



1、Un it 9一单词(20 分)1. He is tall and he is m_ build.2. He is not tall or short .He is medium h_.3. Her hair is notstraight, it s c_.4. Michael Jorda n is my f_basketball star.5m new here no body k_me.6.She is a pretty girl w_blonde hair.7. My father ofte n w_glasses.8. He is not heavy, he is t_.9. Jim

2、is the c_of the soccer team.10.1 have short s_ black hair.二.选择填空(15 分)()1.My En glish teacher has a new_ .A. lookB. good-look ingC. hairD. glasses()2.The woma n_ long hair is our math teacher.A. in B. with C. on D. of()3.Mr Read on the bike_a medium build.A. have B.has C. are D. is()4.Mr Brown doesn

3、 t like pop songs , but his daughter_A. is B. likes C. does D. do()5.That old man has_beard.A. a B. an C. the D./()5.Pete stops_and goes to bed.A. watchi ng TV B. watch TVC. to watch TV D. to read()6.1 ofte n write emails to my pen pals , but_ writes me back.2A. everybody B. somebodyC. anybody D. no

4、body()7.My aunt is too_,she wants to be slim.A. heavyB. tallC. shortD. thin()8.He is medium build , but he looks_ fat, I thi nk .A. a lot ofB. a bit ofC. a littleD. a little of()9.1 have_ to tell you.A. importa nt someth ing B. someth ing importa ntC. importa nt anythingD. anything importa nt()10.Ca

5、 n you_the differe nces betwee n them?A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell()11Please remember_the win dow whe n you leave.A. close B. closi ng C. to closi ngD. to close()12.Je nny_ her mother, and her mother_ very young.A. looks ,like ,looks like B. looks like , looksC. looks , looks like D. looks , look

6、s()13.-What does Lee look like? -He s tall_ blo nde hair.A. in B. on C. with D. has()14.The pretty girl has_ hair.A. l ong brow nB. brow n longC. a long brow nD. a brow n long()15.What about_ shopp ing on Sun day? Good idea!A. go B. goes C. to go D. going三.补全对话(15 分)A: Do you know we have a new teac

7、her and two new stude nts this team?B: Really? What does the new teacher look_ 1_ ?A: He is an old man. He_2_no hair.B: Is he bald3A: Yes. And he_3_glasses.B:_ 4_ he have a mustache?A: No, he_5_a beard. He is not good-look ing. But he is very kind.B: What_ 6_your new classmates? What_7_ they_8_ like

8、?A: They are twins. They look the _9_. They_ 10_ medium height. They re. notheavy_11_ thi n. They_12_ curly hair.B: What s the_ 13_ 14_ their hair?A: Well, they_ 15_blonde hair. They are good-looki. ng.四. 句型转换(10 分)1.Mike has short brown hair.(对画线提问)_Mike_ like?2. Lily does her homework everyday (否定

9、句 )Lily_ _ her homework every day.3 .He doesn t like staying at home, I think.(合并为一句)I_thi nk h e_ stay ing at home.4. The boy is 1.80m tall.( 同义句)The boy is 1.80m_.5. Lucy and Lily look the same .(同义句)Lucy_ Lily.五.根据汉语完成句子(25 分)1.你哥哥长什么样? 他高个子,短发.-_does your brother_like?-He is tall and has short_

10、.2. 她总是戴着一副眼镜。She always_ a pair of_.3. 我的 T 恤衫有点大。My T -shirt is a_ large.4. 埃米不胖不瘦,中等身材。Amy isn t fat or thin, sheis_._ .45. 没有人认识皮特,他有了新形象。Nobody_ Peter. He has a new_ .6. Jim 是我们校足球队长。Jim is_ ._of the soccer team in our school.7. 我爸爸喜欢读书和下棋。My father likes_ and_ chess.8. 你认识那个戴眼镜的人吗?Do you_ the

11、person_glasses?9. 她很漂亮,有长金黄卷法。She is very good-look ing with_ ._hair.10. 我侄女爱说话。她总是说个不停。My n iece is very talkative. She never_ .11. 这婴儿不再哭了。The baby_ cry_ .六.书面表达。(15 分)根据所给信息向你的同学介绍你的朋友。(60 字)名字:Maria年龄:14籍贯:Australia学校:Apple Tree School外貌:大眼睛,黑长卷发,中等身材,有点胖爱好: 喜欢穿红色衣服, 喜欢读书,爱好流行歌曲, 网上聊天(chat )5答案:

12、一单词(20 分)l.medium 2. height 3. curly 4. favorite5. knows 6. with 7. wears 8. th in 9.captai n10. straight二. 选择填空(15 分)1-5 ABBCA 6-10 DACBA 11-15 DBCAD三.补全对话(15 分)1.like 2. has 3. wears 4.Does 5. has6. about 7. do 8. look 9.same 10. are 11. or 12.have 13. color 14.15. have四.句型转换(10 分)1. What does loo

13、k 2.doesn t do 3. don t likes 4. in h5. looks like五. 根据汉语完成句子(25 分)1.What look hair 2. wears glasses 3. little bit 4. medium build 5. knows look6. the capta in7. read ing play ing 8. know with 9. l ong curly blonde 10. stops talk ing 11.does n t any more六.书面表达。(15 分)I have a friend. Her name is Maria. She is 14 years old. She is from Australia. She is a student in Apple Tree School. She hasbig eyes and long curly blonde hair. She likes wearing


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