1、上学期幼儿园大班英语公开课教案 上学期幼儿园大班英语公开课教案1 活动名称: 英语快乐歌曲train is coming 活动目标: 1、引导幼儿学习歌曲train is coming。 2、激发幼儿对英语歌曲的喜爱和兴趣。 活动准备: 教学碟片。大挂图。 活动过程: step 1 师生互相问好 t :good morning ,hoys and girls ,how are you today ? c :i am fine ,and you ? t :i am fine too。what season is it? c :it is winter。 t :how is the weather
2、 like in winter ? c :it is very cold and dry 。 t :do you like the weather ? c :no ,i dont 。 t :(show out a clock)what is this ?turn round the clock and ask :what time is it ?what do you do on that time? c :it is nine oclock 。 t :first ,let us sing animalsa long snake landon bridge is falling downmy
3、little rabbitstogether。 step 2 复习单词 1、teacher show out the teaching picture of “motor、plane、train、car、bus、bike”children must point to the cards as soon asquickly。and say out the english loudly。 2、teacher point to the big teaching picture and ask:what is this?,children must answer out at once。 step 3
4、 学习歌曲 1、tell children that we will learn a new song calledtrain is coming。 2、explain the chinese mining of the song 。 3、play the tape ,make children listen to the tape carefully and command the musics speed。 4、play again ,make children say out the sentences that they have heard 。 5、lead children use
5、 different ways to feel the music。for example :clap hands /stamp feet /nod head /open mouse etc。 6、lead children to learn the song sentence by sentence after teacher 。 7、children sing the song together with the piano 。 8、children sing the song in teams /in singles 。then sing with the fingers game 。
6、step 4 over movement 上学期幼儿园大班英语公开课教案2 活动目标: 1、大胆开口说英语,体验英语的乐趣。 2、掌握交通工具bus,car,bicycle ,motorcycle,并能正确发音。 3、知道红灯停绿灯行的交通规则,初步使用“i can see”表达自己看到的交通工具。 活动准备: 1、各种交通工具的实物和图片、电视机。 2、欢乐的音乐及汽车开动的模拟声。 活动过程: 一、greeting t: hello!boys and grils! nice to see you! c: hello!amanda! 二、warming up t: class begins.
7、 childre guess! what animal is this? c: its a bunny. t: now lets be bunny jump ,jump ,jump. c: lets jump. t: what animal is this? c: its a monkey. t: ok! lets be monkey ryn,run,run. t: what animal is this? c: its a bee t: ok! lets be bee fly,fly,fly. t: what animal is this? c: its a tiger. t: go awa
8、y. 三、revision t: listen to what is the sound of transport? c: bus,car,bicycle,motorcycle. 边猜边出示实物让幼儿理解。 四、presentation 上学期幼儿园大班英语公开课教案3 目标 : 1、理解what do you want? i want的含义,学习想要want、巧克力chocolate的正确发音。 3、复习“in the morning”中的句式,能进行语言互换。 2、能在情境的引导下,愉快的参与活动。 准备: 1、 各种食品,苹果apple, 桔子orange, 饼干biscuit蛋糕 ca
9、ke, 糖果candy,巧克力chocolate、 2、玩具熊、玩具娃娃等。 3、布置相关的情境环境。 过程: 1、导入活动。 引导幼儿进入情境,复习“in the morning”中的句式,能进行语言互换。内容: (1)刷刷我的牙,洗洗我的脸,洗洗我的手,梳梳头。 brush my teeth/ wash my face/ wash my hands/ comb my hair (2)身体运动 头头,转转转等等, head, head, turn around feet, feet jump and jump 2、进入情境,学习词句并参与表演。 (1) 教师一人饰演两个角色,利用情节的发展引
10、导幼儿和替代角色互动,并参与活动。 (2) 师生对话,练习句式。 i、 提问:kala bear的点心屋来了客人,它怎么招待客人的?(what do you want?) 客人是怎样回答的?(i want.) ii、教师帮助幼儿理解对话的含义。 iii、师生练习对话,分集体、小组、个人练习对话(what do you want?)(i want.) (3) 请幼儿参与情境表演。 i、介绍kala bear snack room的食品名称,重点纠正(巧克力chocolate)的发音。 ii、幼儿参与游戏,每次2-3人扮演服务生,游戏数次。 3、游戏:“超级任务”,复习对字母“c”的认识。 玩法:
11、由kala bear 来布置今天的超级任务“在单词卡片中找字母c”,谁找到就可以带走点心,还有kala bear的kiss。 上学期幼儿园大班英语公开课教案4 英语教案 teaching aims: 1、复习水果的英语名称,初步掌握句型what do you want?i want 2、在游戏中感知新句型并体验英语游戏的乐趣。 teaching aids: a basket some fruits some fruits cards a dice two trees teaching ste : 一、greeting t: hello,good noon,boys and girls! c:
12、hello,good noon,melody!. t:what do you see?look,i have a beautiful basket.there are some fruits in it!look,whats this? c:its a 二to learn 1 show a pu et to students.teacher and pu et each other say: “what do you want?i want 2 show a dice to students. t:whats this? ice. t:now,ill ask:what do you want?
