d. It's nothing serious at all.2称呼语:称呼语作独立成分可置于句首、句中或句尾。Direct address is used t

27、o address somebody in the con versati on.名词: Hurry up, childre n!代词:You, stand up!Somebody, fetch a bas in of water.人名: Tom, come here.3插入语:Parenthesis is one or more words introduced as an added explanation orthought, and in writing usually enclosed at both ends by a bracket or a comma.不定式: To be f

28、ran k, I don't quite agree with you.分词:Judging from your accent, you must be from Scotland. 介词短语: This, in my opinion, is only one of the minor issues. 形容词: Sure eno ugh, eno ugh pla nes came aga in the n ext day. 副词: Hon estly, I don't n eed it at the mome nt.从句: What's more, 40 perce n

29、t of the families would get an in come of over 10000 yua n.句子: The cross-talk, I think, was both interesting and instructive.III句子结构 英语句子按照其结构分为简单句、并列句和复合句。1. 简单句:简单句是指只有一套主、谓结构并且句子各成分都只由单词或短语构成的独 立句子。1主语+谓语:此句式中的谓语动词为不及物动词短语 。Poems don't tran slate easily.诗歌不好翻译。My recent book sells very well.

30、我最近出的书销路很好。2 主语+谓语+宾语:此句式中的谓语动词为及物动词短语。I look forward to heari ng from you soon. 我盼望尽快收到你的来信。You can put the dishes in the kitche n. 你可以把碟子放到厨房里。3主语+系动词+表语:这种句型结构主要指谓语动词为连系动词的情况。This is my En glish book.这是我的英语书。The weather con ti nued windy and rainy.天气仍持续刮风下雨。4 主语 + 谓语 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语: The driver sav

31、ed us a lot of trouble.司机为我们省去了很多麻烦。They have offered us $ 60,000 for the house.他们已向我们出价六万美元买这所房子。5 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语:We all thi nk him an hon est boy.我们都认为他是个老实的孩子。I saw Little Tom being punished by his pare nts.我看到小汤姆正在被父母惩罚。2. 并列句:两个或两个以上的简单句用并列连词或标点符号连接而成的句子叫并列句。1并列句的构成方式:用连接词连接,前面可加逗号。These

32、flowers are white and those flowers are red. 这些花是白色的而那些花是红色的。We fished all day, but we did n't catch a thing. 我们钓了一整天鱼,一条也没有钓到。不用连词而用分号“;连接。We fished all day; we did n't catch a thing. 我们钓了一天鱼,一条也没有钓到。Hurry up; it's gett ing late.快点,快迟到了。两个以上的简单句可用逗号和一个连词连接;连词只用在最后一个分句之前,连词and前的逗号可要可不要。I

33、 found a bucket, put it in the sink, and turned the tap on. 我找到一个水桶,把它放在水槽里,然后翻开了水龙头。I took off my coat, searched all my pockets, but couldn't find my key.我脱下外套, 找遍了所有的口袋, 但是没有找到我的钥 匙。2并列句的分类:1 and "和,且,而 ;neither.nor "既不也不 ;not only.but also “不仅 而且; both.and “和都; then“然后 等连接的表示同等关系, 由

34、两个或两个以上意思相关 的分句构成的并列句。The bell rang and the teacher entered the classroom. 铃儿响了,老师走进了教室。Neither is he mistaken, nor am I.他没错,我也没错。Not only did the students dance, but also their teacher sang. 不但学生们跳了舞,而且他们的老师还唱了歌。2but "但是 ;whereas"然而,而 ;yet"然而,可是 ;while "然而 ;however然而 ;still但是等连接的表示转折 关系,由含有转折关系的两个分句构成的并列句。We love peace but we are not afraid of war. 我们热爱和平,但并不害怕战争。He worked hard, yet he failed. 他工作很努力,然而他失败了。The news may be unexpected; nevertheless it is true. 这消息可能是出乎意料的,然而却是真实的。Some of the studies show positive results, whereas others do not.有一些研究得出肯定的结果,然而其他的那么不


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