13、youll a wer:i want ok?(the teacher first turn the dice,as turn as ask: “ what do you want?”thenthe students ask:“i want”) 3 show the fruits cards on the blackboard. t:what are these? c:some fruits. t: what do you want? c:i want(if theyll say great,then put down the fruits cards fromthe blackboard an
14、d give them.) 4将小朋友分成红队和蓝队,请两队摘树上的水果.每队各选5名代表上来,分别为no.5,当下面的小朋友说: “what doyou want?”时,no.5的小朋友根据老师的指令说: “i want”哪个队的代表说得又快又好,采下的水果就归哪个队. 5 将小朋友分成5个小组,每个小组一个球,抛的说: “what do you want?”接的说: “i want”. t:cla is over.lets stand up and turn back.to other teacherssay:thank you,bye-bye. 上学期幼儿园大班英语公开课教案5 活动目标
15、: 1.通过游戏活动"布置新房",复习对日常生活中常用单词,介词及句型ineediputit进一步掌握. 2.通过描述日常生活中幼儿所熟悉的物和事情,激发幼儿学习英语的兴趣. 活动准备: 1.房子图片 2.平面示意图组合图(1幅)平面示意图教师示范幼儿操作图(1大6小) 3.小超市所需图片若干 活动过程: 一.幼儿边唱“happyhome”边进教室,并引导幼儿与老师招呼.today,we havesomanyguestsinourclassroom.letssay“hello”tothem.allright! sitdown,please! 二.(一)引出活动 1.出示房子
16、图片,引起兴趣:"look!whatsthis?" 2.复习各种房间的名称:thisisthebedroom(bathroomlivingroomkitchen) 3.以布置房间的形式引起幼儿兴趣.now,iwanttodecoratethem.first,iwanttodecoratemy livingroom.canyouhelpme? 4.请6-7名幼儿先商量布置客厅,引导幼儿去超市购买所需要的物品.ineed somethingtodecorateit.canyouhelpme?look!thesupermarketisbesidemy newhouse.youca
17、ngetthereandbuysomethingweneed.whocanhelpme? a.要求幼儿通过商量,购置布置客厅所需的物品.thinkaboutit.whatweneed!b.复习句型ineed c.请幼儿将所购买的物品布置到客厅内,并复习句型iput及各种介词的用法.areyouready?comeon!youdoit! tellus,wheredoyouputit? (二)幼儿分组操作,教师指导. 1.a.引起幼儿布置其他房间的兴趣.iso believeyou.lookatmybedroom,bathroomandkitchen.theyarealmostempty. letsdecoratethem,ok?b.引导幼儿布置其他房间.thisisbedroom.(bathroomkitchen) whatweneed? 2.引导幼儿自由组合并讨论怎样布置其他房间,并学习去超市购买所需物品.ifyouwanttodecoratethe bedroom(bathroomkitchen).youcangothereandhere.thesupermarketis besideyou.youcangetthereandbuysomethin
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